My great Grannie died today

She was taken into hospital yesterday, as we were told she was full of infection, so we could either leave her in her nursing home and wait for her to die, or they could take her in, give her antibiotics and hope for the best. They put a DNR on her, because she was 90, and this morning she stopped breathing

I'm going down to Bournemouth tomorrow to be with my family, so we can start arranging the funeral etc. I can't believe it's actually happened. It just felt like she was always going to be there
Now I don't really have any grandparents. I have a Grandad on my mums side, but he isn't really bothered about us, and just wants to die, so he can be with his Wife, who died 3 years ago. He had a brain infection (encephalitus (sp)) and hasn't been the same since. He hasn't even held Evie, just says "no thanks" when we offer.
The other thing I have to worry about is, what am I going to do with Evie while the funeral is on?? Because everyone in our family, who could normally look after her, will be at the funeral with us. And as much as I like them (most of the time!) I don't want OH's parents looking after her when I'm not there. Would you take a 6month old baby to their Great, Great Grannies funeral? My Grannie absolutely adored her.
Makes me sad that I'd just wrapped her xmas pressies last night, had a special picture of LO for her, and some posh sweets from her favourite shop. Now I have no idea what to do with them

Seeing them under the tree, with their tags written out is making me really sad