The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Evening all! What a lovely sunny day it has been here in Essex:flower:
Went shopping today to Lakeside (BIG shopping centre, it's my fav place to shop) and got some bits for our week away in Cornwall and a Disney lunchbox and pencil case for September, I'm such a child at heart!! Really happy today as it has been a good 24 hours now since my bleeding seemed to completely go away:happydance: Adam and I dtd last night to celebrate :blush: bit naughty as we got carried away so didn't use anything but it got me so positive this morning but think we will be NTNP from now on and just see what happens. What will be will be:happydance:

Wendy yay for the washing machine:happydance: isn't that lovely of your sister:flower:

Maia I've got everything crossed for you for this month hun:flower: it's lovely your staying so positive, hope it pays off.

Amy know what you mean about the temping, I wish I could but I know I would either forget or become so obsessed I would think of nothing else:dohh: hopefully you caught that eggy or about to catch it:hugs:

Thinking of you Arlene it's so hard isn't it when it feels like everyone else is getting pregnant but it will be your turn soon I am sure. Hope you get things sorted soon at the hospital and it's good they don't have to do anything yet:hugs:

Sending big :hugs: to all those I've missed
Me and my hubby have 2 sons, one is 15 months and the other 15 weeks old. They both have severe dietry conditions to the point that they need watching all the time so they dont eat anything they shouldnt.
I am not working untill they are both in school, ds1 goes to nursery 1 morning a week but has all his meals at home so I can keep an eye on him.

We were planning to start ttc when ds2 is 3 years old and so would have a 2014 baby and if they had the same comdition I would not go back to work until 2018!!! But tonight he said it makes sense to start trying for baby #3 now and complete our family so I can go back to work in 2016. We dont get any benifts for me being a SAHM as hubby works full time but are comfortable enough to afford to have another baby so financially it makes sense for me to get back to work eariler.

We both love kids and although it would mean having 3 kids under 3, and we know how hard that would be we are up for it. I go to playgroups with the boys and play with them at home so they are well socialised and we get loads of support from my family.

Are we totaly mad for considering it?
Hey proudmummy! Welcome! Wow 3 little ones under 3, I would say go for it!! I'd love a big family too :flower: your a brave lady but I bet it would be fun.
I think it's great proudmummy and I say go for it. Wishing you lots of luck.
Tired, so this'll just be a quickie post. - OPK again, but I expected it. Had an abundance of creamy CM today, really felt like AF was coming and I expected to be wiping blood. But nothing. Cramping all day and seems to be coming on stronger now. And I'm wicked tired, and have to get up early tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good day :flower:
Hi Ladies,
Hope everyone is well. Not much to report here. Af is on her way and I expect her to show her face a couple of days early. But not a surprise so no big deal. Just starting to get some major cramps and as we all know that's no fun. So I hope you ladies have a good night and speak to you all later.
Well ladies i'm confused :shrug: Second peak day on my monitor but my temp hasn't dipped or shot up. It's just stayed consistent. I really don't know what my body is up to but it's worrying me a bit :cry: Guess I just have to wait a couple more days and see what my temps do.

Naomi So glad the bleeding has finally stopped hun! NTNP is prob the best way to go :flower: x

Proudmummy No you aren't mad! I think that would be lovely having 3 so young together. No different from having triplets or twins and another child in a close timeframe and I would love that! I say go for it! To be honest you just don't know how long it will take you to conceive again so what's the harm in starting now :flower: x

Amy Your body sounds as confusing as mine! I guess we just have to keep bdancing and see what happens x

Adrienne Noooo, the witch isn't allowed to arrive! Is there not much chance for you this month? x

Oh well I guess I should get ready for work. Wish I could stop stressing about whether or not i've ovulated but I can't get it out of my head. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Good Morning Ladies! Its been a while since I posted, but I have spent some time to catch up on all you lovely ladies. AFM my hormones and emotions have just been getting the best of me and I really wish that September would get here sooner so I could go home and see my family and friends. I like our new home, but I would give anything to move back to Indiana. I didn't know how much I would miss it. But when I got here, I realized that it had really become my home, I love Chicago, but Indiana was the best of both worlds. So I think I am just having a hard time adjusting, but I know as I get farther along and my mind is consumed with getting ready for this baby I will be ok. My DH has been great. When I say I cried I mean I cried for probably 1/2 an hour so hard I couldn't breath. My face and neck and chest were covered in tears, snot, and spit. And I was covered in sweat. I am not attractive at all when I cry. When I was younger and would cry like that my mom would get to a point where she would say enough already just stop it because it was hard to deal with. But my DH was so wonderful, he layed with me and rubbed my back and when I finally was done he gave me a giant hug, told me to get in the shower and he was going to go out and get whatever I wanted for dinner. I just hope that this doesn't happen all the time, because I know crying like that and feeling that awful can't be good for the baby? Well sorry for my rant about crying and how awful I looked and felt. But you ladies are really good listeners.

