All sounds good starlit! Good luck!
I still have cramps and its the next day

the bleeding only lasted a few hours tho which is good for me.
The thing I can't stop thinking about is we were chatting away all through it (I think she was trying to keep me calm. *Tmi* when she put the speculum in she had a look up there and stopped chatting for a bit and said "I'll just give it an extra thorough scraping" then after she'd done that set of chatting again. I'm now being horribly paranoid that she saw something bad, I know she probably didn't and was just concentratin on doing her job but its still freaked me out a bit. Three weeks to wait for the results.
Also discussed a little was my weight and af, the nurse thinks there's definitely a connection between my size, the sheer speed I've gained weight (I'm about two stone heavier than the day before I have birth and I gained four stone while I was pregnant) and af getting more and more irregular, if I keep up the weight gain apparently af will stop completely (nice thought for a second lol) that also means I'd be basically forcing my body to become infertile, af and making babies is what makes me a woman if I lose both of those I'm just a fat androgynous lump.
Dh won't let me diet till after Christmas tho, too many meals out etc and don't want the stress of "ooh I shouldn't eat that" on top of being the first Christmas without fil.
For the first time in my life I'm actually scared that my health will fail and I'll leave Flynn without a mother.