to circumcise or not?

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I am team blue and DEFINATELY pro circ... the proceedure is too extreme as an adult if he wanted to have it done. imagine trying to get an uncircumsized little penis clean all the time... idk it sounds like a nightmare to me and could cause problems for him especially when he has to take care of it himself in early years. but good luck to you theres nothing wrong with watever decision you make either way im sure he will be happy and healthy!!

There's absolutely no difference in cleaning a tiny uncircumcised penis vs an tiny circumcised penis.... except for the fact that that tiny circumcised penis will have an open painful wound on it for several days.

I agree with KandyKinz!

And why would you assume it's too extreme for an adult male to handle? An adult male can take appropriate painkillers and will have the ability to clean it properly...not to mention it's his choice. In my humble opinion and from personal experience with my son, it is far too extreme for a newborn baby to handle. An uncirc'd penis would be far easier to clean during the diaper years. With my son, who is cir'd, I have to gently push the remained of the foreskin back and make sure there is no fecal matter or other debris stuck to his penal glands. With an uncirc'd penis you would wipe the outside of the foreskin and that's it because the foreskin is adhered to the penis to protect it.
The procedure has more risks as an adult and the recovery period is longer. It is also something they will remember having done as adults, but not as a newborn.

I'm not saying its better to just do it as a newborn and get it over with... but if you are worried about if they'll have to have it done as an adult anyway, the risks are fewer with a newborn.
I believe we are going to get it done, for our own personal/cultural reasons. I totally understand both sides and have thought/researched about it a lot. I think either way it's definitely a personal choice and no one should feel bad for their decision. :)

Lisa, we have the same due date - fun!!!
I was waiting for this subject to come up and im glad it did!!
For my OH and me, if we find out im having a boy, no question baby will be circumcised- and this is more for cleanliness than cleanliness than anything else.

All i would say to ppl who dont wish to get their boys done PLEASE i ask that you teach them to pull it back and clean back their!! I work in a clinic where i confront this issue more then i ever thiught i would have to!! :nope:

Especially with grown men whom you think would know better - but many were never told it was important to do so - the risk of infection is greater if not cleaned properly- so its hard trying to re educate sometimes.

But for my Boy (if im having one) the sooner the snip the better- and just to state that snipping the foreskin doesnt bring into question someones sexuality at all- that is a total fallacy!! :dohh:

The procedure has more risks as an adult and the recovery period is longer. It is also something they will remember having done as adults, but not as a newborn.

I'm not saying its better to just do it as a newborn and get it over with... but if you are worried about if they'll have to have it done as an adult anyway, the risks are fewer with a newborn.

I have also read about experiences where men have to be circ'd later in life and I do understand that they have a memory of it and that it can be quite painful for a while. But I doubt our second son would want to be circ'd unless it was necessary because it would not be about religion for him. If it were out of medical necessity then of course he should. Billions of men over the years have successfully gone through life with a healthy foreskin. From what I understand foreskin complications are in the minority. From what I have read, an adult can take appropriate painkillers and care for his circ properly. But, infant cannot and an infant is awake during the procedure. An adult penis is fully developed and the foreskin is retractable but a newborn foreskin is adhered to the glands (like a nail is adhered to a finger) and has to be ripped open and is probably just as painful as having your nail ripped off.
For an infant there is the risk of removing too much foreskin, disfiguring the penis, bleeding to death, going into shock from crying so hard, cardiac arrest and several other complications that develop once the penis has grown to maturity. These risks may not happen too often but an adult does not have these risks.
I was waiting for this subject to come up and im glad it did!!
For my OH and me, if we find out im having a boy, no question baby will be circumcised- and this is more for cleanliness than cleanliness than anything else.

All i would say to ppl who dont wish to get their boys done PLEASE i ask that you teach them to pull it back and clean back their!! I work in a clinic where i confront this issue more then i ever thiught i would have to!! :nope:

Especially with grown men whom you think would know better - but many were never told it was important to do so - the risk of infection is greater if not cleaned properly- so its hard trying to re educate sometimes.

But for my Boy (if im having one) the sooner the snip the better- and just to state that snipping the foreskin doesnt bring into question someones sexuality at all- that is a total fallacy!! :dohh:


I'm confused. What are you talking about? :shrug:
I was waiting for this subject to come up and im glad it did!!
For my OH and me, if we find out im having a boy, no question baby will be circumcised- and this is more for cleanliness than cleanliness than anything else.

All i would say to ppl who dont wish to get their boys done PLEASE i ask that you teach them to pull it back and clean back their!! I work in a clinic where i confront this issue more then i ever thiught i would have to!! :nope:

Especially with grown men whom you think would know better - but many were never told it was important to do so - the risk of infection is greater if not cleaned properly- so its hard trying to re educate sometimes.

