The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Sorry to those that had a visit from AF.... :hugs:

NAOMI, although the docs have told me that until the preg hormone is at zero there is little to no chance, I think you should still ENJOY all the BD on your anny! It is your Anny, and it's not like your TTC, so just enjoy!!!

WENDY, I plan to begin posting my OV chart this weekend, I am going to remove the memorial journal and begin a new one. We are lucky, because we planned to have the same donor. So we will be using the same "donation." It is easier for us to begin sooner than others in that respect, all the tests have been done, cleared, etc with this donor so we will forge ahead. I saw the test results for my preg hormone last night, and we have decided that we will begin using our OPKs this weekend. It is likely that in August we will be back into the dreaded TWW, seems like so long ago.... however, it will be an easier and encouraging task with all of you ladies....

:dust: to all of you ladie.... I am looking forward to some good news this week from you all....
Hi girls! How we doing today? I'm snowed under at work but it's pissing me off so i've decided to have a break and sneak on here :haha: Another high on my monitor this morning, looks like i'll be getting 5 high days again this month. I'm paranoid i'm not going to ovulate this month cause my sticks look different from what they did last month and my CM is still quite creamy even though i'm on high days :shrug: Praying my PCOS isn't going to play up again!


Carly Oh how exciting about your little trip to IL! Do you have family/friends there I take it? It will be nice to catch up with everyone and you're right, it will help the time pass more quickly! :flower: x

Emma I had to laugh at your FB status last night :haha: Gav is a silly cookie. Hope you're headache's gone now :hugs: x

Arlene So sorry the witch got you hun :hugs: Hopefully you can fire ahead with getting your hernia fixed now though and get back to ttc soon :flower: x

Maia Oh yes, back to the tww's! How I hate them :haha: I am determined not to test early this month but I know already i'll fail lol x

How's everyone else doing?

Adrienne Hope you're alright hun. I am guessing the funeral of your grandmother will be in the next week. Thinking of you :hugs: x

Naomi Hope you had a lovely anniversary break :flower: x

Amy, Rachael, Shona, Sophie, Michelle & any other ladies i've accidentally missed I hope you are all well x

Back to work for me, talk later! x
Emma- Glad your cat is doing better. I grew up with cats, but my dog isn't cat friendly so we can't have a cat now. But I still love cats.

Arlene- Sorry the evil witch got you. But maybe now you can get your hernia sorted out, and get back to TTC again real soon.

MrsMM- I hope August is your month, and that everything clicks this time and you have a sticky bean!

Wendy- The majority of my family and friends are in IL. My husband and I both grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, and moved to Indiana in 2008, and then just this May moved to Kentucky. So I definately miss home, and I know my family and friends are having a hard time being away from me now that I am pregnant. I think its easier for me because I have the baby to look forward to, where they just think about missing me and the baby now. Don't be worried about testing early, I tested 6 days early and got my BFP so you never know. The wait between doctors appointments is killing me. Time goes to slow!!!!

Well ladies. I have a lot to get done today. I have laundry to do, the kitchen to sort out, school work, I have to clean my bathroom. And I am thinking about going to the bank. So well see what I actually get accomplished.
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't been posting much but I have been trying to get on to read. Things are finally starting to wind down. My grandmothers service was today. It was a lovely service. I'm a little sad, but glad she is at peace.

Arlene sorry the witch got you sending you hugs hun

Carly hopefully you were able to get all your chores done.

Wendy you know how I feel about early testing LOL Wendy if you feel it you test away. I'm waiting to see that BFP.

MrsMM glad to see that you're doing well and ready to get back to ttc. Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust.

Amy I hope you and your dh are having fun on your anniversary and getting some fun bding in.

Emma hope you and your little bean are feeling well and that you are not working too hard.

Rachael hope you Holly and the kitties are well.

Welcome to our newest lady and to all the other ladies out there I hope you are doing well.

As for me have some time off so as I said earlier just trying to take it easy and getting ready to start a new diet on Monday. Well maybe I should call it a new way of eating, what ever I call it hopefully it will help me drop a few pounds. Dh had to go to see his mother in Puerto Rico with his sister so he'll be back on Monday. I need to get back to doing my physical thearpy, I've kind of slacked off with everything going on. On Friday I have a pre op appointment for my surgery. So hopefull I'll be able to strike a balance this week with everything I have to do and getting some much needed rest. I'll check in with you lovely ladies later. Take care.
Adrienne, glad things have slowed down for you. Hope the service was a lovely one :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well?

CD11 for me and I just got a high on the CBFM! :dance:
Morning all, time for a ctach up...

Adrienne I'm so glad the service went well and things are slowing down. I think you right and rest will do you the world of good hun, good luck with the appointment!

Rachael Yay for the high :happydance: hope you catch that egg this month hun!

Alene sorry af got you hun, she is a cow!:growlmad:

Carly Hope you got all those jobs done and you are well:flower: I hope you have a lovely break away seeing your family, how lovely!

