Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Huge hugs today again Brandy :hugs: I really feel for you, its great that DH is there for you like the others said, it helps if you can talk about it with each other :hugs:

MY AF has finally finished so i am on to planning BD schedules....i am gonna BD lots between 1st and 10th April to hopefully cover the ovulation time. :flower:

Considering strips but i think they would make me even more paranoid if i wasn't sure if they were positive or not.
Well, I caved and tested. Bfn, just as I expected. :cry: At least now I know. I'm starting to think I'll never see that second line. :nope:
:hugs: Rosa... I'm sorry.

My temp was lower this morning, but still above coverline, so I compromised with myself and did an IC. I couldn't even pretend to have line eye. BFN for me as well :cry: I did not think I would feel so sad about it. I keep telling myself that I didn't REALLY think this was it, but it's not helping...I really feel low about ttc.
I started spotting over the weekend and went to the emergency room. They did a vaginal scan and said that they couldnt even detect the fetal pole. I went into my Dr on Monday and had another internal scan. He found the baby, but it was only measuring at 6wks and had no heartbeat. At 8wks I was measuring 8 +3 and had a hearbeat of 177 bpm, so it happened some time between then and now.

Brandy, again, I'm so very, very sorry. One thing I learned with my very early mc is that every week you are pregnant you get more & more attached...I can project how emotionally difficult it would be at 11 weeks. :( Thank goodness for your husband, and the eagerness you both feel to try again. I definitely see a perfect little baby in your future. :hugs:
Sorry about the bfn's:( that is no good at all. It will happen girls. I was ttc for 2 years with my mmc in there.
:hugs: Rosa... I'm sorry.

My temp was lower this morning, but still above coverline, so I compromised with myself and did an IC. I couldn't even pretend to have line eye. BFN for me as well :cry: I did not think I would feel so sad about it. I keep telling myself that I didn't REALLY think this was it, but it's not helping...I really feel low about ttc.

Thanks, Ready. :hugs: I couldn't even pretend to have line eye this morning either. I tilted it, squinted, the whole nine yards and nothing. I actually don't feel as sad as I thought I would, surprisingly enough...:wacko: I know the clomid worked, so why no bfp?! The stats say that something like 80% of women will ovulate with clomid, and of those 80%, the women who DO o have a 30% chance to conceive...gosh now I'm messing up my stats. Something like that. So I know it's still not a sure thing. Maybe next cycle. Or the cycle after. Next step is to get dh's :spermy: checked. That's on Monday. I'm really nervous for that. He's a perfectly healthy guy, no problems with the area in head tells me that he'll be fine.

I'm sorry you're feeling so down today. :hugs: I wish we lived closer so we could go out for coffee and cry together. :coffee: Or maybe some wine...:wine: I'm wanting to schedule a fun getaway weekend with my dh to get over my ttc sadness. :cry: You and I both know this is the worst part of the cycle. In a few days, we'll be back to hopeful again. Chin up, girl. :flower:
Sorry about the bfn's:( that is no good at all. It will happen girls. I was ttc for 2 years with my mmc in there.

Thanks, Ny. I hope I don't have to go through this for 2 years. :wacko: On to cycle 11, and that's hard enough. Hopefully clomid will work harder next cycle, and we'll actually catch the egg. :cry: I know it'll happen eventually, but it's so hard to go through this every cycle.
It is so hard. But we will never take advantage of that bfp and hopefully after that bfp, the next one is easy! Just keep on keeping on!
Thanks, Ready. :hugs: I couldn't even pretend to have line eye this morning either. I tilted it, squinted, the whole nine yards and nothing. I actually don't feel as sad as I thought I would, surprisingly enough...:wacko: I know the clomid worked, so why no bfp?! The stats say that something like 80% of women will ovulate with clomid, and of those 80%, the women who DO o have a 30% chance to conceive...gosh now I'm messing up my stats. Something like that. So I know it's still not a sure thing. Maybe next cycle. Or the cycle after. Next step is to get dh's :spermy: checked. That's on Monday. I'm really nervous for that. He's a perfectly healthy guy, no problems with the area in head tells me that he'll be fine.

