TMI (picture) please please help!!!

Big hugs. It doesn't sound great but then again I've heard of women having bleeding and going to have full term pregnancy. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
How are you today Hun any changes ? My heart is going out to you right now this is nearly the same situation I was in

How are you today Hun any changes ? My heart is going out to you right now this is nearly the same situation I was in


Horrible. Bleeding is starting to get heavy and I have bad lower stomach cramps. I know which way this is heading now :(. Thankyou so much for your support xx
Aw Hun it really doesn't sound good BUT try to keep positive it could be anything I've heard of trapped blood and cysts. Are you passing any clots ? If the pain is really bad you can go back to a&e you shouldn't suffer Hun

Blood is just dripping out of me now, had to come home early from been out as it soaked through my jeans with a pad on!. Heavier than any period I've had. Not had any clots yet but pain is horrible x
Can you not go to a&e Hun ? The heaviness doesn't sound good when I had my miscarriage I was heavy but not that bad but I was only 6 weeks at the time. They could also give you something for the pain

I'm so sorry your going through this. I agree with natty_babez would you considering going to A&E don't want to scare you, but when I was bleeding heavy with this MC when I was waiting for my appointment with the EPC my doctor told me if the bleeding was to fill a pad within a hour to go to A&E.
So sorry you're going through this hun, hope you managed to get seen x
I'm so sorry :(
If it is heavy enough to soak a thick pad every two hours you should go to the hospital .. I was just given all of this information for my MMC, starting the tablets tonight to induce the miscarriage.
My OB told me to watch the bleeding , it will be heavy but if you're profusely bleeding through pads (she said every two hours) then something may not be right.
Hope it all ends for you soon.
Any updates Hun ? I hope you and your little bean are ok xxx

So sorry for your loss mummof1 hope everything goes ok for you and goes as best as it can do 💕
Hello all. I went to a&e last night. I was filling a pad within 15 mins. Saw to me straight away. That's when I started loosing some clots. They took to up to EPU where a doctor examined me and pulled the rest of blood clots out along with tissue :cry: I'm heartbroken, I can't help but feel like it's my fault :cry: I lost my little baby. They're still scanning me later.. Why!? Where there should be a baby there will be nothing ;(.
I just can't wait to go home... They kept me in as I had a lot of bleeding.

Thankyou so much everyone for your wishes xxx
I'm so sorry Hun it's so heartbreaking don't blame yourself though I still do even though I know deep down there's nothing I could have done to save my baby. Make sure you cry Hun don't hold it in or it'll make you feel worse xxxx

They might be wanting to do another scan to make sure you have passed everything naturally (I hate the way that sounds) hopefully you will have then you won't need to be messed with anymore.

Thinking of you Hun xxxx
Yeah that's what they scanned for, there's still clots there but I've been allowed home. They've told me to wait 3 months until trying again, that feels like a lifetime. All I want to do is cry and cry. When I was waiting for me scan, some stupid nurse made me wait in the waiting room same as PREGNANT WOMEN! Why!? I just lost my baby and she made me sit there! Other than her I can't thank the staff enough for how they treated me. 100% xx
I only suffered my miscarriage 2 weeks ago and we have decided to try again straight away I just feel that if my body is ready to fall pregnant again it will do and if not it'll happen when it's meant to so I'd say it's up to you Hun do what you feel is best for you and your body.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you Hun my heart goes out to you I know how hard it is if you ever need to chat you can always message me Hun

We're both happy to try again straight away, but I'm scared of another mc. Think I'm going to wait until my first period then try. Did your hospital tell you to do a hpt after 3 weeks and ring them back with the results?

I'm so so sorry for your loss too, how far was you if you don't mind me asking? It frustrates me so much that people like us who want a baby have mc's but then people who don't "care" during their pregnancy have happy heathy babies :cry: xx
No I didn't have anything like that I bled for about 5 days before the epu would even see me and then by then there was nothing to see when they did the scan id passed everything so they took some bloods to test my hcg and then I was supposed to go back a few days later for more to check my levels were dropping but they rung me and said my levels were 2 on my first blood test so there was no reason to go back and it was all over, it hurts to know I went through it all with no idea at all and all on my own (my other half works away during the week) and had to put on a brave face during the day for my little girl and then crumble into nothing at night. I was only 6 weeks but I loved that little baby the minute I found out I was pregnant.

I think it's awful they made you wait in a room with pregnant ladies that must have been terrible I remember waiting for my scan and a heavily pregnant lady walked in and I just remember my heart dropping and me hoping so much that the scan would go well and that would be me a few months down the line !!

I know exactly how you feel I think you go through a range of different emotions I was devastated at first then went through a really angry stage I've even fallen out with my friend over it (long story short she is married and has several affairs which her husband knows nothing about and then when the last guy ended it with her she must have had a guilty conscience and decided to try for another baby with her husband ..... She got pregnant first time and everything went well for her) it's just not fair that like you said some people don't care drink smoke take drugs cheat on their partners n couldn't care less really and they end up with no problems and then have healthy babies. I wouldn't wish anything bad on their babies but like my friend why can them people do bad things and not suffer in some way


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