Those that TTC together, Stick together!! 4 BABY BOYS/3 BABY GIRLS

Rosa- I love yoga. I haven't in a while im afraid to move right now. Lol, but maybe once I get past that I can do fat, pregnant, whale yoga. I think they're right about the sperm count. It isn't aweful and just tell your OH he's got tons of them, just that he's a bit older and they get a tad unhealthy as time goes on. But so do our eggs. Its natural and we have to find stuff to make them healthy again!
Apparently clomid may be making you kind of emotional but in a week that will all pass too. You guys should get away during your O this cycle and drink lotsa wine and stay somewhere fun. Spring is coming and wine tastes really nice when the weather is pretty:)
Rosa- I love yoga. I haven't in a while im afraid to move right now. Lol, but maybe once I get past that I can do fat, pregnant, whale yoga. I think they're right about the sperm count. It isn't aweful and just tell your OH he's got tons of them, just that he's a bit older and they get a tad unhealthy as time goes on. But so do our eggs. Its natural and we have to find stuff to make them healthy again!
Apparently clomid may be making you kind of emotional but in a week that will all pass too. You guys should get away during your O this cycle and drink lotsa wine and stay somewhere fun. Spring is coming and wine tastes really nice when the weather is pretty:)

Thanks. :hugs:
I love yoga, too. I think yoga would be good for you, too. I can't wait to take prenatal yoga! One of my yoga teachers is of course 5 months preggo. I'm like awesome. Everyone around me, literally.

80 million is a lot of :spermy: ...hopefully with THAT many it'll be okay. We've been stuck here in the cold, dreariness of the midatlantic for a while...spring break is another 3 weeks away! :wacko:
Yikes! Thats a late spring break! Well, in about 6 days you better start the BDing right! Is that when you start like CD12? Or do you wait until later. I remember CD10 kind of being like, ok, we better start sooN.
Ny- my new doctor is the doctor that saw me at the hospital. He was just so lovely and local that we have decided to see him. While we were at the hospital he had said that if I switched to his practice I wouldn't need another scan because the one I had there would be sufficient since it was conveniently around the time they would want a scan done. That was the only reason I kept my appointment with this other doctor, I wanted vanity pictures.

Rosa- it's amazing that so many insurance companies don't cover therapy. At least bnb helps some, I know it's helped me a great deal. It's so hard to relax when it's the one thing you really need to do. What I've found that helps is putting on music to drown out the world then do something I enjoy, like reading or latch hook. The music keeps out disturbances and allows me to just let worry slip away.

The thing with my 'panic attack' is it's not really a panic attack. I feel no worry or general panic when it happens. I don't know what it is but I'm starting to worry. It's happening a bit more frequently though it doesn't last long, my heart just beats harder to where I can feel it in my face and hear it and I have to breathe short and shallow or else it's uncomfortable and it makes me feel like I'm not getting enough air.

I'd love to do prenatal yoga. The only thing is I get weird about people watching me so I'm not sure I could join a class but then again I hate exercising alone. Talk about a catch 22. My mom keeps telling me that stretching can make all the difference for when labor comes.
Star - if you type pregnancy ticker into google you get quite a few choices.
You need to set it up with your dates and then just copy and paste into the signature part of your profile - you need the code that says BB code i think :0)

Take a digi!!!! Your tests are fab, it will be ok! :flower:
hey love

Gonna phone them on Monday dr's in my town not very helpful on a friday as they are already thinking about wknd.... getting past 5 weeks will make me feel better too...

DH just home he has read the instruction manual for the tests and he even saved the picture on his phone of the m/c FRER it is so much lighter than todays results so fx'd XXxxx
Love the ticker star!
I kinda hate yoga, i think it's because I'm LAZY! lol!! It would be very good for me though, I wish I'd get into it, but I just don't have the time or patience! LOL

