Trying To Conceive #1+ Vent Thread

Hi, I am new to this site. My husband and I have been married for 5 years and ttc for a year and a half. I am getting so frustrated and my doctor keeps telling me not to worry about it because I am still young. I find myself getting really upset when friends and coworkers tell me their pregnant. I do try and hide it from them but its getting so bad that I am blowing off baby showers and birthday parties. Has anyone else had this feeling or is it just me? Am I being selfish trying to protect my own sanity?

I think you are completely normal to feel so frustrated. Have you asked your dr to do any kind of testing to check your hormone levels?

If your doctor won't help you go to a different one. They're supposed to help you if you've been ttc for 12-18 months. I would be pissed, just because people are young doesn't mean their bodies are perfect. Not trying to say either of you have anything wrong, but you should have the right to get the tests done if it's been that long. Stick it to em'!

I was going to say the same thing! Find another doctor. The reason you aren't getting pregnant could be something SO simple that your doc could have fixed awhile ago. I would definitely get a second opinion.
Good luck!
Hi everyone. Just seen this thread depite being a member for some time. I've been ttc with my new partner since July and still not fallen. Its so depressing when AF rears her ugly face every month. I want to be a mum again so bad :(
First off, hi! I'm newly registered,but have been reading here for a long time.

My dh and I have been ttc with a relaxed approach for a little under a year with no luck. I'm starting to go insane! I do chart,and I have used an opk or two, but it seems like my cycle is steady,but we just can't hit. Currently am waiting for af/ to test again in a few days.
A lady at work currently thinks i'm pregnant. Instead of being normal and asking she tells me "if you are you've ruined your life, your only 19" ...why the hell would you say that to someone you think is pregnant! That's horrible. P.s i don't judge you for wanting to wait till 35 so don't judge me. K thanks.
A lady at work currently thinks i'm pregnant. Instead of being normal and asking she tells me "if you are you've ruined your life, your only 19" ...why the hell would you say that to someone you think is pregnant! That's horrible. P.s i don't judge you for wanting to wait till 35 so don't judge me. K thanks.

I can relate to that, I'm not 19, but I'm in my early 20's and all my friends and people in my life act like getting pregnant before your late 20's/30's would ruin your life and you would regret it forever blah blah. Mind your own business lol, I've seen people who are in their 30's have kids and maybe they have better money than someone as young as us, but they seem to be more tired and less able to relate to their kids. Not everyone is like that of course, but still, money isn't everything and if you've already done everything you want to do in life then what's the problem. I've always wanted to be a young mom.
I know plenty of young women who are way better moms than anyone over the age of 25 could be. People need to mind their own business. It's not about age, it's about caring and loving for your child. If you can provide for that baby then who is to say you shouldn't be a mom?
A lady at work currently thinks i'm pregnant. Instead of being normal and asking she tells me "if you are you've ruined your life, your only 19" ...why the hell would you say that to someone you think is pregnant! That's horrible. P.s i don't judge you for wanting to wait till 35 so don't judge me. K thanks.

I can relate to that, I'm not 19, but I'm in my early 20's and all my friends and people in my life act like getting pregnant before your late 20's/30's would ruin your life and you would regret it forever blah blah. Mind your own business lol, I've seen people who are in their 30's have kids and maybe they have better money than someone as young as us, but they seem to be more tired and less able to relate to their kids. Not everyone is like that of course, but still, money isn't everything and if you've already done everything you want to do in life then what's the problem. I've always wanted to be a young mom.

