Trimester 9 & 3/4: For All of Us "In Between" Ladies

is anyone having periods of fatigue all over again? I thought this late it would be over..but then I read that they are growing so many ounces a week and I think I get really tired coinciding with her growth spurts...

I am for sure. One minute I have all of this energy, the next minute my eyes burn and I could close them and go to sleep for a few hours:wacko:
I am hoping to paint the nursery tomorrow! We got one wall done a couple of weeks ago and then I got so exhausted and we have been so busy that we haven't been able to finish. We had my shower last weekend which was very exciting :) We have to make the drive home again on Saturday for a funeral and wedding in the same day. I am just exhausted trying to get things done and fit everything in. Now that I have a bunch of things from the shower, I want the room put back together so I can start putting stuff away! It's all piled in the living room right now.

Mrs Jerome, you will have to let me know how the shower goes. I got a lot of items I was excited about, but I also got far too many blankets and clothes. I am thankful for everything, it's just annoying when people don't buy from our registry and then I have to go out and buy the things we actually needed!
I am hoping to paint the nursery tomorrow! We got one wall done a couple of weeks ago and then I got so exhausted and we have been so busy that we haven't been able to finish. We had my shower last weekend which was very exciting :) We have to make the drive home again on Saturday for a funeral and wedding in the same day. I am just exhausted trying to get things done and fit everything in. Now that I have a bunch of things from the shower, I want the room put back together so I can start putting stuff away! It's all piled in the living room right now.

Mrs Jerome, you will have to let me know how the shower goes. I got a lot of items I was excited about, but I also got far too many blankets and clothes. I am thankful for everything, it's just annoying when people don't buy from our registry and then I have to go out and buy the things we actually needed!

was this a friends shower or family or both? and how many people were there?...I know that someone bought me the TT bottle starter set and a set of TT pacifiers that I registered for but otherwise I have no idea..mine is family this idk how much I'll get...and then my other showers arent until end of August and mid Sept

I am super excited about painting and working on the nursery..I'll def take some before and afters and post them.. :happydance:
It was a family shower. We had around 20 people. I got some good things off my registry...breast feeding supplies, diaper pail, baby bath, books, pack n play, toys, a million blankets and hooded bath towels and then a ton of clothes and small things that I didn't ask for.

What really got me was that 2 large items on my registry came off a couple of days before, but no one gave them to me at the shower! I can't imagine who bought them. I didn't mind so much that whoever bought them didn't give them to me, but I am hoping someone actually bought them! If they weren't really purchased, I want to add them back on! I will probably have one more small shower with friends later on and then work is doing something too (they may be the ones who bought the large items because my office is almost all men so they give money to the women in the office to buy a large gift). I have a couple of other family showers, but they want them after the baby. I am going to have a hard time coming up with things at that point, because I will have bought most things myself by then!
yeah by the end it'll be people just buying diapers and stuff hopefully that you will run out of fast lol..
Aww, im jealous of you guys! I would love a baby shower (or 2, or 3!)
I would like one just for the food and well as the gifts!

I have my 26 week midwife appointment today. Just a general checkup, but still exciting!!
And im counting down the days til my 4D weekend!!

Hope you're all well xx
I feel very inbetweeny too, and can't believe that I'll be on my way to 3rd tri soon... it doesn't seem real to me, I seem to think I have weeeeeeeeeeeeks and weeks and weeks left and that labour is just years away :haha:

I haven't sorted much to be honest and we have so much to do. We have got most of the baby things, we need a few more bits but there's no rush, we just need more vests... oh and the car seat! But in the next month, we've got to move house, get stuff for the new house, work in between, sort buying the rest of the baby bits and in between all that I'm meant to get nesty and iron and clean which I cannot bear the thought of at the moment, lol.

yay for your appt Shelleney..I always get excited for mine too lol...and hopefully LO will cooperate at your 3D/4D scan...I hope Brieanan decides to be nice and not camera shy when I have my appt in just little under 2 weeks...cant wait to see your'll have to post them here!!

Wanna..we have like..maybe 10% of what we need baby supply/gear wise and the nursery is at like..5% right now...but hopefully both of those will change this weekend (have my first shower) and this coming week when my brother and sister come home with me and help paint the nursery and do the wainscoting... I cant imagine having to move house while being preggie...and while I have always had the odd OCD attack...I cant imagine what nesting will be like for me..our house has so many little areas and nooks and stuff...I have already promised myself that I wont stress over the downstairs (basement) because LO wont ever go down there...especially not alone..till shes atleast 4 or 5 lol there is no point in going crazy really and wasting my energy..Im going to focus on the upstairs...mainly our bedroom..the nursery..and the kitchen...if I can get into a cleaning mood I think I might start sorting out part of the kitchen today..IF I get into a cleaning mood lol lol...

