The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Evening all!
Welcome eoinandconor:flower:
Just worked hard to start the finishing off process in the kitchen, trying to put our energies into something other than arguing at the moment:dohh: still bleeding very very lightly and did another hpt and got another very very faint line, how long does hcg take to return to 0 for goodness sake!!:growlmad:
How are we all?
Hi Wendy :) yes called me Laura, Eoin and Conor are my sons names :) i wanted to make my username eoinandconorsmummy but they shortened it! grr

Well i got a smiley face on opk this afternoon :D so the bonking is on! haha he doesnt need to pull a sicky anymore thankfully..

what have you all been up to today? we took boys to a farm, they had great fun! I saw a little pony with the biggest dingle you can ever imagine!!!! bet it doesnt take mrs pont long to get a bfp hahahahaha it made me laugh so much, my boys thought i had lost the plot!
Evening! It's been a quiet day on here, hope everyone's been having a lovely sunny Saturday. I've been at a bbq at a friends, it was lovely. Gorgeous weather here. Well actually it was my ex hubby that was having the bbq and his fiance is due to give birth today! No sign of baby yet though so will see what the next few days brings! Not much else happening with me. Another high day so more :sex: If I follow the same pattern as last month I should get my peak tomorrow, we shall see! x

Rachael That's the best way I think hun, you might not get too many highs. We shall see! I saw on your journal you're trying soft cups? What do you think of them? I fancy trying them but i'm scared :haha: Do you just put one in straight after bdancing? Do you not feel it in there? I might pluck up the courage for next month if this isn't my month x

Naomi Sorry to hear you and hubby are arguing hun :( You's have had a lot of stress to deal with lately. Your kitchen must be almost finished now is it? Bet it will look gorgeous when it's done! As for your HCG from what I know it can take up to 35 days. Hopefully your body will return to normal soon :hugs: x

Laura Yey for the smiley OPK! That was good timing eh! Sounds like you've had a fun day with your boys. What are you like with the pony :haha: Sounds like something I would say haha. Does your hubby only come home on weekends then? x

Well i'm going to head off to bed. Shattered, speak to you all tomorrow :flower: x
Wendy - I LOVE having ovulation pain :haha: If I can know when I'm ovulating because of that, I'll take it. The school has caused us nothing but problems, so I doubt they'll do anything but make him take it over. Long story short, he took a distance class where he was the only one who took it. Teacher sucked, he failed. Took it the next semester with a different teacher, where the teacher gave him double the amount of notes and quizzes, and he passed with a B. And they refuse to give us our money back. Oh, and the teacher from the first time he took it - fired because he just lacked communication and the teaching skills or whatnot. So, they knew there was a problem, but aren't doing anything for us. If he wasn't that far, he would transfer out. But credits don't transfer, and he only has 4 classes left plus his clinicals. Really frustrating.

Welcome Laura! I'm pretty sure I'm right around OV time right now! Yay for a smiley OPK!

Carly - I can't believe you'll be 9 weeks on Monday either! It's flying by! Probably doesn't seem like it to you though! Hope you're having a good weekend!

Hope you're feeling better Emma! :flower:

Shana - sorry to hear about all your problems!

Naomi - :hugs: :hugs:

Arlene, Rachel, Adrienne .. anyone else I missed .. :flower:

I've done absolutely nothing all day and I've loved it! :haha: DH is actually home today. He usually works, but they needed to cut hours so he got the day off. It's been weird having him home. My parents stopped by on their way home from vacation. So we went out to breakfast with them.

Haven't got a + OPK yet, and I'm not sure if I will. I may have missed my surge. Had lots of cramping Friday all day, I was pretty uncomfortable. And today I've had some as well. Still getting negatives though, and I think I still have loads of CM. I don't think I'll check anymore. I'm gonna test till I'm out of OPKs and then BD every few days after that, in case I OV late.

I may try the "whatever" approach next cycle. Get some Preseed and BD every few days. This POAS thing waiting for a positive OPK is starting to get me down...
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Wendy sounds like you had fun at the bbq. Never mind getting to sleep get to that bding. LOL

Naomi, sorry you and hubby are fighting but I know what that's like. I hope the bleeding stops soon. Glad your kitchen is almost done hope you'll show us some pics.

Laura Welcome to the thread. Yay for the positive opk hope this is your cycle.

Rachael I think the every other day thing is a good idea. Good luck with it.

Amy sorry you and dh are having so much trouble with the school. They really should give you guys your money back I understand how frustrated you must be.

Shana sorry that you have to go through so much sending you lots of hugs.

Carly happy almost 9 weeks. Time seems like it's flying by.

