Trying before AF?

I completely agree with you girls, since my ectopic in March and mc in August I have now put on a stone! I need to stop eating and start exercising but I keep thinking I get pregnant again soon.....its a vicious cycle!

Hi i am new to this so jus ttrying to finda forum with lots of people who have sadly lost as i have..

Unsure what to do, i have posted this on another forum but thought id ask here too since i too am trying to conceive before AF..

I had a D and C 17th August for MMC at 12w1d, bleeding and pain stopped about three days after. No pain no spotting..Yesterday when i went for a wee (TMI) i wiped and there was a slight pink spotting, not really blood so to speak just spotting, but i have also started peeing and sneezing alot which were my first symptoms .. So i am worried now that they have left something in there (TMI) as it is too soon to be pregnant again as its only three weeks ago, we have been TTC as my doctor gave me the go ahead..

I have been having BFN on HPT for about two weeks so think my hormone levels are down, but what if theres leftover tissue and my body thinks its pregnant still and thats why im getting all my symptoms back, bearing in mind i lost all my symptoms a week before i had my MMC. Why would they come back after three weeks??

Im terrified i have an infection or leftover tissue ( i hate the word tissue )

I have rang the doctors but cant get in for two weeks and i have rang the hospital for a check up scan but, still waiting on a callback four hours later xxx Please any advice? xxx
Hi TTCSecrets - you've already posted this on this thread hun. If you click back on this thread you'll see that a couple of us have replied to you. Easily missed though when you're new.

Again, sorry for your loss. I don't know much about D&Cs sorry. Where you doing OPKs at all? Did you ever have a positive OPK?

Hey flapjack, where do i see the replies to my post on another thread? Computers arent really a strong point sorry lol! I was doing OPKs along with HPTs straight after d n c,they were positive for a few days longer than my HPTs were and we have been TTC since the bleeding stopped , we had positive OKS for a few days after the bleeding stopped, well maybe about 6 days and now they are negative xx

And ive just had the most useless phonecall back from the hospital, she didnt listen to a word i said, i told her my pregnancy symptoms went a week before my dnc, and now they are back, she said that spotting was normal, but do any of you girls know what i mean, as a woman, when you feel that somethings not right? I know my body and something is not right, she said it could even be ovulation bleeding but i have had negative opks? God i dont know what to do with myself :'(
Hmmm it's a strange one...! I think if there was anything 'left' inside you that would be experiencing some pain at least. The miscarriage advice on the NHS says if you bleed for longer than two weeks and if you experience really heavy bleeding, pass clots or tissue (sorry) or you have uncontrollable pain then those are the symptoms of tissue (sorry again) being left behind. So hopefully that isn't the case.

Miscarriages can do messed up things to you both physically and emotionally. Your body is a bit beaten up after them and something you'd normally cope pretty well with becomes a huge issue (checking tissue when you wipe being one of them). I know it's hard, but try to relax. Have you been in contact with you Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit as they may be able to help?

Is it possible your pg again, or hae you had a negative HPT recently? Sorry if you've already answered this.

Again, I'm sorry for your loss and what's happening now, but it will get better I promise.

*If you look at the bottom of the last post you'll see a line of numbers. If you click on the number next to the last number that'll take you back in the thread and you'll be able to see our replies from earlier.*
thankyou flapjack, ive had negative HPT for two weeks, we have been trying again as the doctor gave me the okay to just a few day after the bleeding stopped, had no bleeding or pain at all since the few days of bleeding stopped , i try to relax but its just like, every hour seems like four days as daft as that sounds.. I have to go back to work on monday and there are three people on my team who are expecting and we all had a little chart on the team board to track our pregnancies so im dreading it, im dreading it if theyve took me off the chart, and also dreading it if theyve left me on, so i cant win :(

theres a chacne i am again cos we have been TTC but i dont think its that cos its only been three weeks, i know its possible but with my luck its not lol x
Ooops just seen you're update from your phonecall now.

