Trying To Conceive #1+ Vent Thread

I just have to vent.. Saw two pregnancy announcements on FB (I swear on my life ill never announce anything formally through stupid social media!) and a couple of dumb celebrities announcements this week a d I'm just thinking.. Why does my very overweight friend and her very overweight husband who are doing good to eat anything green, plus my friend who smokes and drinks regularly (both legal and illegal substances) why do they get pregnant like one kid after the other??? I'm healthy, watch my folic acid calcium And every other vitamin like a hawk, never smoke or drink ANYTHING, and have a solid full time job (same goes for hubby) that I love and solid marital relationship. I love my friends- and I know they deserve happiness too, but why do they have kids easily when it's a struggle for me and I'm healthier and trying at all the right times? Gah!
I'm changing my vent of the day (dont wanna put more than 1 vent a day, i might look crazy :wacko:)
My new vent:
I confided in a close friend how we were ttc but might need a break if other half doesn't get another job soon and she was really unhappy that we had even considered trying. :( she said if she is too young that means we are (OH is 20 i'm 19) Now we, me and my friend, are both 19 but in totally different times of our lives. I tried to explain this to her by explaining why we may be the same age but really we aren't in the same place of our lives. I've experienced going out and don't really enjoy it much, I only go out for special occasions really whereas she goes out 2-4 times a week. I work full time qualified in childcare, she works part time in a shop and doesn't want full time anytime soon. I live with OH and am engaged to him whereas she lives at home and still gets pocket money. I have a license and car and she can't get a car because she spends it on going out. I've been with OH 4 years and she has never had a proper boyfriend. I know plenty about how to look after children both in theory through college and first hand through being a aunt (have him 3 days a week because my sister works shifts) and i then work in childcare whereas i'm pretty sure she has never held a baby in her life and she doesn't really like kids. But she was just so harsh and said she is the normal one for living her life like she does because thats what everyone our age does and i explained i don't care if its normal for me to go out so much and having one stands i wont be because frankly it's a dangerous situation to put yourself in. I'm glad i'm at this stage of my life compared to hers but i dont tell her she is living her life wrong so why tell me? We have considered every angle of having a baby and possibilities of anything financially going wrong and the risks will always be there, there is always a chance someone could be laid off! We have considered how it might impact our relationship and we both think it will only make us stronger to have someone else to love in our little family. I told her because i was upset that we might not get pregnant anytime soon if OH doesn't get a job out of his interviews and wanted her to say something like "whatever it happens it will work out how its meant to because thts how your life is suppose to be" but instead i get that. Started to already realise how some of my friends aren't true friends, i thought that wasn't suppose to happen until you were pregnant? haha x
Argh!! I hate it when BFP's happen to people when they aren't even TRYING!!!!!!!
:grr: :growlmad:

There. I feel better.
Argh!! I hate it when BFP's happen to people when they aren't even TRYING!!!!!!!
:grr: :growlmad:

There. I feel better.

I don't even believe people when they say they weren't trying anymore, it seems impossible to get pregnant when your taking your contraception etc when you don't get pregnant when your using none time n time again! I was convinced the first month i would be pregnant because you get it drummed into you that if you don't take your pill like clockwork bam your pregnant :haha: They miss out that you only get pregnant at certain times of the month and sometimes having sex at that time isn't even enough!!!
ok, i'm venting... I hate how hard it is to get pregnant. I hate that some people have to experience multiple miscarriages while others can have 6 perfectly healthy kids in a row. I would never wish a miscarriage on anyone, but its so frustrating when it happens to some people over and over. Just breaks my heart!!! I hate that drug addicts can have kid after kid that get taken into foster care while good people who would make great parents can't have a single kid. gahhhhhhhhh!!!! phew. I feel better. thanks.
ok, i'm venting... I hate how hard it is to get pregnant. I hate that some people have to experience multiple miscarriages while others can have 6 perfectly healthy kids in a row. I would never wish a miscarriage on anyone, but its so frustrating when it happens to some people over and over. Just breaks my heart!!! I hate that drug addicts can have kid after kid that get taken into foster care while good people who would make great parents can't have a single kid. gahhhhhhhhh!!!! phew. I feel better. thanks.

i agree! it's so hard to understand!
My sister in law.. who is pregnant with her 4th.. when she wasn't even trying... gave me a pregnancy test for Christmas... and has asked me every day since if ive used it yet.. I actually feel so Pressured...
My sister in law.. who is pregnant with her 4th.. when she wasn't even trying... gave me a pregnancy test for Christmas... and has asked me every day since if ive used it yet.. I actually feel so Pressured...

