Traditional weaning V BLW

well maybe you read that differently to me - I read that as meaning what it says ''As they eat more solids, your baby will want less milk'' there fore the baby will want less milk, as they are eating more food (not drop a bottle so that it has to eat more food).
This is no different from BLW - if a BLW were eating plenty it would naturally drink less milk, it just happens that BLW babies often are not eating as much for a few months so have more milk for longer, but once they are eating more they too will drop milk amounts.

I think the reason you are going away is that you have said some silly comments about how things used to be, and bundled them up with what people do these days, but you have no actual facts or way to say that's the way its suggested these days - because it doesnt exist.

prehaps this will clear things up 4 u...i wasn't the one that originally said these 'silly comments' that started u off...i purely butted in (kinda wish i hadn't now) in an attempt to explain something for u, as u were getting quite het up abt peoples reasons 4 BLW being based on methods that r not the 'correct' TW methods..

as i have said b4 (many many times now :p) everyone has their own adapted versions of TW...BUT i was pointing out to u that the 'proper' original version of TW (devised back in WW2) has certain methods and 'rules' to it which some of us didn't like. no1 is saying everyone does it 'by the book' these days but if u keep banding abt words like 'correct' and 'proper' TW then u really r talking abt something completely differently to what u actually do....proper TW follows a schedual, u start at a certain point (usually a little bit of baby rice once a day) and there is a controlled build up to the final stage. bottles should b dropped-preferable naturally but if that doesn't seem to happen then 'proper' TW advises that u initiate that (check further into government guidelines and recommendations before u argue...there r guidelines on the amount of food/milk LO r 'meant' to have and these r still based on those ww2 'rules')

the NHS's advice is still based on that original plan from all those many years ago with some slight 'lightening' on strickness...BUT ESSENTIALLY IT IS THE SAME METHOD. i'm not slagging it off, i've never slagged it off...i never said 'silly things' abt it. i was just pointing it out there there r fundermental differences between 'proper' BLW and 'proper' TW

i think if anyone is poorly informed it is u.

as i have also said many many times now...not alot of people follow these old fashioned methods (incl HV)...i am aware that pretty much everyone uses that original plan as a basis to create a more flexible method.

This all started because someone was talking abt not like the BASIS of TW...not like that there r certain mental attitudes remaining from that old fashioned way.

I'm not really sure y u keep taking things that people have said and nit picking at them?

Also i think the last part of ur statement is quite rude...i was :)blush: altho clearly not lol) going away from this thread because i didn't want it going round in circles...i didn't like the 'fightiness' of ur replies to anyone posting abt BLW and it was making me sad to keep seeing how this thread had turned...u seemed to b taking other peoples reasons for being pro BWL as some sort of insult on TW...and for some reason u seem to b getting really offended and het up abt discussions on where TW was derived from?:shrug:

Anywho hopefully u know see where ur misunderstanding stemded from and things can get back to being a more chilled (and interesting) discussion on peoples weaning methods/feelings on these methods
obviously its not very healthy to offer ur children some of ur take away kebab for sinner but the idea is that u should b eating a healthy diet too so that u can eat with ur child rather than having different meals.

We had one thursday night :blush: I know it's naughty but I couldn't help myself lol Halen had some celery, rice cakes and oat cakes dipped in yogurt and he was non the wiser lol I think it's ok every once in a while to have something different until your child is big enough to notice lol

As for not mentioning food, we're doing baby signing so when I give Halen his dinner I say "Do you want some food?" and do the action for food, then when he's finished I ask him "do you want some more?" and do the signal for more, I also talk to him about what he's having, like "are you having banana" so he knows what the food is, I'm not sure if thats more than what the bible means to do, but :shrug: I do it anyway lol

:haha: UUUUMMM!

i'm sure everyone does the odd thing they're not 'meant' to do...atm Kian is too young to understand that my food is different to his. I think it becomes more important the older they get.

we do baby signing too...imo teaching them what food is called/what each thing is is fine. tis things like saying 'good boy' 4 eating something thats not advised in BLW as part of conversations abt food. i also think same goes for things like 'what abt this, have some of this' to get LO to eat something in particular on their plate (coz the theory of BLW is that lo will eat what food groups they 'need' most so one day they might leave something which u think is healthy but ur meant to trust their instincts)

on the subject of naughty...we've just got fish and chips but LO is sound asleep so what he doesn't know, wont hurt him :blush:
I talk about the food, too, just like i would to an adult. Things like "Do you like that melon?" Or "It looks like you didn't like that." I even say things like "Are you going to try some pasta?" But I avoid things like "Eat your veg, it's yummy!" Even if I really do think it is yummy. That is for him to decide.

