Times when you've had to bite your tongue

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Mum of 2
Jul 22, 2011
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I just seen a girl give her 5 week old chocolate.

Anyone else seen anything that they had to bite their tongue on?
A million things.
Usually at baby groups, involving food, sleeping, crying, attention...

I just want to scream or advise them! But I hate people giving me "advice" so I leave it.
Two things:

Sleep training very young babies, a common practice in my mom's group (8 weeks+)

The claim that babies need to "learn to be independent" and shouldn't be held too much. I hear this from moms and child free folks. In a similar vein, the assertion that cries "for attention" shouldn't be responded to. Okay, judgey moment... Please don't shoot me.... Then these moms wonder why my kid is so affectionate and ask how they can get their 11 month old to cuddle more :dohh:
I had to bite my tongue when I was pregnant and my friend recommended that as long as LO was clean and fed that I leave her to cry from birth so she didn't "get used" to me responding to get every cry (god forbid!). I just smiled and nodded whilst thinking "errrr.. NO THANKS".
Yep my baby group is full of "don't let them sleep in your bed, you'll never get them out", "I gave him baby rice/bananas at 8 weeks and he sttn" or the classic "he's just crying for attention so I ignore him"... No he's just fallen over!

It's a wonder I have any friends there!
Yeah, I don't get it. I babysat for a friend yesterday with another 11 month old and she's a great kid. Her mom is more of the "don't spoil her" perspective. It was really interesting to compare our kids and I can't say for sure if it was personality or how they're parented, but man her kid can SCREAM! My daughter was extremely high needs/fussy, but she doesn't SCREAM like that now that her reflux is controlled. I did woneder for a moment if it was because her mom doesn't necessarily respond to just fussing whereas I immediately tend to my DD. She sure is quiet compared to this kid and she's not "easy" by any meaning of the word!
I had to bite my tongue when I was pregnant and my friend recommended that as long as LO was clean and fed that I leave her to cry from birth so she didn't "get used" to me responding to get every cry (god forbid!). I just smiled and nodded whilst thinking "errrr.. NO THANKS".

Omg my BF says this all the time about LO... kills me each time :dohh:
Oh yeah. When someone tells me that their kid took first steps at six months, or said first words in context at three months, I always have to bite my tongue to stop myself saying, "You know that's bullshit, yeah?"
Ohhhh this one... I take a small transit shuttle bus to get around town as I dont have a car, so yesterday the shuttle bus stopped to take a 15 minute break. The bus driver says.. you can get out if you want.. it will be better for the baby. So I say.. no thank you I'll stay inside, I need to feed him anyway and she says.. no you come sit out side .. so I say ok whatever.. maybe fresh air will do us some good. As soon as I get off the bus she closes the doors and the only place to sit with LO is directly in the hot sun. Im thinking.. you idiot now were in the sun. So she comes back from her bathroom break and asks me (no joke) about 20 times if LO is cold. I say.. no he's fine and she says (20 times more) are you sure? All Im thinking is... OMG lady.. were broiling in the hot sun let us on the freakin bus LOL!!! OH and then she precedes to start touching LO's leg to see if he's cold... hands off lady!!

Im always getting asked if LO is cold or hot or he needs a hat on or a blanket... drives me nuts!!!
Oh, and every time FIL has told me that FF is so much easier and more practical than BF, you just sterilize the bottle, boil the kettle, dump in the powder, bung in the microwave. I have always wanted to say it is definitely easier for those who don't lactate, and especially for men, but please let me just get on with it as I don't want my baby howling with hunger while you drone on about it.

*I do realize BF is not easy for everyone. It's just that my FIL disagrees with breastfeeding.*
Ha! I love this thread. Hope it doesn't turn into some nasty debate because I could go on and on about the things that irritate me.

I have very few friends who breastfeed and they constantly talk about why they didn't/couldn't breastfeed without me even asking or bringing it up. Whenever I hear some of the common reasons that could have been resolved with more education, I just hold my tongue because it's not as if they can go back in time and do it over again. I just say that I can offer support and tips for their future children if they want it.

Crotch-dangler baby carriers! ARGH.

Smoking around babies and children. GRRRR.
When people go on about all the tv shows their babies like.
The breastfeeding thing is tough, because I'm guilty of being one who was uneducated with issues that likely could have been resolved. I think your friends are likely just embarassed that it didn't work out and feel the need to justify it.

Funny enough, I often have to bite my tongue in these situations even though I've been there! So right there with you. Every time a mom in my moms' group tells a new mother to give a pacifier to combat comfort sucking, I think "That's what they're SUPPOSED to do. Comfort suck".
My girl sleeps in a bassinet right next to our bed. I have someone that keeps telling me that I need to get her out of my room RIGHT NOW or she'll never sleep on her own, and the world might explode if I don't.

I always just bite my tongue. I think I'm doing pretty good... she sleeps well in her bassinet and goes down easy for bed! In fact, she slept 5 hours straight last night, ate, then went right back down for another 3 1/2!!! (Last night was a better than normal night!)

Now I just need to work on those daytime naps!!! :dohh:
Recently an acquaintance of mine on facebook had uploaded a pic of her and her daughter in the car (her daughter was in the backseat, she was in the front seat). The picture was captioned "On our way to nana's house." Well, I guess I am the only one that noticed her daughter was not sitting rear-facing in her carseat (she is only 1.5 years old). I thought this is dangerous for a child to sit front-facing until 2+ yrs? Or if they are over 45 lbs? Anyway, of course I didn't say anything bc it would be inappropriate to call her out on fb for the entire world to see. So I didn't speak up. But I'm still bothered by this when I think about it....does that make me a bad person?
Yes and even on this forum I had to sit on my hands a few times. But off line its hard also but least I do bite my tongue but sadly no one done that for me when they didnt agree with my parenting.

I also never seen someone with a child the same name as me Severofnine.
when someone told me a few months ago that I could have kept BF if I tried harder. Had to actually restrain myself from punching because it had nothing to do with me.

Had to keep from punching my DH's cousin when she told me that I could have "just gotten the baby out" instead of my EMCS. OMG i was so mad. this was when I was visiting her after she gave birth to her baby, vaginally. in the same hospital where my LO was born. i was definitely upset after that

Don't agree with the independent baby thing too. but i'm nice so if people try to give me advice, I just smile and say oh i'll try that or sounds good. I don't feel like it's my mission to "educate" other people. people do what works for them anyway
When a GP sees an allergic reaction and says he's never ever seen anything like that. I've been tempted to say he can't have that much experience then, and could I please see someone else.

When a vegetarian says I can't have a meat dish, and goes on to lecture me about vegetarianism and morality. I'll eat what I want, thank you very much.

When FIL says my baby will have rusks like all other children. 'Cause it's traditional. I won't keep quiet on this one once I start weaning.

When someone moans about being poor and then shops in the most expensive places.

I shouldn't have read this thread, I'll get banned. :winkwink:
I have a friend who seems to think her LO self-weaned from breastfeeding at 5 months. I would shrug it off if she didn't ALWAYS say things to me like "Oh I'm so sad you're still breastfeeding, I wish my LO would've breastfed longer but he just didn't seem interested after I stopped nursing him before naps and bedtime and stuffed him full of solids at 5 months :(..." Hm, yeah. I just tell her if she wants to BF longer next time and her baby is "self-weaning" again she can come talk to me.
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