Emma Hope you and Pippin are well hun, thanks for the advice, I'l explain what happened further down!

Thanks to you all for the advice when I posted on here.

AFM well Cambridge was lovely! Our hotel was upgraded for some reason so we had a super kingsize bed, nice:happydance: went shopping and out for dinner on Wednesday and a bit more shopping and the zoo on Thursday. Went to see sil as well as she has been working really hard on her house so we went to see the progress she had made. As for NTNP/TTC we have put that on hold:cry: We decided that we should use protection on Wednesday night as although it has been over a month since I miscarried it had only been a couple of days since the surgery so I wanted to be safe and low and behold the next morning I started bleeding again:cry: It isn't heavy so I am hoping it is normal but will need to keep an eye on things:cry: Just want to be TTC again, feelig so empty and lost but I'm sure it's just the grieving process still happening and hopefully keeping busy getting my classroom sorted for September will keep my mind a little busy!
Crisis averted! I now have EWCM :happydance: Yet another high day, i'm guessing i'll ovulate on Sunday. Here's hoping! Hubby seduced me last night so this is turning out to be an easy month in that department! :haha: Hopefully i'll catch that egg.

Well my washing machine decided to pack in last night. So freaking annoyed about it! It's only a year and a half old and wasn't a cheap one either. Can't get someone out to look at it until Monday so I guess i'll be at my Dads this week doing some. I hope they can fix it, it's £60 call out to get them to look at it but i'd rather that than fork out hundreds on a new one. We shall see!

Carly I've been on holiday in Chicago, it's a lovely place. I'd happily go back again some time, but I did find it expensive. Your trip will be here in no time! Hope you managed to get all your work done x

Adrienne So glad the service was lovely hun, hope you can get some much needed rest while you are off. Is it today your pre op appointment or Friday next week? I'm still trying to eat better too, the weight is slowely coming off which is good, better that way than losing it too quickly and gaining again I guess x

Rachael WOOHOO for the high day hun! :happydance: I did not expect to see that from you on CD11! Bet your glad you didn't ignore the request for a stick this morning :haha: x

Naomi Glad you had a lovely trip away hun and I think you've done the right thing putting it on hold. Give your body a little bit of time until your next AF and then jump right back in there. You will get another BFP in no time :hugs: x
Carly - have a great time away!

Arlene - big :hugs: sorry AF got you!

Adrienne - :hugs: glad it was a beautiful service

Rachel - yay for a high!

Naomi - I'm so sorry! :hugs: I think the bleeding is normal - especially so close to the surgery. You may have just irritated things. But if it does get super heavy, I'd definitely get checked out. I'm glad you had a nice time away for your anniversary.

Wendy - Woohoo for EWCM! :haha: We're gonna be soo close with ovulation days! I'm thinking I'll ovulate soon too! Have EWCM and just got some ovulation pains this morning. My left side feels like a dull ache. Let's catch those eggys!

AFM - Well, I'm feel a bit better. Just had one of those emotional days where nothing was going right. IDK if I said this, but DH failed his final in one of his classes. To pass, you have to get a 75 or better on your final - well, he got a 72. So now, we're thinking he's gonna have to take the whole class again. And he thinks he failed the 2nd one too. So, things are just not going right for us lately. CD 18 and praying I get a + OPK soon. Have had EWCM for a couple days, and just when I thought I wasn't getting OV pains, my left side decided to start aching. Hoping it continues, and we'll get lots of BDing in this weekend cause DH isn't working at all. Yay!
Amy Woohoo for ovulation pain! (although that sounds bad! haha) Come on lady, we both need to do it this month then we'll be due about the same time. How fab would that be! Sorry to hear about your DH, that sucks he would have to repeat it all. I don't get that, you think they would just let him repeat the one exam. What if he passes the second test? Would he still have to do it all? x

Well, i've just bought my sis a fab Xmas present! Her fave band ever is Evanescence and i've just managed to get tickets for their tour here in November, cannot wait! She's never seen them and I know she is going to be hyper excited! She wont get it on Xmas day obviously but she will love it all the same. Can't wait! x
Hiya this is my 3 month TTC , first month i was unsure of my cycle etc, last month i used opk and dtd lots around fertile time, witch made an appear bang on 14 days after Ovulation :( We decided to maybe have a break and miss this month and try again next month, but i bought an opk yesterday!!! :D Hubby works away during the week and is home tonight, done opk this afternoon and was neg.. its 11 days since the witch arrived... got symptoms that O is near.. wish i would get a smiley face as hubby goes back to work Monday morn for the week!! might get him to pull a sickly, bonking might change his mind and he'll stay at home..

We are blessed with 2 little sons :) where i was lucky and fell pregnant in the first on of trying for each of them, think Hubby would like a daughter although he never says.. id be happy with either :)

What about everyone else? Anyone with the same Ovulation times as me wanna be buddies?

