Trying after 3 COnsecutive Losses....PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!

OMG loads of sharp pains like i'm being stabbed with a needle in I presume my cervix tonight. I'm praying it's stretching pains & nothing else! :cry:[/QU
Where in your stomach?

All evening last night down in my 'lady bits inside' - my cervix maybe?? It's stopped this morning and no blood so i'm praying it was growing pains. Did another cheaper test this morning and the lines are looking darker so i feel a bit less anxious now.

Ohhh!! I used to get that all the time when I was pregnant!! No need to worry :)

I thought I remembered it too from all those years ago, but OMG it makes me panic!! Thank god it's eased off today!! Thanks for the support I don't know what i'd do without you to talk to!!:hugs: xxxxx

Of course!!!!:hugs: Thanks for being so supportive of me as well!!:hugs: So I did have a drink when I went out this weekend...its crazy but I felt sooo sick before finishing it!! Then I felt sick the rest of the night...that's kinda strange bc I have NEVER had that happen. Now I come home and my boobs and chest are all veiny!!! I go for my CD 21 test on Wednesday to check my progesterone levels. I am wondering if I should request that they check my thyroid levels again just to make sure they are going down (on the off chace that I am preggers). I have another appt with a fertility specialist on Thursday (I made this prior to finding my new doctor). I am wondering if I should go? What do you think?

How have you been feeling??? You finally made it to the 5 week mark!!!!:happydance:

ooooo interesting!! Well hopefully it was your body trying to tell you something :winkwink: So does that mean your in the run up to your impending AF? From what I remember from the letter about my FS appt the progesterone one is done in the 5 days before is that right?? Have you had any other symptoms apart from veins?? I always get a watery mouth early on.
It's difficult for me to know what to say when it comes to your docs because you are in America Yes? and so it's all different and you have to pay out left right and center!! If it were not about money and I had the oppertunity to get the view of a different FS I would definately seek it as I've read a lot of different stories about some being a lot better than others.
YES!!! I've made it to the 5 week mark and today is plus 1 day which is the last 'baby losing day'!! The lines are still really strong on my tests and so I am so happy :happydance:
I am absolutely exhausted!!! yesterday I had a more sicky day than usual but today it's all settled well. Unfortunately over the weekend though I've had thrush start to build up:dohh: and so this morning e-mailed my doctor and he kindly put me up a prescription for it saying it's very common and it's all about the hormones and so as much as it sucks at least I still know things are different in my body!! LOL.
I also took the brave step of asking him to give me a Maternity Exemption Certificate today too which allows me to have Free Prescriptions because of my 'condition' LOL. It was a brave step but i'm trying to think positive - however when I asked the receptionist for a form to be referred to the midwife, she asked me to fill it in there and then so she could pass it on but I said i'd give it a few days so i'm still a bit apprehensive. I think onces Weds come and gone and I speak to the FS hopefully i'll feel that I can move on better. :thumbup:

So... how many days until your AF is due??? I just gotta do the could down with you!! It's horrible waiting yourself so i'll be there with you every step of the way!!:winkwink::hugs:
OMG loads of sharp pains like i'm being stabbed with a needle in I presume my cervix tonight. I'm praying it's stretching pains & nothing else! :cry:[/QU
Where in your stomach?

All evening last night down in my 'lady bits inside' - my cervix maybe?? It's stopped this morning and no blood so i'm praying it was growing pains. Did another cheaper test this morning and the lines are looking darker so i feel a bit less anxious now.

Ohhh!! I used to get that all the time when I was pregnant!! No need to worry :)

I thought I remembered it too from all those years ago, but OMG it makes me panic!! Thank god it's eased off today!! Thanks for the support I don't know what i'd do without you to talk to!!:hugs: xxxxx

Of course!!!!:hugs: Thanks for being so supportive of me as well!!:hugs: So I did have a drink when I went out this weekend...its crazy but I felt sooo sick before finishing it!! Then I felt sick the rest of the night...that's kinda strange bc I have NEVER had that happen. Now I come home and my boobs and chest are all veiny!!! I go for my CD 21 test on Wednesday to check my progesterone levels. I am wondering if I should request that they check my thyroid levels again just to make sure they are going down (on the off chace that I am preggers). I have another appt with a fertility specialist on Thursday (I made this prior to finding my new doctor). I am wondering if I should go? What do you think?