Ok so I need to vent for a sec... having a bad day!! As you might know, I have a home daycare and well there is this one boy that has been acting up A LOT and i mean A LOT. I try talking to the parents about it but I feel liek I just nag on him and so I hate to complain to them all the time. They do a very good job of disciplining him, from what I see of it.. so that's not the problem. But he just continually is destroying things in my house and my sons favorite toys and he NEVER listens, he spends a good portion of the day in time out, he is just out of control! He thinks its so funny when he gets in trouble, he body slams kids, a few days ago he wiped diaper cream all over my bathroom walls and it stained, he gets into the art cabinet everytime I turn around ( i had to put a special lock on and if i forget it, he's into the cabinet) and has dumped paint all over my carpet (he did not act alone in this though) he does EVERYTHING he isn't supposed to. I've tried time out, yelling my head off, just talking to him, ignoring him, redirection, positive reinforcement, we just started a good behavior chart this week, NOTHING is helping. So today after he smashed MY son on the ground and then a few min later i found him in the kitchen taking his cup of milk and spilling it all over the entire kitchen and dancing in it ( hes almost 4 by the way, forgot to mention that) I just had HAD It! I thought, if he were at a big daycare he'd be sent home after a day of getting in trouble so much, so I text his mom and didnt say he needed to go home but just that he was having a bad day, not listening again, and described the milk incident, she is at home today shes a nurse and gets a few days a week off, so i thought maybe she'd just suggest picking him up b/c he's a twin and well he never gets one on one with his parents anyway, but they are the type that since they pay for daycare, their kids will be here rain or shine and ALL day, at that. I mean, I understand the paying for it thing, but these kids are seriously here at 8-5:30 everyday regardless of if the mom is off or not. You'd think they could at least pick them up early every once in awhile when shes not doing anything!! Irritates me!! I can't stand being away from Kylar, although a break here and there would b nice, but she will post on FB about relaxing at home and spa days and shopping and all this on her days off while her kids are here the entire day! I just don't get it! Every other family i have, if tehy are off work, their kids dont come bc they WANT to spend time with them! So anyway this mom talked to the boy on the phone about his behavior and said "do you want me to pick him up or what, i just dont get what you want me to do" so i said well in a big daycare ya they'd send him home but i feel bad doing that so i'll just let you know how his afternoon goes. ugh, i have no backbone. i hate being mean or pissing people off but she def didnt sound happy with me. like its MY fault?! shouldnt she be upset with him for acting that way, not with me?? she said he isnt that way at home which makes it sound like either im not doing a good job or that im lying, which im seriously getting so upset and stressed out by him each day im getting worried about the baby and my blood pressure. i want to cry most days he is SO bad. so im def not lying, and i bet he is no angel at home , and if he is, what's that matter, the fact is that he's acting up here and it shouldn't be tolerated, but i feel so mean telling a parent that their child is being horrible! i try it in a nice way but it never does make them happy. ughhh sorry this is so long and so random but i had to get it all out and you can ignore this if you want but im just about to scream and it helped to type it all. thanks ladies!
So the twin is good? Are there laws against duct taping to a hair if you still watch him and feed him? Hahhahahahahahahaaaha. Sorry, but mom sounds like a huge B. She also sounds selfish and that's what makes kids like that. I would def start telling her of behavioral problems he has and that he needs to start behaving before your house is seen unfit living conditions because of him!
Kylar he so does play up at home!!!!!!! If he didn't she would have been shocked and apologised so much to u as this is so not like her little boy, plus she would have picked him up!!!!.... Rarrrrrrrr u are a saint I couldn't keep ccalm especially if my son and my house were being hurt oh I feel ur anger... I work full time and if i manage to get home quick i pick him up cos I miss him and wanna spend time with him......

Can u send a warning letter home then ditch him?
So the twin is good? Are there laws against duct taping to a hair if you still watch him and feed him? Hahhahahahahahahaaaha. Sorry, but mom sounds like a huge B. She also sounds selfish and that's what makes kids like that. I would def start telling her of behavioral problems he has and that he needs to start behaving before your house is seen unfit living conditions because of him!

LOL i always say I wish i could do that!!! I know it's just so hard for me im such a softie, I know i need to get the balls and just say he better straighten up or he's out! but i feel so mean! and yes the other twin is good, so i think he's just a bad seed or something, lol
Kylar- I know exactly what you are going through. I went through the very same thing when I used to live with my sister and watch her 5 children. One of them was always behaving that way, more so my middle nephew because he has ADHD and that became his excuse for acting like a proper ass all the time. Mind you I was 15-17 at the time. Nothing worked. The only difference was he used to physically abuse me when I'd watch him. He was maybe 7/8 and would bite, pinch, kick, hit me. At some point I just couldn't watch him anymore until my sister made him listen. I would send his parents a letter because on paper it's much easier to have a backbone. I don't take well to confrontation either and always back down so I know how you feel. Give them several examples of his behavior and violence. If you can sneak it, try getting pictures of his misbehaving to send with the letter. Explain to them that if he is going to continue to act this way in YOUR home then you will be forced to remove him from your care and they will have to go elsewhere. Since they clearly don't want to spend any more time with him than they absolutely have to I'm sure just the threat of kicking him out will have his parents jumping out of their chairs to correct his behavior when he's by you.
Kylar he so does play up at home!!!!!!! If he didn't she would have been shocked and apologised so much to u as this is so not like her little boy, plus she would have picked him up!!!!.... Rarrrrrrrr u are a saint I couldn't keep ccalm especially if my son and my house were being hurt oh I feel ur anger... I work full time and if i manage to get home quick i pick him up cos I miss him and wanna spend time with him......

