Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

rosa & ready, when are you testing? i cant wait for your bfps!!!!!!!!
rosa & ready, when are you testing? i cant wait for your bfps!!!!!!!!

Thanks! We are also really looking forward to those bfps. :haha:
I think I'll test on Thursday, unless AF shows. I THINK I'm 14 dpo today, but I really can't be sure. I got a +opk, and I think that's my o date, but who knows. My temps were all messed up.
So the cramps are SO mild, if I weren't ttc, I probably wouldn't even notice them. But they're there. I hope they don't get worse. :cry:
Rosa, cramps can be a good sign too...try to think of them as a non-sign. They don't give you much information either way! Stay away, bad :witch:

I will test tomorrow @ 15dpo, but only if my temp has not dropped. EEEK. So nervous.
You're right, Ready. Women get cramps with bfps all the time. They're so hard to ignore! But like I said, they're hardly what I'd call "cramps" very mild. More like I'm aware of the area more than usual. A "pressure." Wow. I've analyzed the crap out of these non-cramps, haven't I?! :rofl:

Thanks. :hugs:
TTC actively is all about analyzing the crap out of everything! No worries, you're normal! Now, how to make it through the next 24 hours...

Andrea, what's going on for you today?
Last week it wasn't so bad because I had my birthday party to look forward to, so all my thoughts were on that, and the high progesterone level! :happydance: I think my dh and I just have to plan something fun for this weekend. are you doing?
Where's hopeful? Anyone heard from her in a while? I hope she's okay.
You poor ladies!! Stupid possible symptoms. You guys make me all nervous for you testing lol. I remember a few days before my bfp I had some minor cramps that weren't really cramps buy more like pressure/I just worked my abs to death pain. Fingers crossed that proves to be the same for you. The biggest question any women has to answer: to test or not to test? Being a poas-aholic I believe in testing lol, but if it's bfn at first don't get too discouraged. It took me several bfns before finally getting a bfp so there is always hope.

Heather that is the most adorable bump ever!! I wish mine was that cute. I still have a slight b belly and it makes me feel more fat than pregnant. I wear a jacket constantly so it's hard to tell if I'm pregnant or just fat.

Ny we are so happy to see you back!! Glad you had a lovely vacation. Im sure everything is just perfect with your little bean. Maybe trying to guilt your doctor into doing a scan today since you are still spotting. Im sure it's nothing to worry about. If it hasn't gotten worse and you've seen a heartbeat your odds are very good. I had a heavy bleed and my little man hung in there tightly. You owe us pictures this time!!!
You poor ladies!! Stupid possible symptoms. You guys make me all nervous for you testing lol. I remember a few days before my bfp I had some minor cramps that weren't really cramps buy more like pressure/I just worked my abs to death pain. Fingers crossed that proves to be the same for you. The biggest question any women has to answer: to test or not to test? Being a poas-aholic I believe in testing lol, but if it's bfn at first don't get too discouraged. It took me several bfns before finally getting a bfp so there is always hope.

Thanks. I've heard of the "worked your abs" thing too much. It's not quite that. Just a little something that's drawing my attention to the area. A little burning maybe? Not quite cramps. Whatever it is, it's proving to be annoying because I CAN NOT STOP AGONIZING OVER IT! :hissy: heehee! I hope it's a little sticky bean!! How many dpo were you when you finally got your bfp?

Ny, let's see some pics!
Rosa I have cramps this afternoon too, the achey mild kind--I'll try to take my own advice!

Waiting waiting to hear from Ny & Andrea...
Hey girls-

Rosa and Ready- I wore a tampon for days before my bfp because I thought they were af cramps. Exactly like AF and pretty bad too. So, they could be different feeling, but if they do feel like af ones, its not always af i swear!
Funny you both are the same in your cycle, feeling the kinda the same, I couldnt be more anxious! I hope its yes for both of you but if not then you guys had fun together at least!

