A lady at work currently thinks i'm pregnant. Instead of being normal and asking she tells me "if you are you've ruined your life, your only 19" ...why the hell would you say that to someone you think is pregnant! That's horrible. P.s i don't judge you for wanting to wait till 35 so don't judge me. K thanks.
I can relate to that, I'm not 19, but I'm in my early 20's and all my friends and people in my life act like getting pregnant before your late 20's/30's would ruin your life and you would regret it forever blah blah. Mind your own business lol, I've seen people who are in their 30's have kids and maybe they have better money than someone as young as us, but they seem to be more tired and less able to relate to their kids. Not everyone is like that of course, but still, money isn't everything and if you've already done everything you want to do in life then what's the problem. I've always wanted to be a young mom.
Thank you! I have always wanted to be a young mum and whenever we get our break at the same time i dread it! It is always "you wont be able to go on holidays or go out or have a job, how could you actual afford a baby, your OH has been laid off, he can barely contribute and your moving back with your mum, are you just doing this to get a council house? ... " the list of horrid things she says is actually endless!! The worse thing is I thought we were friends
She always tells me the reasons she is waiting which is to be financially secure but that will never happen 100 percent for us, we wil be able to provide for the baby, at times we may struggle but who doesn't? She got herself into ridiculous ammounts of debt when she was my age which she is now still paying off, her mum helped her get her mortgage which is the only reason she could get one, i dont have anyone to help me with that however i'm in a long term stable relationship who will be there for me 100% and thats more important, being able to provide for baby needs and having a loving secure environment. Being in your own owned house isn't as important in my opinion! I don't tell her "i think your selfish for waiting for your mid 30s because of the increased health risks and you wont have as much time with your children" so why is it okay to tell me im selfish for having a baby at my age? AND why the hell are you telling me this when you genuinely think im pregnant? I'm dreading her finding out when i get my
Mainly because i spend 40 hours a week every week with them and they do talk behind backs and i don't want people calling me selfish and saying my baby wont be happy
I also don't want them to try make me regret my decision, i never would regret it but it would take some excitement out of it when i'm in that environment because i would be too scared too talk about it
It annoys me, we work in a nursery and all the people who got pregnant aged like early/late 20s - mid 30s get treated so well everyone is really interested and want to make the pregnancy easier by doing the more stressful jobs whereas the last person who was pregnant whow as 20 she was too scared to tell until she was 20 weeks and then when she did it was horrendous, i was the only one to say congrats everyone else was asking if she was keeping it
and if it was an accident and were complaining because she said she couldn't change the younger ones on the changing table anymore
They will be 10x worse for me because they are 100 per cent sure im having a baby after trying so they will think im selfish and this woman even said she thinks i will be "the laziest pregnant girl ever" ... now i will tell you im the only person who actually puts 100 percent to my job and when i asked why she thinks that she told me " because you always do all the jobs for the other people who have been pregnant so you will expect the same" ... uh no i used my judgement because i think baby should be put first and you know what, if i dont feel comfortable to do bins, do nappy changes i will bring it up on my risk assessment. (sorry for the essay!!!) The only thing i think i will be happy about about being pregnant and working there is i will be able to count down the days till maternity leave and i will admit they do give everyone a nice gift and arrange a special lunch for everyone which is nice
But in work whne actually working i think it will be a struggle because one of the ladies in my room and this girl i have wrote that essay about have both told me "when you tell us your pregnant dont expect us to be doing your jobs, your pregnant not disabled"
I think they think i will get pregnant just annoy them because the world obviously revolves around them! x
And thanks mamkris i totallly agree!!!! x