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Trying after 3 COnsecutive Losses....PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Yeah my husband had two children with his now ex wife and i had two with my now ex husband. when both our marriages were over we found each other and our sweet little fairytale started :)) yeah they are close together it works well.
I've told people that are important to me already because if anything were to go wrong even early on i needed them to know that no i was not really fine even though i would be trying to smile through it. they'll b relieved when we hopefully get a good scan. they are living week by week with me as it is lol. xxx
Aww thats so sweet!!!:).

That's good that you told some people!!! The entire process is so frustrating!

I called my doctor's office today to get the results for my blood test and was told that yes they are in but the doctor has to review it. OMG ru kidding??? Im like well can you just let me know if I am pregnant or not? She's like no the doctor has to review it and you can call tomorrow if you want. Ughhhhhh I am so beyond frustrated. Why cant these #@%!& idiots just let me know what the number is. I swear sometimes I think they think we are morons!
Hi girls. Sorry to invade your posts but I am after some advice. My history is as follows:

MMC sept 09
Daughter born aug 10
MC dec 11
MC mar 12
MC jun 12

I was referred to specialist, blood results showed nothing so told I am just unlucky. Was prescribed progesterone pessaries to use as soon as I get a BFP and was told to contact specialists secretary to arrange early scans. He told me regular scans have been proven to reduce chances of MC. He told me aspirin is a waste of time as no proof it does anything. I have decided to take it anyway. How much should I take in mg and when should I start taking. I ovulated about 5 days ago. Hoping this is my month.

Any help much appreciated. X
Hi girls. Sorry to invade your posts but I am after some advice. My history is as follows:

MMC sept 09
Daughter born aug 10
MC dec 11
MC mar 12
MC jun 12

I was referred to specialist, blood results showed nothing so told I am just unlucky. Was prescribed progesterone pessaries to use as soon as I get a BFP and was told to contact specialists secretary to arrange early scans. He told me regular scans have been proven to reduce chances of MC. He told me aspirin is a waste of time as no proof it does anything. I have decided to take it anyway. How much should I take in mg and when should I start taking. I ovulated about 5 days ago. Hoping this is my month.

Any help much appreciated. X

Aww so sorry about your losses. As you can see I have been going through the same. :wacko:. They diagnosed me with hypothyroidism....have you been tested for this? Both your TSH levels as well as T3/T4? I strongly advise baby aspirin...as does my doctor. Take 81 mg...that's what I take...start as soon as you ovulate. Don't start before as I've heard it can delay ovulation. I am also on progesterone...was prescribed 100 mg and opted to take 200 mg because 100 didn't do anything for me the last time as I still miscarried:cry:. Now I am pregnant again and my doctor's pffice wont give me my HCG results til tomorrow so I am going nuts!!!!

Do you live in the US? If so be more aggressive with the doctors and make sure they are testing you for everything under the sun including PCOS and thyroid disorders as well as clotting issues.

Lots and lots of luck....I hope you get answers as well as your BFP!!!

Aww so sorry about your losses. As you can see I have been going through the same. :wacko:. They diagnosed me with hypothyroidism....have you been tested for this? Both your TSH levels as well as T3/T4? I strongly advise baby aspirin...as does my doctor. Take 81 mg...that's what I take...start as soon as you ovulate. Don't start before as I've heard it can delay ovulation. I am also on progesterone...was prescribed 100 mg and opted to take 200 mg because 100 didn't do anything for me the last time as I still miscarried:cry:. Now I am pregnant again and my doctor's pffice wont give me my HCG results til tomorrow so I am going nuts!!!!

Do you live in the US? If so be more aggressive with the doctors and make sure they are testing you for everything under the sun including PCOS and thyroid disorders as well as clotting issues.