Can u send a warning letter home then ditch him?

I know right? i miss my son so much if i have to leave him, i dont get how you can go to the spa all day and not feel super guilty!! geez!!! i know it sounds selfish, but she brings 3 kids to me, and if i get rid of just him, they all 3 would leave, and thats a HUGE pay cut, i know i could find other kids, but it usually takes awhile and ill be going on maternity leave at the same time as they start preschool and the twins wont be coming any more then anyway, so i feel like if i can just stick it out til July and keep this extra money ive been making, we have so many expenses coming up we havent hardly bought anything for kendon and i wanna get money saved up before he comes too, so i keep telling myself i just gotta make it a few more months and then he will be gone, but good Lord it's KILLING me some days! Im at a loss...
Kylar- I know exactly what you are going through. I went through the very same thing when I used to live with my sister and watch her 5 children. One of them was always behaving that way, more so my middle nephew because he has ADHD and that became his excuse for acting like a proper ass all the time. Mind you I was 15-17 at the time. Nothing worked. The only difference was he used to physically abuse me when I'd watch him. He was maybe 7/8 and would bite, pinch, kick, hit me. At some point I just couldn't watch him anymore until my sister made him listen. I would send his parents a letter because on paper it's much easier to have a backbone. I don't take well to confrontation either and always back down so I know how you feel. Give them several examples of his behavior and violence. If you can sneak it, try getting pictures of his misbehaving to send with the letter. Explain to them that if he is going to continue to act this way in YOUR home then you will be forced to remove him from your care and they will have to go elsewhere. Since they clearly don't want to spend any more time with him than they absolutely have to I'm sure just the threat of kicking him out will have his parents jumping out of their chairs to correct his behavior when he's by you.

A letter sounds like a good idea, i agree, confrontation sucks! Thanks for the advice, it was good! I think they just have their hands too full with them & want someone else to handle the discipline! There are days the only way i can get a reaction or something done is to SCREAM at them, and i hate screaming, its stressful and hurts my vocal chords, lol. i feel like im going to have a panic attack i get so angry, and he doesnt listen when i say it nicely so i have no choice somedays but to get in his face and get mean and scary, and it works, but not for long, he'll turn around 5 min later and do exactly what i just screamed at him not to do. His moms like, take away privileges from him, omg i do that all the time he practically lives in time out and that doesnt work.
Heather you are a saint to do daycare with your own son and pregnancy without needing all that to deal with! I agree with the others, he obviously acts up all the time and the mother is glad to have a few hours off!
You need to seriously discuss with her or maybe you could say he is too much and suggest she goes elsewhere! Although continuity is good for problem kids and maybe you want to pursue it for him? It's not gonna be easy though and i worry that it will get harder as you get bigger?? Not easy, hope something gets sorted :flower:
Rosa- I'm sorry your emotions are all over the place. Are you feeling any better now? According to your DH.. I understand why he feels like that but he shouldn't. You aren't in for a long haul of ttc.. Your body is used to the Clomid now and it WILL work. You won't need to worry about only having 4 more chances because you will only need one! :hugs: I have heard accupunture is a great stress reliever and can even help with fertility!

Star- Believe it hun!! I love your ticker! Woohoo!! :happydance: It will stick don't worry! Remember that it held on tight with all your dancing last weekend! :) Take a digi!

