What IS cool whip?
A delicious whipped topping; similar to whipped cream
Hmm wonder if its like Dream topping here...
What IS cool whip?
A delicious whipped topping; similar to whipped cream
What IS cool whip?
A delicious whipped topping; similar to whipped cream
Hmm wonder if its like Dream topping here...
What IS cool whip?
A delicious whipped topping; similar to whipped cream
Hmm wonder if its like Dream topping here...
Does Dream Topping come in a tub? Cool Whip comes in a tub. It's one of it's many charms.
I am too tired to think of anything but just wanted to say that this thread made me laugh.
I don't even know what's going on anymore
Cool Whip on top of pound cake with strawberries...mmmm. I could never eat more than a few spoonfuls of the stuff at once, though. Too much sugar!
Honestly I don't know why anyone would use antihistamines; ambien is so much more effective
Psh, hard liquor is the nonprescription way, obviously!
My cousin once used Ambien. She ended up talking to her toothbrush, and then the flying dots kept her awake.
Hard liquor is definitely the way to go!
Fack, when I used to take ambien I rode my bike, sent random emails, consumed tubs of cool whip, and hallucinated I was in medieval times and was storming a castle with a bunch of people. It's crazy stuff!
But liquor gives bed spins; I hate bed spins!
Ooooo yeah, bed spins are the worst.
My husband was given Triazolam to sedate him for a dentist appointment (not to the point of sleeping). He was HI-LAR-IOUS!
He kept trying to put his fingers through my hair on the ride home, but just kept hitting me in the face. He hardly made it up the stairs. He said the most amazing things. That plus he couldn't talk normally because his mouth was swollen. Goodness gracious, I should have filmed it to show him later!
I had to take ambien before... That stuff makes you do all sorts of weirdness and not remember.