Thanks flapjack. Glad Martha is doing well. I can't believe she's 2 months already!
AFM I woke up bleeding this morning, so in another state of panic. I have spent half this pregnancy worrying about bleeding, either the fear of bleeding in first tri, or actual bleeding in second. Not sure which is worse to be honest. This is the 3rd time this week I've had some, the other two times were light and stopped after a couple of minutes and was after I went to the bathroom so thought I could be straining to much. This time I did nothing. No sex, OH is luck if he gets any tbh as I just don't feel like it, no poo's no nothing. So I phoned the midwife at 5am so just waiting for her to get back. My theory was if I phoned in before she got there she might, just might get back to me before she sees anyone. Again I'm not to worried and have just come to the conclusion I might just have one of those annoying pregnancies were you bleed through it, but it was rather worrying every time you see red/pink/brown blood. Was red this morning, but no major cramps.
How is everyone else?