And to all you other lovely ladies out there I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

AFM just had a lazy day today me and the dogs. Went to the market and got the food for my diet. So tomorrow will be laundry day and doing some food prep for the up coming week. I have the pre op this Friday and I'm feeling kind of nervous, but not sure why. AF is due to show up this week, not looking forward to that. It's funny, when I had my ultrasound the dr. asked if my periods were heavy. My answer was that the first two days were usually heavy but nothing out of the ordinary. The dr. seems to think that my periods are unusually heavy because of the polyps but I have just gotten so use to it that it just seems normal. Isn't that crazy? Well I am looking forward to having lighter periods after the surgery, but would rather have no period at all due to a BFP of course. LOL That's all I have for now. Take and and talk with you all soon!!
Laura- Welcome to the thread!!

Shana- I read a bit of your journal, and it sounds like you have had a rough journey. Maybe you mentioned this in the journal and I just missed it, but you have you seen a fertility specialist? Usually if you are seeing a fertility specialist your insurance has to allow for more scans due to previous pregnancy issues. For example my insurance only allows for two scans during pregnancy, but I had MAJOR cramping so my doctors office called the insurance company to see if they would allow for a scan to make sure everything was alright and they approved it. So there are ways around there rules. Just have to find a doctors office who is willing to put in the time and effort for you. So good luck and I hope everything goes well at the free clinic this week. Please let us know.

Wendy- Hope you enjoyed your weekend, sounds like it was a lot of fun! My DH and I ended up seeing friends with benefits and it was hilarious!

Amy- Time does seem to be flying by, my next doc appointment is next thursday already. At first time seemed to be going slow, but now I'm like WOW I am 9 weeks already, how did that happen. Don't get down on yourself. POAS becomes a dreadful task after time. I think your idea of getting some preseed and just having some fun every other day is a good idea. That was going to be my next course of action if nothing happened. So goodluck hun, lots of baby dust your way!!!!

Adrienne- I just wanted to say I pray everything goes well with your surgery, and I hope it is the answer to your prayers. I hope to be reading about a BFP in no time!!!!

As for me ladies I had my second emotional breakdown yesterday. I cried until I literally had no more tears to cry. And I am an UGLY crier. My husband is so wonderful though. He layed down next to me and rubbed my back and talked to me and really tried his hardest to make me feel better. So when I was finally done he said why dont you go take a shower and Ill go get you and bean some dinner. And then after dinner I was so tired from crying I feel right to sleep in his arms. So I am hoping to have a nicer day today, no crying hopefully. So you ladies have a nice relaxing Sunday!!! And I will see you all tomorrow!!
:D i feel really welcome for once, gonna take me awhile to get everyones names, so Thanks

Quiet day for me we moved house 8 weeks ago, still trying to unpack so today was a day of clearing rubbish and cleaning up, Yes Hubby works away In England through the week back every weekend, its sucks! and he is so fed up now been doing it 1 years, interview for a job near home in a few weeks so fingers crossed..
Did another Opk this afternoon and still smiley face.. does that mean Ovulation has taken place or will it happen tomorrow? this is my second day with a smiley face :) we have been like little bunnies day before smiley face and yesterday and today, He goes back to work tomorrow morn :(

I Hope we all get Bfp this month x
Amy That really does suck about the school, especially since they've obviously realised that teacher was no good! When will your hubby find out what's happening? Glad to hear you're getting some time together though :hugs: x

Adrienne Don't you worry, i'm making sure the bding is happening every second day :winkwink: I think it's so funny that hubby has no idea i'm on my high days! Can't wait to tell him once i've ovulated, he will be like eh?? :haha: I'm sure your pre op will go just fine hun, is it not really them just explaining everything that will happen etc? I'm glad to see they are moving quick on this so you can get back to ttc with new found hope! You're right about your periods, we all just get used to what's normal for us and assume that's how it's supposed to be! Hopefully you will notice a big improvement after the op x

Carly Ooh I might have to check that film out, I love comedies! Oh hun, what's been making you so upset? Big :hugs: coming your way. Sometimes it helps to have a good cry. Hope you're feeling a bit better x

Laura Oh yeah it takes a while to memorise names but if it helps all our names are on the 1st page next to our usernames :) As for your OPK it really depends, some people ovulate on their first positive, some on their second. For me personally it's always my first one but I know a lot of people who don't till their second. If you get some more bdancing in tonight before he leaves I think you will be just fine! It must be hard him being away all week, fingers crossed he gets this other job x

Well as for me, i've had a pretty lazy day. Still on high on my monitor! This is my 6th day, never had more than 5. Hopefully I will ovulate tomorrow on CD18 like I did last month. Think i'm just going to chill out with hubby tonight now he's up, watch some tv or something. Hope you are well, talk soon :flower: x
Rachael That's the best way I think hun, you might not get too many highs. We shall see! I saw on your journal you're trying soft cups? What do you think of them? I fancy trying them but i'm scared :haha: Do you just put one in straight after bdancing? Do you not feel it in there? I might pluck up the courage for next month if this isn't my month x

I did try soft cups, yes. I thought they were scary too, but they're not that bad! Can't feel it once it's in, but they are quite large :wacko: x
Hi ladies I know i am not on here a lot but I just have to say that dh And I are going to the FS tomorrow to get his sa results And I am totally terrified!!
I hope he has a good result but I just don't think so after All he has been through..... thank you for letting me vent!!! Not many people understand.
I wish u all lots of baby dust and prayers!!!
Hi ladies I know i am not on here a lot but I just have to say that dh And I are going to the FS tomorrow to get his sa results And I am totally terrified!!
I hope he has a good result but I just don't think so after All he has been through..... thank you for letting me vent!!! Not many people understand.
I wish u all lots of baby dust and prayers!!!

