The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Thank you Ladies, for all your well wishes. It is with great saddness however, that we have to say, Baby Dylan/Dylynn, did not survive the first trimester. I have been gone for a while, just recovering, thinking, praying, and now hoping. We have decided to get back on this journey in search of our 2012 Baby!

We were told that this often happens and it is from nothing that we had done or not done, just chromosome issues, and timing. I had my follow up after the procedure and the docs don't see a reason that we cannot begin to try again. So, in 2 weeks, they will check my HCG blood work and we will have the ok. If this continues to go well, we will begin in mid-August, prior to my wife's birthday. This was one of the hardest things thata we have had to do, but we are in agreeance and although we are still saddened, we are ready! I am delighted to be back and read about all the ladies that have been rather helpful and most supportive. Thank you!

Can I rejoin this group ladies?

:dust: to us all! :hugs:
Adrienne - sorry to hear about your grandmother :( I'll be thinking of you :hugs:

Naomi - I'll be thinking of you Monday :hugs: Make sure to get plenty of rest after the D&C/ERPC.

MrsMM - I'm soo sorry for you loss :( I'm glad you'll be trying again soon :hugs:

Carly - I love Secret Life!! Although, it has been very hard for me to watch it lately. When she lost the baby, I broke down in tears. Needless to say, that was before my 2nd loss, and I watched it again after and broke down in even more tears. Soo, what do you think will happen with Ben/Adrian and Amy/Ricky?

Hope everyone else is well?

I'm at my ILs right now, watching my nieces and nephew. Long story, but MIL had to go to a memorial service, and my SIL couldn't come back up and watch her kids. Soo, being the good DIL I came over. Got 3 loads of laundry done as well. Thankfully, today's the last day of our heat wave. It's been in the high 90s every day at the end of the week. I think it even got into the 100s yesterday. Yuck! Oh well. Ovulation is soon around the corner I hope. Starting every other day BDing Sunday! Woohoo!
I am on the right track. tonight i bd, and hopefully in the next week I ovulate. it says on my ovulation calendar I might ovulate on monday, but those internet thingys are never as good as a good ole pee on a stick ovulation test.

so I need to go buy some.
Evening all! How are we all doing? Things are good here. It's been a gorgeous sunny day today so been out a wee country drive with hubby and stopped for some dinner. It's been nice. CD9 today so still got a week till ovulation, wish it would hurry up! Wish we ovulated every week :haha: I should be able to get on a bit more next week as there is no one on holiday from work, phew! It's just been a nightmare lately.

Anyway, time for a catch up!

9babiesgone Sorry to hear your still bleeding hun, hopefully it will calm down soon. Hope you don't mind me asking but what's your name? Feels a bit impersonal using your user name all the time :flower: x

Adrienne So sorry to hear about your gran hun, hopefully you can get to see her once your shift is over :hugs: Don't apologise about bringing the thread down, we are all hear for you hun :flower: x

Arlene What a jerk your OH's cousin is! I'm sure his child will feel wonderful when they're an adult and learn they were spoken of in that way :grr: Makes your blood boil! You did give me a giggle talking about your leaky boobs though :haha: Hopefully they are for a reason! When you testing lady?? Got everything crossed for you! x

Carly Symptoms come and go hun, you shouldn't have any need to worry. From what I know most ladies have symptoms the first couple of months of pregnancy then things calm down for the middle part then nearing the end you get more tired and feel more. Just try and enjoy your pregnancy hun :hugs: x

Naomi Aww hun i'm so sorry to hear everything you've been going through :hugs: The doctors should have been checking up on you. I did think infection when you said about the smell. Hopefully by next week everything will be over and you can start getting your body back to normal, big hugs your way x

Emma £400 overtime! wowza! You're in the money lol. I'm sure that will come in handy for you hun. Have you bought anything else for your nursery? Oh guess who I had a dream about the other night :haha: I said to Scott why is that the second time i've dreamt about Emma when i've never even met her! haha. They are always bazarre dreams too! This time you were on a girly holiday with me and my girl friends, you were pregnant with pippin but decided to tell me on holiday you were a lesbian :rofl: I honestly don't know what goes on inside my head! haha. Thought i'd give you a giggle anyway! Don't know what happened with your friend hun but hopefully everything's alright :hugs: x

