The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Sorry ladies that I haven't been on, been pretty hectic the last few days. I am currently in leicestershire as Gavin is racing tomorrow so have been busy baking cakes for charity again. Hope everyone is ok x
Sorry I've not been around ladies, had a hectic few days!

Tuesday evening I got a phone call offering me a job! I'll be working as a Customer Service Advisor for EDF Energy :) I could have gotten there by bus, but it's a bus into town then another bus out to Doxford International, and it takes an hour. My Dad agreed to lend me the money to buy a car and insure it, so I promptly started looking for cars! I found a white T reg Ford Fiesta diesel for £500 nearby, spoke to my Dad about it and went and picked it up yesterday! Even managed to borrow extra off my Dad to order a CD player from Halfords for it :rofl: It's sooooo good to have my freedom back after not having my own car for well over a year and in 11 months I've only driven for a weekend which was when we hired a car to go Edinburgh back in Feb!

We've also made the decision to NTNP for now. The contract is only for 6 months and we would rather wait and see if I get taken on perm or find something perm so that we will be financially stable once a baby comes along. Of course if an accident were to happen we would both be delighted! I will still be about, but not as much I don't think.

I'm sorry for not writing individual messages to everyone, but I read through, then typed all the above out and forgot what I wanted to say to people :dohh:
Shana So pleased they arrived! That sounds like the right time to test. Bring on ovulation! x

Emma Hope you're having a lovely time away. You always make me so hungry with your baking! Hope you managed to raise a good bit of money from them x

Rachael So pleased you'll still be sticking around, even if you're not on as much. We will all be dying to know how the job goes! It really sounds like your life is coming together and I honestly couldn't be any happier for you :flower: x

Well there's not much happening with me, had a tidying up night. I had to have a three hour sleep during the afternoon cause I was dead beat but I woke up feeling energised so started spring cleaning the house. Wish I felt like that more often! Hubby is really optimistic that we've done it this month but i'm scared to get my hopes up. Roll on Saturday next week cause that's when I plan to test. I'm so proud of myself for not testing so far! Determined to wait till i'm late this time x
thanks wendy!!

hope you get that job rachael. and I hope you get that :bfp: wendy. I am just learning peoples names. so forgive me

:hugs: :dust:
hi ladies i am very sorry i have not been on but i have not been trying the last few months, my partners sa came back with 20% motility and i also have pcos so i am devestated, my partner has stoped smoking and drinking ect. my doc keeps telling me to lose weight but i keep giving up and i dunno why!! hope u are all well ladies and i really wish all of u :bfp: xx
Hi Everyone!
I am new to join the 2012 team...

My name is Lindsay, I am 26 from Toronto, Ontario. I have been married to my husband for just over 3 years and together for almost 10. This is our first month TTC.

Look forward to sharing with everyone!
Evening all, hope everyone's had a lovely weekend. I'm feeling a bit strange today so have spent some time in bed. I can't explain how I feel, i'm not ill or sore, I just feel weird! Getting funny feelings in my stomach but it's not cramps or anything. It's just being weird. I can't really explain it but i'm not feeling my usual self I will put it like that! Know i'm going to be hectic busy at work this week as there's folk off on holiday so i'm hoping that will make the week go quicker. Can't wait to test on Saturday! If I do get a BFN you girls will have to try and perk me up cause I know i'm getting my hopes up. Urgh, hate the tww!

Shana Is this your 1st month on Clomid hun? Hope you ovulate soon x

Sophie So lovely to hear from you hun! I know you've got a few obstacles in your way but don't give up hun, I know you will get your longed for BFP one day. That's fab your OH is giving up smoking and drinking, it shows he obviously wants this as much as you do and hopefully this will increase his sperm motility when he next gets a SA x

Lindsay :wave: hun, welcome to the thread! It's lovely to have you with us. You should put up a ticker to help us follow your cycle with you :flower: How nice you've been with your hubby 10 years, I take it you's were high school sweethearts? x
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all doing well. Wendy I have everything crossed for you. Welcome Lindsay glad to have you with us. Sophie glad to hear from you. Sorry about the poor SA result but there's time for that to change for the better. Keep your chin up. As for the rest of the ladies I hope you are all having a great weekend.