So I think it is okay to talk some, J. :thumbup:
I talk about the food, too, just like i would to an adult. Things like "Do you like that melon?" Or "It looks like you didn't like that." I even say things like "Are you going to try some pasta?" But I avoid things like "Eat your veg, it's yummy!" Even if I really do think it is yummy. That is for him to decide.

So I think it is okay to talk some, J. :thumbup:

Sounds just like us. I'm just starting out with this weaning malarky and finding it all rather interesting. I have to admit I cannot help but talk to Lucy about food - we're a family of foodies and constantly mmmming and ahhhhhing over what we're eating and have done for years. If I was a fly on the wall I'd think we were nuts - the way we talk about what we're eating is rather enthusiastic! So it's just natural for us to comment on what food is on the table. ;)
My opinion is that as long as people are feeding their babies I really couldn't give two hoots whether they BLW or TW!!

The method of weaning we do here: The Findlay Method!!

We have a bit of an unusual situation as Findlay has been tube fed since he was very very little and due to medical reasons he has an oral aversion so he will not eat as he associates food and anything near his mouth with intense pain.

We have been told by the dietician and the speech & language therapist to give him finger foods that he can explore himself (so far he will only put a ricecake in his mouth but that's an enormous step for him!!) and also to try and give him some purees and we can now get him to take 1 weaning spoon of puree before he goes hysterical which again is a massive improvement. We have been told that we do have to try and make him eat solids as he will not do it of his own accord due to his oral aversion.
He gets all his daily calories via special milk through his tube so anything we get in him orally is just a bonus and hopefully one day he will eat like everyone else :)

For the finger foods we have been recommended by the hospital to get one of these as due to developmental problems he has problems gripping foods at times: Has anyone used them?

That's very interesting, thanks for sharing this Lottie86. It sounds like Findlay has come a long way and is making great progress with eating. It must be heartbreaking to see him upset.

I thought you might me interested in this It's similar to the one you've been recommended, but wasn't as expensive. I think it was only £2 or £3 from Asda. We picked one up for Lucy when we were back in the UK- not sure if we'll use it, but as we live in Germany some baby products are hard to come by. We're just starting to do BLW, but I picked this in case we needed it (I have a stockpiling habit!)

The best of luck to you and I hope Findlay begins to enjoy food in his mouth.:hugs:
ever wondered y u have the urge to eat certain things when u feel sad/r in certain situations? Tis an association with food...ever had a hard day at work and reward yourself with a 'treat'? U think of that food as a treat because someone planted that seed by talking abt certain food in a certain way/behaving in a certain way abt food.

BTW clearly i didn't really leave the thread did i? :dohh::haha:

I have to disagree her cos I would deffo say my reward food(drink) is wine and I am 100% certain my mum never gave me any :rofl:

I am glad you didn't leave the thread :)
obviously its not very healthy to offer ur children some of ur take away kebab for sinner but the idea is that u should b eating a healthy diet too so that u can eat with ur child rather than having different meals.

We had one thursday night :blush: I know it's naughty but I couldn't help myself lol Halen had some celery, rice cakes and oat cakes dipped in yogurt and he was non the wiser lol I think it's ok every once in a while to have something different until your child is big enough to notice lol

As for not mentioning food, we're doing baby signing so when I give Halen his dinner I say "Do you want some food?" and do the action for food, then when he's finished I ask him "do you want some more?" and do the signal for more, I also talk to him about what he's having, like "are you having banana" so he knows what the food is, I'm not sure if thats more than what the bible means to do, but :shrug: I do it anyway lol

:haha: UUUUMMM!

i'm sure everyone does the odd thing they're not 'meant' to do...atm Kian is too young to understand that my food is different to his. I think it becomes more important the older they get.

we do baby signing too...imo teaching them what food is called/what each thing is is fine. tis things like saying 'good boy' 4 eating something thats not advised in BLW as part of conversations abt food. i also think same goes for things like 'what abt this, have some of this' to get LO to eat something in particular on their plate (coz the theory of BLW is that lo will eat what food groups they 'need' most so one day they might leave something which u think is healthy but ur meant to trust their instincts)

on the subject of naughty...we've just got fish and chips but LO is sound asleep so what he doesn't know, wont hurt him :blush:

Hmm I think we may be crediting them with too much intelligence here, I mean given a choice between chocolate and broccoli for instance, what child or adult would pick the brocolli even knowing the nutritional differences and benefits? I am not saying that is the choice you are giving your baby but I don't think at such a tender age they are able to know even instinctively what foods they should be eating/leaving
obviously its not very healthy to offer ur children some of ur take away kebab for sinner but the idea is that u should b eating a healthy diet too so that u can eat with ur child rather than having different meals.

