Trying preseed this time!

How I understand how you feel. I always have that feeling when I see pregnant people anywhere. I feel like crying when I see them but then I remind myself maybe that person had issues and waited years for that baby,.and it turns me right around and I'm truly happy for them. Jealous of course. That won't ever go away. I'm sorry for how down you are. I don't know your cousins situation, but maybe they had issues too? I'm sorry I don't really have anything to cheerful to day but you can always vent to us! This is what we are here for. I hope you are feeling better now and can enjoy the rest of your weekend! Hugs and baby dust your way :)
Hope, I'm so sorry you're feeling so down. I can relate too. Although, When I see pregnant people, somehow it makes me feel better!? It's weird, it's like getting pregnant currently seems like such an impossible task that when I see a someone who is pregnant, it restores my belief that it can happen for me too.

Having said that, I do share the feeling of 'the unknown'. I HATE feeling uncertain about the future and how hard it already is at this stage and I'm so scared of how much worse it might get as time passes by. I feel like I'm constantly waiting and feel frustrated most of the time which is horrible. I just wish someone could guarantee that I'm going to get a BFP at some point soon and I would relax. The not knowing is what is really hard to deal with. (Oh, yeah, got AF last week :( obviously!)

How's everyone else doing? x
Hey ladies - just checking in!

MrsKibler - so sorry your HSG was horrible :( When I had a Mirena IUD placed a few years ago we found out my uterus is tilted and I have honestly never felt a pain like that in my life! Although it was painful, hopefully it will improve your chances this cycle!

Kzee - when I first thought I might have PCOS my symptoms were sporatic cycles (just as MrsKibler described), rapid hair growth (but not necessarily in uncommon places), weight gain (I had always been a healthy, consistent weight but when I quit my birth control I noticed I was packing on the pounds despite my work out regimine), and acne (I went from a perfectly smooth face to constant breakouts). I agree with MrsKibler, let your doctor know and they can schedule a blood test to determine if you do have PCOS.

Hope - Thinking about you today!! :hugs: I know you're not looking forward to this test, but keep a positive mind that this will help you get the baby you deserve!

Praying for you all!! I think about you guys all the time and know I'll be reading your BFP announcements soon. Chins up! :)
Hope - GL with your HSG today hun.

How's everyone getting on?

AFM - Finally got my +OPK today...thought it was never coming! Took Soy CD5-9 and it's delayed my ovulation from CD22-25 to CD27. But at least it looks like I might be ovulating now which is a relief!
Ok ladies my HSG is over and done with!!! It really wasn't too bad. If I can handle it, then anyone can. The most discomfort for me was when the catheter was in and the balloon inflated. That is when I had the cramping but it seriously lasted 10 seconds. I never felt the dye go in or anything. I was kinda numb down there with all that shit shoved into such a tiny hole, lol (sorry tmi). But honestly I read so many horror stories and it was really nothing. I have had worse menstrual cramps than what I felt today.

I am confused with the results though. My right tube is open but he said he couldn't figure out what was going on with the left one. He mentioned something about it being enlarged? He said he had to look at the images more closely to see what was going on. I don't know what to think...there is always something to stress about! The nurse told me to keep positive, my uterus was looking good and my right tube was open and that still gives me a good chance to fall pregnant. Anyone heard of this enlarged stuff? I want answers damnit!!!! I hate the not knowing :cry:
Hope, I am so glad to hear it wasn't as bad as you had expected! Not sure about the enlarged tube?? But like you mentioned, the good news is that your right side is clear and your uterus is healthy, so you still have a good chance! Stay on top of your doc to make sure you get answers. FX'd the HSG helps you this go round!
i am so confused and an emotional mess! :cry: my doc called me with yesterday's results. right tube is open, left tube eventually showed some spillage so we cant say 100% if it was blocked or not. but the bad news is that the hsg showed both my tubes are dilated!!! how the hell does that happen??? he said it could be from a previous infection or something and there would be no way for us to know how long its been like this. he basically said if i am not pregnant in 2 months, then i need to be referred to a specialist!!! i am sooo scared and nervous and sad and just everything is crashing down on meee!!! :cry::cry:
Hi everyone, I'm new to the site and this thread and hope you don't mind me joining (seems like this thread is pretty active but I haven't been able to read it entirly :) ). We've been ttc since Feb. of this year and I seem to have regular cycles other than that they can be a bit longer than average (35-40). I am thinking about using pre-seed this cycle but really don't know much about it. Any thoughts/advice?

Also, in reading some of the threads one here, it seems as though some of you thought you ovulated during a cycle but didn't (you'll to to accept my apologies if my understanding is incorrect as it has been confusing trying to keep track of the threads and keep all details of what goes with whom haha). I'm wondering how you were able to tell whether or not you actually ovulated? Seems like some had blood work done or tests by doctors? I have been using OPK's but not charting BBT. My doctor keeps saying "well you know you're ovulating because you are getting your period." But is it not true that you can have a period and not ovulate? Sorry for all the questions, etc. Hope they make some sense. :) Thanks!

PS - congrats to those of you that have gotten your BFP's and much much baby dust to those of us still waiting!!!!!!!
Oh, Hope! I am so, so sorry to hear that :( Did he tell you if there is any sort of treatment for dilated tubes? Big hugs to you :hugs: I wish there was something more I could say or do for you.
Oh, Hope! I am so, so sorry to hear that :( Did he tell you if there is any sort of treatment for dilated tubes? Big hugs to you :hugs: I wish there was something more I could say or do for you.