I know what you mean about it not 'feeling' right. :hugs: Remember, that you've been through a huge emotional experience in the last few months and that can effect how you feel about things (trust me)!

thankyou flapjack, ive had negative HPT for two weeks, we have been trying again as the doctor gave me the okay to just a few day after the bleeding stopped, had no bleeding or pain at all since the few days of bleeding stopped , i try to relax but its just like, every hour seems like four days as daft as that sounds.. I have to go back to work on monday and there are three people on my team who are expecting and we all had a little chart on the team board to track our pregnancies so im dreading it, im dreading it if theyve took me off the chart, and also dreading it if theyve left me on, so i cant win :(

theres a chacne i am again cos we have been TTC but i dont think its that cos its only been three weeks, i know its possible but with my luck its not lol x

:hugs: That's so sad :hugs:

I sort of know how you feel. There's a lady in my work who's pg now and I'm not sure (cos I don't want to know), but I think she's due when I would have been due with my first MC. :( The reminder is so hard... That's going to be so tough :hugs:

It is definitely is possible and you never know! I really hope you get your rainbow soon. All I can say is I've had something "left" in me once (not pregnancy/MC related - ok it was a condom :blush:) and it is very painful when there's something "up there" that shouldn't be. It's a long, funny embarrassing story :haha:
thankyou flapjack, ive had negative HPT for two weeks, we have been trying again as the doctor gave me the okay to just a few day after the bleeding stopped, had no bleeding or pain at all since the few days of bleeding stopped , i try to relax but its just like, every hour seems like four days as daft as that sounds.. I have to go back to work on monday and there are three people on my team who are expecting and we all had a little chart on the team board to track our pregnancies so im dreading it, im dreading it if theyve took me off the chart, and also dreading it if theyve left me on, so i cant win :(

theres a chacne i am again cos we have been TTC but i dont think its that cos its only been three weeks, i know its possible but with my luck its not lol x

:hugs: That's so sad :hugs:

I sort of know how you feel. There's a lady in my work who's pg now and I'm not sure (cos I don't want to know), but I think she's due when I would have been due with my first MC. :( The reminder is so hard... That's going to be so tough :hugs:

It is definitely is possible and you never know! I really hope you get your rainbow soon. All I can say is I've had something "left" in me once (not pregnancy/MC related - ok it was a condom :blush:) and it is very painful when there's something "up there" that shouldn't be. It's a long, funny embarrassing story :haha:

Haha sounds like a great story haha !! Thankyou for that!

It would be lovely, so i think im going to do one of two things.. Wait for my AF to show up, ill give it til 28th September which would be 6 weeks after my DnC, if it shows up, i can just try next month with ovulation kits n stuff, if not, ill do another pregnancy test, would be a miracle and i have prayed for the first time ever, but even if not either way ill try for a sticky bean again,, Hope youre okay too :) xxx
Sounds like a plan! Things always seem a bit better when you've got plan of action (especially BDing action lol).

As a very wise member of this thread has said in the past, "To get a rainbow at first you have to endure the rain". You will get your sticky bean :thumbup:

I'm fine thanks! I really do understand the frustration of waiting around when you're ready to get back to TTC! Feel free to stick around on this thread and chat/rant with us ladies anytime!
OK, ladies going to vent and tell you whats up if dont mind...:)

I think most of you know my situation with my two boys I have allready, I have really stuggled through the summer holidays, not been able to talk to them via school. Had Sam's (other half) boys over for a lot of the holls and we went out on days to Wales, Twycross Zoo ect, to see family ( their great Grandma and Grandpa who are 93 and 95) and it was all lovely but I felt so guilty because my boys were not there it had me in bits, It makes me feel guilty because Im acting mum with them and not my own, I got so so down and turned to drink of all things and now beat my self up about that when we are trying to concieve and all................

