TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

ya I guess I could easly understand why the U/S would be a little messy this time of month.. thats why I asked.. haha!! and ya I guess we forget that everything is all jammed into that little area (i.e. our instestines) Well I hope since they took an hour in there, they found what they were looking for, and hoping you get some good news, and that the sickle cell is staying calm as well!!

and OHHHHH yes my Hubby and his WHOLE family are Catholic... actually they are die-hard old school Irish Catholics!!! DONT GET ME STARTED!!! HAHA... I am Episcoplian and love my Lord !! with all my heart!!.. But to THEM... if you are not Catholic you mine as well be worshiping the Devil. My hubby is not bothered by me not being Catholic, but his family is just crazy... I tried more than once to explain that we are all Christians we use the same damn bible, just Catholics follow the traditions of a Pope, and also "interpret" the bible differently than Episcoplians. And my opinion is "to each their own"... oh NO not them. I tried to be honest and let my hubby know that Catholics do not believe in IVF/IUI and I have no idea why I even told him... I said listen I dont want us to discuss this with our families, he was like why do you say that... and I told him that Catholics do not believe it IVF/IUI so I am sure your family would not respond to this all well.... he was like... hmmmm why dont they like it..... I said well its the same thing as they do not believe in birth control either (or pre-marital sex)... but see he had no problems with that before we were MARRIED... So my opinion of Catholics is they only follow the "rules" when it fits them... As I said originallly DONT GET ME STARTED.

So that dumb nurse that told me "Oh your period shouldnt come for a bout a week" was I think wrong... I woke up to a little pink spot, and feel it coming hard... so by mid-afternoon I think I will have AF full blown... If thats the case I will prob have an appt with them tomorrow or Sat I think.

WOW A SPA DAY... I am SOOOO JEALOUS!!! gosh I love the spa....just thinking of it right now... gosh I could go for a good deep tissue massage!!!!!! u lucky duck!!!! and a gift certificate... EVEN BETTER!!!

I am thinking your hubby probablly knows about the game ? it is the play offs... we have 2 weekends of playoffs, then the first week of February is the Super Bowl... we have a good chance of making it. sounds like if he does know about it he'd rather be doing a spa day too!!!
Dude, let’s hope that little pink spot is implantation spotting… tee hee!!! After I read your post, I wished we lived closer together… I swear we’d be the best of friends. :) I totally agree with you about the whole Christina belief and no one religion is better than the other. We do read the same bible, so what the hell??? Whatever!! People only take the stuff out of the bible that suits their needs for that particular day. It’s the same old thing all the time. What a joke!

Yeah, looking forward to the spa day, I think that will help me relax a bit. Although, I’ve been sleeping like a baby for the last few days since AF arrived. I wish that would happen during the tww. I’m going to have to relax more. I’m also going back to the gym again to help with my stress levels. There’s a gym right across the street from us that I’m thinking of joining, cause the one in my condo is too small and someone is always taking the good elliptical machine. Drats!!

So, Rob, my hubby probably does know about the playoffs, what time does that start? Is it in the evening, maybe he thinks he’ll be home by then or something. I’ll ask him when I get home tonight. He was all upset on Sunday cause his favourite team, Philadelphia eagles lost or something like that. He had his pals over and everyone was screaming at the tv… I was like, I’ll just hang out in my bedroom and leave you guys alone!

Let me know if AF arrives…. I’m hoping doesn’t… tee hee..:winkwink:
naaa... no such luck monique... AF came on strong by late morning... tomorrow I am suppose to go to the Drs for my 1st check before I start the injections, they do blood work and an ultrasound, blood work to check what my levels determine how my dosage will start out (hoping my FSH is not HIGH) and an Ultrasound to make certain there are no cycst left over from last month. I guess when on fertility meds that is common cause you producin excess follicles, sometimes you body doesnt flush them, then instead stay around for a month or so and turn into cycst...

I am very concerned though, injections are suppose to start tommorrow...but I have come down with a nasty cold/flu... not sure what it is... on top a a very nasty AF (craps naseau etc) I also have a sever headache, my whole upper body to the tip of my head aches!! and I had a pretty high fever last night of 102... not sure if a spike like that will mess with the outcome of my cycle...crap.... i have to be there at 9am tomorrow, they dont open til 8am, i will call them if I still feel like crap and ask their opinion... I would hate to waste this first month because of this stupid cold!!!

wanted to pop on here though and tell you have a great day tomorrow... now more than ever I wish I was going with you too!! my body aches so bad, I almost just shed a tear thinking bout a nice massage... oh and P.S. yes it would be dangerous if we lived close to eachother !! haha
oh and I know we brought this up before...

