I am married to my best friend; we both work for a living; we don't steal, do drugs or use others for our own ends. Yet, for some unknown reason, WE aren't able to have kids. 6 years ago, we had confided in someone I grew up with, a woman a little older than myself. That turned into a huge mistake: after telling her how heartbroken we are about being unable to conceive, she decided it was her "job" to tell us about how there are a lot of criminals out there that can have kids, etc. She even went as far as to tell me that I was just upset that God sees me as such a terrible person, that even HE won't let me have a child. For years, she and her then-boyfriend brought up everyone but us having kids, no matter how many times we asked them to stop, that it was no laughing matter. My husband and I were the ones to remove them from our lives-then we found out that the "boyfriend" recently had a child with one of his exes. We are still not able to have a child of our own. Why?? Why is it that WE are destined to be child-less? People who've repeatedly hurt us can have kids, but we can't? What is the meaning of all of this? People say, "Give it to God and it'll happen" or "Stop trying and it'll happen." ???????? Seriously?! How long do we have to "Give it to God" or "Stop trying"? Until I'm 70? Until my husband has died from old age? Oh, but the good news is, "We can always adopt"!!! Yea, we tried that too, and even then we failed. It's always us! Everyone else can have kids, abuse them, neglect them, use those tiny miracles to hurt others, but WE are the ones who can't have kids, right? So confused, angry, heartbroken, but still people see us as a huge joke-that a sex-offender is somehow seen as a person that is fit to reproduce, and we can't. I remember someone actually having the nerve to tell me that I just wanted to be the center of attention and that people aren't going to be that messed up to anybody just for laughs-that I was somehow looking at this situation in the wrong light. That I was looking for a reason to despise other women and that I needed to stop thinking like that before I began to hate everyone just because of my failure to have a child.