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Trying To Conceive 2012-2013 Babies Club!

Babyfeva Many thanks hun! :flower: I have my Fingers crossed for you hunni... BBT & OPK's are brill. I have PCOS and found both aid fantastic with fertility friend. Have you signed up for FF? It looks like i'm 3 days behind you on your cycle... Fx for us hunni... This will be my 9th year and believe me i'm not giving up this time!!!! I need to stock up again, I will also input my data into FF and get started with that now.. :happydance:

Dilapickle :happydance: For early Ov... I have everything crossed for you. I'm sure you wont obsess, but were all here if you do lol...

Sunshine15 I'm with you hun, the most wonderful things happen when you least expect them too. There is always hope no matter what you are told... fx for us all....:hugs:

Lunabug911 I have everything crossed for you hun, i hope the ugly :witch: stays away and you are our first :bfp:... You are correct, every pregnancy is different, and the signs are too. I never found out i was preggers until i was 8 weeks gone, every test i did before my :bfp: was negative so stay positive hun... 11 years later for me and i'm hoping i get the chance to experince the beauty of pregnancy again. :hugs:

Skweek35 Hey Hun, brown spotting is a good sign id AF hasnt shown yet. Don't think like that either, no body can be 100% sure when it comes to our bodies, not even the doctors.. Stay positive lady...:hugs: How far are you in your cycle?


Emma I see you lurking lady :haha: How are you hun? I can't believe how far you are now, i'm so jealouse lol..:wacko: If i would have stuck around ya never know i could have been bump buddies with you. Have you got everything ready now for little pippin?.. Hows things? :hugs: I have missed being on here with you all....:flower:

Almosthere Hey hun, hows things? :flower: Hows ttc going?:hugs:

Also i'm terrible, i dont know anyones names.. I need to add them to the front...
Lea1984- thank you for your kind words. I did sign up for FF but I can't start charting properly since I still don't have the bbt or opk's. I also have to learn when to start using them in this cycle. Did you say that you've been ttc # 2 for 9 years? If so, wow! Keep up the positive attitude, I know that your time will be here soon! FX'd for you and everyone else. I know 2012 will be a great year.

Lea I am doing well (aside from the nuts-o tww). I have a feeling I may cave in and start testing starting 7dpo, but I do not want to! I am trying to practice my self control here I am getting better and better each cycle waiting =)

Hope you are lucky this cycle and O early and get your BFP early, woohoo!!

Also Q for all-I am keeping ttc secret from my parents but they will be flying on vacation with DH and I. Is it safe to pack a pregnancy test or two in my suitcase? I do not want them to see if the airport security thinks its something else whips it out and then my parents would be like what the heck? lol
Also Q for all-I am keeping ttc secret from my parents but they will be flying on vacation with DH and I. Is it safe to pack a pregnancy test or two in my suitcase? I do not want them to see if the airport security thinks its something else whips it out and then my parents would be like what the heck? lol

I don't fly so I can't help you with that one, but I do hope that you get your :bfp: so you and your DH have a great vacation! :flower:
I also had some brown spotting over the weekend but it all seems to have cleared up. Really strange!! But I think it will be highly unlikely that I will get a BFP this cycle as I have apparently had a heavy thrush infection!
So just waiting for AF to show up. If no AF by Sunday I will test then.

Good luck and I hope you get your BFP! I did this last month and after 2 days of spotting I went full force. So that is why I am waiting for it to kick in. hehe.
Hello skweek85...hope u well

goed dankie!!
Translation - good thanks!! hehe

just apparently have a thrush infection! of which I had no idea till I got a phone call from the doctors - so guess who has no choice but to be tea total this weekend!! GGGRRR :growlmad::growlmad:
Will just have to make sure I make up for lost time next weekend!! hehe :happydance:

Where about in Cape Town are you? I am from north of the boerewors gordyn! hehe (Edgemead)

Hey there...sorry for late reply...i was on leave for the 2 wks....i am also on that side of the boerewors curtain...Brackenfell to b exact.
Can I join here?