Fingers crossed for everyone on this thread that wee get our little bundles cooking soon :kiss:
Adrienne- Happy to hear your grandmothers service was lovely. I know its hard to lose a loved one, but it is a good feeling to know they are at peace. I hope things go well with your new way of eating, its never easy to start a diet, or change eating habits. I think it will do you some good to have some quiet time to rest and relax and just be with your own thoughts and feelings for a few days. Also my fingers are crossed that your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery!

Rachael- YAHHH!! For the high on the monitor!! I am sending lots of baby dust to you!!

Naomi- It sounds like you had a lovely anniversary. I am sorry about the bleeding, but just hang in there and youll be TTC before you know it.

Wendy- Fxed you catch that little eggy!! And yes chicago itself (downtown especially) can be VERY expensive. But we are from the northwest suburbs so its a little more low key. Still very lovely, and I love taking trips downtown, when I lived in IL my best friend and I would go down and get a hotel room for a night or two do shopping and go dancing for a mini trip. I miss home a lot, but if it took moving to a new state where I am little to no stress for me to get pregnant than it was worth it, because I was starting to lose hope.

Amy- Sorry about DHs classes, I have been in the same boat before. Maybe he can contact his teacher and see if he has any options so he doesn't have to repeat the entire class, and spend more money. I hope you enjoy all your BDing this weekend.

Well ladies I am so happy I got most of the chores done yesterday because now all I have to do is wash the floors. And I am not feeling very well right now, so I hope I get better as the day goes on. My DH is taking me to a nice dinner, and a movie. So if I dont feel better I guess well go tomorrow. Anyways I hope you all have nice weekends. And I cant believe that on Monday I will be 9 weeks!!!
Welcome to the thread eionandconnor :D

Wendy, I know! I ignored it yesterday :blush: Though was largely due to waking up and peeing without thinking :haha:

Hopefully I'll ov earlier this cycle! :dance:
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Adrienne, I am glad your grandmothers service went well. Make sure you get plenty of rest before next week :hugs:

Arlene, Sorry the horrible :witch: showed up :hugs:

Wendpops, I was very annoyed with Gavin in the end (you can see the full rant on my journal). Yey for the highs on the monitor :happydance:

Rachael :happydance: for the high on the monitor!!

Naomi, So sorry to hear you are bleeding again. Things are unfortunately going to be sensitive for a short while. I know the grieving isn't great but you are best to let your body and mind heal before you move forward :hugs: I know you want to get on with TTC and its a horrible feeling but it will get better and next month you will e stronger than ever to start it all again :hugs:

Amy, So glad you are feeling better hun. Sorry to hear that your oh has failed a class, that sucks! Hopefully the plenty of :sex: will take you mind off it :haha:

Welcome eoinandconor :wave:

Shana, Hope your doing ok Mrs and hope the bleeding has stopped :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well??

Sorry its a bit of a shor one as I am not feeling 100% so off to bed for a little to see if that helps.
Everyone seems really nice on here :D its taken me ages to try and get the hang of this site and how it works, getting there slowly now..

Rachel we have the same cycle :) i hope we get it right this time :)
thanks Pinky the blood has been stopped for a few days now. and I am doing well, my doctor messed up big time so I am going in for a n free clinic appt next thursday.
Shana, sorry to hear you have had problems. I have just read up on it on your journal. Hopefully you can get to the clinic sooner x x

eoinandconor, search on Google for ovulation tickers and follow the steps from there. When you get back here it is edit signature under you cp preferences x
Evening all, how glad am I it's Friday! Lazy weekend for me I think. Hubby is off tomorrow so at least I'll get some time with him.

eoinandconor Welcome to the thread hun, lovely to have you with us :flower: Me and Amy should both be ovulating in the next few days and looks like Rachael might be too so plenty of us around the same time. Do you mind if we call you by your first name? Good luck getting hubby to pull a sicky :winkwink: x

Carly Exactly hun, just getting rid of some stress must have been enough to sort your body out for your BFP. Hope you're feeling a bit better now, enjoy your dinner and movie :flower: x

Rachael Oh you have no idea how many times i've done that and stopped myself from peeing half way through to just get enough to test :haha: I'm never fully awake in the morning. You'll definitely ovulate earlier if you're on a high day already! How exciting! Are you gonna try to :sex: every couple of days or every day? x

Emma Oh dear, I did see the POW comment, bad Gav! Hopefully he's learnt his lesson and next time you'll get a bit of peace and quiet. Take it easy tonight hun :hugs: x

Shana I've just read through your journal, I am in total shock hun! I can't believe what you're going through right now and it totally sucks you have to wait till Thursday. It's their mistake and they should be looking in to it as soon as possible not making you wait! You should be getting a free scan! Makes me so mad they cancelled it. I am hoping and praying this will bring a good outcome for you :hugs: x

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