The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Sarah, how did you get on today? Hope it went ok :hugs: xxx

Evening Ladies had a busy day today..

My Lil Munch Man was really poorly this morning had a temp of 39.4 so i was worried about him:nope: but after id given him some nurofen it slowly came down.

Managed to get in with the dr's with him to poor lil thing got tonsilitus, then i had my appointment (they must think were right sick notes lol)
My bloods came back perfect, so no thyroid or anemia.. had another ECG that was fine too,.
She seems to think the tissues around my chest/armpit could be inflammed due to virus or strain/pulling and to take some ibropufen to ease the pain.
She reasured me my heart is ok and that the prolapse is tiny and im probably being "over" investigated, so that makes me feel better.

My Princess had her nativity today (well i saw her Tuesday) nanny went to see her this afternoon and we had to take her back to school at 4.30pm for another show... She was so tired tonight fell asleep watching beethoven.

Well we can offically start :sex: again wooow hoooo must say though even if i could of the last week we've both been falling asleep watchng tv downstairs (we must be getting old):haha:

Realllllllly Brooooooooody at the mo and everywhere i look i see a pregnant lady or lil baba's:baby:.... i DONT do waiting:haha: (im such a spoilt brat :haha:)

MrsEssex i can see where you are coming from in a way cos i found OPK's stressfull getting 3 pos' and then a neg then a pos again????:dohh:
but as im not as regular i think i need to temp & chart to get a average..

V glad your feeling a little better.. try not to do to much to soon, You need plenty of REST!!! as my mum says,.. listen to your body xx
Sarah! SO glad everything is ok! phew!!! bet your soooo relieved!!!

Its brilliant news :hugs: and yes you can now start ttc'ing again :dance: loads of :sex:

Mine are past the nativity stage now :cry: cant wait to do it all over again with new :baby: Used to love all the Christmas Nativities :) glad you enjoyed your babies this week :flower:

Yes opk's are a headache to me...i dont do extra stress well as have SO much of it with my daytime job! so once im home i completely 100% switich off ....from life :haha: my head NEEDS a opk/temping wasnt cutting it for me :wacko:

I can see why some ladies like yourself use it though if cycles are a bit screwy xx
Feeling a bit crappy tonight, fed up of people being grumpy, it's making me feel grumpy too!
Well ladies, the :witch: got me yesterday afternoon well i was at work....:cry:

It's on to the next cycle for me!!!!:wacko:

Good luck and baby dust to you ladies still in the running for a :bfp: this month!! :dust::dust::dust:
Sarah, how did you get on today? Hope it went ok :hugs: xxx

Evening Ladies had a busy day today..

My Lil Munch Man was really poorly this morning had a temp of 39.4 so i was worried about him:nope: but after id given him some nurofen it slowly came down.

Managed to get in with the dr's with him to poor lil thing got tonsilitus, then i had my appointment (they must think were right sick notes lol)
My bloods came back perfect, so no thyroid or anemia.. had another ECG that was fine too,.
She seems to think the tissues around my chest/armpit could be inflammed due to virus or strain/pulling and to take some ibropufen to ease the pain.
She reasured me my heart is ok and that the prolapse is tiny and im probably being "over" investigated, so that makes me feel better.

My Princess had her nativity today (well i saw her Tuesday) nanny went to see her this afternoon and we had to take her back to school at 4.30pm for another show... She was so tired tonight fell asleep watching beethoven.

Well we can offically start :sex: again wooow hoooo must say though even if i could of the last week we've both been falling asleep watchng tv downstairs (we must be getting old):haha:

Realllllllly Brooooooooody at the mo and everywhere i look i see a pregnant lady or lil baba's:baby:.... i DONT do waiting:haha: (im such a spoilt brat :haha:)

MrsEssex i can see where you are coming from in a way cos i found OPK's stressfull getting 3 pos' and then a neg then a pos again????:dohh:
but as im not as regular i think i need to temp & chart to get a average..

V glad your feeling a little better.. try not to do to much to soon, You need plenty of REST!!! as my mum says,.. listen to your body xx

Hey thats a relief!! Phew! You must be so relieved!! Thats great news for you! :thumbup:

Aww nativity plays.....With working in a school with the little one's since I was 17, it's something I look forward to each year and that feeling of being proud always comes over me and I couldnt be more proud of them all if they were my own......but what I'd do to be sat in the audience one year... I can't wait to be a mummy. So like you Sarah, I'm soooooo broody at the mo and I'm also very impatient, but knowing that it'll happen one day is quite reassuring (god I hope the SA results will be ok) lol.

