Starry Night: DH and I had sex twice in the cycle after my last MC. TWICE in 37 days. I was just not in the mood. and that's ok. You need to give your mind and body time to heal. You don't have to start ttc right away if you don't feel like your ready.
emmy: PMS?? That's a good sign that SOMETHING is happening in there! Our bodies are so strange. I can't wait til you get in to see that FS and they tell you what's going on. I have a feeling it's going to be an easy fix and you'll be pg by spring.
AFM, I got my cross hairs. I'm 3dpo. I'm a little excited because we've been BDing a lot this cycle and have a good chance. However, I'm not giving myself permission to SS or anything until 10dpo. Then I'm sure I'll start my same old testing crazies.
In the mean time, I have so much going on... Work, Christmas parties, covering shifts this weekend, Christmas, some lovely dinners planned with friends, etc. This is such a busy time, helps to keep my mind off it all.