I'm 24, married, TTC #2. Been using fertility friend app but I'm gonna get some OPKs this month. I think I'm on my fifth cycle now but was NTNPing before that.

Any other tips about temping etc? It would appear I'm a bit rubbish at TTC apart from having sex I'm a bit clueless lol. DS was a surprise so I've never done the TTC bit before.
Count me in please!

I'm 29 this month and have been married for 2 years and already have a 14 month old daughter.

Hubby and I made a decision when our daughter was 1 to start TTC no.2 in January 2012 so here we are! :happydance:

Here's to a thread and a 2012 filled with BFPs and babydust :D

hi Ladies - how is everyone esle doing?

glad u could join us again Lea1984 :flower:

this cycle i will be trying - preseed...opks and softcups(hmm,if i could find them here in SA):

who's trying what this cycle?lets share :winkwink:
Hi ladies,
Just spoken to the hospital re my HSG scan that was provisionally booked for Friday morning. The lady I spoke to was really helpfull!!!
She told me that I was booked in for 2 scans - normal transvag and HSG so to still come in for the transvag!! charming!!! NOT!! :haha:
She also said to call back when AF started to reschedule the HSG scan. So hopefully get that booked for next week sometime.

Other than that I am enjoying the last day of my school holidays! Although I have done a bit of necessary planning. Will need to do a lot more this afternoon though!!
As far as TTC goes - well kind of leaving it to nature at the mo. Af we have HSG scan this month not planning on using anything else to aid. If nothing happens this next cycle will then get preseed and instead cups for next cycle.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
CuteDimples - My parents have just sold our family house in Edgemead! BOOHOO But will still be coming back to visit. I so miss seeing the 'star' and 'cross' on Tygerburg hill!!

Athomemum - Welcometo BnB and our thread!!! I would suggest doing FF's online tutorial. I learnt sooo much there about TTCing and charting.

Mrsfeehily - Welcome to our thread!!
I agree - Heres to a thread filled with BFP's this year!!!
gl ladies-skweek and lunabug-skweek my lucky number is 35! Hehe

hehe I only chose 35 as that is my current age!! 36 in Feb!!! uurrggghhhh I'm getting old!!! :jo: :haha:

Noooo you must stay 35! lol :haha:

Q for all-For all my cycles without BCPs I have noticed (how can i not!) that after sex 5-8 days after ovulation i leak out pink instead of the regular clear sperm. LOTS of pink....all I could find online so far is that my cervix may be extra tender and delicate and sensitive after ovulation process but if i was preg wouldnt this not happen (b.c it always happens when i am not pregnant..)? am i already out at 6dpo? =( I guess on a pos note, temp rose back up today...
Hi ladies,
Just spoken to the hospital re my HSG scan that was provisionally booked for Friday morning. The lady I spoke to was really helpfull!!!
She told me that I was booked in for 2 scans - normal transvag and HSG so to still come in for the transvag!! charming!!! NOT!! :haha:
She also said to call back when AF started to reschedule the HSG scan. So hopefully get that booked for next week sometime.

Other than that I am enjoying the last day of my school holidays! Although I have done a bit of necessary planning. Will need to do a lot more this afternoon though!!
As far as TTC goes - well kind of leaving it to nature at the mo. Af we have HSG scan this month not planning on using anything else to aid. If nothing happens this next cycle will then get preseed and instead cups for next cycle.
Hope everyone else is doing well.

Hi dear, hope you are not too nervous about this. I'm sure they will both be fine, well at least that's what people keep telling me. I'm waiting for AF to show so I can book my transvaginal to have it done cd3-5 and the HSG to be done cd7-10. AF might be on her way because I have started getting sore boobs, which is usually my default sign.

