Trying preseed this time!

Let us know how your doctors appointment goes this afternoon. I really hope they have some answers for you! Keep your chin up, you're not necessarily out yet!
Mrs Kibler, great news about your new doctor! FX you'll get your bfp really soon!!

Sorry about the bfn Hope *hugs*. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Ok so to make a long story short, next step is for DH to get a sperm analysis even though the doc doesn't think he needs it. He just wants to "cover all basis". And for me, I have to do an HSG which I am freaking out about because I heard it's really painful :nope: my doc does feel confident that I may fall pregnant after the HSG because most women do since the tubes are "flushed".

I also told him my concerns about my progesterone not being high enough to implant and he said after we get results back from HSG and if we continue with a few more rounds of clomid, he will also give me progesterone to take alongside it. For the moment though I am having no af cramps, just the dull ache on the right side which I told him about and he wasn't concerned. Maybe by some crazy miracle I implanted late and I am already pregnant but I highly doubt. Ugh so much info to take in I am so overwhelmed!
I had an hsg april 30th... I am on my second cycle. It is painful but not intolerable, I did take some med before I went though... everything was normal for me.
I go to dr soon, but i give up trying. Good luck ladies!
Mrs Kibler, everything sounds good and great that they seem to be moving quickly and seem to be pretty helpful

Hope1409, it does all seem really overwhelming, I feel like that too! So much to think/WORRY about! At least things are moving in the right direction. The quicker you have these procedures the closer you’re getting to your BFP.

Mrs.B, how are you getting on?

I had my follow up app with my doctor (GP) about my blood results which was ok, I guess? Although I asked him about what he thinks is going on and why my progesterone might have been slightly low and am I ovulating and he said 'you're definitely ovulating because you have regular periods'! But this is mental, because even I know that that's not the case and you can have periods and not ovulate. Something makes me suspicious that he's fobbing me off a lot of the time. But the good thing is that he referred us to a Fertility specialist, thank god! REALLY feel like I need to talk to someone who specialises in this stuff. We managed to get an appointment for early August, which is pretty quick for the NHS in the UK! Also, we're going on holiday in July so I’m going to try and not worry about any of it and relax and deal with it when I'm back! I say that, but I know I’m lying to myself.

After the Doc appointment I had my 21 day blood test repeated also, see if there's any changes. I doubt it'll be better than last time, probably worse so I’m scared to ring them and find out until next week. I'm about 8dpo (ovulation, yeah right!) and have no symptoms whatsoever, surprise! But to be honest because of finding out with both have issues, it's made me less hopeful each month so I’m expecting AF as normal. I know I’ll still be gutted when it comes though.

Anyway, speak soon guys. Praying that one of us gets our BFP sooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! Think we all deserve it!

P.S, sorry if you've already discussed this and I’ve missed it, but who's had a reading done? I caved and have one from eBay. She said in and around this Aug I should conceive. I don't believe any of that crap BUT when it comes to TTC I’ll believe everything and anything if it's something I want to hear!
Hope - it sounds like your doctor has a good plan for you. Hopefully they'll give you some sort of pain medication before the HSG. Praying all works out for you in the end!

Kzee - I had a few readings. Started feeling hopeless and turned to them for reassurance. I was told I would get my BFP in April (got it in March), and was also told by 3 psychics I would have a baby girl (and we're having a boy!). So, while I don't believe they're accurate, they did give me hope and gave me something to look forward to.
Kzee - I'm doing ok thanks. Waiting to O at the moment. I took Soy CD5-9 and currently on CD17. Hoping to O soon but no signs yet (normally O CD22-25). That's great news you have been referred to a fertility specialist! Even better that you got in so soon!!

*hugs* Hope. GL with the HSG and DH SA.
Ok so to make a long story short, next step is for DH to get a sperm analysis even though the doc doesn't think he needs it. He just wants to "cover all basis". And for me, I have to do an HSG which I am freaking out about because I heard it's really painful :nope: my doc does feel confident that I may fall pregnant after the HSG because most women do since the tubes are "flushed".