So on to a proper post!!

Wendy- Glad to hear washing machine got fixed, and that was so sweet of your sister. Talk about a lot of highs, FX'ed and LOADS of babydust to you!!!

Michelle-Goodluck at the doctor, wishing for the best!

Arlene- Sometimes the best thing to do is keep busy. It not only takes your mind off TTC but it takes your mind off of everything and everyone around you. I started to scrapbook, read, I redid my entire closet and gave bundles to goodwill. Anything to keep my mind of baby. It really does help. Also glad that surgery can wait. Hope to see you back again soon!!!

Laura-Moving is hard. We moved in May and I got BFP in June, so sometimes it can be a good thing. So FXed that moving was your bit of luck as well. Also goodluck to hubby at his interview, I bet it would be great to have him closer to home. I cant imagine only seeing my hubby on the weekend, that must be rough.

Amy-Let us know what happens. I never really understood the temp thing. So just BD till you can no more lol :)!! Also Sorry for the terrible sleep you have been getting, hopefully you have a good rest soon.

MrsMM-Glad you had a nice family reunion! Definately keep hopeful, keep testing and charting and well keep our FXed for you and your wife!!
PROUDMOMMY, I think that it is awesome, and you are nowhere near crazy, in the long run, having them so closely, will help them remain close. Not to mention, you will reach completing your family and be able to relax and enjoy them. GL :dust:

ADRIENNE/AMY, my FXD are crossed that the broom-weilding chick doesn't show up. :dust:

WENDY, it sounds like your cycle is playing a changing game, I have to agree with you, that you should wait another day or so to see what your temp does. Amazing how things pick up overnight.... :dust:

All the other ladies, :dust: to you, I hope that you are doing well, and feeling well...
Hiya everyone :) Proudmummys go for it! I have 2 sons 14 months apart they are best friends, im TTC number 3 at the min and would love another close after that aswell, 4 would be my limit, I'm a stay at home mummy aswell, no extra benefits either as hubby works full time also, we wouldnt have it any other way, they grow up so fast! My eldest is starting school in sept and my youngest starts playgroup morning sessions in Sept too, feel its the right time to add to the family, the boys are always asking when we will give them another Bro or sis :)

I fell pregnant easy with my boys, first month of trying with both of them, this is officially my 2nd month ttc number 3.... Ive been writing down my dates since Af came 22nd June and my first smiley face on cbfm on the 5th July.. it really confuses me, i dunno how i did it so easy the other 2 times before!

Mrsmm24 are you TTC?

Mavsprtynpink Yes its tough,he used to work from his office at home, so we went from that to working away all week, hes been doing it 1 year now.. and cant stand missing the boys.. auk ur 9 weeks along :D thats so great, my sis in law is 14 weeks along, she tried for 10 years for her first lil one, but she ended up needing IVF, then she conceived this little naturally was a lovely surprise :) Is this your first baby?

goodluck buster i hope Witchy poo doesnt arrive! xxx
Hi Everyone.
Hope you had a nice Tuesday.

Wendy sorry your feeling so frustrated just keep bding til you can bd no more. I think someone else on here gave you the same advice. Here's to hoping that this is your cycle.

Carly sorry that your hormones are giving you such a hard time. It must be hard to be away from your family, but you'll be in 2nd tri before you know it and you'll be too busy getting ready for baby to be sad. Plus those hormones should level out by that time too. Try to hang in there til then.

Arlene I hope you're feeling better. I know it's tough when everyone is getting pregnant around you. But remember we're all here for you.

To all the other lovely ladies out there hope all is well.

AFM AF is here which is not a surprise. I expected to be out this month as I have those stupid polyps in my uterus. But those will be gone in the next couple of weeks and then I can get back down to business. I'm on day 2 of the new diet and so far not too bad. As long as I get results I'll be a happy girl. That's all from me take care and talk to you all soon!!
Adrienne - sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: Good luck with the diet!

Wendy - I hear you! I so hope you see your temp change! I so think we're gonna ovulate on almost the same day! We could be PG buddies! I so hope it happens for us!

Carly - sorry you've been feeing horrible! :hugs: You're pregnant so you're allowed to feel that way. Hope things settle down for you. Did you see th new Secret Life last nigh?! I loved when Ben shot Adrian down - that was awesome!

Laura - good luck to you!

Well ladies .. On CD 22 and I finally got a near positive OPK

It's not positive, but it's the darkest out of all of them. Pair that with some major cramping going on, and I think I'm gonna ovulate soon! We BD'd last night, so .. and I may be crazy .. but we're gonna try to BD every night this week. Prob till Saturday. I don't want to miss a chance. We might skip Thurs tho since DH works late.