I just recently told my MIL that DH and I were TTC... Ever since I heard her talk about a grand baby before Christmas next year.... :( I feel pressured and sad because I want one before Christmas 2013 as well!
Yeh I know she also wrote in my and hubbys wedding card...hurry up and give me nieces.... :S
Yeh I know she also wrote in my and hubbys wedding card...hurry up and give me nieces.... :S

Wow, that's full on!

I thought I had pressure just from being asked (literally) every day for the first month since our wedding if I was pregnant. Saying "No" every day was enough to make me want to smack them on the side of the head :growlmad: - these things don't happen over night! LOL :rofl:
Wow. And what if you were struggling with some serious infertility issues? People should think more carefully sometimes before they say things.
I am so pissed off with my partner saying "good things come to those who wait", the doc saying "your still young you should enjoy life" well i will enjoy life when im pregnant and i am holding my bundle of joy for the first time, my step son has got baby 2 on the way "great" obviously my partner is over the moon and so should i be but how can i when im so angry because im not pregnant yet, when we seen them i smiled at all the right times and nodded when needed but really my heart was breaking into a million pieces, yet i say "i bet your so happy your pregnant" she replies " its just ashame i cant drink no more" oh get over yourself i would do anything (tried almost everything) just to be pregnant, oh btw having a major rant because yet again i worked myself up thinking i was pregnant, then the witch arrives, or i think so i dont even think the witch knows what to do anymore. Arhhhhhh rant over (for now).:growlmad:
OMG That's Terrible! Mine Got Preggers Just As fast as she could when she found out we were trying, that was 3 years ago and she has since had one. This year she told me "Don't feel like You Have to have one Just for My Mom" WTF? Huh SMH Sometimes.
That last post was for Ms Lemon , Sorry guys Im so new trying to figure this site out
Exactly, and what's worse is that maybe people are struggling with #3 or whatever, but some of the people on here who are struggling with their first are going to find out that even after drugs, IUI and IVF, and maybe even donors, they still can't have one and the only thing they can do is adopt or get a surrogate. Which is not a bad thing at all, but it isn't the same. I would much rather be complaining that I can't have a third than complaining that I can't have a first. Many people are completely happy and thankful to have one or more miracles. I myself also want multiple kids, but if I was struggling with that I would be saying "well at least I have 'this many', that's more than some people can say". Also if I had the money I would be more than happy to adopt a baby after I already had some of my own. Of course I would be happy to adopt a baby even if I could not have my own, but like I said it is not the same. I digress, the point is just let people vent, we are all in the same boat here struggling with the same thing. I think everyone on this thread feels compassion for each other even if we are in a little bit of different situations.

I Have been Trying for 7 years and though sometimes it Bothers Me In real life I Never let it be known that it does, But I Know My Sister N Law knows it does and tries to push buttons, She Started trying when She knew we were , Had one 2 years ago and even though I Never talk about it she has lately been stating she's thinking of Doing IVF, even though She knows she has no issues she just wants another one right now. SMH and Bless My sould for being able to bite my tongue
Anyone Else Throw Up Just A Little In Their Mouth Hearing Kim Kardashian Is Preg? Sigh They Are going to exploit the crap out of that Poor Thing, Anyways as much as I Loath All things Kardashian I Do feel For khloe Who Has been trying for a long time And Would be very happy to hear when She becomes With child. Sorry if this was a shallow vent I Usually Am Very Positive :haha:
Just found out tonight one of my close friends is pregnant. She has two kids already and she was Afraid to tell her bf because he doesn't Want anymore. She Actually cried tonight when she took the test. And not tears of joy. And they have only had unprotected sex one time since her last kid was born...and bam. Pregnant. I am so tired of this heartbreak...
Wow. Those are the ones that really hurt. Someone who not only wasn't trying but didn't even WANT a baby. Ouch.

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