but HONESTLY... my periods are SOOOO BAD NOW!!! I NEVER use to get all these crazy cramps and shit!!! I can help to wondering if by some chance every month maybe there is a little bean in there that just cant hang on, and causes me such horrible periods ya know... this bites!!!
Yeah, I totally know what you mean. Since I was 2 days late this cycle, it was the heaviest and shortest AF yet. I was wondering the same thing as well. Well, I've got 3 more days to go till I see my dr. Hoping all the news is good. I've started to work out again and watch what I eat, but really that's because I'm going to Miami in April and I want to look good, but if that helps with ttcing, then even better. I'm hoping that I'm knocked up by time we do go to Miami cause if not, then AF will be with me on my travels.

Hey, did you have your ultrasound and tests yet? Do you still feel sick? I can tell you that it's definitely going around. Is it your sinuses or do you think you have the flu. Gosh, I hope you don't miss a cycle cause of your illness. That would definitely suck.

So, Rob and I went to the spa and it was wonderful. I had my pedicure right beside my hubby as he had his. Then I went to get my hair cut and that turned out really well. I have super curly hair and usually people burn me as they're trying to blow dry it straight, but this guy didn't!. :)

After that, we went out for dinner, but it was pretty dead in the city. We had a huge snow storm in the morning and we weren't even sure we'd make it to the spa, but they had my credit card number and if I didn't turn up they would have charged me the total amount which came up too $293. Yikes. I'm glad I had a gift certificate, but I also think it's worth it sometimes to do that kind of stuff.

So, did your team win this weekend? When we were in the restaurant, there were some televisions there and my hubby was trying to see if he can watch the game. Then I got home and that's all he did, while I relaxed in the bedroom. Ah well.

I sure hope you're feeling better now. My CBFM asked me for a test this morning, so I've started to POAS, but I'm hoping I don't get a dud like last time. That was totally annoying. Not sure how this cycle is going to turn out, if I'll ovulate early or the same time. If it's the same time, then I think I'll ovulate on Monday or Tuesday. Anyhow, my BD plan is every other day till the Friday and then every day, till Monday and then back to every other day. We'll see if my hubby can handle that. He's been called to Jury Duty today, so I hope he doesn't have to go the whole week or get chosen. tee hee... :)
hello there Monique.... gosh I was sooooo sooooo sick... I think today I am almost like 80% better hoping by tomorrow I will be 100%... boy that cold/flu what ever it was...really hit me hard... headaches sore throat,, swollen glands... I just felt SHITTY!!!

sounds like you and Rob had a FANTASTIC SPA DAY TOGETHER!!! how awesome!!! a nice date day together... and your hair turned out great too... what a bonus huh?

So YES MY TEAM WON!!! (The Steelers) ... so now we have one more game to win (this weekend) to be in the Super Bowl. I actually may be getting tickets to this weekends game...wont know until the end of the week though... they are SUPER expensive even during regular season, so playoff games they triple in price.. but we got lots of friends who go so hubby is working on getting me a tix too. I am just as much a fan as him.... he generally goes to all the Super Bowls if the Steelers are in them... so do I haha... he ends up getting tix through his work, and he has to take clients to the game (usually its his closest friend that also owns a bar... so win/win for him) last 2 times Steelers went to the Super bowl I also went to the games !! Tampa in 2009 and Detriot in 2006, 1 time I had to buy my own tix ($1500) the other time I was given :) so yes unfortnately a very expensive sport if you go to the games... but so much fun!!!!

So your appointment is when tomorrow ? please let me know what they have to say!!! I am sure you are "so anxious" huh : )

as for me... yep started my injections... had my first class on Saturday and they did blood work and an ultra sound... I have to go into the office (so far) every day to get blood work (except Sunday) and I guess I am responding well... they havent changed my dosage yet, seems he started me off really really low, so I dont produce a ton of eggs (generally with IVF they try to get ya tons of follicles and give ya crazy high dosages of this stuff...but there is a fine line, they want you to produce a lot with IVF but in the mean time they dont want you to hyperovulate either, so tricky stuff it seems) but on the other hand with just using injectables with time intercourse or an IUI they only want you to produce a few folicles there... so hoping this stuff does the trick... I should be getting an ultrasound here soon in the next few days to see how things are going and how my lining is looking so far... fingers crossed that that lining is getting nice and thick (but not too thick of course)