Hope everyone's well! :flower:
Laura- Yes this is my first baby. My DH and I found out we were expecting a few days after our one year wedding anniversary. I was granted the best and only gift I asked for, so I couldn't be any happier. I just pray everything goes well, and we have a healthy and happy nine months, and healthy and happy baby.

Adrienne- I am glad day two of the diet went well. Just keep with it and you will see results, also throw in exercise and youll really see results. Before I moved to Kentucky I went on a diet and exercised and I lost 10lbs, so its definately worth it.

Amy- I LOVED IT!! I just wonder if someone told ben about her big plan or if he just didnt want her. But I will tell you this much I cringed when lauren started singing, I was like begging for her to stop. Just like a while ago madison and jack were dancing together in his room and I cringed and begged them to stop it was hard to watch. I am just happy with the direction the show is going in. I was hoping adrian and ben would make it work, but its not going to, and I have a feeling thats going to push amy and ricky some how. Besides the show, the love the look of your test, looks like your on your way to a positive!! The next test I hope to see will be a BFP!!!!

AFM I think I just feel distanced from everything, even my husband sometimes. At times I think I do it to myself as a way to not feel too much, and at times I think it just happens. I have no reason to complain, really I dont. So I am done for now lol. I hope all you ladies have wonderful evenings, and weeks, I will check in soon.
Carly aww hun, it’s horrible you were so upset but it’s best to let it all out. Roll on September when you get to see your family, I know it will make you feel tons better :hugs: x

Maia Thanks hun, my body likes to play tricks on me! Glad to see the link to your chart up now :thumbup: x

Laura Oh wow, how nice your sister-in-law managed her second naturally after all she had to go through the first time! It just shows our bodies are constantly changing. Fingers crossed you'll get another quick BFP this time round :flower: x

Adrienne Sorry the witch got you but I know it’s no surprise to you hun. I bet you can’t wait to get your surgery out the way then you can try again with some fresh hope! x

Amy Woohoo for the positive OPK! :happydance: I’m so pleased for you. Hope you’re getting plenty of bdancing in! x

As for me still no change in my temps and that’s me back on to high on my monitor. I don’t get it :cry: It really got to me this morning and I ended up spilling it all out to hubby at 7.30am who had no idea i’d even had a peak day! He was a sweetheart and told me to wait and see if my temp dips tomorrow as it can take up to 48 hours to ovulate after a peak (someone has been reading up! :haha:) I hope he’s right as i’ll be gutted if I don’t ovulate and have to have another marathon cycle x
He's right Wendy, see how your temps go over the next couple of days :hugs:

I'm confused, I'm on my 6th High on the monitor, but my temp has spiked this morning. Haven't been doing OPK's but might do one later just to see :shrug: We didn't manage our every other day BD last night as I was exhausted and when I went to bed OH was on his laptop. I passed out before he turned it off :dohh:
Rachael I've just had a nose at your chart and it shot up this morning hun it didn't spike? So, it's either going to shoot back down again for ovulation or you ovulated on day 14. Hmm, can't wait to see what your temps are like for the rest of the week! x
We'll see what it does. Going to try and BD tonight though to be on the safe side.
EIONA, yes, we have decided to go right into TTC if I ov this month. The docs said that it is highly likely given my irregularly regular cycles, how quick I stopped bldg after the natural M/C and how fast my HCG levels went down. Worst case: I get AF soon, then we start right after which will be my first AF after M/C. :dust:

ADRIENNE, Sorry that AF flew that broom in. Concentrate on your diet until it is time to get back to the "chase", in a week.

WENDY, I am in the same wait for a peak and temp changes as you are. This morning, my temp was rather lower comparably, so I am hopeful that over the next few days I see some OV. Which is great since the "donation" will be avail on Mon morning. We are near each other in OV days. :dust:

LAURA, I understand where you are as I am there as well, I hope we get a :bfp: soon. Your SIL is an inspiring situation, for me. :dust:

AMY, YAY! Seems like you will be "busy" for a couple days.... Here is to getting it on!! :dust:

Rachel, I think that I am going to have to agree with WENDY here, it looks like you just had an OV day, and if so, the day before when you had some "fun" that evening, you may have started the swimmers on a chase. FXD! :dust:

AFM, I have been chart obsessed! Checing out other charts on the site where women conceived right after a M/C and comparing to mine. (I know, no good, but...) My cycle just seems sooo regular so early on and I guess after all I have gone through, I won't allow myself to think that it should be so normal. The donation is ready for Monday, so everything seems promising, assuming I get a + OPK in the next couple of days. I am and have been prepared for a longer cycle after, but who knows, I guess I am just remaining hopeful!
Just to let you all know that Lea passed her English exam and has got herself and job and is starting on Monday

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