I'm sorry you're feeling so down today. :hugs: I wish we lived closer so we could go out for coffee and cry together. :coffee: Or maybe some wine...:wine: I'm wanting to schedule a fun getaway weekend with my dh to get over my ttc sadness. :cry: You and I both know this is the worst part of the cycle. In a few days, we'll be back to hopeful again. Chin up, girl. :flower:

Thanks, hun, you're sweet... :hugs: I would love to go out for a drink... This IS the worst part of the cycle, but it will only get better. I'm probably getting hormonal, and that's contributing to things. You are so right about clomid--it gave you a nice strong ovulation, but the odds are still what they are. There is no guarantee of pregnancy in any cycle, actually the odds are challenging--that is why it will be such a miracle when it DOES happen! I am just certain that your DH's SA will be great next week! I should probably call my doc and see if there are any tests to do this month. Quick calendar check: I'll be out of town during my next O :( & this would surely be a Christmas baby, which I didn't really want. This may be more of a ntnp month for me. :shrug: Time will tell... Dee, wasn't it you that really wanted a Christmas baby? FX for you!

I think part of my problem is that my best friend from high school (I don't get to talk with her that much anymore) called last night and confided that she was pregnant...she hadn't told anyone yet. I'm so happy for her, but she's one of those "I didn't think it would happen so quickly" and "I'm freaked out, not excited" type of girls. If only to be in her shoes...
Thanks, hun, you're sweet... :hugs: I would love to go out for a drink... This IS the worst part of the cycle, but it will only get better. I'm probably getting hormonal, and that's contributing to things. You are so right about clomid--it gave you a nice strong ovulation, but the odds are still what they are. There is no guarantee of pregnancy in any cycle, actually the odds are challenging--that is why it will be such a miracle when it DOES happen! I am just certain that your DH's SA will be great next week! I should probably call my doc and see if there are any tests to do this month. Quick calendar check: I'll be out of town during my next O :( & this would surely be a Christmas baby, which I didn't really want. This may be more of a ntnp month for me. :shrug: Time will tell... Dee, wasn't it you that really wanted a Christmas baby? FX for you!

I think part of my problem is that my best friend from high school (I don't get to talk with her that much anymore) called last night and confided that she was pregnant...she hadn't told anyone yet. I'm so happy for her, but she's one of those "I didn't think it would happen so quickly" and "I'm freaked out, not excited" type of girls. If only to be in her shoes...

Ugh. It's so hard when friends call with that news. Especially when they were barely trying. :wacko: Does she know that you've been ttc for a while?

At this point, I honestly don't even care if it's a Christmas baby. I talked to my dh about it a while ago, and we both decided to keep ttc as normal. We could celebrate the half birthday, and make a big deal about it. However, his mom's birthday is the 27th of december, and I know she doesn't really care for a Christmas birthday... You'll be out of town without your dh around O? That sucks. It might have to be a ntnp for you. :hugs: This sucks.
This totally sucks. Yes, I'll be flying back to MN :)hi: Ny) to celebrate my mom's 70th bday. It's a short trip, but I'd be gone the day before & day of O, unless my cycle changes. I guess I worry less about the Christmas baby the longer we try, but it's still not what I would choose. If it happens for you guys, you will certainly find a solution to make the bday stand out! This is also my month for ARUBA, so once I stop being depressed, I can look forward to that. :) I don't think it's the right month to go begging for clomid, but I think the cycle after I may start feeling desperate.

My friend now knows that we've been trying for awhile...but she doesn't get it. She truly didn't know anything about ovulation; I had to TELL her how far along she was. It just happened...I always wished that was how I would get pregnant. That ttc would be fun...I guess it was, the first few months... Now it just feels like :hissy: and :brat:
This totally sucks. Yes, I'll be flying back to MN :)hi: Ny) to celebrate my mom's 70th bday. It's a short trip, but I'd be gone the day before & day of O, unless my cycle changes. I guess I worry less about the Christmas baby the longer we try, but it's still not what I would choose. If it happens for you guys, you will certainly find a solution to make the bday stand out! This is also my month for ARUBA, so once I stop being depressed, I can look forward to that. :) I don't think it's the right month to go begging for clomid, but I think the cycle after I may start feeling desperate.