We had one thursday night :blush: I know it's naughty but I couldn't help myself lol Halen had some celery, rice cakes and oat cakes dipped in yogurt and he was non the wiser lol I think it's ok every once in a while to have something different until your child is big enough to notice lol

As for not mentioning food, we're doing baby signing so when I give Halen his dinner I say "Do you want some food?" and do the action for food, then when he's finished I ask him "do you want some more?" and do the signal for more, I also talk to him about what he's having, like "are you having banana" so he knows what the food is, I'm not sure if thats more than what the bible means to do, but :shrug: I do it anyway lol

:haha: UUUUMMM!

i'm sure everyone does the odd thing they're not 'meant' to do...atm Kian is too young to understand that my food is different to his. I think it becomes more important the older they get.

we do baby signing too...imo teaching them what food is called/what each thing is is fine. tis things like saying 'good boy' 4 eating something thats not advised in BLW as part of conversations abt food. i also think same goes for things like 'what abt this, have some of this' to get LO to eat something in particular on their plate (coz the theory of BLW is that lo will eat what food groups they 'need' most so one day they might leave something which u think is healthy but ur meant to trust their instincts)

on the subject of naughty...we've just got fish and chips but LO is sound asleep so what he doesn't know, wont hurt him :blush:

Hmm I think we may be crediting them with too much intelligence here, I mean given a choice between chocolate and broccoli for instance, what child or adult would pick the brocolli even knowing the nutritional differences and benefits? I am not saying that is the choice you are giving your baby but I don't think at such a tender age they are able to know even instinctively what foods they should be eating/leaving

I suppose the way to get around that would be if they didn't usually pick up anything which was a good source of iron for example - then the next meal would be mainly iron rich food?

Or maybe if they aren't eating all that much (I have read some babies after 3 months at around Izzys age don't really eat much at all on BLW) then they would still get what they need from milk.

Whereas you would think the ones who are scoffing it down are eating most of what they are offered and therefore getting the balance right.
We're finding at the moment that Aisling will gobble up any and all carbs and will actively pick the toast / pasta out of the rest of a dish so can only assume that that's what her body needs at the moment.

Last week we were having a roast with FIL who produced chocolate cake while Aisling was still working on her main course so I put a small bit of the sponge bit in front of her beside the rest of her food - because it was just given to her, she picked it up, put it in her mouth, made a brilliant face, spat it out and went to town on her parsnip instead! Didn't touch the cake again. So I guess her body was telling her what she needed? :shrug:
We're finding at the moment that Aisling will gobble up any and all carbs and will actively pick the toast / pasta out of the rest of a dish so can only assume that that's what her body needs at the moment.

Last week we were having a roast with FIL who produced chocolate cake while Aisling was still working on her main course so I put a small bit of the sponge bit in front of her beside the rest of her food - because it was just given to her, she picked it up, put it in her mouth, made a brilliant face, spat it out and went to town on her parsnip instead! Didn't touch the cake again. So I guess her body was telling her what she needed? :shrug:

Or maybe she doesnt like choccy cake - not such a bad thing..more for mum lol
We're finding at the moment that Aisling will gobble up any and all carbs and will actively pick the toast / pasta out of the rest of a dish so can only assume that that's what her body needs at the moment.

Last week we were having a roast with FIL who produced chocolate cake while Aisling was still working on her main course so I put a small bit of the sponge bit in front of her beside the rest of her food - because it was just given to her, she picked it up, put it in her mouth, made a brilliant face, spat it out and went to town on her parsnip instead! Didn't touch the cake again. So I guess her body was telling her what she needed? :shrug:

Or maybe she doesnt like choccy cake - not such a bad thing..more for mum lol

Could be. It'll be interesting to see what she does with other pudding things but we only have them at the inlaws so it'll take forever to test the theory!
obviously its not very healthy to offer ur children some of ur take away kebab for sinner but the idea is that u should b eating a healthy diet too so that u can eat with ur child rather than having different meals.