Yes girls it is a huggggggggge relief.. thank u for your kind words:flower:

my mind starts to wonder off.. "what if its this? that? or the other? lol", but im trying to relax and chill a bit now..

V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Mrsessex i know what you mean as my lad is only 7 and he doesn't do a nativity or play at all!:nope: He goes to church carole singing which is next week :)
My Girlie is only 5 (going on 15 mind you :haha: ) and she sang & danced her lil heart out all 3 shows. Gives me that lump in my throat everytime.

I used to love christmas time at school... all the fun stuff!!
She is seeing Father Christmas today at school, so im sure she'll be chuffed with her photo & pressie:happydance:
Its the school fair at 3pm to so that'll be fun:haha::haha:
Be like the Harrods sale on the bottle tombola :rofl::haha: and i'll prob win the bottle of ketchup :haha:

On the TTC subject think im going to stick to the temping i now where i am with that and it worked with my lil girlie so :thumbup:
I guess with TTC there are so many methods that are suited to different sorts of people, situations etc. No two people are the same therefore no two methods and results can be the same either. :shrug: I think I'll carry on temping too, I havn't had a cycle yet that hasnt had an abnormality becasue of illness so 3rd time lucky maybe! :thumbup: xx
Feeling a bit crappy tonight, fed up of people being grumpy, it's making me feel grumpy too!

Hey hun, sorry people are making you feel grumpy.....Hope you feel abit better for being on here. We're always here if you want to unload and have a moan! xx
V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Thanks hun, we might not be able to go Mon now :nope:. I've been so poorly all week and havn't been able to BD this week obviously and DH said he last did it last Friday (it was after then he noticed the tenderness and bruising). Anyway, now DH is feeling pretty rough and although he may feel alright by Monday, he needs to 'empty' himself today at the latest in prep for Monday. I mean, we were told a week, but decided 3days would be better anyway, if he doesnt do it today then it would have been 10days by the time monday comes so I duno..... Will just have to see hoe he feels when he gets home from work xx
V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Thanks hun, we might not be able to go Mon now :nope:. I've been so poorly all week and havn't been able to BD this week obviously and DH said he last did it last Friday (it was after then he noticed the tenderness and bruising). Anyway, now DH is feeling pretty rough and although he may feel alright by Monday, he needs to 'empty' himself today at the latest in prep for Monday. I mean, we were told a week, but decided 3days would be better anyway, if he doesnt do it today then it would have been 10days by the time monday comes so I duno..... Will just have to see hoe he feels when he gets home from work xx

I just wanted to say I feel for you what with illness getting in the way. It's horrible, we've been feeling really rough as well, not helped by transport being a nightmare at the mo, I'd hoped OH would be able to do his sample this week but the hospital that does it is a pain to get to in normal circumstances, impossible with the snow!

I did think a week's quite long, 3 days sounds more like what ourselves and others seem to have been advised. I really hope you are both feeling better for Monday. Best of luck x
Thanks, well it seems its definitly out now. :nope: DH came home from work, came in to the room, said 'give us a kiss babe' (aww bless him) then said 'i'm going to bed' so the poor thing must be feeling dreadful to have to come home early and go straight to bed. I darnt ask him if he feels like having a 'play', so think we'll have to postpone Monday. Hadn't thought about the weather affecting things, you have it really bad up there aswell dont you? Hope you get it sorted soon, FX. xx
Thanks, well it seems its definitly out now. :nope: DH came home from work, came in to the room, said 'give us a kiss babe' (aww bless him) then said 'i'm going to bed' so the poor thing must be feeling dreadful to have to come home early and go straight to bed. I darnt ask him if he feels like having a 'play', so think we'll have to postpone Monday. Hadn't thought about the weather affecting things, you have it really bad up there aswell dont you? Hope you get it sorted soon, FX. xx

Listen,...dont feel too down

Nothings changed in the way of your hubbys :spermy: so just carry on as normal :hugs: i know its shit that you cant go Monday (?) but your into cycle 3 now :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: and a fresh new cycle! Carry on tempin and who could have a New Years surprise xxxx
:hugs: thanks, and your right, nothing is going to happen to his :spermy: if we go monday or early next year :shrug: so its not such a bad thing. I think for the both of us to healthy is more important at the minute, nothing else can happen if we arn't well enough to do it, so that has to be priority for now xx
I guess with TTC there are so many methods that are suited to different sorts of people, situations etc. No two people are the same therefore no two methods and results can be the same either. :shrug: I think I'll carry on temping too, I havn't had a cycle yet that hasnt had an abnormality becasue of illness so 3rd time lucky maybe! :thumbup: xx

