I haven't read the whole thread but here are a few for me
1. people who look down on my toddler having a difficult moment or having a tantrum and get on their high horse about their child being a little angel. Yours is a baby, mine is a toddler. Wait until yours is capable of forming their own opinion and in the process of learning their own mind and then sneer at me when i'm having to explain to my heartbroken son that balloons sometimes pop and it's okay to be upset he doesn't have a balloon anymore. I was so pissed off when that happened.
2. Another vote for calling children sexy. Wrong on all levels.
3. Naked pictures on Facebook. I would be horrified if they fell into the wrong hands. I wish a serial offender on my fb would at least crop the photo so you can look at the bath bubbles on her daughters head from the neck up.
4. People taking pictures of their child in dangerous situations and then laughing about it on Facebook rather than inteveing. No I don't think it's funny your two year old is holding her dad's electric shaver that is plugged into the wall
There's actually loads of them now I think about it. Most of them I know are my issue though, like it has nothing to do with me that someone else's kid constantly has a dummy in every single fb pic. It's their parenting not mine sorta thing. But the ones regarding safety do bug me.
With regard to bath pictures when Lily was in her reclining seat I would always cover her with a flannel before taking a picture, but now she sits up in the bath I take it from the side of the bath so you can only see her head in the picture.
But the dummy comment reminded me I have to bite my tongue when parents don't encourage their children away from dummies when the child is at the age where they can take the dummy out of their mouth and speak in a coheren full sentence and then put the dummy back in, what bugs me even more is when they speak when the dummy is in. Again, like you said, this is my problem and it is just something that bugs me, it's their parenting and this is mainly why I hold my tongue