How have you been feeling??? You finally made it to the 5 week mark!!!!:happydance:

ooooo interesting!! Well hopefully it was your body trying to tell you something :winkwink: So does that mean your in the run up to your impending AF? From what I remember from the letter about my FS appt the progesterone one is done in the 5 days before is that right?? Have you had any other symptoms apart from veins?? I always get a watery mouth early on.
It's difficult for me to know what to say when it comes to your docs because you are in America Yes? and so it's all different and you have to pay out left right and center!! If it were not about money and I had the oppertunity to get the view of a different FS I would definately seek it as I've read a lot of different stories about some being a lot better than others.
YES!!! I've made it to the 5 week mark and today is plus 1 day which is the last 'baby losing day'!! The lines are still really strong on my tests and so I am so happy :happydance:
I am absolutely exhausted!!! yesterday I had a more sicky day than usual but today it's all settled well. Unfortunately over the weekend though I've had thrush start to build up:dohh: and so this morning e-mailed my doctor and he kindly put me up a prescription for it saying it's very common and it's all about the hormones and so as much as it sucks at least I still know things are different in my body!! LOL.
I also took the brave step of asking him to give me a Maternity Exemption Certificate today too which allows me to have Free Prescriptions because of my 'condition' LOL. It was a brave step but i'm trying to think positive - however when I asked the receptionist for a form to be referred to the midwife, she asked me to fill it in there and then so she could pass it on but I said i'd give it a few days so i'm still a bit apprehensive. I think onces Weds come and gone and I speak to the FS hopefully i'll feel that I can move on better. :thumbup:

So... how many days until your AF is due??? I just gotta do the could down with you!! It's horrible waiting yourself so i'll be there with you every step of the way!!:winkwink::hugs:

They do the progesterone test a week before your AF. My AF is due between the 22-23rd :wacko:. SOOOOOOO hoping she doesn't show!!! Umm yea I have some nausea in the AM and had some cramping a few days ago. I'm trying not to read into everything though bc I don't want to set myself up for disappointment :blush:.

I luckily have insurance so all I have to pay is the co-pay which is about $10. I think I will go to that doctor bc I want to make sure they monitor everything correctly if I am indeed pregnant or when I fall pregnant again. I'm not going to let him do a pelvic exam though I am so scared after the last pelvic and pap when I miscarried. So I'm not even going to change into the gown, lol:shrug:. They'll probably think I am nuts but I don't want to take ANY chances!!!

YAY for taking the plunge and going for the maternity exemption!!!!:happydance: My appointment is the day after yours!!! Do you think they will make another appointment for you quickly considering you're pregnant or will they still make you wait a month?
I have no idea. I wander if they'll just sign me off and send me back to the care of a doctor again. I suppose only time will tell....until tomorrow......
Last night I did a CB Digital and it said 3+ so it appears everything is on track!! Yey!!! I'm so relieved!!! Good luck with your appt I'll let you know how mine goes tomorrow. xxx
Oh yeah and yes, i'd definately see the other doc too if it's all covered by insurance. Everything helps!!:thumbup:
That's awesome!!! Good luck tomorrow, let me know how it goes :)
Wondering how it went today??!

Blimey it was a tiring day yesterday and so didn't get around to replying sorry.

The appointment went about as well as it could have I think. The fertility nurse said she could not run any tests because I was already pregnant and everything sounded like it was going well. If anything goes wrong she has given me the number of the early pregnancy unit and said testing would start straight away if anything went wrong. She was very supportive and explained that because I already had two boys it probably was a case of bad luck and shows there's nothing terribly wrong to start with. She said a lot of couples get tested and they never find a reason for it.
She's booked me a reassurance scan for 31st Aug and I can have another a cuople weeks after that if I feel I need to (like of course!!lol) and I asked about Baby Aspirin and if it would help. She said because I havent been tested for the blood clotting thing we would not kow but if i wanted to take baby aspirin it certainly won't hurt and so i am now taking it.

What about you?? How did yours go?? XX
At least you get to have a scan!!! Good idea with the baby aspirin...I'm taking it as well. You should get it thyroid tested too just to make sure. See if they'll do that for you. I don't believe that nonsense of "bad luck," I'm sure there were reasons for the other three losses. However I do believe that this pregnancy OS going great for you!!! They tried to pull that bad luck crap with me and come to find out I have s thyroid problem which I never thought I would have!!!!

I had my progeaterone tested yesterday and am waiting for the results. I have the other appt later today...I'm gonna go to just get a second opinion and see if further testing should be done or just assume the thyroid was the cause for all my miscarriages.