Lots and lots of luck....I hope you get answers as well as your BFP!!![/QUOTE]

Thanks for your reply. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I live in the UK. The dr tested me for clotting disorder. I have no idea what T3/T4 means or TSH. Sorry. Will need to dig my letter out with all the correct terminology on it later. I have bought some 75mg aspirin but it says do not take if pregnant on the box so it's very worrying for me! I don't seem to struggle getting pregnant, just staying pregnant. The specialist didn't seem too concerned as I have already had a daughter who was born at 40weeks + 10 days. My last three MCs have ended at 7w, 5w and 5w again. I'm so scared about it happening again. Not sure I can deal with another one. All of my friends sail through multiple pregnancies. Nearly all of my friends have recently had babies or are currently pregnant. It's so hard. None of them know what's happened to me. X
Hi Emmielou. If you've been tested for the clotting disorder and its come back u don't have it that's prob why they said don't bother with aspirin. I couldn't b tested for it because by the time i got to see the specialist i was already pregnant again. The fact you have had one child fine , like me, they said it tells them there can't be anything seriously wrong. Are they testing you for anything else yet like low progesterone?( although we don't get progesterone over here either because apparently there's not definite evidence to say it works is what i was told by the FS nurse. I too was told its prob bad luck n too keep going. I never knew how long i could carry on and was told - you'll just know when you've had enough. I do hope u get your sticky BFP soon. We all know it definitely sucks big time! Then even when it does happen you then fear every day. I think i can safely say we've definitely got our fingers crossed for you xxxx
Courtney - what's going on with your numbers? Have u managed to find out anything yet???? Xxx
Hey Emmielou
just read your post again n realised even though your results show nothing you still get progesterone??? I was told we wouldn't get it!?? You obviously have differing opinions to FS here in somerset. Where abouts are you in the UK? what stage did you have your MC's if you don't mind me asking?? Xxx
Hey Emmielou
just read your post again n realised even though your results show nothing you still get progesterone??? I was told we wouldn't get it!?? You obviously have differing opinions to FS here in somerset. Where abouts are you in the UK? what stage did you have your MC's if you don't mind me asking?? Xxx

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I am in lincolnshire but saw specialist in Cambridgeshire which is only down the road. He gave me the progesterone pessaries before I got my results but said to use them anyway as it can't hurt. My MCs were at 7w, 5w and 5w again.

So scared about it happening again. I couldn't bear it. X
Just spoke to nurse my HCG was 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy! I have to go back in three days to have it checked again.
Hey Emmielou
just read your post again n realised even though your results show nothing you still get progesterone??? I was told we wouldn't get it!?? You obviously have differing opinions to FS here in somerset. Where abouts are you in the UK? what stage did you have your MC's if you don't mind me asking?? Xxx

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I am in lincolnshire but saw specialist in Cambridgeshire which is only down the road. He gave me the progesterone pessaries before I got my results but said to use them anyway as it can't hurt. My MCs were at 7w, 5w and 5w again.

So scared about it happening again. I couldn't bear it. X

You are lucky they give it, I don't think they are too keen to down here.
We all know how you feel. Its a horrible unfair experience. With everyone of mine I managed differently but wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. xxx big hugs to you xxx
Just spoke to nurse my HCG was 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy! I have to go back in three days to have it checked again.

Fingers crossed for Friday then! How does 52 stand? Is that good for your dpo? Or is it a case that as long as they see it doubling by Friday then all looks good? Aw I SO hope this ones a sticky one!!! :))) xxx
Just spoke to nurse my HCG was 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy! I have to go back in three days to have it checked again.

Fingers crossed for Friday then! How does 52 stand? Is that good for your dpo? Or is it a case that as long as they see it doubling by Friday then all looks good? Aw I SO hope this ones a sticky one!!! :))) xxx

Average for 12 dpo is 48 or so I've read!!! With my chemical it was 9 so much, much higher!
Just spoke to nurse my HCG was 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy! I have to go back in three days to have it checked again.

Fingers crossed for Friday then! How does 52 stand? Is that good for your dpo? Or is it a case that as long as they see it doubling by Friday then all looks good? Aw I SO hope this ones a sticky one!!! :))) xxx

Average for 12 dpo is 48 or so I've read!!! With my chemical it was 9 so much, much higher!

