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Trying To Conceive 2012-2013 Babies Club!

im wondering if stress can have an effect on your temps as i went to hospital yesterday (aftermath of accident earlier this year) and he surprised me with an anasthetic and steroid injection in my shoulder which was agonyyyyyyyy

i was screaming like a baby and everyone was looking at me when i left lol

took me ages to get to sleep last night cos of the pain and this morning im in pain

dont know if this affects the temps

how come i can read other pples but not my own chart :cry:
Hey all!! Just new to this so bare with me! lol. Hopefully this will be a lucky new year for us!! Me and the OH and TTC our first! I came off Cerazette on 13th Dec. I had a bleed starting on the 17th Dec...going by my calender I should be OV soon..but still no positive test. Bit disheartened but I know it can take time. My mum tried for 11 years to conceive me...hopefully won't take that long though! Patience isn't my virtue. Would love to hear others stories!! :) :) xx
Hi Msloumaria!! Sounds like we started around the same time! :) I came off Cerazette on 13th after being on contraceptive for around 8 years, including injection. We are both hoping for a 2012 baby. I am 24. I am already worrying about problems conceiving...I have been using OV tests but no positives :( I had a bleed on the 17th for 5 days but don't if it was a withdrawal bleed or not ( I never had a full bleed on the pill). My mum took 11 years and alot of help to conceive me...hopefully not as long winded for me!! That is playing in my mind too...trying to stay relaxed though!! :) :) xx

Hi Cookie2011. Do you fancy a TTC buddy? We can share tips, advice and hear each others stories? Let me know :flower:
Hi, I have a 12 year old son with a previous partner (6 months to concieve). Been with hubby for 11 years & we have a 16 month old daughter (1 year to concieve). Have been TTC for 6 months for the final piece of the puzzle :)

hello everyone!
Hey everyone :flower:

Well heres my story,
Me and my husband have been together for 4 years but married in August 13 2011,we have been trying for 4 months now and are getting lucky every other day but nothing yet,Its hard.All x-mas all i heard was " are yous trying" " are yous having a baby yet " i felt like saying please stop ... and then my mother in law bugs everyday is there a baby yet ? i just need a break from them asking...to make it all worst my sister in-law tried once and she is having her 2nd due in jan.Is it mean of me to be a little jealous,I wish her the best but i cant help but think when is going to be my turn :(

Sorry this is so long( Needed to vent)

TTC for 4 Months:dust:

Hi Case11,

Getting wound up and stressed isn't going to help you to conceive so I would definitely let your family know to stop bugging you. You can be polite but, next time they ask, tell them that you will let them know when there is news but until then, you would like to keep the progress info to yourself. Personally, I'm not planning on telling anyone until I'm at least 8 weeks gone anyway - just to play on the safe side. I think people should understand and respect that.

With regards to your progress - is every 2 days working for you or is your partner finding that he has much less to "give" than if you'd left it for 3? Everybody is different but if you are very confident about your ovulation date then it might be worth trying for a bit of a build up instead. It's a different approach and it might not work for you but sometimes it's worth trying a different approach after a little while. Just a thought :flower:
Hi, I have a 12 year old son with a previous partner (6 months to concieve). Been with hubby for 11 years & we have a 16 month old daughter (1 year to concieve). Have been TTC for 6 months for the final piece of the puzzle :)

hello everyone!

Good luck! :flower:
We would like to join the 2012 baby club too!Hoping for a 2012 bundle of fun! Came off bcp in August and been ttc since October!
hi ladies and welcome to all our new bump buddies!

please look at my chart and help me to pick which cd I ov as I have two dips and two rises! i thought I was 4dpo today until i saw my rise of .5 so I am thinking maybe now only 1dpo? please keep in mind I prob missed my first pos opk cd13 evening, thanks for any help!!!!
I'm on CD16, all opk negative so far..... Cycles still all over the place....
28 days, 29 days, 36 days

Hoping for a positive opk soon, got the clear blue smiley face one..... Would like a smile! :)
hi ladies and welcome to all our new bump buddies!

please look at my chart and help me to pick which cd I ov as I have two dips and two rises! i thought I was 4dpo today until i saw my rise of .5 so I am thinking maybe now only 1dpo? please keep in mind I prob missed my first pos opk cd13 evening, thanks for any help!!!!

Oh gosh, I wish I could help. I'm just too new to this, sorry! Hopefully I will be more helpful after my next cycle. I have a BBT and a Clearblue Fertility Monitor so I should understand all of this a little better after I've gone through it myself. Good luck to you - I'm sure others will be able to help.
hi ladies and welcome to all our new bump buddies!

please look at my chart and help me to pick which cd I ov as I have two dips and two rises! i thought I was 4dpo today until i saw my rise of .5 so I am thinking maybe now only 1dpo? please keep in mind I prob missed my first pos opk cd13 evening, thanks for any help!!!!

Oh gosh, I wish I could help. I'm just too new to this, sorry! Hopefully I will be more helpful after my next cycle. I have a BBT and a Clearblue Fertility Monitor so I should understand all of this a little better after I've gone through it myself. Good luck to you - I'm sure others will be able to help.

You are helping by chit chatting, makes me feel good to see that people car and are trying to help! :hugs: And now that I did a chart stack my temps are showing a fairly similar pattern accept my temps are lower than last month (starting to think its because our house was extra heated last cycle oops!)