oh and P.S. the injections really dont hurt at all !!! really I was like... NO WAY am I gonna be able to do that to myself, but really I dont even feel the needle go in, just when I start to inject, I end up wiggling the needle around a little so that is they only time I feel a little pinch... so much easier than I though!! ya know

ok gonna run... on my lunch break...but wanted to check in since i havent wrote to you for a while... GOOD LUCK with the Drs appt!!!! happy thoughts and BABY DUST TO BOTH OF US!!!! please please please let this be our month!!!!
OMG, I can’t believe you were so sick… well, I guess I can believe it. Everyone here at work is sick too. Actually in Ontario, there’s like some crazy flu season going on. Our Health minister is asking everyone to get their flu shot cause the emergency wards in all the hospitals are filled up cause of people coming in with the flu. Well, I’m so happy that your feeling better now. Sheesh, that can really drain you out, huh?

So, yeah the Spa day was really good, I’m so happy we went. This weekend we have tickets to see a comedy show, so I think we’re going to do dinner and a show on Saturday night. It’s always so much fun to do that kind of stuff with my hubby.

I asked my hubby about the football game and the Steelers and he said, “you’re online friend must be super excited to see the game!”. I was like, “yeppers”. I’ve never been to a football game, but my husband has some tickets to see the Buffalo Bills or something like that. Anyhow, I know he spent an arm and a leg for those tickets, but even those weren’t as much as a Super Bowl ticket. I can only imagine how fun it must be to cheer on your favourite team. I saw a couple of hockey and basketball games before and they were pretty fun. Well, I hope your team wins then. I would be very exciting, wouldn’t it! 

Anyhow, I went to my appointment yesterday afternoon, and guess what!!! I’m apparently absolutely perfect. Apparently, my ovaries are very good, my uterus lining is above average and my appendix is good too. My doctor thinks that I pulled a muscle or something. I’m so freaking happy right now, cause I was so scared that I had a cyst or fibroids, but I don’t have anything. Anyhow, she did give me a requisition for FSH, LH, prolactin and estrodiol. She said that I have to wait till day 3 of my period to get the blood test. She also said that hopefully, I get preggers this cycle, but if I don’t , then I do the blood test and then go back to see her after the test and then she’ll send me to an FS. She said that she doesn’t believe that there are any problems on my side though. She said that even my iron is good and I’m anaemic, so that’s really good. As for my sickle cell, she said that it’s pretty much the same as it was a couple years ago, so nothing new and nothing she can do. That’s not surprising, though!!

So, I’m feeling really good about myself right now. On the other hand, I have some concerns about my hubby. For some reason, he forgot to mention that he had a hernia as a child, which may or may not affect his fertility. Thanks for telling me this now, ding dong!!! Anyhow, I told him he needs to call his doctor today and get a requisition for a semen analysis. I want him to get checked out like now!!! So, we’ll see if he calls the doctor today. Did I mention that he got called to jury duty on Monday and has been sitting as juror #6 on a attempted murder case. Anyhow, he’s not too happy about it cause he’d rather be at work, but I think the trial might be over by this Monday. Let’s cross our fingers.

Well, I’m on cd 11 of my cycle and I’ve already had 2 highs and I think I may peak soon too. Who knows anymore, but this is the earliest that I’ve gotten a high, even though my period was 2 days late. Gosh, I hope we get our BFPs soon. This is torture.

It looks like you’re responding really well to the injectables, huh? Have you talked to your hubby lately about the IUI? I’m so hoping that he agrees to it, it just makes sense to do it. If I find out that my DH’s sperm isn’t too good, that’s the first thing I’m going to do, get the IUI right away. Man, don’t these guys know we don’t have time to waste… sheesh!!

Anyhow, I’m praying for us for the next few days so that we ovulate and the little ones meet up with the egg and then our little bean sticks for the next 9 months!! Yippee!!!
thats is SOOOO GREAT TO HEAR!!! That you got good news from the Dr!!! YIPPEEEE...after all that worrying....its a pulled muscle!! ok then! you'll take that right!!! gosh such great news too that the sickle cell is looking ok right now as well... you must be soOOOOO relieved huh?

and you got another date weekend with hubby... how fun!!!! hope the comedian is funny... those shows are fun... havent been to a comedy show for a while... thats a good idea!!! hope you have a fab time!!!

so I checked out your chart... and ya already got your positive OPKs!!! little early for ya huh?? thats ok tho!! right? so I am hoping your bd schedule has been going good for ya? ya getting in all your days so far? and next month...if that darn AF comes (lets hope not of course) all those tests you got lined up... yep I know all about them so if you have ANY questions I can prob help answer them ;) so did your man call the Dr for the SA ? and ummm yes Love Hello!! he failed to mention... gosh our guys can be such dummys some times right!!! is his jury duty done too... I can tell ya... I purposely never became a registerd voter in the US strickly because that is how they "Randomly" pick you for jury duty, because of your voting registration... thats why I never registered.. hahaha!!!

as for me... as of today I think my cold is finally gone... was still a bit under the weather this whole week... we are having some crazy cold weather here. It was Zero when I woke up this AM. Yes I get it its January... but I HATE cold weather.