I hope everything goes well for you guys and that you get good news. Sending that baby dust right back at you.
Morning ladies, gosh i'm so tired. I've only had a few hours sleep. Think it will be an early night for me tonight. For some reason I never sleep well on Sunays knowing it's back to work on Monday. No idea why :shrug: Anyway, I got my peak on my monitor :happydance: My temp has gone up though so I can only assume that means i'll be ovulating tomorrow on my second peak day for a change. I hope so! Will get the bdancing in tonight though just incase!

Rachael Yeah I though they looked big! I watched a video on youtube to see what they looked like :haha: I just thought if it would keep his spermies up there longer it would be worth a try! x

Michelle Good luck hun! Really hope he has a good count. Do come back and tell us :hugs: x

How's everyone else doing today? x
Hello ladies :flower:

Sorry I haven't been posting, I have been popping on and reading up on yous but I am trying to distance myself a bit. Kyles auntie (his dad's younger sister) told me she was pregnant a few days ago and I just broke down, that coupled with all the other pregnancies and then the referels to the hospital, I think i'm getting a bit caught up in it all so trying to keep busy and do other things to keep my mind occupied.

Turns out if surgery is needed then its actually better to have the procedure afterwards which works in my favour :happydance:

I will try to get on and do a proper reply but don't think I've abandoned you all :kiss:
Sorry to hear things are getting to you Arlene :hugs: It gets to us all from time to time. That's good news about the surgery though! I'm sure your BFP is just around the corner hun x
Adrienne - glad you had a good relaxing day!

Carly - Hope you had a better day. Sometimes all you need is a good cry :hugs:

Laura - usually it's 12-36 hours after you get your first + OPK. You've got a good chance with all your BDing!

Wendy - He'll find out probably in a month, when grades come out. Unless he emails his teacher like I told him to. We'll see I guess. Yay for a peak!

Michelle - good luck with husband's results!!

Arlene - sorry to hear things are getting you down :hugs: I hope they get better :flower:

AFM - who knows what's going on now. Had terrible sleep last night, just couldn't get comfortable. Still having lots of cramping going on, and woke up feeling hungry and nauseous. I guess I'll keep testing and see what I get tonight.
Hmm, hopefully you'll get a positive OPK tonight Amy unless like you say you've missed your surge and you ovulated on Friday? It's so hard knowing. That's why I love taking my temp cause then I know for sure when I have x
Yeah, I kinda wish I temped but I don't think I could. I wake up a bunch of times in the middle of the night, so I don't know if I would get a correct temp or not. We'll just BD till we can't anymore I guess :haha:
MAVS & BUSTER- Thanks! Me too, truly a blessing to have an Aug :bfp: if possible, so we are totally hoping and praying!

WENDY - :happydance: that you are receiving EWCM, I TRULY hope this is it for you!!! FXD :dust:

ARLENE - Sorry the :witch: flew in, head up so you can get started for Aug, there is still plenty of time for the 2012 baby!

SHANA - I was telling my family this weekend about your woes, and my aunt said, you MOST definitely need to be filing some charges. Also, how are things going, did your appt go well?

Welcome EOINA!!! :wave: GL this week!

AFM - I had a family reunion this weekend and it was fun, refreshing, and what my wife and I needed to keep our spirits lifted. I am on CD13 and there has been no sign of +OPK, but we are not out of the woods yet, there is still plentyof time to still O this month, and we are remaining hopeful. I am going to do some rearranging to include my chart on my sig sometime this week...
Amy I didn't think I could temp either but i'm so used to it now it's like second nature. Wake up and the thermometer is straight in my mouth! I wake up a lot during the night too but they say as long as you get three hours sleep before it's fine. Sometimes I don't but I still take my temp and it doesn't seem to effect anything. You should give it a go, you will feel so much better knowing for sure when you have ovulated :flower: x

Maia I love your positive attitude hun, it's just what we need on this thread :flower: You're right, you've plenty of time yet to ovulate. I will be stalking your chart once it's up! Sounds like you both had a lovely time at the family reunion, just what the doctor ordered I say! x

Well my washing machine is fixed! :happydance: Cost me £65 but still that's better than forking out for a new one. My sis has just gave me £20 towards it, she wouldn't take no for an answer as she says she uses it all the time too, which she does, but I didn't want anything from her. She can be a good wee soul when she wants to be! Looks like i've got a night of :laundry: ahead.

Hubby is fast asleep upstairs the now, I will leave him for another hour then i'm going up to pounce! :haha: x

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