The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

oh yer I remember now! lol. Well were planning on going next week insted, so just before xmas it'll be, hopefully DH will be over his man-flu by then xx
Aww thats good... be a nice christmas pressie :) (if you get results bk 4 chrimbo)
How long does it take you to get there?
Are you watching Xfactor Cher has gone yayyyyyyyy! MrsEssex will be pleased lol xx
oh poo!! not that she's gone...good. I'm taping it and started watching it about half 7 so I;m about half hour behind. :dohh: (its paused at the min DH is on the phone so I've jumped on here while I'm waiting) I'm so pleased, didnt like her one bit, she did my head right in!!! dont get me started!!

Anyway, SA, yes I think they call the next day to say what the results are so that'll be good.I'm about 50mins away from th clinic which isnt too bad!!xx
Yay for the wonky mouthed twat going :dance:

Matt to win!!!!

Ahhhhh glad both your SA's are in the pipeline :) something to look forward too
Sarah, you must be ovulating about now if memory serves me right! Haha you :sex: 'ing ? Lol

V you can't be far off either xx

Well today ive started painting our bedroom ( White choc & plum) got dark wood flooring coming Thursday it's gonna look ACE! But omg I'm knackered!!!!! You'd think I'd run a marathon :rofl: so unfit it's scary :haha: had to lie down after :blush: ( getting old)

Hope everyones enjoying their weekends :)

We :sex: yesterday morning think 4 times this week in all so should have it covered lol dunno when O though so it's anyones guess :shrug: :haha:
Yay for the wonky mouthed twat going :dance:

Matt to win!!!!

Ahhhhh glad both your SA's are in the pipeline :) something to look forward too
Sarah, you must be ovulating about now if memory serves me right! Haha you :sex: 'ing ? Lol

V you can't be far off either xx

Well today ive started painting our bedroom ( White choc & plum) got dark wood flooring coming Thursday it's gonna look ACE! But omg I'm knackered!!!!! You'd think I'd run a marathon :rofl: so unfit it's scary :haha: had to lie down after :blush: ( getting old)

Hope everyones enjoying their weekends :)

We :sex: yesterday morning think 4 times this week in all so should have it covered lol dunno when O though so it's anyones guess :shrug: :haha:

mrsessex: Owwww so your :sex: is like a lucky dip:haha::haha: hope u gave him a day of rest :rofl:
your bedroom sounds lovely!!!
have u always had wooden flooring in ur bedroom? if so is it cold feeling? We have been thinking about going wooden in the bedroom hmmmm??:wacko:

we did ours 2mths ago i hate decorating we went pink n black:thumbup:
im cd7 today so O in about 8 days but still :sex: ing :haha: think im actually infront of V this cycle:shrug:

Yes were having a lovely weekend so far :) plus no homework for kids this week woooo hoooo:happydance: which meaans more time for fun, Wii & family movie on 5 :)

Oww and ladies i have sky+ being fitted on WED wooooo hoooo

I want REBECCA to win
Kids get too much homework in my opinion. They got plenty of time to start all that. My boy goes up to year 7 in September and the stuff he gets now is ridiculous !!!!!! Proper essay type homework- nope don't agree with it never have and never will.

Loads of :sex: for you too then Sarah :winkwink: it's all good! Your getting hubbys juices flowing and pushing through the good sperm :dance:

Wood flooring is slightly cold underfoot yes but only like it is down stairs :) all our rooms have wood floor, our room was the last to get done. I hate carpet!
Kids get too much homework in my opinion. They got plenty of time to start all that. My boy goes up to year 7 in September and the stuff he gets now is ridiculous !!!!!! Proper essay type homework- nope don't agree with it never have and never will.

Loads of :sex: for you too then Sarah :winkwink: it's all good! Your getting hubbys juices flowing and pushing through the good sperm :dance:

Wood flooring is slightly cold underfoot yes but only like it is down stairs :) all our rooms have wood floor, our room was the last to get done. I hate carpet!

LOL @Your getting hubbys juices flowing and pushing through the good sperm love ur way of words :haha:

but yep they are definatly flowing :haha::haha::haha::haha:

hmmm may ask hubby nicely after xmas then would finish the room off nice, we have it all downstairs but all carpet upstairs and ours is a oatmeal colour which dont really go with the room now.