I also told him my concerns about my progesterone not being high enough to implant and he said after we get results back from HSG and if we continue with a few more rounds of clomid, he will also give me progesterone to take alongside it. For the moment though I am having no af cramps, just the dull ache on the right side which I told him about and he wasn't concerned. Maybe by some crazy miracle I implanted late and I am already pregnant but I highly doubt. Ugh so much info to take in I am so overwhelmed!

Hi Hope! I had the hsg last week and for me personally it was extremely painful. Although the pain for me only lasted about 30 seconds it felt like 5 minutes. They found my left tube to be blocked and I have heard that when there is a blockage it is a lot more painful. My Dr pretty much said not to worry about it because he thinks my uterus was in a spasm, which can make it look like there is blockage. He was able to give a good flush to my right side, so I am hoping that helps. I would suggest taking some pain medication/ibuprophen about and hour and a half prior to. I have heard lots of women who have had it didn't experience any pain at all, so it is different for everyone. Don't stress!!! I wish you lots of luck and hope everything comes out ok! It is a great diagnostic test to have!!!! Maybe you are preggo now and won't even have to have it done :)
Thanks for the info Jules! I just got off the phone with radiology and they booked me for Monday which puts me at cd9. I really hope it's not too painful for me, but I have to keep telling myself, either way it needs to get done so I need to tough up, lol. I have heard many women fall pregnant after the procedure because the tubes have been flushed, even my soc said that was the case....hopefully that happens for us as well :)

How is everyone else doing? Af came yesterday for me with a vengeance! Ohh I can't wait to send her off to a far away land for 9 months!!!!
hi ladiess !!!

i am 22 yrs old and have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. i was on loestrin 24fe for about 5 years and have recently went off. my periods have been all out of whack so its hard to tell when and if I'm ovulating. however my last period was 5/21/2012.. still not period, yesterday i have ewcm with a strand of brownish color in it and lots of ewcm and diarrhea. still no period, no signs of it either. i took several urine tests and still nothing !! for the past 3-4 days i have had shooting pains in my lower stomach and very cramp but not like regular mentrual cramps, even pains down my leg. wouldn't i have gotten a BFP already if i were pregnant ?:wacko: help !! loll

:dust: to you all!
Hey Ladies!!
Kzee- Have you tested yet??!! Whats the news???

Hope- How did your HSG go?? I'm interested to hear!? I had mine today :( Are you going to keep trying this month? Did your Dr. Mention if it was okay to do so?

Megann- How were your periods before BC? After I went off the pill the longer and longer my cycles were. (I have pcos so I wasn't ovulationg- they went up to 9 weeks) You may just have irregular cycles, which makes it hard to figure out when your ovulating. I have tried using OPKS? I've found they help so much!

Last Thursday I had my U/S. Confirmed I have PCOS. I have several cysts on each ovary, and one that is somewhat echoic, and could possibly have a retracting clot. I'm not really sure what that means though. Dr said she wouldnt give me any ovulation inducing drugs until Cysts are gone. The cyst aren't bothering me now, and I can't feel them ( only while BD'ing), so it makes me wonder what they were like 3 weeks ago when I was in so much pain. So I have another U/S in 6 weeks to see if they have dissolved.
I had my HSG today and it was HORRIBLE. I guess my uterus is tilted so he had a hard time getting the catheter in. It was 25 minutes of him prodding around trying to get it in, it was horrible- then when they pushed the dye through it went to excruciating. I wonder why it hurts some people and not others. But I will definitely not let anyone do that to me again. So glad I had DH with me to drive me home. Called in to work, and have been relaxing all day. Pain isn't' so bad now but pretty sore. They called said everything looks good, and there were no blockages- Thankfully. So here is to this next month and waiting for an ultrasound. It will be interesting to see how this next cycle goes with out medicine.

Sorry for another book!
MrsKibler i am so sorry to hear your HSG hurt so bad....reading it actually freaked me out to be honest, lol. I have mine coming up on Monday and I am a nervous wreck! I think it's the whole "catheter" inserting that's freaking me out more than the "pain" of the actual dye. Did you see the size of the catheter? Is it fairly thin? I am really hoping all goes smooth because I don't handle "probing" too well. At least you know there is no blockage for you which is great news! I asked my doc if it was safe to try this month after the hsg and he said it was recommended because most women fall pregnant after an hsg because the "tubes are flushed" and the egg travel is since mine is on cd9, I am going to probably try and recover for a few days and start bding cd12. This cycle will be a natural one for me too without clomid. If i don't get a bfp this month, my doc is going to give me a few more rounds of clomid with added progesterone. I really feel the progesterone is my problem and why I am not implanting. *sigh* too much to handle!
Hello all!