My friend now knows that we've been trying for awhile...but she doesn't get it. She truly didn't know anything about ovulation; I had to TELL her how far along she was. It just happened...I always wished that was how I would get pregnant. That ttc would be fun...I guess it was, the first few months... Now it just feels like :hissy: and :brat:

Aruba!! I forgot about that! That's a great thing to look forward to. I guess we're one month closer to Spain, too. :shrug: Or the Carribbean. not sure which one we'll go to, actually. Clomid would probably be a waste if you're ntnp, but look at could take more than a month to get it working right. However, if you had 22 progesterone, you may not need it. I wonder what your doc will say.

People like that drive me nuts. I mean I know it's not their fault...but it's so frustrating. :hissy: :brat: You're right, that does feel better to throw that little fit!

Just found this one. What does img mean? Who cares, it's funny! :img:
Rosa, clomid worked perfectly for you! It's not a matter of getting it to work right...I think it is just a matter of chance...and hoping that the next time, your number comes up! I suppose in the meantime, it is dreams of aruba and spain and wherever else...not too long from now, we'll be dreaming of ewcm again :haha:

A hissy fit feels great, especially as cramps start kicking in here... :(
I like your new emoticon :) I think IMG is image?

How is everyone else today?
Heres a rant about the school district! Sorry rosa, nothing to do with teachers, Every district around us is closed today because of our 6-8 inches of snow we got last night and we aren't. We have not closed ONCE this wintyer and had a very very bad snow winter. Money hungry *******s. These kids should not be going to school today. Also, "Early Childhood special ed" classes are closed in our district. So thats kind of saying, well we are worried about them special ed kids but the rest can just bear it. Its so bad out there It took me 45 minutes to clear my car because i didnt leave it in the garage. THEN, i drop her off at school and they hadn't cleared the sidewalks at ALL. I am so pissed im ready to move districts right now! And hormonal. I want to call, email someone so badly but may include some sort of death threats with my hormones and should wait a while. sigh. Would an email to someone even do any good to let them know we are all mad?
:brat::hissy::gun: I just had to get that out. One more thing- its funny that when I typed the word A-holes automatically said *******s! I didn't type that. Didn't think it was THAT bad a word:)
wow I didn't know bnb had controls for bad words :haha: Big brother is watching...

Ny, you should definitely email or even call directly & insist on speaking with a vice prinicipal or something. A piece of the reason for closing schools is when the city sidewalks are not cleared for kids to be able to walk to school--it's not safe to have them walking in the street, etc. If they didn't have the sidewalks clear...... Anyway, the squeeky wheel gets the grease. On the flip side, it seems like they have closed school every darn time it snowed this winter and it drives us nuts!
It was pretty ridiculous to see these kids trekkin into school in the sidewalks that weren't cleared. Made me want to hit someone.
Wow, big brother is going to report me for craziness! Hey big brother, Im just hormonal, leave me alone!
Ny, no offense taken! I would be TICKED if that happened, too! Believe me, teachers feel the same way about parents, and probably wish for snow days even more than parents! (At least every teacher I know does) :haha: I definitely think you should write a letter. When parents complain enough, things are changed. :thumbup:

So, dh and I are NOW deciding that we'll save Spain and another Sandals trip for when I can drink. I don't want to spend money on Spain or an all-inclusive place and not be able to drink, especially in Spain, since we're huge wine lovers and would hate to miss out on the Sangria! So, I suggested a cruise. I'm thinking it costs extra to drink on cruises, and this is the perfect time to go. This is all banking on if we don't get preggo NEXT cycle, for financial reasons. Which means, I had BETTER be preggo by the time the cruise comes around, which would be August. We were thinking Alaska...
Ooooh fun idea Rosa! Had you thought of Disney again:) You dont really feel too inclined to drink there either and can also go to the beach for a few days!
Ooooh fun idea Rosa! Had you thought of Disney again:) You dont really feel too inclined to drink there either and can also go to the beach for a few days!

We're going to Floriday before Easter! Not sure if we'll actually go to Disney, since we went last year and it's expensive, but we'll at least be going to the beach and away from home for a few days. You're right, it's a good place if you can't drink.

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