Congrats Emmy!! Hope all is well with the Baby, and that Mum is recovering well
OH- I think you need to realise that you may just have to be ordinary. I know it's exciting that you've got an interview, for a job at Casualty, but, I don't think it's going to be very well paid, and I don't think it's going to be very reliable. When am I supposed to work, and how am I supposed to work, if the chance is that they'll call you and want you to work the next day!! We have a baby, and I can't afford not to work.
on the other hand
Mr Moses (my OH's potential new boss) Please give my OH a trial, and ask him to be available during Feb. Because he told me today, that if he needs to be available, we won't be going to Italy for a month. Call me ungrateful, but I don't want to go!!
Especially as he's now said, if we don't go, the money we were going to spend on the house and travel etc, we can go to FLORIDA!!!