No, he basically just said because stats show high pregnancy rates after an HSG, try for 2 months naturally and then if nothing go see a specialist so they can better interpret the results and talk about IVF. He said he didn't want to waste my time trying clomid again since we now know I have more issues than just the progesterone. I tried googling things but it's not very helpful so I am just so bla about it all!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots and lots of hugs your way and hoping that the HSG was enough to get a natural BFP.
Hope - Sorry to hear about the results hun *hugs*. FX you get your bfp naturally in the next two months.

Welcome overanalyzer - Preseed is basically a lubricant that is sperm friendly. It is intended to mimic fertile CM to help the swimmers reach their target. It's particularly useful for people who don't produce much, or the right type of, CM - but can be used even if you produce lots. There have been some great success stories with it...and there are no side effects. So give it a go and see what you think, if you don't like it then no harm done, just stop using it :)

About ovulation - you can test for the LH surge using ovulation test sticks and it is the LH surge that kick starts ovulation. But your body can produce the LH surge and not ovulate. The only way (apart from blood tests) to confirm ovulation is to temp and see a rise in temperature (which would indicate ovulation). It's most accurate when you combine lots of things, OPK's, checking CM and temping. Yes, you can not ovulate but still get your period. Are you regular? Whilst not an exact science, if you are having regular periods then it is likely you are ovulating normally - which I guess is what your doctor means.

Just seen that you mentioned you are fairly regular (I have a long cycle too - about 37 days ish and I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating each month so long cycles don't necessarily mean problems). It sounds like you maybe should look at going to another doctor when you do decide to take it further - if your doc has not done any tests then it's a big statement to say you are clearly ovulating because you have a period - especially when you have longer cycles.

For a normal, healthy and young (in the 20's) couple you have up to a 25% chance of conceiving each month (which isn't cumulative, so after 4 months of trying you still only have up to a 25% chance each month). This is why the docs say it can take up to a year for a young healthy couple to conceive. If you are based in the US - from what I can tell on this forum - the docs may start to do tests when you have been trying for 6 months. If you are in the UK docs won't do any tests until at least a year of trying (depends on where you are, some places are longer).

PS sorry for the essay!
Hope - I'm also sorry to hear about the results of your testing. I wish I could lend some advice or information about dialating tubes but I haven't ever heard of it. I'm curious so may do some gooling myself but I do believe you said you tried and it didn't seem to help much. I'll let you know if I come across anything good!

Mrs. B - Thank you for the info! Have you used the soft cups with the preseed? I almost feel as though I should use both or I'll be waisting my $ on the seed if it just leaks out of me (which I feel usually happens with the semen) haha.

I've thought about temping but have heard it can be quite stressful. If I choose to do so, do I have to start on CD1? Or can I start a few days in? Any recommendations on a cheap, easy to ready therm?

My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned about anything at this point so that is good however, I don't seem to find it very helpful when she just tells me to "relax. I'm young and have a lot of time." I mean, I'm not in her office shaking, yelling or saying that something is wrong. I've simply inquired about whether or not my cycles seem to be somewhat normal. It really doens't help that I see her maybe once a year and it seems that each time she is pregnant!!!
I am extremely new to all this. I just experience a CP. Not exactly sure how I feel about everything, however my DR told me that this could be my most fertile time. My DH wants to try again, I am just so nervous. I know I can get PG, it has happened in the past, but I haven't had anything in 7 YEARS!!!!!!!! And I have been tested up and down, and I am completely 100% healthy. Also, my cycle is regular as could be. In face I should be ovulating Saturday. Any advice would be helpful. I am just not sure what to do.... I am almost at a loss.
overanalyser - I've not tried soft cups myself, though I have heard good things about them. I just try to lie down for 20 mins after DTD...sometimes I lie on a pillow to help the swimmers go in the right direction. I don't think you need to start on CD1 for temping - though most people do. As long as you have a good number of temps before and after ovulation so you can clearly see the shift in temp after ovulation then thats fine. Sounds like you really need a new doc - it is not helpful to be told relax, you're young. From what you have said she will not take you seriously if you do need to go to her for fertility tests (hopefully you won't need to!)

AMMCAS - welcome :) What's a CP? What do you mean by haven't had anything in 7 years - haven't had pregnancy? period? What are your cycles like?
I had a chemical pregnancy recently. And I haven't gotten pregnant or felt pregnant or anything in 7 years. For the past year and a half or so we have been trying but not trying... We figured if it happened it happened. Well I am at the point now where my clock is ticking. I can't wait anymore.... My cycles are normal, 28 days, never late, maybe a day if any. Normal flow, normally heavy within the 2/3 day. I just recently started tracking my cycle though, recently started measuring my body temperature and just truely trying to stay in tune with my body. according to my chart on my phone I should be ovulating on saturday. We have :sex: about every other night, and we will bd tonight, tomorrow and saturday. I am just so frustrated and flustered..... It would def be nice to have some other girls who understand where I am coming from.
Also what in the world is a soft cup and where can you get one?!? I have preseed.....
AMMCAS - I'll be sending good vibes to you this weekend :)! A soft cup is basically used instead of a tampoon and I guess some use them after intercourse to keep all the swimmers in place or preven them from leaving. Instead of absorbing any blood or fluid it catches it I guess. Here is a website pertaining to them so you can read more about them if you wish.

Funny thing though, I was looking into preseed again today (on their website) and there was an article about seamen leaking out after intercourse and how that isn't a bad thing...go ahead and take a look at this if you want too. I think I've decided to hold off on the soft cups this cycle as I'm trusting this article and going to save some money :)
Thanks Overanalyzer!!! I am starting to think that should have been my name on here!! LoL. Been a great help!!! Hopefully I will be thanking the lucky stars I found preseed on here!!!!
You are most welcome! Again, good luck and much baby dust to you this weekend! :)

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