MrsMM I am so so sorry hun :hugs: I am truly gutted for you. I prayed everything would be alright. You are one strong lady and you are doing the right thing. Take a little time and then get back to trying in August. You both deserve another child. Do you mind if I call you by your first name? Is it LaShay or Maia? Don't want to call you by your wife's name :haha: And of course you can rejoin our group hun, you are more than welcome in here :flower: x

Amy Ooh I take it hubby is happy to go along with the bding plan? :happydance: We can do it this month hun, I know it! Hope the kids are behaving themselves x

Well I shall head off for now. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend :flower: x
Thanks for the kind words everyone it really means a lot.

Mrsmm so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you.

Naomi I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this. I hope that your procedure goes well on Monday and that this can all be over soon so that you can get back to ttc.

9babiesgone glad the bleeding has stopped and that you're back on the ttc train. Good luck!!
Evening all! How are we all doing? Things are good here. It's been a gorgeous sunny day today so been out a wee country drive with hubby and stopped for some dinner. It's been nice. CD9 today so still got a week till ovulation, wish it would hurry up! Wish we ovulated every week :haha: I should be able to get on a bit more next week as there is no one on holiday from work, phew! It's just been a nightmare lately.

Anyway, time for a catch up!

9babiesgone Sorry to hear your still bleeding hun, hopefully it will calm down soon. Hope you don't mind me asking but what's your name? Feels a bit impersonal using your user name all the time :flower: x

Adrienne So sorry to hear about your gran hun, hopefully you can get to see her once your shift is over :hugs: Don't apologise about bringing the thread down, we are all hear for you hun :flower: x

Arlene What a jerk your OH's cousin is! I'm sure his child will feel wonderful when they're an adult and learn they were spoken of in that way :grr: Makes your blood boil! You did give me a giggle talking about your leaky boobs though :haha: Hopefully they are for a reason! When you testing lady?? Got everything crossed for you! x

Carly Symptoms come and go hun, you shouldn't have any need to worry. From what I know most ladies have symptoms the first couple of months of pregnancy then things calm down for the middle part then nearing the end you get more tired and feel more. Just try and enjoy your pregnancy hun :hugs: x

Naomi Aww hun i'm so sorry to hear everything you've been going through :hugs: The doctors should have been checking up on you. I did think infection when you said about the smell. Hopefully by next week everything will be over and you can start getting your body back to normal, big hugs your way x

Emma £400 overtime! wowza! You're in the money lol. I'm sure that will come in handy for you hun. Have you bought anything else for your nursery? Oh guess who I had a dream about the other night :haha: I said to Scott why is that the second time i've dreamt about Emma when i've never even met her! haha. They are always bazarre dreams too! This time you were on a girly holiday with me and my girl friends, you were pregnant with pippin but decided to tell me on holiday you were a lesbian :rofl: I honestly don't know what goes on inside my head! haha. Thought i'd give you a giggle anyway! Don't know what happened with your friend hun but hopefully everything's alright :hugs: x

MrsMM I am so so sorry hun :hugs: I am truly gutted for you. I prayed everything would be alright. You are one strong lady and you are doing the right thing. Take a little time and then get back to trying in August. You both deserve another child. Do you mind if I call you by your first name? Is it LaShay or Maia? Don't want to call you by your wife's name :haha: And of course you can rejoin our group hun, you are more than welcome in here :flower: x

Amy Ooh I take it hubby is happy to go along with the bding plan? :happydance: We can do it this month hun, I know it! Hope the kids are behaving themselves x

Well I shall head off for now. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend :flower: x

I dont usually give out my name, but my name is shana.

