dear OH- Please do not complain about being tired, when you haven't seen me or LO since thursday afternoon. You have had at least 8 hours sleep a day, where as I have been with our screaming baby 24 hours a day!!
MIL- yes,you've "quit smoking" but this is about the 12th time this year, so excuse me for not congratulating you. Just know that if you EVER smoke around LO, I will kill you!! And no, opening the window in your car whilst you smoke does not make it ok!!
And, do not complain about not seeing LO as much as my mum. My mum sees her more because she makes the effort. She doesn't drive, yet she has been to visit 6 times since LO was born. You drive, and live closer, and you have been here once. I tell you when I'll be at my mums, as she lives 45 minutes from you, and you have been down once. This week, you were supposed to visit on the sunday, yet we surprised you on the thursday, which meant you decided it wasn't worth your time coming to see her sunday!! Make the effort!!!

And, if you ever say to my mum "let me have a cuddle, because you always see her" ever again I will tell you exactly why my mum sees her more often! Because you can't be bothered, and would rather go to your cult like church!!
It worries me that you're supposed to be looking after her for 2 nights in October. She isn't going to have a clue who you are!! And as for trying to put her in size 4 nappies! We still have to overlap the tabs on size ones!!
SIL- I love you, and I love all the pictures you take of LO with your amazing fancy camera, but we don't put pictures of LO on facebook, so please don't upload yours. Especially one of her in the bath!
LO- Please don't be teething already

I know I had my first tooth at 3 months, but I really hope you have a while yet

I wish there was something I could do, because it's obviously hurting you