You'll have to get some pics up after you've finished your room :thumbup:

oh and ur right about homework... far to much my son is in yr3 and it goes over my head sometimes & my daughter is in yr1 and has loads too...
plus reading for both of them & spellings for my son and a new one timestables !! poor things, i never had any homework until middle school so bout 9yrs old
it costs a fortune to with projects buying bits n bobs and books for projects £££££ all the time at their school :shrug:
Sarah! Your so right about the expense!!!!! All I seem to do is put money for one thing or another into envelopes!!!! Costs a bloody fortune!! Lucky I work I tell ya!! Both mine got clubs after school and thats fine I dont mind paying for that, but take this week fir example, they both went theatre £10 each child with the school, clubs on top, school dinners (1.95 each child) don't get me wrong don't begrudge my boys a penny, but I do wonder how some parents cope????

Yes I'll def take a pic next week when it's all done! Lovely itll be :) :)

Still nor got our tree yet :blush: was gonna get it today but was sooooooo tired I couldn't! So will get it tomorrow only buy real ones so cheap and the bin men take it away :D needles don't drop either and the smell is divine!

You all decorated??
Glad its not just me then lol i thought i was tight lol...
mine have £2.00 a day each hot dinners..
milk money beginning of each term £5.00 each
£2.50 to see santa,
plus donations to school fair,
£3.00 school trip,
£3.00 each present money thats just one week :shrug:
i think itsthe dearest part of having kids ... STARTING SCHOOL!!!!! lol..

oww luck forward to the piccys (so nosey)

yes im all decorated ive gotta artificial tree (which is looking rather sad this year.. Gonna look for a new one in the sales)
ive never had a real one dh likes them, so may have one, one year :)
Got a snowman light up in window, kids have a mini tree in their room & thats about it...
done all my wrapping, wrote the cards etc just need to sort the food shopping out :)

Are you all done or christmas ?
Awww your Xmas decs sound lovely :) :) I like your kids own trees awwww

Well we have a door wreath up, NOEL letters from Next and card hanger that's all! Very slack this year! Will do it all tomorrow let the boys do some baubles ( they'll make a pigs ear :haha: but that's all part of the fun haha

No ya not being tight bout school expense at all!

Na nights for me Im done!

Sleep tight :hugs:
:wave: Morning!! :wave:

looks like I missed out last night, mind you not that I could talk about how much school is etc lol.

MRSESSEX- Your bedroom sounds fab, so nice I could eat it.....mind you, probably wouldnt want to put it in my mouth,knowing whats been going on in there this week!! lol :haha: I have wood flooring too in my bedroom and It's alright. The only thing I would say, is that you get huge dust bunnys under your bed!!! With carpet, I used to hoover under the bed when I remembered :blush: but now I have to do it at least once a week coz any sudden draft, I have dust bunnies flying all over the room! Grose!! lol
DH is a painter/Decorator but saying that, any painting done at home is done by me, always the way though isnt it? lol.

Sarah- Yer you are one day ahead of me this cycle, but you'll OV about a week earlier. I seem to have 5week cycles :dohh: so I have to wait even's such a killer!!! I'm due to Ov Xmas day. Just married is due to test around then too so it could be a merry xmas for all of us!! :winkwink:

Matt or Rebecca to win, but if Matt loses, can I console him, I love him, I want him so much!!! :blush: xxx

DH managed to get decs down from loft yesterday so I've got the odd bit dotted about. but he reckons he's going to put the rest of them up today. We got the lights to go up outside (we live in a bungalow so it's quite easy) and have to get the tree today hopefully. He wants to put it in a different place (he knows he isnt going to get his way on this one!) but we have a bay window and it has to go in the bay window!! It makes sense and it always looks so beautiful xxx

Enjoy the rest of your weekend girlies!!! xxx
:wave: Morning!! :wave:

looks like I missed out last night, mind you not that I could talk about how much school is etc lol.