Not baby related but..does anyone feel like they have an overload of kitchen little..random knickknacks you never use but you know that if you get rid of it then like..a day or so later you will have a use for it lol lol...
I think it's a case of making a plan and sticking with it. Which I have yet to succeed at :haha:

Tell me about it - moving house while pregnant is going to be stressful but OH, my mum, her partner and brother have all promised me that all I have to do is make drinks for everyone and unpack one box of unheavy things at a time and clean. Nothing vigorous or tiring!

And I wish I an overload of things for the kitchen. We're moving basically from scratch, so have to get everything for the kitchen when it comes to dishes, pans, etc. Eeeeek. Deeeeep breaths, in and ouuuuuuuuut, we have plenty of time and it will be fine..... in and ouuut :haha:

Good luck with the kitchen Mrs Jerome! Just do one bit at a time, then rest, have a snack and a drink, then carry on. A relaxed approach is what I'm trying for lol.
I have soooooo much kitchen stuff, its in sane! i did clear out my tupper ware a while back and tossed half of it cause it was either lids without pots or pots without lids! but i can never seem to to get rid of much more because like you said, i know once i throw it out, i will need it shortly after.
now don't judge me but i'm planning on getting a live in maid before or shortly after baby gets here (just because in this country it is the norm and extremely cheap) I have such a big house (3000 sq/ft) that i will never get done with all the cleaning with a baby and hopefully with the cleaning, laundry ect out of the way i will have the time then to focus a little about whats inside my cabinets....
I so am not judging, I admire you! I am green with envy. I would love a maid but here, I'd need to take out a mortgage to afford one and we can't even afford a new sofa at the moment :lol:

That sounds like a really good idea though, because the bigger your house, the more cleaning, and cleaning so isn't fun when pregnant!
I have soooooo much kitchen stuff, its in sane! i did clear out my tupper ware a while back and tossed half of it cause it was either lids without pots or pots without lids! but i can never seem to to get rid of much more because like you said, i know once i throw it out, i will need it shortly after.
now don't judge me but i'm planning on getting a live in maid before or shortly after baby gets here (just because in this country it is the norm and extremely cheap) I have such a big house (3000 sq/ft) that i will never get done with all the cleaning with a baby and hopefully with the cleaning, laundry ect out of the way i will have the time then to focus a little about whats inside my cabinets....

Thats funny. I did the same thing with my tupper ware. I just went to town and now I feel so much better :happydance:
And I think you have every right to hire a maid. Id do it if I had the money :winkwink:
ha i was really on a rampage with that tupper ware, i just wish i would have these ticks more often :)
ugh I just typed out a huge paragraph and accidentally hit backspace or something and it deleted it.. :dohh: I hate when that happens...ok so lets start Word this time..then I'll copy/paste lol..

I did my huge Tupperware clean out a few months ago… I went through and trashed all the cheap stuff…you know the really thin bowls with the blue lids (Ziploc/gladware) as half the bowls didn’t have lids and half the lids we did have didn’t fit any of the bowls lol…we went to the store and now we have a huge good set of the really good Gladware..its hard plastic with good suction/snap on lids…they have 3 diff sizes…and then each size has either deep bowls or shallow bowls…but the lids for each size fit either…its soo much simpler…I have them sorted out by size we have one cabinet over the stove with the Tupperware bowls/lunch plates and then another cabinet by the sink with the lids also sorted by its just a grab and go thing..not a grab one bowl and 5 lids and try to see which fits a freaking gameshow or something… I think they need to pass some kind of regulation on tupperware and make it all universal so you dont have to go throug that.. lol lol..

So the thing I need to sort out now is that we have all this stuff..because husband is an impulse buyer..loves quality stuff..and is/was a foodie as he was bachelor for soo long and trust me he wasn’t just eating ramen and chicken nuggets..he knows how to he bought allllll these gadgets that I have no idea what half of them do… and the fancy pans and bots..and all this stuff.. and then we have tons of serving dishes/baking dishes…but I don’t use half of it..and haven’t since I moved in almost 3 years ago..and its all mix and match…and just shoved in the cabinets..…so in a bit Im going to go through and pick out the things I definitely use and organize them..and the things I have never ever used…and try to just clean out some of it..maybe sell it on craigslist or something..even just to get $20 or so for it all lol..

