TMI (picture) please please help!!!

I love music it really helps me in times when I'm low or sad and also when I'm happy. Me and my other half are getting married in 18 months and I'm enjoying finding some lovely songs for that.

Aw that is so lovely of her bless her children are so clever I was upstairs getting upset last week and my little girl came up and said mummy don't be sad and gave me a big cuddle .... I've still not got round to telling her about the baby yet she's not mentioned it for a day or 2 so I'm hoping she's forgotten but I know I'm going to have to tell her before school on Monday I don't want her saying anything to anyone and me having to explain.

Yeah music helps you through all sorts. I like the saying that goes "when you're happy you enjoy the music, but when you're sad you understand the lyrics" because it's so true.
Aww that'll be nice to keep you busy, planning for your wedding.. So much to look forward to :).

Aww bless her, it melts your heart when they're like that doesn't it. So cute. She won't have forgot, maybe she's picked up on your emotions and that's why she's not mentioned it? They may only be small but they are smart! In my opinion like I said to you in an easier post, it might be better on you because someone saying "congratulations" to you would break your heart. My little girl has already told one of her friends that "mummy's baby has gone to baby heaven" (I'm friends with her mum, but she didn't know I was pregnant.. Was waiting until 12wks to tell people) and she mentioned it to me today "our *** has been talking about a baby you had that's gone to heaven" so clearly kids talk about these things! I just told her then about it. It hurt but not half as much as it would hurt for someone to say to me "congratulations" for me then to explain I had a miscarriage.. If that makes sense xxx
That saying is so true there are songs that the words remind me so much of what we've gone through recently n then in the past and also the love I have for my little girl and my other half I'm so soppy like that haha.

I know your so right I just think it's so hard to sit down and kind of re live it all it would have been easier to tell her when it first happened but either way I'll tell her this weekend and my other half is home tomorrow so might be easier with him to help me as well I'd hate to have someone congratulate me I think it would just make me cry there and then !! Were you strong when you was telling your friend today ? Children are so clever and do pick up on the slightest thing I don't think I give my little girl enough credit really

Feeling slightly angry .... Gone on my Facebook and some girl I'm friends with who is pregnant is complaining that her baby is moving to much !!!! I know I'm overly sensitive at the minute but come on what I and no doubt lots of other ladies including us would give to have that feeling

It will be hard to do and it will probably make you cry, but it will probably be for the best in the long run. I was strong while I was out on the school run, but I won't lie soon as I got home, I cried. But if I got a "congratulations" of her thinking I'm pregnant id break down there and then and probably wouldn't even be able to tell her straight away.
They are very clever little people, I don't think I give mine enough credit either but when I think back to situations I realise how bright she actually is.

And reading that last one, it made me blood "boil" don't know it made my insides angry. How can you complain your baby is moving too much!? Least he or she is showing they're active and healthy and you know they're okay. Think she'd be complaining more it little one was hardly moving at all. Some people don't know how lucky they are to have a happy bouncing baby in their bellies! If it was me, I'd of probably put a sarcastic comment with way I'm feeling at the moment xxx
I did it this morning !! I did cry but then the questions I got made me giggle .... She wanted to know how it got to heaven and why it had gone to heaven but then asked how it got there so I said daddy gave me a seed and put it in my belly and it grew a baby like he did with you so then she said has he got a lot of seeds and can she have one haha it made a horrible conversation really funny in the end !!! I think she understands and I just said hopefully there will be another baby that isn't poorly in my belly soon and she said she understood I'm just waiting for more questions to come now I do feel better now she knows though.

It took everything in me to not comment or even delete her it just made me sooooo angry still makes my blood boil now when I think about it

Aww she asked exact same questions as my little girl did. And we used same reason about a "seed". Did you get the question of "how did it get out of your belly to go to heaven"? That one stumped me. But it does make you smile doesn't it how intrigued they are about it :). Glad you feel better now, bet it feels like a weight off your shoulders.

Yeah makes my blood boil thinking about it, doesn't know how lucky she is. I wish I could have the feeling of constant movement in my belly, and feet in my ribs xxx
Yeah I was so stuck with that one I just said it was really poorly so an angel came down and took it out of mummy's belly and took it up to heaven with her so when it's night time there will be an extra star in the sky now and that's the baby. She has been poorly at the beginning of the week so then she said well I've been poorly does that mean I'm going to heaven so it back fired on me ... I just said she wasn't going anywhere and that baby was very very poorly and had something wrong with it so that's why it had to go to heaven. She keeps saying she wants some seeds now and has daddy got a lot to give out haha if I don't laugh I'll cry she's so funny !!!

