I have gossip from work. It's of no interest to you guys but I need to write it down cos I'm in shock!
One of the girls from work is really not nice, she's rude, opinionated and has spilt the department in half. She literally cannot be nice if she tiried.
Anyway. She's getting married on sat, loads from work were going and she came in today and had to tell everyone it was off!!
She was apparently sitting last night with him and his mobile went off, he answered it and she could overhear some girl shouting "if you won't tell her, I will!" turns out while he's been away working on the rigs he's been with a girl he works with!

I dunno if it was a long term affair or anything, but she's called it off and told everyone.
Now, I don't like her, but my god, you wouldn't wish that on anyone! And I'm glad she's had the guts to tell him to shove it. I dunno what I would have done in her place, 5 days before my wedding!
But she'll lose so much money, and the honeymoon, etc.
Looks like the karma bus ran her over!