I hope I really get more better news. my bleeding has returned. I am geting very irritated. with it.
Shana No problem hun, we all know each other's names on here, makes it feel a bit more personal that way :flower: So sorry to hear the bleeding has returned. How long has that been now? Does it usually last this long? x
MrsMM - I've said it in the Dragons thread, but I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

Wendy, has the CBFM asked you for a stick yet? I'll be CD6 tomorrow and praying it doesn't ask me :haha:
Adrienne, dont worry about bringing us down, we're here to help each other through tives like these. I really hope you manage to see her soon, you are such a strong lady to deal with everything that has been put to you lately :hugs:

Naomi its really not fair on you that it has came to this, after all you did seek help and these 'professionals' kept telling you it was normal :( I hope everything goes well on monday and you can start to move on :hugs:

Carly he did love it. And I loved it more :dohh: This new one is far more adult orientated than the last, the story line is very James Bond and way too detailed for kids to fully understand. It is very enjoyable and I definately recommend it :)

mrsmm I am truely sorry to hear your little one has grown wings :hugs: you are more than welcome here.

Amy, sure you don't want to come over here and do my washing? :haha: what a great daughter in law you are! Ov soon :happydance: hope your getting plenty :sex: in!

Wendy I tested at 10dpo if I remember correctly..bfn! But, I do not its early and not to get down about it. Sounds like you had a nice day, its good to have a bit of sunshine our way! I've heard its to be warmer tomorrow, typical, I'm working! Did consider trying to find cover but Kyle is at his dads and OH is on stand by so i'm as well making pennies.

Shana (if you would rather your user name, let me know!) i'm sorry to hear your bleeding has returned :( hopefully your body gets back to normal soon for you :hugs:

Okay so some more symptom spotting :rofl: me and OH went out for dinner and during the meal I start feeling some really obvious pains, they weren't cramps..can't really describe it. Anyway, after dinner we got home and I went to the loo and when wiping seen some blood streaked cm. There wasn't much but it was noticeable and nothing since. Interesting! :lol: I will be testing wednesday morning if AF isn't here on tuesday, can't face another bfn.
Rachael Yeah it has! But today was the 1st day it asked so that's 3 days later than last month! I'm still not sure if 10 sticks will be enough seeing as I didn't ovulate till CD18 last month but i'm hoping lol x

Arlene Yeah that was early so we can discount that test :haha: You are having some good symptoms so I really hope this is it! Can't wait to find out on Wednesday x

Well i'm rather confused. Just went to the toilet and when I wiped there was a smear of pink watery dicharge! :saywhat: I'm only CD9, it's not ovulation or AF time :shrug: x
Hi everyone. I thought I would come and say hi and ask if I can join this thread?
I am determined to have a 2012 baby. I wish everyone lots of luck and i'm spreading :dust: everywhere.
Now, I will go back some pages and try to get to know everyone and see what's going on.
MrsMM - I've said it in the Dragons thread, but I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

Wendy, has the CBFM asked you for a stick yet? I'll be CD6 tomorrow and praying it doesn't ask me :haha:

I know you weren't talking to me, but it's my second cycle using the cbfm and i'm on cd6. It hasn't asked me to test today like it did the first time I used it.
Welcome SLH..:wave: You are more than welcome here :)

Wendy..did you partake in any vigorous activity? :lol: I hope I get to wednesday with no visitors!

Well I checked cm near my cervix this morning and rather than it be blood streaked there was a little brown cm. (sorry if tmi!)
Oh I found another hernia whilst I was sleeping last night. I was wakening regularly and everytime my hand was over it, so had a feel around the area this morning and found a hernia that is (from what I remember) about half an inch bigger than my last. I don't know if that would have anything to do with the pain i'm having during sex..I don't think so though. Back to the doctors for me tomorrow. Work just now, joys!

Enjoy your sunday everyone :)
Hi SLH! You are more than welcome to join, lovely to have you with us :flower: Tell us a bit about yourself x

Arlene No I haven't had any activity at all in the last week! Thought I had better avoid it until that tablet I took had done its job. I haven't been checking my cervix either so no idea what the pink discharge was about :shrug: My body pisses me off lol. Anyway, i've never had a hernia, what treatment do you get for it? What a pain! Let us know how it goes at the doctor x