But anyway, the only difference I see now is the timing of the opks which is a tad bit confusing, but glad to see my temps are beginning to show me a pattern just hoping my temps will continue to rise after today! :thumbup:
almosthere- sorry I can't be of help either. My first month of TTC i didn't use anything and now that AF got me this morning I'm thinking of maybe buying a bbt. Not sure about using opk's what's your thoughts on that?
personally i think using multiple methods is great- reason being, if you use only opks you cannot be sure you ovulated even though they are positive because you need confirmation of a temp drop then three elevated temps after that. If I had to chose 1, based on research, I would use BBT it is much cheaper and more accurate. However, seeing two lines makes me happy haha and personally confirms ovulation more for me than if I just used temps. Temps can be affected like if you look at my cd 5 it rose very high but is not accurate/average temp that it should be for that morning because I drank the night before! So temps can give false relsutls but so can opks (false surges) you can even ovulate without getting a pos opk! Financially I will only opk for one more month if even at all-gets pricey! Research I have read says that 3 months of opks can give you a close enough range of your O date but it has been recommended to BBT for as long as a year to get to really know your body and cycles! GL!!!
almostthere - sorry can't help hun...u know me and temps =no clue...:blush:

how are you ladies holding up?
hi ladies and welcome to all our new bump buddies!

please look at my chart and help me to pick which cd I ov as I have two dips and two rises! i thought I was 4dpo today until i saw my rise of .5 so I am thinking maybe now only 1dpo? please keep in mind I prob missed my first pos opk cd13 evening, thanks for any help!!!!

Oh gosh, I wish I could help. I'm just too new to this, sorry! Hopefully I will be more helpful after my next cycle. I have a BBT and a Clearblue Fertility Monitor so I should understand all of this a little better after I've gone through it myself. Good luck to you - I'm sure others will be able to help.

You are helping by chit chatting, makes me feel good to see that people car and are trying to help! :hugs: And now that I did a chart stack my temps are showing a fairly similar pattern accept my temps are lower than last month (starting to think its because our house was extra heated last cycle oops!)

But anyway, the only difference I see now is the timing of the opks which is a tad bit confusing, but glad to see my temps are beginning to show me a pattern just hoping my temps will continue to rise after today! :thumbup:

Of course! I definitely care :hugs:

I hope that my monitor helps me to work out ovulation without temps because they do sound a little complicated but I'm sure everyone gets the hang of it eventually? I think I'll use both personally. Is that what you are doing?
Hello there,

Just saw this thread after posting first message about 5mins ago..very new to this forum and TTC and hoping....like you all 2012 will be the year!
A little history, have been with my DH for 12 yrs, married for 2 hence it was time to think about a little one or two..who knows!

Never thought I would post to any forum but found myself in the minority of my friends who are now on baby #2 or 3 and I felt a tad alone in the whole process...am currently only using the CBFM so not sure if should expand my horizons to other aids any thoughts? It's my first cycle so got everything I have crossed but understand it may take a while...

P.s. why does no one tell you how stressful this can be?! It came as a shock!
Hi ladies,
Welcome to all the new ladies!!

almosthere - I think using both OPK's and BBT is a great method to get your know your body and plot OV! i found using both very beneficial! I defo think you are now 1dpo! Lets hope you get another 2 days of temps rising just for double confirmation!

Case11 - I so understand what you are going through!! I eventually told my mom that I have given up trying for now as it is too close to our wedding! That has really thrown her off!! She doesn't like it but that is tough luck!! at least I dont get all the questions again!! I just hate it! Way too much pressure!!!
So my advice is find a 'valid' reason why you cant have kids now and tell everyone the same story! Just warn those who you want to know about this story and get them to help feed the story!
haha to them! That will hopefully get them off your back
It is perfectly normal to have those feelings!! I feel like that too towards some people - even those close to me that fall preggers at the drop of a hat! Its just not fair sometimes.

Broody - I so know what you mean with the smiley faces!! I'm a teacher and there is just something almost rewarding about seeing that smiley face! The first Sunday I saw that smiley face I kept going back to it to double check it was real!!!
PatTabs - Hi and welcome!!
I personally think that if we all knew just how stressfull this whole process could be then a lot of ladies would never try!!
But the longer I am in this process the more I am thinking that we need to relax and forget about TTCing for a bit and that is when it will happen. If we are stessing about falling preggers then it just wont happen.
FXed and tons of :dust: to you hun
Hey all!! Just new to this so bare with me! lol. Hopefully this will be a lucky new year for us!! Me and the OH and TTC our first! I came off Cerazette on 13th Dec. I had a bleed starting on the 17th Dec...going by my calender I should be OV soon..but still no positive test. Bit disheartened but I know it can take time. My mum tried for 11 years to conceive me...hopefully won't take that long though! Patience isn't my virtue. Would love to hear others stories!! :) :) xx

Hi there, with my first I came off cerezette and conceived in my first month! there are mixed responses to ttc and cerezette x this is first month trying with #2 having come off cererzette so not thinking i will quite so lucky but hopeful nevertheless!

Good luck if you are on a 28 cycle you should get OPK tomorrow or there abouts or it may take this cycle toi work out the pill x No harm in having fun Bding though!

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