AFM just getting ready for surgery on Monday. They say the recovery is pretty quick 2-3 days, but when I asked my doctor about work on Wednsday she said that if I felt up to it I could go, but wanted to make sure that it wasn't a problem if I had to call out last minute. With that reaction I think I won't be going on my trip on Wednesday. I think it's best to be safe than sorry. Especially since this is the same tirp that I just finished with that kept me on my feet for almost the whole 4 days, I think that it's best I just sit this one out and take care of myself. So take care ladies and if I feel up to it tomorrow I'll let you all know how things go, if not I'll be back on here on Tuesday.
Hi Wendy and everyone else!

I want to put up a ticker but I just went off the pill last cycle and I just started having what I think is withdrawl bleeding, so my cycle is still way out of whack...I am going to put up a ticker once I get my first real AF off the pill.....if I count the bleeding I am having now, it might be wrong.....
yeah I have been on clomid before. a few times. this is day 9 for me in my cycle and last day taking clomid. I think I will ovulate early in my cycle bc I am already getting faint opks!
Wendy glad Lee Evans was good. I'm going to see Russell Howard in december and i'm crazy excited already :doh: Aw bless your dad! Fx'd his wait isn't much longer eh! :happydance: for the temp rise! Its looking good :D I'm not a cat person at all :lol: I hope he settles nicely.

Carly, how was glee? I'm looking forward to it, just need to find a friend who shares the same enthusiasm!

mrsmm really glad yous timed the donation correctly, fx'd for you!

9babies I hope the clomid helps and that you get your positive opk soon! :)

Rachael sounds like everything is coming together nicely , i'm very happy for you misses :hugs:

Sophie its good to see you back :) I hope your OH cutting our smoking and drinking really improves his result.

Lindsay welcome to the group! I love your photo! Just got engaged and i've all of a sudden became obsessed with everything wedding related :dohh:

Adrienne, thinking of you during your op today and I hope your recovery is quick :hugs: You are right to take the time out and recover properly.

Emma I can't believe your 16 weeks already, its going so fast! Hope the race went well and your sold plenty cakes :)

So my boy has his nursery induction today..can't believe it. I've got to drop him off and head straight to work. I know i'l be :cry: I've been off since wednesday and dreading what i'm going back to as well. They never seem to get anyone half decent to cover me :dohh: On the plus side get to tell everyone our good news :happydance:

On the ttc front..I'm really not sure where I am. I think I ovulated last monday/tuesday..but kept using OPK's just incase, and because i've had a crazy increase in cm so thought I maybe didnt O earlier but nothing so must have. Anyway, time will telll! I best be off and get everything sorted for work and nursery! I hope everyones monday goes easy! xx
MrsMM- I have FXD that you caught that EGG!!!!! Keep us posted on when you will be testing. Hoping to hear of BFP!!

Shana- I hope the clomid is the trick for you! FXD for this cycle!

Wendy- I bet you are excited to get your cat back, my cat passed away about a year ago and I still miss him terribly. BE HOPEFUL!!!! Its all we have. Even now that I am pregnant I have to be hopeful that everything will go well and I will have a successful pregnancy and healthy baby.

Naomi- Have a great vacation, cant wait to hear about it when you get back!

Rachael- Congrats on the job and new car. Hope everything turns out the way you want it to.

Lindsay- Welcome and good luck and babydust to you!!

Sophie- I am sorry to hear of the news. But dont give up. Losing weight, and your OH stopping drinking and smoking could be the answer. Things might just click after that. Perhaps get a second opinion and see what another specialist might have to say about the situation?

Arlene- Have fun spilling the beans! Hope it goes well bringing kyle to nursery and getting back to work.

AFM- GLEE was good well 70% of it anyways. I cant wait for season two to come out on DVD I will be the first in line lol. I had a little emotional breakdown yesterday because well I used to live in Chicago where you could get just about any kind of GOOD italian food from ANYWHERE you wanted. Then I moved to Kentucky and I get even get italian beef and au jus at the grocery store. And then they didn't have the olives I wanted at the deli, and my DH got the vegetable juice instead of tomato juice and I just lost it. I know it was silly stuff to get upset about, but it seems like it doesn't take much to get me to cry or be upset lately. Eventually I calmed down and fixed myself lunch with the food he was able to buy. But I CANT wait for my trip to Chicago I am bringing cooler bags so that I can go shopping and bring my favorite foods home. I really hope the next few weeks fly by. This week I get to get a new phone so I have that to look forward to. Well I hope everyone has a nice week. Sorry for the ramble.
Woohoooo!! Congrats!! So happy for you!! Things really have went great for you lately then!! :happydance:

Symptoms please..? :lol:
None Arlene! Honestly! Just been extremely tired the last couple of days but I put that down to doing a lot of driving after not having a car for so long :wacko:
RACHEL, I was gearing up to say congrats on the new car, however, I see that I need to get my :happydance: on and say CONGRATS on a :bfp: I am sooo excited for you right now.... I hope I am to follow!!!