Thank you! I have always wanted to be a young mum and whenever we get our break at the same time i dread it! It is always "you wont be able to go on holidays or go out or have a job, how could you actual afford a baby, your OH has been laid off, he can barely contribute and your moving back with your mum, are you just doing this to get a council house? ... " the list of horrid things she says is actually endless!! The worse thing is I thought we were friends :nope: She always tells me the reasons she is waiting which is to be financially secure but that will never happen 100 percent for us, we wil be able to provide for the baby, at times we may struggle but who doesn't? She got herself into ridiculous ammounts of debt when she was my age which she is now still paying off, her mum helped her get her mortgage which is the only reason she could get one, i dont have anyone to help me with that however i'm in a long term stable relationship who will be there for me 100% and thats more important, being able to provide for baby needs and having a loving secure environment. Being in your own owned house isn't as important in my opinion! I don't tell her "i think your selfish for waiting for your mid 30s because of the increased health risks and you wont have as much time with your children" so why is it okay to tell me im selfish for having a baby at my age? AND why the hell are you telling me this when you genuinely think im pregnant? I'm dreading her finding out when i get my :bfp: Mainly because i spend 40 hours a week every week with them and they do talk behind backs and i don't want people calling me selfish and saying my baby wont be happy :cry: I also don't want them to try make me regret my decision, i never would regret it but it would take some excitement out of it when i'm in that environment because i would be too scared too talk about it :shrug: It annoys me, we work in a nursery and all the people who got pregnant aged like early/late 20s - mid 30s get treated so well everyone is really interested and want to make the pregnancy easier by doing the more stressful jobs whereas the last person who was pregnant whow as 20 she was too scared to tell until she was 20 weeks and then when she did it was horrendous, i was the only one to say congrats everyone else was asking if she was keeping it :dohh: and if it was an accident and were complaining because she said she couldn't change the younger ones on the changing table anymore :growlmad: They will be 10x worse for me because they are 100 per cent sure im having a baby after trying so they will think im selfish and this woman even said she thinks i will be "the laziest pregnant girl ever" ... now i will tell you im the only person who actually puts 100 percent to my job and when i asked why she thinks that she told me " because you always do all the jobs for the other people who have been pregnant so you will expect the same" ... uh no i used my judgement because i think baby should be put first and you know what, if i dont feel comfortable to do bins, do nappy changes i will bring it up on my risk assessment. (sorry for the essay!!!) The only thing i think i will be happy about about being pregnant and working there is i will be able to count down the days till maternity leave and i will admit they do give everyone a nice gift and arrange a special lunch for everyone which is nice :) But in work whne actually working i think it will be a struggle because one of the ladies in my room and this girl i have wrote that essay about have both told me "when you tell us your pregnant dont expect us to be doing your jobs, your pregnant not disabled" :cry: I think they think i will get pregnant just annoy them because the world obviously revolves around them! x
And thanks mamkris i totallly agree!!!! x
I don't like moaning about ttc as i have children and grand children already but me and my oh are trying and have been for a short time of 4 months . I don't obsess as it will happen when and if its ment to but grrr @ this month as my af turned up 10 days early . I thought at first it may have been inplantation until today when i clotted a small amount . I just dont want to be to old when it finnally happens xx
sooo looks like im not the only one getting annoyed.... I hope we all get our BFP's soon!

I have never ever been so dizzy, collapsed twice and stupid receptionist at my gp told me to call tomoz to see if they have any appts :( & AF is late but im getting scared to test now... I suffer with low blood pressure (never been dizzy before tho) Im wondering if I am preggy & becuz I have low blood pressure thats what is making me dizzy.....

Ahhh would give anything for an answer... except POAS because that is the longest 2mins of my life! :haha: x
HELP!!!! I got a smiley today... which is weird because i had smileys the 5th and 6th, and then no smileys from the 7th on... until today... another smiley, and one spot of pinkish brown blood.... according to fertility friend I'm 3 days past ovulation with my basal temps being what they are, but why would i get a smiley today then? and whats up with the blood spot???? can anyone suggest what the heck might be going on?

NOTE: I did a pregnancy test two days ago, it was negative.
Stupid stupid body!! Look pregnant so much so strangers ask, got one positive test and a million negatives, boobs up two cup sizes, yet no weight gain at all. To top it all off I've got loads of symptoms. Make up your mind body. Are you pregnant or not ?! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!
Stupid stupid body!! Look pregnant so much so strangers ask, got one positive test and a million negatives, boobs up two cup sizes, yet no weight gain at all. To top it all off I've got loads of symptoms. Make up your mind body. Are you pregnant or not ?! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!

:hugs: I know how you feel hun!... Have you booked in for a blood test? That might shed some light on it all.... I I took a hpt 2days and got a BFN Im a week late tomorrow... Think I might ask for a blood test when Im 10days late :haha: If I last that long!x
Since my cycles are all mucked up I have not got a clue about being late or that. Should really go to GP for a blood test . Just work stupid shifts so never seem to get a chance. Driving myself crazy with this belly. I seriously look pregnant, got sore boobs, keeping feeling sick, headaches and serious back ache, plus all spotty. Which I never have.