I read online that you can use the opk tests as pregnancy tests. Soooooo I've been using my leftover tests lol. A line keeps showing up and its gotten darker since yesterday. When I was testing for ovulation I only saw a line the days leading up to ovulation. The other days it was either really, really faint or just blank. I don't know if the line means anything (its not as dark as control though) but I don't want to use a HPT bc I'm only 8 dpo. Have you ever heard this about opks?

How have u been feeling;?? Are u excited about ur scan? Now do they refer you to an obgyn for prenatal care? How does it work there?
Nah she ain't up for testing nothing!! That's the NHS for you!!!

I am looking forward to the scan but am also trying not to make it count through every day, I want to try and stay as normal as possible just in case something does go wrong and then i've lost everything. Does that sound mad???!!! Anyway we are off on holiday for a week tomorrow and so I won't be online as much and when I do it will be via my phone so will be tricky!! I will definately be trying to keep up with whats going on on here though so keep me up to date with any news won't you!!:winkwink:

Tommorrow I will hand my form in to be registered with a midwife, she will then come and visit and make notes at some point. Then maybe once a month I will visit her to go over bits and pieces in between with my visits to the Early Pregnancy Unit for my scans and anything they choose to do. On the NHS it's kind of take what they give and be grateful! LOL

I know what you mean about the 'bad luck' theory, it sucks and the fact I have read that in America they test for more and it's easy to fix but they won't do it here is terrible - unless you'll pay of course, in my situation I am trying not to get too wound up with it all as much as possible and ride the rollercoaster gripping tight not to fall off!! I pray I never have to go for any tests and this one is the one :thumbup:

Let me know how your appointment went, I am still about tomorrow morning to catch up then after lunch off I go!:happydance:

AND don't forget to let me know if you get your BFP!!XXX:hugs:
Courtney I just used my leftover CB digital ovulation kit to see what it did n it came up smiling as if it were my surge. when i took the test stick out the first line was dark very dark n the second one was lighter. I have read before they can show pregnancy and so I thought i'd check it myself - all for science of course!! Lol and to let you know so hopefully you'll have an idea xxxx Good luck xxx ps i remember before when i wasn't surging i could sometimes get 2 lines so I wouldn't bet your life on it maybe just be open minded?? Xxx
Really??!? So maybe my lines do mean something after all!!

Wow they really do dictate your health where you live! I guess that's the downfall for universal healthcare! I'm sure you are perfectly fine though! At least you'll be away til ur scan so you don't have to go crazy over it!!

My progesterone level came back at 9 which is low. I've never actually had a convo with my doctor about any of my levels which is beginning to irriate me. I spoke to the secretary who recommended that I take progesterone supplements. Not sure why my doctor isnt saying this and why its recommended after I ask about it. My afternoon temp spiked to 99 today which only happens when I'm preggers so I kinda think I am. I'm so worried now especially with the low progesterone coupled with the thyroid problems.

Im about to head out to the fertility specialist appt so I'm gonna see how that goes. Hopefully he will be able to shed some light on all these'll be nice to actually talk to a doctor about it as opposed to a secretary or learning about it from dr Google!!

I'm going to miss you for a whole week!! I'll keep you posted on everything. Have fun on your holiday!!!
oooo...... Well, first thing is I really hope you are up for a :bfp: and I hope the progesterone problem sorts itself out enough to hold onto the little bean if there is one. I can understand your fear at the moment with all these figures blowing around you. It must be a nightmare the TWW is hard enough as it is!!:wacko:
Let me know what the other doc says, hopefully something positive!!??
My symptoms of sickness have taken a turn for the worst yesterday and today. It's like the minute I wake I have a massive wave of nausea and hot sweats come over me and I feel like I really don't know what to do with myself. It tails off through the days with smaller waves now and again and then when I have my little afternoon :sleep: it starts all over again!!:roll: This morning was awful! But I am trying to appreciate every bit of it! LOL.
I'm gonna miss all the chat this week too, it's lovely being able to talk to people that know how it all is, my DH is great but doesn't really get it, not like someone else who has been in my situation would. I only hope we can be :bfp: buddies together very soon!!! xxxx
Well, I got a faint BFP this morning!!!!!!! I'm around 8-9 dpo, I didn't even think I would get any BFP this early. It's really, really faint though which worries me. How was yours when you first got ur bfp? How many dpo where you?

