Why do you have to go through with ramadan too? just because they wont have anything open or what?
Or is it because people would be upset with you if you weren't participating?
No water outside? That's crazy with those temperatures! I don't think I'd go outside for the whole month!
Its simply the law here...if you get caught, you will be fined and put in prison for the rest of ramadan!
they do allow woman that are pregnant or sick people to break the fast but that rule only applies to their home not the outside world and since we are not muslim and dont follow the ramadan rules in our house anyhow it doesnt make a difference! I was all happy to be able to drink while outside this summer but our Kuwaiti friend took the wind out of my sails very quick and enlightened me! I think Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are the only places where foreigners have to follow these rules!
Wow, I had no idea!! How do you like living in Kuwait. How long are you guys expecting to stay?
I have to say, you get used to it but from time to time you just get sick of it, people her tend to be very ignorant and arrogant but we have nice friends and host BBQ's a lot. I like taking care of my husbands co-workers, they are not fortunate enough to have their wives or kids live here with them so I try my best to give them home cooked meals and just a family atmosphere whenever they come over! Our son has some good friends and adjusted very well, he now speaks 3 languages besides German and English, he picked up Arabic with ease and translates for us, lol!
The only thing I really dislike and that scares me every day is the driving, people just dont know how to follow simple rules on the roads and put themselves and others in danger all the time, about a year and a half ago, we had a really bad car accident caused by a local who thought it was ok to make a left turn from the far right lane and we rolled our truck a few times, we all walked away from it with only some bruises!
thats a link to a FB page, you can see our car on it as well...
anyhow, I dont know how long we will be here, we stopped making plans
since they rarely work out, this was only supposed to be a one year thing and its 5 years later now...