SO, went to the doc! Had high blood pressure because I was so nervous and had just barfed before it. Doc said if we hear no HB with our doppler you can havce a scan. So he looked, and looked, and looked for what seemed like eternity but then found it! Found mine first and the baby's was a lot faster! I broke down and bawled and made my tummy bouncy so he lost it then found it again as I tried to hold breath. He wasnt timing it just said "sounds about 160." So that kinda annoyed me but im sure he knows what he needs to look for. He said sounds good. So i got no scan:( boo, but got HB externally! YAYAY! I had not heard it yet so this was nice.

He doesn't know why I spot, said some just do. I said I want it gone, he said baby is fine, there's nothing much he can do about it. ALso said he doesnt believe the progesterone is really helping me or necessary or helps any woman but I forced another renewed prescription. He thinks im Kuku- as does OH a bit, but it makes me feel better to take it and I am further past my last MC now so I will keep taking it! Not sure what is wrong with me but im still scared. I kept asking if he is positive my baby is progressing and he said im fine. Hope he is right= doesnt need to see me for 6 weeks. Yikes. But I get a 11-12 week scan for genetic testing thing. Im nervous for that now. Sigh!
Love- with my daughter I felt fat foreeevvvver. I didnt have a bump til like 5 monhts. Now, I look like im 5 months and so embarrassed! I was kinda getting a belly before it though so now im just a chunk. Awesome. Think im losing a few lbs though too since im not liking food. I also puke each morning now after taking my prenatal. Thats a ton of fun. Its violent. Like super violent i cry and am loud and sound pretty much like death! How have you been feeling? Does energy come back for you now?
JUST TEST ALREADY ROSA AND READY! LOL! Im a bad influence! hahahaha
Hey girls-

Rosa and Ready- I wore a tampon for days before my bfp because I thought they were af cramps. Exactly like AF and pretty bad too. So, they could be different feeling, but if they do feel like af ones, its not always af i swear!
Funny you both are the same in your cycle, feeling the kinda the same, I couldnt be more anxious! I hope its yes for both of you but if not then you guys had fun together at least!

SO, went to the doc! Had high blood pressure because I was so nervous and had just barfed before it. Doc said if we hear no HB with our doppler you can havce a scan. So he looked, and looked, and looked for what seemed like eternity but then found it! Found mine first and the baby's was a lot faster! I broke down and bawled and made my tummy bouncy so he lost it then found it again as I tried to hold breath. He wasnt timing it just said "sounds about 160." So that kinda annoyed me but im sure he knows what he needs to look for. He said sounds good. So i got no scan:( boo, but got HB externally! YAYAY! I had not heard it yet so this was nice.

He doesn't know why I spot, said some just do. I said I want it gone, he said baby is fine, there's nothing much he can do about it. ALso said he doesnt believe the progesterone is really helping me or necessary or helps any woman but I forced another renewed prescription. He thinks im Kuku- as does OH a bit, but it makes me feel better to take it and I am further past my last MC now so I will keep taking it! Not sure what is wrong with me but im still scared. I kept asking if he is positive my baby is progressing and he said im fine. Hope he is right= doesnt need to see me for 6 weeks. Yikes. But I get a 11-12 week scan for genetic testing thing. Im nervous for that now. Sigh!
Love- with my daughter I felt fat foreeevvvver. I didnt have a bump til like 5 monhts. Now, I look like im 5 months and so embarrassed! I was kinda getting a belly before it though so now im just a chunk. Awesome. Think im losing a few lbs though too since im not liking food. I also puke each morning now after taking my prenatal. Thats a ton of fun. Its violent. Like super violent i cry and am loud and sound pretty much like death! How have you been feeling? Does energy come back for you now?

WIth kylar, i did the tampon thing too,for a couple days before i realized! i was spotting and just thought af was there!

Great news about the heartbeat! so happy for you! we all had faith baby bean was alright! i have a feeling you are going to have a boy! just a feeling! I always cried when i was barfing too, i hope it goes away for you hun, the first tri sucks so bad, i wouldnt go backwards in time at all! But there is an end in site! Hopefully by 10-12 weeks you should be feeling better, and its all worth it to make such a beautiful baby, but its hard to realize that with your head down the toilet! ;)
OMG seems like im just starting the pukes Kylar! I hope im not the kind who starts late and is sick the whole pregnancy! I hope its a boy, my OH is the only child on his side with his last name so would be nice to have a boy to carry on the name but certainly i'd love a little baby girl to dress in ruffles and fluffy dresses of pink again:)