The doctor I went to last night was an idiot. He basically told me if I do get pregnant...which I now am, that ill miscarry. He also told me that its pointless taking the progesterone suppositories now bc I don't know if I'm pregnant but then in the same breath he tells me to call him as soon as I get a bfp so he can prescribe progesterone. I'm like, shouldn't I take it NOW as a precaution in case I am pregnant? What a friggen idiot!!! Then he told me he can't count my previous 2 miscarriages bc they weren't clinically I said oh yeah I get it I'm too dumb to read the line on the pregnancy test. He didn't have a response to that just shook his head. He was saying he thinks I have PCOS which I don't know if I agree with bc I ovulate every month and don't have any problems conceiving just trouble holding on to the little bean. Needless to say it was a frustrating experience and I left angry lol.

I took the advice of my other doctor's office and started the progesterone suppositories. They suggested 100 mg but I decided on 200 mg bc my level is low and I am indeed pregnant. Plus I read that a lot of women take 200 and it can't hurt. I'm soooooo nervous now especially since the line is soooo light. Im going to call the doctor when they open and see what has to be done now. I.know my thyroid meds have to be adjusted and I'm sure they'll want to check my HCG levels due to my previous losses as well as the progesterone.

Sorry you're sick :-(. It's a really good thing though bc it shows you have strong hormones!!!! Yay!
That doc sounds like a right ass! I hope he's wrong about the MC.
I tested 14 dpo n got BFN so thought i wasn't preggrrs. Then tested 21dpo n that was my strong positive so no idea when it started :-/.
My sickness in the morning has eased right up the last 2 days although yesterday i had a moment of feeling REAL sick so just hope its just a fluke n nothing going wrong :-( im 6w today!! Fingers crossed it's staying!! I keep seeing magpie birds singly n in UK That's old wives tale - 1 for sorrow . they plagued me with my other MC so i hate em.
My internet is crap here n on my phone so forgive me not getting back or bad text talk!! Lol. good luckwith your BFP!! XXXXXXXXX
Yeah he's a jerk! Im taking the 200 mg of progestrone instead of the 100 prescribed. I'm going to play dumb like I didn't know what the dosage was. So far, so good. I'm going for my blood test tomorrow and am so nervous its gonna come back low.

I'm sure all is ok on your end!! With my two sons my sickness didn't start until 6 weeks and would vary I'm severity from day to day. I've heard of the magpie old wives tale. I'm sure you're ok so np worries!!!

How's your holiday going so far?
The holiday is mentally tiring because we've got my husbands two children this week too and im not able to rest as much but trying hard :-/ Im so glad your line is going darker. Im praying we will be full on pregnancy buddies!! ;-) xxx
How old are your step kids? Aww sorry you're sick and not getting much rest!

Yes Sooo happy about the lines, I took another test today and its almost as dark as test line...I've never had tests that dark even with my two healthy boys!! I'm going to let doctors office know that Im taking more progesterone then prescribed...going to pretend it was an error, lol. I think its doing something positive and I'm not having any side effects so I'm assuming its good bc my body obviously needs it or it would reject it with side effects....I'm assuming.

Yes I hope we can be bump buddies!!! Im getting the blood work tmrw and ill let you know how that goes :)
Woo hoooo!! Excellent news about your lines! That's amazing! :)
I'm sure I've read people taking 200mg before but it's better to be sure eh ;-). I can't believe your lines are so dark so early....i wander if i ovulated later as well as earlier in the month???
My step children are 5 and 8. Mine are 7 and 10. The 10 year old has Aspergers syndrome but he's not horrendously bad he just has his moments we've 'trained' him well!! So we have a handful here!! Lol. ....I know i must be mad wanting another!! Lol.
Good luck with your bloods :) xxx
I def ovulated last Wednesday, making me 12 dpo. I got the positive opk that Monday and felt o cramps for two days. I can't believe they are this dark either. I took another this am to make sure and there was a nice dark line again!!!!!! Yea I've heard of ppl taking 200 mg as well so I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm going to let the doc know today when i get my blood results back.

Oh wow so they are all close in age? That must be fun for the kids but not so much fun for mom and dad lol. Aspergers can be tough but you sound like you have him in check lol. I'm a special education teacher and had a few kids in my class that had amazes me how smart some of them can be!!! No you're not crazy lol. The kids will be excited when you tell them!! When do you plan on telling people....after your scan on the 31?

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