V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Thanks hun, we might not be able to go Mon now :nope:. I've been so poorly all week and havn't been able to BD this week obviously and DH said he last did it last Friday (it was after then he noticed the tenderness and bruising). Anyway, now DH is feeling pretty rough and although he may feel alright by Monday, he needs to 'empty' himself today at the latest in prep for Monday. I mean, we were told a week, but decided 3days would be better anyway, if he doesnt do it today then it would have been 10days by the time monday comes so I duno..... Will just have to see hoe he feels when he gets home from work xx

thats the same with me being ill *blahh* so im hoping 3rd time lucky too:happydance:

ive been reding about short lp and read that 100mg of b6 vit & agnus castus are great and actually work at lengthening lp and short cycles so i may give that a go as mine are on the short side:nope:

Dh has his SA in a few weeks so wait and see what the results are and then ill speak to my dr if no improvement on my lp's:thumbup:

Oh no you've been so excited bout ur results too:nope: maybe ur dh will feel fruity wen he gets home fx for you :thumbup:
Ive read LP over 10 or more is :thumbup: mine are not overly long :shrug:

I always think in life ..what will be will be and my fave saying

''whats meant for you...wont go past you'' :winkwink:

This ttc'ing lark will take as long as it takes...and all the will in the world wont make a difference except staying positive!

nope, he came home and went straight to bed. I've never known him to do that so he's obviously got or gettimg what I had...poor thing xx

how long is your LP then? I brought B6 vits for my last cycle but didnt take them, then found out I had a 12day LP so I was happy with that really. WhenI went to the docs after I thought I had a 7day LP (my first month when I was ill) he basically said that there isn't such a thing as a LP defect?? :shrug: but he can't be right. but yer B6 is the way to go apparently, there's alot on here about it, so hopefully you'll get a longer one xx
thanks V last cycle was 10dpo and the cycle before was 9dpo so give it a few more cycles then i'll speak to doc.. it may right its self with those vits so we'll see x
Yes girls it is a huggggggggge relief.. thank u for your kind words:flower:

my mind starts to wonder off.. "what if its this? that? or the other? lol", but im trying to relax and chill a bit now..

V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Mrsessex i know what you mean as my lad is only 7 and he doesn't do a nativity or play at all!:nope: He goes to church carole singing which is next week :)
My Girlie is only 5 (going on 15 mind you :haha: ) and she sang & danced her lil heart out all 3 shows. Gives me that lump in my throat everytime.

I used to love christmas time at school... all the fun stuff!!
She is seeing Father Christmas today at school, so im sure she'll be chuffed with her photo & pressie:happydance:
Its the school fair at 3pm to so that'll be fun:haha::haha:
Be like the Harrods sale on the bottle tombola :rofl::haha: and i'll prob win the bottle of ketchup :haha:

On the TTC subject think im going to stick to the temping i now where i am with that and it worked with my lil girlie so :thumbup:

ha ha yes my dh was only 33% normal witha high level of anti sperm/ anti bodies. i'm pleased you got the all clear. V i hope you and your dh are feeling better soon :dust::dust::dust: for all of you
Yes girls it is a huggggggggge relief.. thank u for your kind words:flower:

my mind starts to wonder off.. "what if its this? that? or the other? lol", but im trying to relax and chill a bit now..

V ive got a good feeling about your SA results :thumbup: anyhow even if they are not above the "average" Reversal has just got her :bfp: and im sure i read her DH had not so normal :spermy: ??

Mrsessex i know what you mean as my lad is only 7 and he doesn't do a nativity or play at all!:nope: He goes to church carole singing which is next week :)
My Girlie is only 5 (going on 15 mind you :haha: ) and she sang & danced her lil heart out all 3 shows. Gives me that lump in my throat everytime.

I used to love christmas time at school... all the fun stuff!!
She is seeing Father Christmas today at school, so im sure she'll be chuffed with her photo & pressie:happydance:
Its the school fair at 3pm to so that'll be fun:haha::haha:
Be like the Harrods sale on the bottle tombola :rofl::haha: and i'll prob win the bottle of ketchup :haha:

On the TTC subject think im going to stick to the temping i now where i am with that and it worked with my lil girlie so :thumbup:

ha ha yes my dh was only 33% normal witha high level of anti sperm/ anti bodies. i'm pleased you got the all clear. V i hope you and your dh are feeling better soon :dust::dust::dust: for all of you

thank you:flower:
I had to look at your :bfp:post and see how you worded it :blush::haha:

& V looks like we'll be getting our SA results together-ish too :)

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