Aww what a cute way of explaining it to her :). She sounds a bright little girl with a good understanding.
Looks like daddy better get some seeds then doesn't it haha, I think someone is excited to be a big sister :) xx
She's asked her grandad today if he has some seeds haha this could be a new thing now !!! She is really excited that's what broke my heart thinking I'd let both her and my other half down even though I shouldn't think like that and I haven't. Daddy needs to hurry home with his seeds haha

Don't ever think like that. You haven't let no one down. It wasn't your fault, and you shouldn't think that way either. It's an evil part of life that happens to 1 in 4 pregnancies, unfortunate to us it that it happened to us.
I can't wait until OH can start making seeds again :haha: but at the moment sex is at the bottom of my want to do list :( xxx
I done the deed last night for the first time, wasn't too bad! But I only done it for my partner I felt bad for him because it has been a while.
It was the last thing on my mind when my miscarriage first happened so that's totally normal I've heard some women get really emotional as well when they do eventually dtd after everything has died down.

My other half is taking me away tomorrow night I'm hoping this will take my mind of it all even if it's just for a night

Oh I've made sure OH knows he'll be having nothing until my body is ready to dtd. Only reason why I would want it at the moment is purely for a baby, but I'm still bleeding anyway so it won't happen/ but I'm definitely going to wait a cycle first before we start trying.
Did any of you two get emotional the first time after your mc?

Aww that will be nice for you to get away for the night. Is it just the two of you too? Hopefully it'll take your mind off things and you can have a nice night together without all the stress and heartbreak xxx
I'm sure he understands as well Hun my other half did he waited for me to be ready but like you I so want my rainbow baby I was ready to start again once my bleeding had stopped and I was feeling better .... I think you'll just know when your ready Hun and until then your other half will understand 😀 I was quite lucky I didn't feel emotional I do feel scared though which is why I am trying my best not to do any tests or get my hopes up about anything at all right now if it's meant to be it will be and the not knowing is fine with me I'm just treating myself as if I am trying so eating all the right things taking my folic acid tablets and no drinking any alcohol I want to give this sticky bean the very best start from the minute it is hopefully conceived.

His sister has a caravan so we're just going there for the night with them it'll take my mind of everything and will be nice to just get away from the same 4 walls for a day and spend some time with family I know it all can't be forgotten but we all just have to take one day at a time and hope for the best don't we

He said he understands so that made me feel a little better. Once these 3 weeks are up and I no the pregnancy text.. Which I'm praying so much it says negative then I'm going to start taking my folic acid too, eat healthier (don't feel like eating anything at min) drink more water... Hope my period doesn't take long in coming then start trying after af had been. I wish I could do same as you and start straight away, but j know id be obsessed with testing, and wouldn't be able to stop myself. This way, I'll know my if my af is late as they've always been like clockwork on a 28 day cycle.

I hope you enjoy your night away, yes it will be very nice for you to get out of the house and hopefully enjoy yourself. I have work today and I am dreading It :( xxx
I do feel like I want to test but I'm also terrified of bleeding again so I keep thinking (and I don't know whether it's a good idea or not) if I leave it by the time I've missed a period or 2 I could be quite far along so passed the time when I bled this time and if I do bleed I'll just put it down to being my normal period. I think if I fell pregnant it would be harder to date this pregnancy as I don't know if you count my first day of mc bleeding as day 1 but that means I also might get an early dating scan fingers crossed.

How do you feel about going back to work ? What do you do Hun ? Just take it one step at a time I'm sure your boss or I'd hope your boss would understand. Let me know how it goes and good luck will be thinking of you

That's why I'm waiting until I've had a period to start trying so they can date me properly. With the pregnancy I lost I had implant out and no period Inbetween so they couldn't give me an exact date. She just went on when I had my implant removed. And I was never offered an early scan.
Do you think you could go all that time though without testing?

I felt okay about work at first, but I got to the car park and broke down. I lasted 50 minutes and walked out. No explanation or nothing. The people who was in today don't know anything. (Only told one of my duty managers & she's not in today) I could lose my job. But fingers crossed I don't xxx
What you've been through is a massive thing so f*** what anyone else thinks you need time to get over it I'm sure your boss will understand Hun and if they don't then your better of with another job were they do. Could you not go to the doctors and get a sick note for a few weeks so you won't have to worry about losing your job and that way you've given yourself enough time to grieve as well.

I think the mc scared me so much that I'd rather not know I know that sounds awful but I don't know how I'd cope if I had another mc so soon after. Don't get me wrong I'm dying to test but purposely not got any in the house and will try to resist not to buy any

Yeah I know how you mean, maybe it would be for the best then. It'd be awful going through another one knowing. I hope you do get your rainbow baby soon though

I think they'll understand, I'll see what gets said when I'm next in. But I have rung up saying sorry. And she was actually okay about it on the phone. I'd love to be able to have a few week off, but I can't afford to. I only work part time so wouldn't get no sick pay.. And I have bills and what not to pay :(

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