Sounds just like us!! He only really wore his short sleeved rompers on holiday, the rest of his clothes ended up sitting in his case the whole time. It was too hot for lots of clothes. It was great thanks, was surprisingly relaxing as Alfie fed and napped really well
better than he does at home!
We did yoga when Alfie was younger I loved it but it was only a 6 week course
we also did massage but again that was a short course. Now we just go to a stay and play sort of session on Fridays, but I have met some really nice people at groups so we arrange our own stuff - like picnics, walks, cafe lunches, play dates etc. I am glad I had a baby in the spring so we have had all summer to make friends! Yes I know exactly what you mean. I still have my friends from before but they don't seem to make as much of an effort now. To be fair though I am just as guilty of not making an effort. It is just easier meeting up with people with babies/kids! I still enjoy seeing my friends from before... It is just less often. A few of them I still see lots though
I often find that people invite me to things that are completely unrealistic - well they did, they have stopped sending the invites now lol. Especially when you are breastfeeding, you can't just leave the baby with their dad in the evening! I think they found it hard to understand that even when Alfie is asleep, I can't really go out as he often wakes for a bit more milk! Imagine if I wasn't there for him.
I think that although you lose friends or lose touch with people wen you have a baby, you make new ones - and in fact most of my mums friends are people she met after I was born. So I guess everyone goes through it! As they grow up and go to more toddler groups etc we will hopefully get to know even more mums