I hope everyone is well, despite the PCOS's, HSG's and more importantly the bloody BFN's!

MrsKibler, the HSG sounded pretty horrific, but brilliant news that there were no blockages! I know I'm probably repeating myself but at least going through these things are all steps in the right direction.

Hope, I guess you just have to go into it thinking that this is just something you are willing to do to get that BFP. Easier said than done, I know... Let us know how you get on.

Well, my only update is that I repeated my 21 day progesterone blood test and it was slightly higher than before, but not quite high enough. I went from 27.7 to 28.5 (UK measurements) and it needs to be above 30 to confirm O so I just don't know what the hell that means to be honest! I'm due AF tomorrow, it would literally be a miracle/dream come true if I were to get a BFP this month! I have no kind of symptoms whatsoever and kind of know, like ALL months, things just aren't in the right place (yet) to successfully conceive, but there's always a tiny bit of hope. I don't tend to POAS as they're too expensive and heart breaking. I usually just wait it out. I know when the witch is coming, usually the night before I get a gurgling in my stomach, so we'll see if I get that tonight, hey ho.

Just wondering, to those who have been diagnosed with PCOS, what were your symptoms? I'm wondering if I have it also, which may explain the low progesterone, and sorry, but I'm a little hairy! But I don't ever have pains etc and have always had regular periods...?

Just a lot more hanging around waiting to do before we, fingers crossed get some answers and hopefully words of encouragement, from our appointment with our fertility specialist in a month. It's not the worst month to wait as I have a wedding to go to, then going to see Bruce Springsteen (my other love!) then on holiday for 12 days in Spain. So assuming I will not be pregnant during these weeks, at least I won't be bored.

A BFP is coming to one of us soon, IT WILL! Hope to hear from you soon xxx
Hope- I thought your HSG was going to be this Monday....i would have toned it down until after yours so I wouldn't freak you out. I would definitely suggest taking Advil or whatever you usually take prior to the test. I hadn't taken anything and wished I had. I also think it was more painful because of the cysts...everything is SO tender. I didn't get a huge look at the catheter but from a quick glance it looked relatively small. Defiantly not like urinary catheters. My uterus was also tipped so it wasn't easy for him to get a good angle. These are a lot of issues you most likely don't have. So try not to stress my dear.

Kzee- My symptoms for pcos were the constant cysts and Pain I was having from them, the irregular periods- any where from 4-9 weeks apart, and never consistent. Then had the blood work to confirm. I'm not overweight, I have a lot of peach fuzz hair everywhere but not the manly stubble some people get....If you think you might have pcos you should ask your dr to check via blood work and see if its a possibility. If you do your FSH and LH have a 3-1 ratio (or close to).
No worries on toning it down Mrs.Kibler i am glad you gave it to me straight. My appointment is this coming monday and i m definitly going to take 4 advils before my appointment. I just need to suck it up and do what i gotta do. Its really not the cramping pain i am worried about...its more thr insertion of the catheter into the cervix. I really hope i dont feel that!
In regards to the pcos, i dont have it so i wouldnt be much help. I have also always been a little "hairy" too but i dont know if you can use that alone to say you have pcos.
Hope- I thought your HSG was going to be this Monday....i would have toned it down until after yours so I wouldn't freak you out. I would definitely suggest taking Advil or whatever you usually take prior to the test. I hadn't taken anything and wished I had. I also think it was more painful because of the cysts...everything is SO tender. I didn't get a huge look at the catheter but from a quick glance it looked relatively small. Defiantly not like urinary catheters. My uterus was also tipped so it wasn't easy for him to get a good angle. These are a lot of issues you most likely don't have. So try not to stress my dear.