With my first chemical it was 12 so not enough to show on a FRtest i had to beg for a BT! The other 2 i don't know but obviously a bit more for me to get a faint line.
Have u been to see your first docs again to get their opinion if they think this one will possibly stick even though your thyroid n progesterone are low? I hope they are a bit more positive than the other doc! I wish I knew my numbers for piece of mind but i know it can vary too...I'll just have to hold out for this scan :-(. Its awful Im very anxio about it fearing the worst i suppose but i must learn to have more faith!! Lol.
Just spoke to nurse my HCG was 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy! I have to go back in three days to have it checked again.

Fingers crossed for Friday then! How does 52 stand? Is that good for your dpo? Or is it a case that as long as they see it doubling by Friday then all looks good? Aw I SO hope this ones a sticky one!!! :))) xxx

Average for 12 dpo is 48 or so I've read!!! With my chemical it was 9 so much, much higher!

With my first chemical it was 12 so not enough to show on a FRtest i had to beg for a BT! The other 2 i don't know but obviously a bit more for me to get a faint line.
Have u been to see your first docs again to get their opinion if they think this one will possibly stick even though your thyroid n progesterone are low? I hope they are a bit more positive than the other doc! I wish I knew my numbers for piece of mind but i know it can vary too...I'll just have to hold out for this scan :-(. Its awful Im very anxio about it fearing the worst i suppose but i must learn to have more faith!! Lol.

My first chemical was 9...so this is much higher. I took another test this am and its nice and.dark. I haven't been to the doc yet, don't have an appt until Sept 13th...thinking of finding a new Dr office though so I have a prenatal appt on Sept 14 at another place. It sucks bc I just moved to a new area and can't seem to find a doc that I truly like. Hopefully my thyroid numbers are low and that's the reason for the success so far. My progesterone wasn't too low, they gave me suppositories more as a precaution bc it was borderline low but that may be due to the fact that I tested at 7 dpo. If my numbers are fine on Thursday I don't want anymore blood draws bc it makes me crazy. I too am being negative. I'm supposing the worst will happen, I guess its a defense mechanism bc I don't want to be crushed if things don't work out. I get excited about being pregnant but stop myself :-(. I know what you mean about the scan. Try to have some faith that all is ok. Have you been taking HPTs? I have to stop with that too lol. It was nice though yesterday bc I was able to give my husband the good news about my high levels on his birthday....he said it was the best gift anyone could give him :).
Ahhh bless that's lovely :) yes i brought my internet cheapies with me on hol but have calmed down a bit ;-) when i have done them the first line is still coming up darker than dark!! Im kind of thinking now that maybe my numbers r so high that if it popped out maybe the line wouldn't have time to lighten in some cases?? Trying not to rely on them too much now. Also when i wake in the night n feel sick as a dog or just as rough some mornings helps restore my faith that something is going right !! Lol.
I bet its awful waiting for Fri
in fact im sure it is! Lol. Im thinking of u every day praying for good. xxxxxxxxx
Yay for dark lines!!!! Glad to hear that things look good for you!!! I just got my progesterone and thyroid levels back. My prog is good at 18.3 but Dr wants me to stay on supplements. My thyroid was elevated though at 5.23 :-(. They are doubling my thyroid meds. I'm so nervous now bc that Damn thyroid is elevated! I'm not sure if it decreased and shot back up again due to the pregnancy, the nurse said this can happen. Ugh, its so stressful. Well tomorrow is my second beta draw so I will have some answers by tmrw afternoon or Friday. I just hope this thyroid doesn't cause Me to miscarry again!

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts!! You're in mine as well :)
Good luck for today n hope that darn thyroid starts behaving itself!! Let me know how it goes xxx
Good luck for today n hope that darn thyroid starts behaving itself!! Let me know how it goes xxx
Hi Courtney! Back from hols now so no more dodgy typing on my phone!:happydance: Had a great time even though have had dodgy moments and tiredness.

Had some sad news today - another lady on here that has had a lot of chemical pregnancies and early MC who i've been keeping up to date with has just M/C at 8weeks, it's so sad and makes you realise how easily this whole process can go wrong and there is nothing we can do to stop it:cry:
It's horrible and I pray she'll get through this ok.

How have you been? How are you feeling? Whats happened about your levels???? Oh it's good to be back to the good old friendly laptop!! LOL

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