Today has been difficult. We've both cried, talked and cried some more - me especially. D ordered a take away for dinner as neither of us felt like cooking and it
is our anniversary afterall!
Whilst D is as supportive as ever, I honestly feel like I'm the one to blame. D has spent most of the day giving me positive affirmations to repeat to myself to stop me hating myself. I had a nap this afternoon and D went for a walk. When he got back he'd brought the typical PSK (period survival kit) back with him - this is pain killers, chocolate, ice cream and other snacks and usually flowers to cheer me up. He started doing this years ago as my periods can be very heavy and painful, and he wants me to be happy and comfortable. He likes to get treats too (probably because he knows I'll share them with him!)

Today he also brought a bottle of wine and one of those adult colouring books - which he spent most of the evening doing himself!
The hardest part was when one of our nephews phoned to say goodnight - D cancelled the plan for us to babysit for them tonight so the children phoned to say goodnight. Our nephew told us all about his day and then told us he'd already made his Christmas wish list

. D asked him what was on that list and our nephew reeled off a list of things he wanted and then paused before saying "a baby cousin". I broke down at that point and D had to quickly end the call. That nephew is only four but it still hurt to him say that! It sounds crazy but it felt like even he was blaming me for us for not having a baby! I know that is ridiculous, but I think I'm just so emotional today that everything is really getting to me. I even got upset with D at lunchtime for putting the scrambled eggs
on the toast rather than next to the toast. A silly thing to get upset about really! Thankfully D didn't take it personally!