Well I'm up mega early for a Sunday and i'm knackered. I'm tempting to go to back to bed but I really shouldn't. Got up at 7.45am when my alarm went off to take temp etc and decided I should really get on with washing etc when the weather is so nice so that's my plans. Hubby is still at work, he'll be back about half 11 so I can get some lunch sorted too before he goes for a sleep. I'm still not used to his new hours, I miss him when he's not around, but we'll get used to them. Right speak to all you lovely ladies later :flower: x
Wendy, its an operation unfortunately. Which very may well have to put tcc on hold if af shows this cycle till I have the operation. I don't know if I'd wanted to risk it becoming strangulated during pregnancy, as you can imagine I'm not a happy bunny about this :(
Wendy, its an operation unfortunately. Which very may well have to put tcc on hold if af shows this cycle till I have the operation. I don't know if I'd wanted to risk it becoming strangulated during pregnancy, as you can imagine I'm not a happy bunny about this :(

Aww no Arlene that sucks :( Is it an operation that can be done quite quickly? x
Arlene that sucks :hugs:

Welcome SLH.

Wendy, it hasn't asked me for a stick :happydance:
Afternoon all,
Thanks for all the support, I am pretty tired of it all and I don't feel very well cared for but looking forward to it being this time tomorrow and being hopefully in recovery with this whole mess behind me.

MrsMMI'm so sorry for your loss:hugs: there really is nothing anyone can say but it sounds like your looking forward and that is the best thing to do:hugs:

O arlene that doesn't sound good, hopefully you can get it sorted with the operation and be back to ttc asap, life can be so frustrating at times. I hope they can do the op as soon as possible

Welcome SLH!

Hi shana sorry to hear your bleeding is back, I can imagine you are frustrated. They have said to me it might take my body a while to return to normal cycles, this whole ttc thing can be so hard!

Wow amy that is HOT!! Dont think I would cope with that very well!!

Wendy hope your body stops confusing you soon!! You were up early for a Sunday!! Hope you get used to your hubbys new work routine, I'm sure it will fall into place soon

big :hugs: to everyone I have missed!
Amy- I cried so hard for adrian and ben, they actually made it seem real, my husband kept telling me hunny I know its sad but they didn't actually lose their baby. I think shes gone a little crazy, which I understand, I think I would need to be put in a mental ward if that happened to me. I hope that Ben and her can work things out and grow stronger together and make their marriage work. I don't think it would be good for them to split and her to run back to Ricky. I think Ricky and Amy need to be together for John, and I love Ricky and Amy together, he is normal and kind when he is with her. I started watching the first season and was like wow he was kind of creepy back then. All the characters have changed sooo much. So glad I found another STOLAT fan!!!

MrsMM-I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Know you always have a safe and welcoming place here with us ladies. I wish you and your wife the best when you decide to try again.

Adrienne- Again sorry about your grammy. Never feel as if you are bringing the thread down. We are all here to bring each other down and up whenever each other needs it. Sending hugs and love you and your families way!

Shana- Sorry to hear your bleeding started up again. Hopefully it will go away soon, and you can get back to POAS. FX'd for you!!

Arlene- Can't wait to hear about a your test if you end up taking one. The hernia OUCH!! I hope it isn't as bad as you think it could be.

Wendy- Thanks for the encouragement. I think my symptoms were just changing. Because now my breasts are so tender its not even funny. And I have SMALL breasts and well they aren't so small right now. Growing up my breasts were so small people called me cone boobs. Well no more cone boobs over here. LOL. Sorry if TMI. Also hope work gets better for you. I know its hard when co workers are on vacation.

SLH- everyone is welcome here!! Baby dust to you!! FX'd and wishing you the best!!

Rachael- glad it didn't ask you for a stick, it must be getting to know your cycle a little better.

