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Trying To Conceive 2012-2013 Babies Club!

Hi ladies-anyone had this and end up with their BFP? Tonight I noticed a huge clump- that sounds so icky! haha in my undies, SO THICK/creamy- not strechy or slippery-maybe a tad sticky, white cm. Good sign?! hope so!! (put this in another thread too, want to get as much input as possible! starting to get excited!!)
Hi ladies-anyone had this and end up with their BFP? Tonight I noticed a huge clump- that sounds so icky! haha in my undies, SO THICK/creamy- not strechy or slippery-maybe a tad sticky, white cm. Good sign?! hope so!! (put this in another thread too, want to get as much input as possible! starting to get excited!!)

Ah wow, well it's definitely different from the norm right? So it sounds like something might be going on :winkwink:. Increased discharge is a common sign of early pregnancy and I've got a quote for you "In the early days of pregnancy, mucous begins to accumulate around the opening of the cervix to form the mucous plug, a barrier that helps protect the baby during its development". Could this be your answer? When is your next test date?
I am testing jan 8th the morning i leave to fly to the bahamas!!!
when are you due to test?

8th of Jan too! Only, I'm not off to the Bahamas, unfortunately haha.

Best of luck to you hun. I will have my fingers crossed. And hey, if you aren't lucky this month (which I certainly hope you are) then the holiday will definitely cheer you up! :flower:
Hi ladies-anyone had this and end up with their BFP? Tonight I noticed a huge clump- that sounds so icky! haha in my undies, SO THICK/creamy- not strechy or slippery-maybe a tad sticky, white cm. Good sign?! hope so!! (put this in another thread too, want to get as much input as possible! starting to get excited!!)

sounds like it could be something but it's hard to say because you cm also changes as your cycle progresses. Good luck, keep us updated!

On another note, this is my first month of TTC after baby #1, and I've not used opk since cd 25? or something around there. I'm now on CD40 and still no AF and tested BFN. My period is soooo irregular right now... Anyone else finding lack of time and energy to TTC for #2?
Hey everyone :flower:

Well heres my story,
Me and my husband have been together for 4 years but married in August 13 2011,we have been trying for 4 months now and are getting lucky every other day but nothing yet,Its hard.All x-mas all i heard was " are yous trying" " are yous having a baby yet " i felt like saying please stop ... and then my mother in law bugs everyday is there a baby yet ? i just need a break from them asking...to make it all worst my sister in-law tried once and she is having her 2nd due in jan.Is it mean of me to be a little jealous,I wish her the best but i cant help but think when is going to be my turn :(

Sorry this is so long( Needed to vent)

TTC for 4 Months:dust:

Hi Case11,

Getting wound up and stressed isn't going to help you to conceive so I would definitely let your family know to stop bugging you. You can be polite but, next time they ask, tell them that you will let them know when there is news but until then, you would like to keep the progress info to yourself. Personally, I'm not planning on telling anyone until I'm at least 8 weeks gone anyway - just to play on the safe side. I think people should understand and respect that.

With regards to your progress - is every 2 days working for you or is your partner finding that he has much less to "give" than if you'd left it for 3? Everybody is different but if you are very confident about your ovulation date then it might be worth trying for a bit of a build up instead. It's a different approach and it might not work for you but sometimes it's worth trying a different approach after a little while. Just a thought :flower:

I know exactly how you feel Case11 and I agree with msloumaria, you need to take some of the pressure off of yourself. My MIL and FIL used to ask me all the time and I always felt like a failure when I had to tell them "not yet, but soon".MY MIL even sent my husband a text message begging him to start having kids. I got really fed up, I prayed about it and decided to just come out with it and tell my MIL that i was ttc'ing and had been referred to a specialist. I am in no way telling to reveal this if you are not ready, but it may be worth thinking about. Since then my MIL has been super supportive and is always encouraging. I was being too hard on myself, feeling like a failure - but I soon realised that pcos is very common and many women end up having beautiful babies despite it. The most important thing is for you not to feel so much pressure, you will get your BFP-just concentrate on preparing your body for that. Best of luck
good luck to you broody1984, hope you get your bfp soon
Morning ladies,

I have just popped onto fb and seen a friend announce that his wife is pregnant. Now normally I would get really upset, but he added that they had been TTCing for 5 years and specialists have told them they would never fall pregnant!!! They had even tried to adopt! She is now 10 weeks pregnant!!! Mom and bean are looking really healthy!!