Please let me know every detail. Thanks
hiya ladies

Almosthere - I wish I could stay 35 for the rest of my life - or at least till I get my much awaited and wanted BFP!!!

Joey - I like that thought of 'gaining wisdom'!!! I must say I am loving my 30's!!! I think its because I have gained the life experience and confidenceto cope with what life is throwing at me! Oh and dont forget the wisdom to know when to take people/life with a pinch of salt!

MrsOjo - I dont think I am that nervous - I think I have read soooo much about this scan that I have come to the conclusion that no 2 scans are the same even for the same person. So I will go in equipped with the painkillers needed and take the time off if needed. Will go in with an open mind just wanting to know what state my tubes are in.
Will let you know what happens when its all over with. I am also waiting for have Cd3 bloods done too.
I must say I am really impressed with how quickly the NHS have reacted. Everything happening really quickly.

Hello ladies....:flower:
Babyfeva, :dohh: why i asked you that question ill never know, i'll put it down to being tired :rofl: Of course you'll use FF when bbt & opks come...:wacko:

What OPK's have you purchased? I just started around day 10 and did them the same time everyday my first cycle using them until i got my surge...:winkwink: No harm hunni. We can ov any time in our cycle, and even more than once.

Yep hun i have been ttc, ntnp and on a break all in 9 years and nothing at all.... I guess my body is a stange one.. My son is 11 years old and never had another pregnancy as far as i know since him...:growlmad:

I was told i have PCOS in feb last year... I'm 5.4 my bmi is right for my height and i have super regular Af.. The problems remain unclear... I guess it must just be the timing. Things have changed dramatically for me and got better so feel this is our year...:hugs:

Almosthere (NAME) LOL I feel stupid calling you your user id... Self control hunni, self control.. You tell yourself NO :test: No :test: testing too early is just a massive disapointment. Leave it a little longer for the levels to be enough for a :bfp: insted of a false :bfn:

You seen a really positive person full stop, so control yourself MRS....:hugs: I have everything crossed for you hunni.. I cant wait for our fist :bfp:

:wave: athomemum welcome.... We will all help you with temping hunni.. Best advice i can give you lol is, take your temp at eh same time every day of the week... Do not get out of bed, or even move, keep it at teh side of your bed, with the lease effort take your temp and record it.

I use to set my alarm for 6am every morning, reach my arm out, pop it in my mouth and wait for the beeps lol.. write it down and go back to sleep...
If only i could do that now. I'm up at 5 each moring for work so no chance of going back to sleep :rofl:

Lea1984- can you believe that I don't even know the name of the opk's!! haha such a greenpea. I'll let you know as soon as they come in. Btw- thanks for the info of when to start using them. I admire your determination and I really hope you get your BFP this year!

:wave: Mrsfeehily welcome huni.. here is too our 2012-2013 babies.. :flower:

mummywant2be :wave: Hope your well.. I'm going to start my opk's and temping agn.... nothing else.. just try a healthy, stress free lifestyle, bcos stress can put massive strain on ttc...

skweek35 YOUR NOT OLD......:hugs: Sound like you have it all planned out.. Hope things go well for you hunni..

almosthere.. You may have a sensitive cervix, all it would take for it to be pink like that would be a hint of blood.. Also before pregnancy is detected it can also fail and we never know.. You will learn so much about your body fast, trust me... 6dpo is way to early to say anything....I got a positive preg test when i was 8wks gone, every day before that was neg.. our bodies are crazy.....And teh internet don't half fill your head with rubbish...

Stay positive...:hugs:
thanks lea! i have had this consistant after sex and dpo's spotting for 3 of my cycles in a row, but only if we have sex and he ejaculates inside-otherwise i am sure i would not get this pink spotting immediately after cleaning after sex! Thinking to be safe I can call my OBGYN if this cycle doesn't work out for DH and I. I also learned that this could be due to low progesterone...=(

Anyhow, my first name is Kayla!

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