Well ladies. Its Sunday and I am awake WAYYYY to early. But I have school work to complete, and finance isn't my strong point. My husband is already up and outside cleaning the cars so atleast its quiet in the house. Well I hope you all have a lovely Sunday. It was good catching up.
Hi guys, sorry I have not been on for a little but its time for a catch up :flower:

Arlene- I am so glad Kyle is feeling better. It is amasing how well behaved little ones are at the cinema! We took one of my nephews last year and he loved it! I am looking forward to seeing cars 2 as I loved the first one! I still have my fingers crossed for you for this month. Sorry to hear about the hernia :(

So sorry to hear about your nan. Hopefully you will be back in tome to see her. My thoughts are with you :hugs:

Naomi- What are they like!! I bet your are well anoyed with them. Fingers crossed for Monday for you. I am not surprised that you dont feel well cared for, I would be fuming with them right now! Hopefully you will be able to able to get to move on soon enough. We are all here for you :hugs:

I cant embrace what my pregnancy has thrown at me at the minute with the eating sides of things. After 6 weeks of either barely being able to eat or eating limited food I am a little fed up. Don't get me wrong its improving but not being able to eat a sandwich is annoying and the only soup I can stomach is tomato so my lunch for work is limited. I am optimistic things will improve soon though. Happy 8 weeks for tomorrow :happydance:

Rachael- Fingers crossed you dont have to use 20 sticks this cycle again! They can be so expensive to buy. Each month I would hold back from getting them just in case :haha: Just saw on your fb your feeling icky?! Hope you start feeling better soon. Glad to see Holly is helping out :hugs:

MrsMM24- So sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your partner :hugs:

Amy- What a good daughter in law you are. I wouldn't dare do my mother in laws laundry as she would probably tell me I had done it all wrong :haha: She is a creature of habit and therefore likes things done her way. Do you fancy coming to mine for a bit and doing my laundry :D

Wendypops- It was a beautiful day here yesterday as well. I am glad you utilised it though. I spent the day in clearing up after the hubby and his mate thinking it was clever to sand down doors inside the house!! I was not happy when I got back to find the place covered in sawdust! No I haven't bought anything else for the nursery as I had been waiting for the doors to be sorted on the nursery door. That was done yesterday so I will have to wait until after next weekend to do anything else as Gavins nephew is staying over next saturday night. What are you like, another dream about me :haha:

Shana- so sorry to hear that your body is messing you about :hugs:

SLH- Welcome to the thread hun :hugs:

Hope all the other ladies are ok :hugs:

Well ladies I am slightly stressed at the minute due to random things going on!! Found out the other night that a friend of ours was basically stealing from the compnay he was part owner of. It is the racing that my hubby and friend do that I bake cakes for and basically some of the drives pay cash in had to him as they have known him for about 18 years and he has been pocketing the money for 3 years!! I really dont know what to think. Obviously I am shocked but he never did anything to directly affect myself and Gavin. His Mrs didn't know a thing and if it wasn't for financial ties, would of left him. He has just had to sell his car to pay off the money he owes and is complaining about it on fb, he doesnt know who knows about it but that part makes me angry! He would still have his car if he didnt pocket the money. Out it this way, between now and October he would of got over £1000 off one couple alone!! :growlmad:

The other thing that is frustrating me is my poor little pussy cat. The other day I noticed some fur sticking out of place on her. I pulled it and there was a scab on the end (sorry a bit grusome!) Then yesterday we noticed that on her chest she had a small circle with no fur at all but there were scabs on her skin. She has 2 different spots now where she is pulling her fur out because of where the scabs are. I have read up on it and people are saying because cats like to clean she will constantly groom it and pull out he fur. She did this last year on her belly and lost her fur which hasn't grown back right so I am concerned she is going to do this again. I am going to take her to the vets tomorrow and hopefully he will be able to give her a cone or something to stop her doing it. But for the time being I am on cat sitting duties to make sure she doesnt make it worse!!

As for the rest of Emma's world, spent all day yesterday watching 2 doors get sorted in the house and was cleaning up all the mess that was made. Could of thought of better things to do on my 1st day off in 2 weeks but had to be done! Then we took the friend that did the doors and his Mrs out for tea as a thank you which was nice but I was shattered from all the activities in the day. Today I have been up way too early. Done 3 loads of washing, food shopping, made soup and was going to bake something but have my friend here who is turning the electrics off soon so thought better not start doing that! And it has just taken 3 hours to get this post up thanks to them turning off the power to the internet!!

Anyway, I only have a 3 day week at work ahead so I am trying to think positive for this week at least

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