Just feel so helpless and dispairing, feel like I am letting everyone down including myself, but I feel like I have to punish myself, bet Im not making any sense whats so ever...
Had a really tough day yesterday as my eldest Luke who is 11 began his first day at "big school" as I call it, and all the staff there are brill and totally understand my situation, they are really "Anti Dad and his misses" but anyway just felt lost I wanted to give him the biggest cuddle and tell him how much I love and miss him but I could'nt, and no matter what happens I will never get that time back.............
But talked to his school today and the learning mentor there had took him to one side and told him I has asked about him and how much we miss and love him and she said in all the time she has been doing her job she has not seem a smile beem across a child's face so much, made me cry........
I am in the process of going to court and representing my self to bring his dad to rights, it's so so wrong, he only got them because I was in hospital for nearly 4 months....
So upset............. :(

Makes me think if trying to concieve ATM is such a good idea with what we have to deal with but Im 35 and have not time on my side...
i think i will stick on here for a bit just to se other ladies views and occurences, i know this sounds awful and im sorry for everyones losses, and i dont mean to sound terrible, im just glad i can chat to people who have been through the same or similar to me, a loss is a loss , and i just hope that my time to be a mum comes, it will, when im ready i guess, just gonna play the waiting game.. And yeah the BDing action plan is brilliant, oh just while im here, what does af actually stand for? I know it means period but whats it abreviated for x
Awww Twister :hugs: I didn't know any of that was going on... :(

I don't know how you feel, as I've never been through a situation like that or anything similar. I'm sorry you've got all that going on as well as your MC.

You seem to be doing all you can without breaking the conditions of the court and that's all you can do. Maybe you could start writing a diary to your boys and then when you're reunited, or they're a bit older, they can read it and see how much you missed them. Maybe you could write down your memories of them, when they were born, funny things they've done in the past and how when you think of those things it makes you smile. You could write how you miss them so much, especially with your eldest starting big school and how proud you are of him. You could say all the things you hope to do with them when you are reunited and how much you love them.

Hope that helps... Love to you hun

i think i will stick on here for a bit just to se other ladies views and occurences, i know this sounds awful and im sorry for everyones losses, and i dont mean to sound terrible, im just glad i can chat to people who have been through the same or similar to me, a loss is a loss , and i just hope that my time to be a mum comes, it will, when im ready i guess, just gonna play the waiting game.. And yeah the BDing action plan is brilliant, oh just while im here, what does af actually stand for? I know it means period but whats it abreviated for x

It does feel better to chat to other ladies who've been through similar experiences.

AF stands for Aunt Flo lol! It's an American term... grosses me out! I'd never say Aunt Flo in real life haha.
Haha aunt flo! lol ! been trying ot figure it out before by lurking on forums haha! xxx
awww, twister, i had no idea <3

DO NOT blame yourself. Just keep moving forward and do the best you can every day. It's what I've had to do over and over and anyone who's being honest will say the same thing.
oh Twister that's so sad! :hugs: That must be so hard, but you are definitely not a failure for it. I really like flapjack's idea of the journal to let them know they were always on your mind. I think they would love that and cherish it for the rest of their lives.
Twister :hugs: - I wish I could give you a real hug instead of a virtual one. I third flapjacks idea. Full of good ideas that one!
Twister I am sorry too, I have no idea what you're going through but I forth flapjacks idea, it will help both you and your beautiful boys in the future :-)
Flapjack I wanna hear the condom story! I had a condom come off inside me once and it got lost but I knew it was there so went to the doctor to get it out...also very embarrassing!!! If something was there that shouldn't be it would start smelling pretty quickly (sorry tmi)

Twister :hugs: this world is a crazy place! Things will work out one day! Ur doing everything u can, and why not ttc u don't want to miss ur chance, love flapjack's idea, my mom made us write a journal when we were little when my dad left, it's also quite therapeutic, hope u feel a bit better, don't beat urself up xx

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