But for my Boy (if im having one) the sooner the snip the better- and just to state that snipping the foreskin doesnt bring into question someones sexuality at all- that is a total fallacy!! :dohh:


I'm confused. What are you talking about? :shrug:

wss... :shrug:
Recovery time is actually the same for newborns and males... And some risks are actually higher in newborns then it is in adults. Newborns are born with decreased concentrations of vitamin K which are important for blood clotting and as a result uncontrollable bleeding is more likely to be an issue and because of the size of the penis it is more likely that too much or too little skin will be left behind when the procedure is done on a newborn.

But their are disadvantages to adults having it done.... They will remember the pain... And they will have to restrain from sex and masturbation for a set period of time...
I was waiting for this subject to come up and im glad it did!!
For my OH and me, if we find out im having a boy, no question baby will be circumcised- and this is more for cleanliness than cleanliness than anything else.

All i would say to ppl who dont wish to get their boys done PLEASE i ask that you teach them to pull it back and clean back their!! I work in a clinic where i confront this issue more then i ever thiught i would have to!! :nope:

Especially with grown men whom you think would know better - but many were never told it was important to do so - the risk of infection is greater if not cleaned properly- so its hard trying to re educate sometimes.

But for my Boy (if im having one) the sooner the snip the better- and just to state that snipping the foreskin doesnt bring into question someones sexuality at all- that is a total fallacy!! :dohh:


hello! just cause a man is not circumsized doesn't make them less cleaner! Of course all mothers will teach there kids how to wash there private parts so there shouldn't be a issue on the cleanliness

I'd still rather discuss blow jobs...........
risks in infants are definitely present, but they are minimal

And yes, all mothers/fathers should teach their boys to clean their parts... BUT, they should also teach them to clean their rooms and clean up after themselves... I'm sure the successrate for personal hygiene is similar to that of room cleanliness?
And while moms can check behind their children's ears to see if they've washed themselves, I don't know many moms that will be inspecting their children's foreskins :shrug:

Some interesting data to be found regarding STDs... not just in how many men get them, but also in how many women whose partners are circ'd vs. not...
"Women whose male partner is uncircumcised have been found to exhibit a 5.6-fold increased risk of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis than women whose partner was circumcised [Castellsague et al., 2005]. Thus in this large multi-nation study circumcision reduced the risk 82%. Data were identical for women who had only ever had one sexual partner. The study involved 305 couples in 5 countries from different parts of the world. A prospective study of 5,925 women in Uganda, Zimbabwe and Thailand found no significant difference, however, in risk of Chlamydia or gonorrhoea [Turner et al., 2008]"
Same site as the link above... lots and lots of info there.

Not promoting one side over the other here.. I just hear tons of anti-circ opinions and want to share some pro-circ data I'm finding.
My parents always taught us to clean our room brush our teeth be polite i assumed that was basic parenting lol
has any one ever heard of condoms sexualy transmited diseases are from men and women who do not protect them self from sex nothing to do with what private part you have teach your kids about STD'S and to clean there room!
My parents always taught us to clean our room brush our teeth be polite i assumed that was basic parenting lol

If everyone used condoms, there wouldn't be any teen pregnancy...
and plenty of those parents with pregnant teens discussed and encouraged birth control...
has any one ever heard of condoms sexualy transmited diseases are from men and women who do not protect them self from sex nothing to do with what private part you have teach your kids about STD'S and to clean there room!
My parents always taught us to clean our room brush our teeth be polite i assumed that was basic parenting lol

If everyone used condoms, there wouldn't be any teen pregnancy...
and plenty of those parents with pregnant teens discussed and encouraged birth control...

well i can only speak for my self i am with the first guy i ever slept with and i used condoms as a teenager condoms can break and cause pregnancy how about teaching kids morals as to not sleep with tom dick and harry i was taught that but hey its 2010 people assume everyone is clean i would never have un protected sex with some one i didn't know but thats me its to nuts out there to trust every guy all types of diseases as for the penis i dont think it makes a difference if its sniped or not if a guy is dirty they will be dirty if there clean there clean
But teenagers are old enough to choose for themselves what risks they are willing to take.... and many teen pregnancies are in fact planned.......
very true on all those points about teens...
and yes I think its crazy to take those risks and thought so as a teen myself.
BUT plenty of girls think using the pill is enough protection and trust their teen partner to be faithful... and then get exposed to an STD.
And for some reason girls who should know better, forget or skip using condoms when on antibiotics while on the pill etc.

I watch the MTV show 16 & pregnant and most of those girls knew to use condoms but just didn't ... and didn't really have a good reason, they just didn't think it would happen to them.
I imagine a bunch of those girls on that show actually planned it.... When I had my son I attended a teen mom school and at that time everyone said it was an oops..... after a few years a good 3/4 of us actually admitted to eachother that getting pregnant young was a planned decision.... Some even to the point of doing it behind their partner's backs and faking taking the pill.....

Anyways, aside from that it is important that teens are taught that there are more risks to sex then just pregnancy and I know around here atleast teens are very well educated in those risks.... But again, some are just willing to risk it. But that's their decision.
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