MRSESSEX- Your bedroom sounds fab, so nice I could eat it.....mind you, probably wouldnt want to put it in my mouth,knowing whats been going on in there this week!! lol :haha: I have wood flooring too in my bedroom and It's alright. The only thing I would say, is that you get huge dust bunnys under your bed!!! With carpet, I used to hoover under the bed when I remembered :blush: but now I have to do it at least once a week coz any sudden draft, I have dust bunnies flying all over the room! Grose!! lol
DH is a painter/Decorator but saying that, any painting done at home is done by me, always the way though isnt it? lol.

Sarah- Yer you are one day ahead of me this cycle, but you'll OV about a week earlier. I seem to have 5week cycles :dohh: so I have to wait even's such a killer!!! I'm due to Ov Xmas day. Just married is due to test around then too so it could be a merry xmas for all of us!! :winkwink:

Matt or Rebecca to win, but if Matt loses, can I console him, I love him, I want him so much!!! :blush: xxx

DH managed to get decs down from loft yesterday so I've got the odd bit dotted about. but he reckons he's going to put the rest of them up today. We got the lights to go up outside (we live in a bungalow so it's quite easy) and have to get the tree today hopefully. He wants to put it in a different place (he knows he isnt going to get his way on this one!) but we have a bay window and it has to go in the bay window!! It makes sense and it always looks so beautiful xxx

Enjoy the rest of your weekend girlies!!! xxx

Yes dust bunnies lol we get them especially with the dog (grrr)
Funny you said tat about eating MrsEssex's room cos that was my intial thought mm yum!! lol lol

Glad your getting your decorating done bit by bit!

im due to O'v around the 17th i think:thumbup: cant get on FF today thugh GRRR????

Right off to Tesco now.. bet its packed aswell x see u later girlies x
I just went onto FF, it says 'come back soon' ?? :shrug: it was alright when I went on at about 10am, what you done to it Sarah??? lol xx good luck in Tesco's, it's going to be manic!! xx
I just went onto FF, it says 'come back soon' ?? :shrug: it was alright when I went on at about 10am, what you done to it Sarah??? lol xx good luck in Tesco's, it's going to be manic!! xx

Lol i was only trying to enter my temp before i forgot it :haha:

It wasn't me honest :shrug::dohh: It is working now:happydance::happydance:
my vip membership is up in 6 days on FF, are u a paid member or just use it without??

Tesco's wasnt to bad actually, Kids hate going shopping though, but were impressed that i had £6.00 of cheese strings vouchers for them to spend :haha: (had a packet of air in one and got good will vouchers)

My daughter is looking forward to the snow white film coming on tv in a bit so house is calm at the mo..

Having our roast for Tea today x

Hows everyone elses Sunday x
Just breaking inbetween painting...just the chimney breast to put a second coat on then im all done :thumbup:

Got Wednesday off work my mate is coming round and we're doing skirtings (shit job) and doors & window in white...more shit jobs but gotta be done! all ready for the floor on Thursday

I need to win the lottery.... I dont want much...just enough to pay off the mortgage :haha: then i'd be happy. Just looked at my bank account and it looks really sad :rofl: this time of year is NEVER good!
Bank account....I darn't even look at mine :shock: very scary, although I get my student loan money early jan, so a nice trip shopping in the jan sales will do just nicely.....need a tumbledryer xx

I pay for membership on FF and mine is up in 19 days so just as I'm about to Ov... :dohh: so I'll renew, maybe just for the month as I'd like to hopethat each month I'm on it, will be my last month TTC......Now thats PMA :thumbup: :haha: xx

We just rented Inception off Box Office (leo dicaprio film) wow it was weird, good film though, just not what I was expecting on a sunday afternoon, my minds all over the show now!! :wacko: lol

DH just cooking dinner, the first meal I've had since last Sat so am more than ready for it!!! My skinny jeans are now baggy jeans!! (not that I'm complaining!!):haha: xx
painting the skirtings owwww nasty job i hate doing that... Its dh job :haha:
Just think how nice it will look afterwards :)

Owww Bank Balances not good this time of year :(

Waiting till after xmas to book our hol and butlins have sent us a xmas £50.00 off gift wooo hoooo.. We went last year and kids loved it..

DH has just bought me 2 scratchcards from the shop so you never know, i'll scratch them in a min fx :haha:

Were just watching Elf :haha: so funny!!

Roll on Wed when we have Sky fitted Woop woop x

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