SHANA, YAY for your OPKs and your last day with CLomid, hoping you OV soon Hun!! :dust:

WENDY, Glad you got some cleaning donw. I agree with your hubby, I think this is your month Hun!!! Especially, with the weird feelings you are having, I think that is a "symptom" Let us know! I know how you feel to be scared to get your hopes up, I am there myself.... I am testing a little bit after you. :dust:

BABYGIRL, all the tasks that you are faced with, I am sorry to hear about, but they are not limiting you, they can all be increased or helped, they are all needed and can motivate you to the larger goal, bfp, GL :dust:

GREENS, welcome and good luck as you begin the egg chase to a bfp :wave: :dust:

ARLENE, GL, I hope that you did OV and are moving forward in the TWW! :dust:

MAVS, take PLENTY of bags!!! I looove olives! Enjoy that new phone! I hope your weeks fly by and you can get home for a visit soon.

AFM, I am 8DPO and getting more nervous. Not sure why, can only be attributed to the fact that I have had strong cramping for about 2-3 days and my right abdomen is achey... I don't remember AF that much, so I am not sure WHAT to think, onset or IB, or just Preg! FXD no site of AF today, and that I am one day closer to that :bfp:

I hope you all had a GREAT weekend! I am not sure if we were all able to hold out as next week gets closer, it is really early, but if you weren't any good news?

Sending out EXTRA :dust: to the thread as we start our week, the LAST week in the TWW!!! :dust: those that are starting the TWW and those that are beginning TTC and those testing!!!
Congrats Rachel!

AFM - AF is due tomorrow, and I got a BFN today. I may have also ovulated a couple days late. So I guess I'll wait till it shows, and if it doesn't by Friday, take another test. I just don't feel it this time, but I'm praying for the best.
wow congrats rachel!!!

I cant wait to join you. I am now officially waiting to ovulate, bc I took my last pill yesterday. just I am kinda hoping I ovulate early , bc I normally do with clomid!!
I can not wait till I see even more :bfp: in here!! Lets go get that eggy girls!! woohoo!!!
Evening all, hope everyone's well. I'm good, just been so busy at work and am shattered again. Didn't sleep well last night so hopefully I will sleep better tonight. Temp is still nice and high so hoping it continues! x

Adrienne I hope your surgery went well hun :hugs: I'm so glad you're going to rest afterwards. I think that trip would be far too soon for you. Take it easy x

Lindsay Ah yes, we all know how much the pill can muck up our cycles! I've decided that once i've had my 1st child i'm not going back on it, i'll just be careful. That way I wont have to go through the same hassle as last time with coming off the pill for my 2nd child. Hopefully your cycle will return to normal quickly :flower: x

Shana Yey for the faint OPK's! Looks like ovulation is looming! x

Arlene Aww I can imagine how upsetting it must have been seeing Kyle go off to nursery. They grow up so quickly! It just tugs at the heartstrings. Hope your work wasn't too bad for you x

Carly Glad you enjoyed Glee! Aww don't worry about getting upset. Heck we all do it! I sometimes cry when I spill something :haha: Us women and our emotions! x

Rachael OH MY FRICKING GOD!!! :happydance: :wohoo: :dance: Congratulations hun!! I was not expecting to read that today but I am so so happy for you! :cloud9: Everything is just coming together perfectly for you. They do say good luck comes in 3's! I really hope i've done it this month now cause if I have I will be due 1 day after you! x

Maia Wow your temps have gone crazy the last day or two :haha: I take it you will be testing next week? Or this weekend? Got everything crossed for you hun, I so hope you've done it :flower: x

Amy Good luck for your next test hun, I'm so hoping the horrible witch stays away for you :hugs: Keep your chin up x
Wendy your chart is looking good, FX'd for you to join me!

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