Kylar- I'm sorry you are having such a tough time with that kid! I watch 2 year old twins and luckily they are very behaved but that's because of me! lol. Their parents do not dicipline them too well, give them whatever they want when they want and same thing.. When they have time off or days off, they go skiiing or shopping or whatever it may be. Everything besides being with their kids. But they preach how much they love to spend time with them. It irritates me to no end! But I would definitely follow Star's advice and send a letter home with what he has been doing. Tell them it's been very difficult for you to manage him because you have other children that need your attention too. I think I would mention that if this was a big daycare, they would be sending him home every day because they don't put up with it. It's a good way to let them know without face to face confrontation. I'm sure he acts that way at home too so his mother is definitely lying. Twins act out or one or the other act out because they don't get the one on one attention and apparently, these kids get NO attention. But you shouldn't have to deal with it. It's not your responsibility to change the kid's behavior.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Rosa- I'm sorry your emotions are all over the place. Are you feeling any better now? According to your DH.. I understand why he feels like that but he shouldn't. You aren't in for a long haul of ttc.. Your body is used to the Clomid now and it WILL work. You won't need to worry about only having 4 more chances because you will only need one! :hugs: I have heard accupunture is a great stress reliever and can even help with fertility!

Kiki, thanks. After a day of teaching, I do actually feel better. It kept my mind and body busy. Who can be sad after 2 hours of folk dancing?! :happydance: I hope you're right...:hugs:

Heather. Document documentdocument. Write down EVERYTHING the kid does, what time it happened and the date, who else was in the room, damage that was done. Take pictures. Set up a video camera if she doesn't believe you. YOU are the boss. Get rid of him. Tell her he has one more chance and then you will have to not take him anymore. I know it's probably bad for business, but you have to think about what it would be like to have him not there and then think about is it worth the money? Another family will come along to fill the place soon. That is absolutely unacceptable. I hate confrontation too, especially when I have to call home and say how bad their kid is. Just WAIT until that kid gets into kindergarten!! Wow, that's going to be a shock for that family, and not the good kind. They will shut that down immediately, and he will change. He'll have to, in order to survive. in the mean time, you don't need that, especially with your own little bean.

So, make a list of all the damage that he has done to your house. Specific things, don't hold back. Tell her he has one more chance, because you like to give people second chances, but you simply can not afford the damages.

OH and safety!!! Say that first!!! No one can argue when it comes to the safety of her own child and the safety of the other children. It has become an unsafe situation, and I am sorry, but _____ will have to find a new daycare starting on such and such a day.

You can do it. Stand up for yourself. It gets easier and easier everytime you do it. :thumbup:
Hi my lovelies.

I know it's been a long time since I've posted. This is the first time I've even logged on since my grandmother had her heart attack. I should have logged on just to say hi. But ttc is the farthest thing from my mind these days. And keeping up with everyone would only kill me. It makes my heart ache, unfortunately we lost my grandmother a couple days after her heart attack. She stopped breathing in her sleep. I'm just happy she went to heaven with no pain.

I just got back from south Dakota yesterday. My step-moms cancer is coming back at an unimagineable rate. Really her only option now is to remove her right leg up to her abdomen, in hopes of keeping from spreading to the left side. But it seems unlikely that doing that would make her quality of life better than it is now. So I'm trying to do as much as I can and be there as much as I can as long as I can ya know? So monthly trips to south Dakota to help them get them around and keep them company through this. Most of all to be with my mom.

It's been extremely tough the past few weeks, and I'm sorry to bring my drama and sadness to our happy place. But that's what's going on with me.

I'm hoping to rejoin you when I can. I just don't want to be bed ridden and get a call about my mom. Gahh idk idk idk. I'm thankful dh is by my side to keep my spirits up.
I have to say, that since ttc is no longer a priority to me, and I completely stopped trying so hard.. The sex life has waaaaaaayyyyyy waaayyyy improved. I can't even remember the last time I tried to initiate.. Lol

I have to say I did have an extremely odd cycle this past weekend. I know I know ttc is nowhere in sight but a girl can still keep tabs on her cycle lol. I had ewcm with some spotting on 11, 12 & 13do. Then 3 days of light af then today I woke up HOT with the covera completely off, and decide to pop my thermometer in for the heck of it. Temp today is what would normally be a post o temp..? Weird.

I know I sound like a hypocrite.. But the addict in me has to question a lil bit. Hmm? I haven't given too much thought in to it. But if any other things should pop up.. I'll just test to get the thoughts gone.

Well that's it for me. I'll try to check in as much as possible.

Love you guys
Mrs!!!!!!!! We've missed you so much. :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. At least she went peacefully. Not that it helps much, but she's not in pain. I'm also sorry to hear about your step-mom. I hope she does okay. It's okay that you're not ttc right now. Sounds like your efforts and thoughts need to be elsewhere. And you never know...sometimes when you "stop" it actually happens! We totally understand why you won't be around much. We'll miss you, of course, and you're always welcome back on here. Love ya! :flower:

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