There must be a God out there somewhere!!
Now that he has finished working a miracle there, can I get mine now please??
I will join! 35 trying for my first. Just come off Cerazette :growlmad:(evil pill). Having first near normal period already and only been off it a day short of a week. Hoping that all returns to normal soon!
Hope you don't mind if I join! I'm 27, hubby is 33, and we've been married since October 2011! We are just starting to try, and it's so stressful to always hear "when are you going to have babies?!?" Haha. We haven't told anyone we are trying...lessen the pressure, increase the surprise! Hoping 2012 is "the year" for ALL of us!
Hello Ladies :flower:... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Well i am sure you are all with me on this, this year we have everything crossed for our 2012-2013 Babies..:happydance:

I am so sorry for leaving you all for so long, i have been sooo busy with Work, studies, Christmas and New Year. I'm so glad its all over and done with now.

Hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays. Since setting up this Thread you have all been busy. Forgive me, but i cannot read 40 pages to catch up, its just too many, so if i ask you things you have already told us please forgive me.

I passed my theory test......:happydance: I now have my driving test booked for beggining of Feb...:nope: yes i am scared!!!

How is everyone doing? :hugs: Do we have any testers, :bfp: or Af showers? I'm on CD1 Today :happydance: and boy did AF come to hurt me. I feel better now the pain has gone, but i do hate the ugly :witch:...

Let me know ladies...
Welcome back Lea1984 and congrats on passing your test! Afm- I'm on round 2 of ttc and will be trying bbt and opk's for the first time. I'm just waiting for them to be shipped and I'm sure i'll have many questions for everyone. I believe this year will be a great year for all of us!

Happy new year everyone! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday! :)

I had a nice surprise and Oed early on the 29th and am now in the wonderful TWW! I am going to try and not obsess and wait to test till AF should arrive! We will see how that works out!

Lots of dust to all you wonderful ladies! :)
Morning ladies,

I have just popped onto fb and seen a friend announce that his wife is pregnant. Now normally I would get really upset, but he added that they had been TTCing for 5 years and specialists have told them they would never fall pregnant!!! They had even tried to adopt! She is now 10 weeks pregnant!!! Mom and bean are looking really healthy!!

There must be a God out there somewhere!!
Now that he has finished working a miracle there, can I get mine now please??

That's such a great story! Miracles really do exist :flower: I hope we get ours this year.
Hello Ladies :flower:... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Well i am sure you are all with me on this, this year we have everything crossed for our 2012-2013 Babies..:happydance:

I am so sorry for leaving you all for so long, i have been sooo busy with Work, studies, Christmas and New Year. I'm so glad its all over and done with now.

Hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays. Since setting up this Thread you have all been busy. Forgive me, but i cannot read 40 pages to catch up, its just too many, so if i ask you things you have already told us please forgive me.

I passed my theory test......:happydance: I now have my driving test booked for beggining of Feb...:nope: yes i am scared!!!

How is everyone doing? :hugs: Do we have any testers, :bfp: or Af showers? I'm on CD1 Today :happydance: and boy did AF come to hurt me. I feel better now the pain has gone, but i do hate the ugly :witch:...

Let me know ladies...

Well I started spotting brown early morning on the first. Noting serious just a little when I wipe. Giving it until tomorrow to either turn into a full AF or I am going to start assuming it is implantation bleeding. I am assuming it is AF coming but it is better for me to think that way. I told my hubby that it would be funny if I was because we only DTD once and it was when I had a "yes" on my O test. I will let you know either way. I am having some really horrible stomach pains since the day before the spotting started. Not sure what it is about but they are not AF cramps and they are not pregnancy cramps or implantation cramps. Or at least not that I have felt before. I guess it is different every time. The pains start from under my breasts and radiates down into my lower stomach... It comes and it goes but it doubles me over when it does come. Sometimes I feel like I am going to get sick cuz it hurts so bad. But other than that I didn't pee on any sticks this month. I figured I would wait for my AF to show and if it didn't wait a week from that. It took about 3 weeks after I missed my AF for my daughters to show. :headspin:
I also had some brown spotting over the weekend but it all seems to have cleared up. Really strange!! But I think it will be highly unlikely that I will get a BFP this cycle as I have apparently had a heavy thrush infection!
So just waiting for AF to show up. If no AF by Sunday I will test then.
gl ladies-skweek and lunabug-skweek my lucky number is 35! Hehe

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