Lovely scan Viet! I always thought you were going to have a boy truthfully. I'm not sure how right I am, but for all the guesses I've had, I've been wrong once, so that has to be pretty good going. You'll have to tell us what you do have when you give birth.
As for me, I'm 5 days away from double digits and I'm getting pretty excited. I still haven't brought any baby stuff as we're moving in the new year so I need to wait and just chuck it all in her room. After my scan I went off the name Hana, so at a loss what to call her now, although Kaori is stuck in my head. I also appear to have a Japanese name theme going on for this baby and I have no idea why.
My other issues are around DS's school. Basically, DS is in his current school until the end of the school year as the new school we want him to go to is a special needs language school which won't accept you until year 3. Which is fine and everyone is behind us on that. However, his current school first made him go home 10 minutes early at the end of each day as his TA goes home at 2.30, so he shares someone else's for the last 30 minutes before being picked up. Last year he just stayed for the story and sat on the car mat like he was told to do and got up to go to the toilet. This year he has a new teacher and I don't think she wants/knows how to address his needs. He's not a bad boy and only has had 5 meltdowns at the school and normal defused when you give him a distraction which he thinks is good. So I don't think that is the problem. Anyway his school does PA on tuesday afternoon and the whole school has it at the same time. So the TA's all look after the children. So we've been asked if we can pull him out tuesday afternoon and take him swimming or something similar so they can use his TA for other things, but as a bonus she will stay with him until 3 all other days. In my mind this doesn't seem very fair as he has P.E. and he loves his P.E. teacher and she is really good with him. We meet her a lot at the stables for his riding lesson and last week she let him fed her horses. She does above and beyond to help include him in things and if I could afford to, I'd hire her as his personal tutor! So we're at a loss what to do really. Sorry for a rant, but sometimes better out than in!