We had one thursday night :blush: I know it's naughty but I couldn't help myself lol Halen had some celery, rice cakes and oat cakes dipped in yogurt and he was non the wiser lol I think it's ok every once in a while to have something different until your child is big enough to notice lol

As for not mentioning food, we're doing baby signing so when I give Halen his dinner I say "Do you want some food?" and do the action for food, then when he's finished I ask him "do you want some more?" and do the signal for more, I also talk to him about what he's having, like "are you having banana" so he knows what the food is, I'm not sure if thats more than what the bible means to do, but :shrug: I do it anyway lol

:haha: UUUUMMM!

i'm sure everyone does the odd thing they're not 'meant' to do...atm Kian is too young to understand that my food is different to his. I think it becomes more important the older they get.

we do baby signing too...imo teaching them what food is called/what each thing is is fine. tis things like saying 'good boy' 4 eating something thats not advised in BLW as part of conversations abt food. i also think same goes for things like 'what abt this, have some of this' to get LO to eat something in particular on their plate (coz the theory of BLW is that lo will eat what food groups they 'need' most so one day they might leave something which u think is healthy but ur meant to trust their instincts)

on the subject of naughty...we've just got fish and chips but LO is sound asleep so what he doesn't know, wont hurt him :blush:

Hmm I think we may be crediting them with too much intelligence here, I mean given a choice between chocolate and broccoli for instance, what child or adult would pick the brocolli even knowing the nutritional differences and benefits? I am not saying that is the choice you are giving your baby but I don't think at such a tender age they are able to know even instinctively what foods they should be eating/leaving

There was a study done about it, I can't remember who or when, it's in the BLW bible, apparently children left to their own devices choose suitable foods for what they needed, such as carbs whilst on a growth spurt. They also found food fads where normal, one child goeged on boiled eggs for a day or two, then resumed his/hers normal eating habits :shrug:

Maybe we don't credit children with enough intelligence? Just because they can't physically do something, how do we know they can't mentally? They found children naturally avoided something they where later found to br allergic to!
You know is pretty scary because that is probably what id look like if i gained 10 stone :lol:

I know this is off the topic (again!) but I can't help thinking about this (and I have been thinking about it for days)...does anyone else find this offensive? Adding a picture of an overweight person to their post and making jokes about how 'scary' it is. Being a cuddly girl myself who probably does look a bit more like the girl in the picture than the OP I can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable about this and a bit disappointed that a forum such as this has been reduced to fat jokes.
Anyone else or me just being over sensitive?
You definitely have a point cheeselover. Having said that, I think we're getting to a point on BnB where no-one can say anything without offending someone which is a shame.
You know is pretty scary because that is probably what id look like if i gained 10 stone :lol:

I know this is off the topic (again!) but I can't help thinking about this (and I have been thinking about it for days)...does anyone else find this offensive? Adding a picture of an overweight person to their post and making jokes about how 'scary' it is. Being a cuddly girl myself who probably does look a bit more like the girl in the picture than the OP I can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable about this and a bit disappointed that a forum such as this has been reduced to fat jokes.
Anyone else or me just being over sensitive?

She meant how scary the resemblance is between her and the random picture someone put as her avatar, not scary cause the womans over weight. If you look around the forum polo is actually dieting herself :shrug:
Totally agree with Jayleigh-Ann. Polo would look like that if she gained weight. All she is saying is it scary how much alike her and the avatar look!

It was only for a bit of fun! Get over it! :shrug: xx
After reading from when i posted I still have no idea what I am goind to do!!

I do have some concerns about BLW so maybe some of you girls can help me! :D

Firstly, I am a VERY fussy eater and often cook 2 different meals for Shaun and I. If I were BLW, i'm thinking this would be seen as a problem? I have and am constantly trying to address my dislike for lots of foods by trying them but I cannot get away from the fact that I don't like them!! I do not eat ANY vegetables (well apart potatos and raw carrots!).

Secondly, if you offer your LOs exactly what you are eating, if they choose to leave all the "good" stuff and always choose the more unhealthy option, does that just continue and its been their choice to choose that?

Thirdly (and I think lastly, lol), how long did it take your LO to actually do anything with the food? I have subconsciously been offering Imi bits of fruit etc as i eat them for sometime but she NEVER puts them in her mouth, yet if she has a toy, dolly, teething ring etc it goes straight in!