Kzee- My symptoms for pcos were the constant cysts and Pain I was having from them, the irregular periods- any where from 4-9 weeks apart, and never consistent. Then had the blood work to confirm. I'm not overweight, I have a lot of peach fuzz hair everywhere but not the manly stubble some people get....If you think you might have pcos you should ask your dr to check via blood work and see if its a possibility. If you do your FSH and LH have a 3-1 ratio (or close to).

Hi lovely! Yes, I had all of the tests and they all came back "acceptable" except for the progesterone. I'm not sure about the measurements as they tend to be different to the US but on day 2 of my cycle (follicular) my serum LH level was 6.0 u/L and serum FSH level was 8.1 u/L. Any ideas what the hell this means? I didn't ask my dr as I was too preoccupied with my prog/Ovulation questions and would prefer talking to the specialist! Speak soon x
No worries on toning it down Mrs.Kibler i am glad you gave it to me straight. My appointment is this coming monday and i m definitly going to take 4 advils before my appointment. I just need to suck it up and do what i gotta do. Its really not the cramping pain i am worried about...its more thr insertion of the catheter into the cervix. I really hope i dont feel that!
In regards to the pcos, i dont have it so i wouldnt be much help. I have also always been a little "hairy" too but i dont know if you can use that alone to say you have pcos.

Silly as it may sound... I actually suspect that my "hairiness" is my own fault! I remember getting extra hair when I was young I was really paranoid about it and removed it whenever I could, and I really think it seems to have grown back thicker and darker in those areas where I didn't leave it alone. The only thing that really bothers me is facial hair. It seems to have developed over the past 2 years, it's not really bad or dark or noticeable but I notice it! D'you know what I mean? Hmmmm, hopefully it's just normal though! I catch myself comparing myself to other girls, tut!

God I know how to embarrass myself don't I?!! Oh god! Ha
Hey Ladies!!
Kzee- Have you tested yet??!! Whats the news???

Hope- How did your HSG go?? I'm interested to hear!? I had mine today :( Are you going to keep trying this month? Did your Dr. Mention if it was okay to do so?

Megann- How were your periods before BC? After I went off the pill the longer and longer my cycles were. (I have pcos so I wasn't ovulationg- they went up to 9 weeks) You may just have irregular cycles, which makes it hard to figure out when your ovulating. I have tried using OPKS? I've found they help so much!

Last Thursday I had my U/S. Confirmed I have PCOS. I have several cysts on each ovary, and one that is somewhat echoic, and could possibly have a retracting clot. I'm not really sure what that means though. Dr said she wouldnt give me any ovulation inducing drugs until Cysts are gone. The cyst aren't bothering me now, and I can't feel them ( only while BD'ing), so it makes me wonder what they were like 3 weeks ago when I was in so much pain. So I have another U/S in 6 weeks to see if they have dissolved.
I had my HSG today and it was HORRIBLE. I guess my uterus is tilted so he had a hard time getting the catheter in. It was 25 minutes of him prodding around trying to get it in, it was horrible- then when they pushed the dye through it went to excruciating. I wonder why it hurts some people and not others. But I will definitely not let anyone do that to me again. So glad I had DH with me to drive me home. Called in to work, and have been relaxing all day. Pain isn't' so bad now but pretty sore. They called said everything looks good, and there were no blockages- Thankfully. So here is to this next month and waiting for an ultrasound. It will be interesting to see how this next cycle goes with out medicine.

Sorry for another book!

Hi Mrskibler~ I feel your pain. I know exactly what you are saying about how horrible it was....I thought I was going to die lol...It's great news that everything looks good!!!
Who better to turn to than to you ladies. :cry: I just got home from my cousins bday gathering and guess what announcement she made....yup, she's pregnant!!!! I was hugging her crying because I was so excited for her, but in reality those tears were more of a "here you go again getting slapped in the face!" I really don't know how much more of this I can handle. I had such a hard time keeping it together the whole time I was there and now I'm just a mess :cry: how on earth can I be strong and positive while everyone is getting pregnant with such ease and I'm here struggling, taking Meds, having HSG's and the future still unknown.

Sorry for the vent ladies but you guys are my only form of support right now other than my dh. My sister thinks I'm crazy and that my turn will come but it's always easier said than done when your not in the situation yourself. I'm off to cry myself to sleep :cry:
Sorry hun - huge *hugs* for you. I hope you feel better soon xx

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