Oh and the maid thing..I wish I could do that…I was a live in nanny for a few families during college and I know it’s a huge help…however only one of them had a newborn..and oddly enough I would watch him more than his parents…the dad left a few weeks after the baby was born to go on this big fishing trip with his friends…and the mom would go “golfing” and leave me with the newborn and the two girls…ages 15 months and 3 years old… it was quite odd as most moms you know would not want to leave their newborn...even when she was home…she would rather me take care of him than her do it…I was only there for like..3 weeks because I think they were cheating on each other and they let me go because me being there allowed them to not worry about the kids and mess around...definitely a weird situation lol…

but yeah live in help is great..but make sure you take time and find a good fit for the family...the last thing you want is them to make you more stressed out or be awkward having them there...definitely decide if you want them to be part of the family and eat with to you..or if you want them to just be there in the background and make sure they know either way...some families I worked with were just like my family..but others completely ignored me when I would try to have conversations with the parents which was very weird and uncomfortable...
we lived with a family for a while and shared a nanny/maid and they constantly dropped the kids off with her and went on to do their own stuff, that is not for me!!! I rather just have her take care of the household so i can spend every moment i can with the kids!
The last live in we had (when I worked odd hours) we treated like family and it totally backfired, so next one will be living here, doing her work, eating with us but i will deff. keep a professional distance. We allowed the other one to get a parttime job and before we knew it, she didnt finish her work around the house anymore and started having boyfriends (in this country that is against the law! and the sponsor (us)can get in a lot of trouble if she were to get caught) so, long story short, we gave her the option of buying her a ticket home or to find her a ne sponsor, she went with a new sponsor and got pregnant by her BF, ended up having to leave country because you cannot be pregnant and not be married here! of course the BF just dropped her like a hot potato, so the next one, we wont have that close bond, its just too much drama :(! its very heartbreaking but thats the way the cookie crumbles over here...
I have one of the spin tupper wear things with all the same lids :)
That same week I organized my bathroom closet and that took4 hours. I guess you can say nesting has settled in for us..
wow Mama-T..sounds like..Maury:Kuwait lol lol...that is a lot of drama... the other downside from the point of view of the live in nanny was that I ended up being taken advantage of sooo was was like a 24/7 on call thing..I would supposedly have the next day off but then at like..11pm the night before they would change my I decided never ever a live in job..course now that Im married and baby on the way I dont think a live in job would work out anyway lol lol...

Im putting off my bathroom cleaning..i just dont want to go cleaning crazy now and then end up re-doing it later lol lol..
I dont judge you Mama T. As I mentioned before, I have family in Kuwait, and they have a maid. Its just the done thing over there isnt it? I would love to have my own maid, coz I HATE cleaning! I hate hate hate it!! lol.
Now I have finished work, I have more time to do it, and so I am gradually working my way around the house (we only have 5 rooms in the whole house) just doing a bit of cleaning or tidying every day.
Maybe a strong nesting instinct will kick in nearer my due date? who knows?! lol
Mama T - Judge you?? That sounds awesome!!! I have to say personally I might be uncomfortable with the live in part, just because I wouldn't be used to it. But we have a big house too (3800 sq ft) and between both of us working and only having weekends off, we have cleaners about 2 yrs ago that come in every other week and clean top to bottom, it's my favorite day to come home from work with the house sparkling and smelling lovely!!

Can I ask?? Are you in Kuwait for work or family? Staying long?? Where are you from?
Mama T - Judge you?? That sounds awesome!!! I have to say personally I might be uncomfortable with the live in part, just because I wouldn't be used to it. But we have a big house too (3800 sq ft) and between both of us working and only having weekends off, we have cleaners about 2 yrs ago that come in every other week and clean top to bottom, it's my favorite day to come home from work with the house sparkling and smelling lovely!!

Can I ask?? Are you in Kuwait for work or family? Staying long?? Where are you from?

we are here for work only, my husband is from the states (CA), I'm from Germany, thats where we met when he was stationed there, after he got out of the army, he started contracting for the army and eventually ended up in the desert! we have no idea how long we will be here but until they pull out all the troops from places like Afghanistan and Iraq, there will be a good job here for him! I worked as a kindergarten teacher for the past 3 years but decided now that we have a LO on the way to just be a SAHM again :)

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