O and 1 more, does BLW always involve being at a table (this seems to be my impression)? The only reason I ask is that we don't have one! We have a breakfast bar which we eat alot of food at but it is not the comfiest place to sit so we sometimes just sit on the sofa or on the floor in the front room (if we have tacos or fajitas or such like as its virtually impossible at the breakfast bar!)!

Thanks ladies :D
Hi Vici!!

1. If you cook two separate dinners, how about giving LO a bit of both? The more variety they have the better anyway!

2. BLW does give us all an obligation to eat more healthily than we otherwise would have but I guess you mean sticking to one food group etc? The evidence seems to be that they will eat a varied diet but it may seem to us as though it's not balanced. Eg Aisling has been obsessed with carbs lately which is apparently common during a growth spurt but she's been more balanced today so I guess her needs are changing. If you were v. concerned you could always just offer meals with a different balance of food groups.

3. Aisling didn't really do anything with the food for a few weeks even though she'd put everything else into her mouth, just not food! She got there in the end though.

4. You don't need a table, just do BLW where you would usually eat. If that's on the sofa then just put LO's highchair beside you with a splash mat underneath. We've had picnics on the living room floor a few times :D Just keep the telly off :thumbup:
After reading from when i posted I still have no idea what I am goind to do!!

I do have some concerns about BLW so maybe some of you girls can help me! :D

Firstly, I am a VERY fussy eater and often cook 2 different meals for Shaun and I. If I were BLW, i'm thinking this would be seen as a problem? I have and am constantly trying to address my dislike for lots of foods by trying them but I cannot get away from the fact that I don't like them!! I do not eat ANY vegetables (well apart potatos and raw carrots!).

As has been said b4 everyybody has variations of either weaning method so altho u r 'meant' to offer the exact same as ur having some people don't...ur not meant to create any food thats 'forbidden' to them so as long as ur LO is allowed what ur eating thers no reason not to add additional veg or leave off some sauce or something. Like if me and OH have a salty processed pasta sauce Kian gets plain pasta and maybe some extra veg.

Secondly, if you offer your LOs exactly what you are eating, if they choose to leave all the "good" stuff and always choose the more unhealthy option, does that just continue and its been their choice to choose that?

well in theory that shouldn't happen...apparently studies show that if LO instinctly choose things their bodies need. Sometimes that might b eating loads of carbs, other times they might go mad for just eggs or something and other times they might eat a well balanced selection but the idea is to trust them to now what they need. As long as u don't make any food more 'desirable' than others and avoid things which r artificially made 'nicer' (like sweets/stuff with loads of added sugar and flavour inhancers).

Thirdly (and I think lastly, lol), how long did it take your LO to actually do anything with the food? I have subconsciously been offering Imi bits of fruit etc as i eat them for sometime but she NEVER puts them in her mouth, yet if she has a toy, dolly, teething ring etc it goes straight in!

the fact she behaves differently with the food than the toys/teething ring means she is aware they r thats great :thumbup: she's just checking the food out before she tries it.

it totally varies tho. we've been doing it for just under 2 weeks now and Kian now actualy eats bits (i find them in his nappy) not alot of things but he is able to bite bits off, do gum 'chewing', swallow, and he understands completely what to do with a spoon- he was sitting with us (without having any food) since 4 months: he had a spoon and some toy food to play with so he's been watching and practicing with the spoon for a while. He 'dips' it into his food (doesn't usually actually get any tho coz he hasn't mastered 'scooping') then puts it in his mouth with the right end which i am really impressed with. If u hand him it loaded he gets it all into his mouth :thumbup:

O and 1 more, does BLW always involve being at a table (this seems to be my impression)? The only reason I ask is that we don't have one! We have a breakfast bar which we eat alot of food at but it is not the comfiest place to sit so we sometimes just sit on the sofa or on the floor in the front room (if we have tacos or fajitas or such like as its virtually impossible at the breakfast bar!)!

no it doesn't have to...i think most people choose that coz its easiest and thats where they sit but i have sat and eaten with Kian on the floor...He sits in his bumbo with a tray and i sit in front of him.
It does say in the book that u can sit anywhere u like as long ur eating together. It does say to avoid putting the ATV on if ur going to sit on the floor etc because that distracts LO from eating and watching u eat (and learning from that)

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