Hope everything works out for you (",) xxx
Im new here an just needed a second to vent, I am currently trying to conceive #1, it has been so hard for me to cope with different things. I am 26 years old an the only person I know without any kids. My friends all engage in conversation about their children an I have no input whatsoever. I want this so bad but its just not happening for me. I was diagnosed with PID when I was 18 after dealing with a scumbag boyfriend, but anway I was hospitalized for 3 days and its been extremely hard for me to get pregnant. I tried for 3 years with no luck at all. I finally went an got a hystosalpinogram done an the doc said everything looked fine. I have to admit I have not been actively trying so much but we are finally ready to try again. Any advice would be great!! Thanks!
Just gotta vent... So, I've been dating this guy for 2 years now. We got married 2 months ago. We've been ttc for a year and no luck. I hate feeling the way I do, but why in the world is it so easy for all these other girls (not dating, certainly not married; not nearly ready for motherhood, much less wanting it) to get pregnant and not us! People tell us we're trying too hard but what they don't see is how there is no such thing as 'trying too hard' when you desperately want your own family? Now, I'm not downing these girls... Lord knows some of them have had children and turned their lives around. But then again, there are some that have had their kids and just continue on about their lives like no change is necessary. :/ I'm just saying... I'm jealous, hurt, and disappointed. Is it bad to feel this way?
@ hlamb....I feel the very same way! For some people it is so easy for them to get preggo without tracking and symptom stalking....I feel down alot an I hate feeling like this. But maybe its just not our time. I try to think positive about every situation but its so hard to stay positive when u want something so bad an its just not happening. when I get my cycle i wanna break down and cry sometimes because I have to do this process all over again an its stressful!
@ hlamb....I feel the very same way! For some people it is so easy for them to get preggo without tracking and symptom stalking....I feel down alot an I hate feeling like this. But maybe its just not our time. I try to think positive about every situation but its so hard to stay positive when u want something so bad an its just not happening. when I get my cycle i wanna break down and cry sometimes because I have to do this process all over again an its stressful!

It really is stressful. Every month, I convince myself that I need to take a test because my boobs are bigger, I feel sick in the mornings, and I pee too much... And here comes the BFN. My friend just broke the news a week ago that she's pregnant from a one night stand. I can't say how badly it hurts to see everybody else be blessed with a precious gift that we want so badly... But I try to lay it all in God's hands and just be positive and happy for them until God sees that it's the right time for me and my DH.
Awww ladies my heart breaks for those of you who have been TTC for longer than anyone can handle positively. I am only in my 1st month of TTC and just started my 1st 2ww and am terrified of the possible long road ahead. DH and I have not been tested for anything so I am unsure of our fertility info. We have been together 10 years and I am surprised we haven't become pregnant already (even though we weren't actively trying). We also have friends who have not been in stable or committed relationships... or any form of relationship for that matter and have fallen pregnant. It is disheartening to think there are people out their that would do anything to be able to fall pregnant and are taking all the steps to try and achieve this including taking specific care of their health!

I know someone who told me that when I got around to having kids and if I didn't want to breast feed anymore to just take an illicit drug (she named it) as breast milk dries straight up when you take it... and this is her speaking from personal experience! I was so angry! How dare she openly and happily tell people she was taking illegal, harmful drugs and trying to breastfeed her son! :growlmad:

I am annoyed that everyday since being married I have been asked if I am pregnant or expecting (no one knows we decided to TTC). How can people be so sure we aren't having difficulties and aren't heartbroken every month AF arrives... counting every day and hanging on every month is not something that is their business. I think this is a time I want to share with my DH as it's a special moment and part of our lives that is between us two; yet everyone else is trying to make it their business... I am afraid of people finding out we are TTC as they will then make it their business and that's added worry I don't want or need....

GL to you all :hugs:

Since my cycles are all mucked up I have not got a clue about being late or that. Should really go to GP for a blood test . Just work stupid shifts so never seem to get a chance. Driving myself crazy with this belly. I seriously look pregnant, got sore boobs, keeping feeling sick, headaches and serious back ache, plus all spotty. Which I never have.

Hope everything works out for you (",) xxx

Aw I hope you get your BFP Hunni :) Never Give Up Though <3
You have a lot of the symptoms I have!! Hopefully we'll both get an early xmas present this year :D x x x

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