Its usually my prenatals that make me barf so bad and my doc said I can just skip them. Im like WTH??? no way! Im just not comfortable with that, so I bough some plain folic acid ones, and then will do some Flinstone chewables and hope that I keep those down. He said its the Iron in prenatals that really gets the barfing going. Ick.
yes i also found a chewable prenatal that tastes like berries! they were much easier to handle ! then i switched to a new kind the dr gave me that has a waxy capsule so that i couldnt taste the vitamin like those big nasty kinds! but the flinstones and folic acid should work the same, but if u just wanna do one pill, look at walgreens or cvs they have the berry chewable prenatal!! ;)
Thank you ! I didnt even think of looking for a chewy prenatal. That may be better. For some reason in my head it grosses me out taking even just a folic acid pill. IDK why, i've developed this huge hatred for vitamins and they gross me out! blwewwch!
haha, i know! the smell of them is even bad! I just would open up the medicine cabinet and throw up or feel sick, some of it was in my head and some of it they really just smell awful!!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I didn't get my bfp till 19-21 dpo. Not entirely sure as I wasn't temping or using opks. It's looking like it was even longer than that as the scan I had at the hospital put me at 21 weeks instead of 20 like I thought. Though I really think that I just have slow rising hcg and that's why it took so long to show on a test. It's so deceiving how similar af symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are. You always think that you'll know when you're pregnant because you'll feel it but hah, what a joke that is. Sometimes it seems that the more pregnant you feel the less pregnant you really are and the more sure you are af is coming the longer she stays away. Go figure.

Ny, I'm going to come right out and say it: you are crazy lol. Forcing your doctor to give your progesterone lol silly woman. But if it makes you feel better than by all means have at it. I told you your little bean would be just fine, like you told me all those times when I was in a panic. You told me that because I had seen a heartbeat my odds were very good, the same goes for you. Some women do just spot through pregnancy. My sister bled rather heavily through several of her pregnancies and never mc'd, it's just how her body handled it. I think you should get yourself a doppler so that you can listen to your little bean any time you feel worried. I'll be honest, I'm still afraid of losing my button even though I feel him moving several times a day. While I was at the hospital he was wiggling about but I was terrified that the ultrasound tech was going to tell member had died and that the movement was all in my head. You have to try to relax though because all that worrying isn't good for you. Easier said than done, I know. Maybe try to get a sneak peak at your little bean at work to make you feel better. If you are sick in the mornings after you take your prenatal, maybe try taking it at night before bed with a snack. It may sit better that way, plus it's not helping your toilet any since it's not pregnant lol. Or you could try the gummy kind instead of a pill, maybe that would help? Hahaha more energy in second tri? Not for me. The bigger I get the more worn out I seem to be. Doesn't help that standing for 8 hours at work causes my feet and legs to swell up, talk about attractive. I definitely feel better than first tri, just not feeling that second tri pep everyone talks about.
Love- I am an "early gray hair" kind of gal. For sure. I just remember my MC and my spotting for weeks I wasnt that worried cuz was like, brown spotting is ok. And that led to MC so this spotting will drive me completely insane. It actually already is.
I can't take my prenatals at night because I have to take them separately from the progesterone which is at night. Did you get a doppler? Thats the first thing I said when we heard the HB with doppler today (and I stopped sobbing like a crazy woman)- "yay, now I can buy a doppler of my own." Doctor thought for my sake, that may be a good idea but if I ever cant hear it I dont even need a proper appointment to come in and stop by for them to listen for my HB. Think thats what i'll do, buy a doppler!

How much have you gained Love? A lot or not much? Do you have a good appetite or feel icky?

I haven't heard much from Hopeful or Brandys or Mrs in a while.....Star? How are you all?
Love, 19/20 dpo is not bad news, it's hopeful! That means if I don't get my bfp right away, there's always hope. That's awfully late, though! You must have been going crazy! Well, the cramps are getting worse, and yes I know not to read too much into them, because they still could be a good thing, but you know me! :wacko:

Ready, I could be persuaded into testing tomorrow...:blush:

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