I can tell you that YES I am super pumped for the game tomorrow. Our whole city actually goes nutz over the I think I mentioned to you before... I pretty much litterally dont know one person that does not watch the Steeler games. We are jsut that crazy. Our city is pretty notorius for the love of Football... we had weekend rallys in the city, at work everyone wears their Steelers Jerseys... and I was at the mall yesterday and EVERYONE had Steeler gear on... it really is so much fun!!! Oh and for the game tomorrow... I get to sit in Box seats!!! yayayayaya!!! THANK GOD... cause there is really NO WAY I would be able to sit out in the cold, I dont care if the tix are free or not... So not sure if you know what Box seats are... but they are the BEST SEATS IN THE STADIUM!! YA..YAA.... we will be all nice and warm and have food served to us!!! So love my husband for taking me with him!!!

ok so as for the baby making stuff.... yep looks like I am responding well to the injections from what they are saying..yesterday was my CD 9 and I had an ultra sound yesterday and they saw some nice follicles and my lining looked good (was 9mm which was excelent cause last month on CD14 it was only 6.9 which is way to thin) so all good news they are so happy with. Tonight will be my last injection of FSH and then I have to do my "trigger" shot tomorrow evening, that is to trigger ovulation, so I will do that around midnight and I should ovulate 12-36 hours later. So Monday AM I go in for another post-colital... this is where hubby and I have sex, then they test my CM 2 hours I am sure you know I had no CM last time so hoping with these injections my CM is better... if the test goes bad they will want to do an IUI on Tuesday AM... AND nope as of yet... hubby has not said he would do it... I am not going to give him too hard of a time though... if he doesnt do it this month, I can not be upset with him, I will tell him I will compromise and we can try ONE month without but he HAS to do it next month. Thats my plan.

so if you think about it also... we are definately getting our cycles more closer to eachother... because I am doing this ovulation trigger shot I already know for sure that I am going to O either Monday or Tuesday... and you should be Oing prob today right ? so we are really really close!! and how utterly fantastic would it be that this is our last month of comparing schedules!!! and we can go straight to comparing baby clothes!!! gosh that litterally brought a tear to my eye!!
So, my dear Renee, it looks like your Steelers won the game last night. You must be thrilled. My hubby was watching it and I told him that you had box seats and he was so excited that I know a girl that loves football. Tee hee. How were your box seats anyhow? I’ve never been to any sporting event where I had box seats, but I know my brother in law who works for RIM (blackberry) he gets box seats all the time. So, what time did you get home? Must had been super late, right? Tee hee. I’m sure you had a blast yesterday. :winkwink:

As for me, I had fun at the comedy show. The lady that we saw was super raunchy. Her name is Lisa Lampanelli and apparently she has a huge gay following. It was so funny, I loved it. She made fun of every race, religion, and sex. Hey man, if you can laugh at yourself then it’s the perfect show to go to.

Anyhow, so my chart is like totally bizarre again this cycle. The first 2 cycles when I started charting, they were very normal and obvious, but these last 2 cycles are baffling me. So, I got 2 positive OPKs again, and I thought I ovulated on CD 13, but FF told me that I ovulated on CD11, which doesn’t make any sense cause that’s the first day I got a positive OPK and I got another positive the next day. FF is totally messed up, dude. Anyhow, I changed the tuning to override and use my CBFM as primary reading. So, now it makes a bit more sense. I guess FF got all confused my by temps. Could I have released 2 eggs again? Who knows. I’m just glad it happened sooner this cycle. Anyhow, the hubby and I managed to BD on CD 10, 11, 12 and 14. We did DTD on CD 13, but my hubby didn’t finish, if you know what I mean. I think he was a little stressed out. :shrug:

Guess what, he’s also been doing some research. He’s such a funny little guy. He’s been talking to a few of his friends that have kids and one of them told him to do it doggie style and then make sure that I stay in the position (on hands and knees) for at least 5 minutes. I was like “what!” Anyway my hubby said, can’t we at least try it like that for this cycle and see what happens. I was like, ok!!! Isn’t that the funniest thing ever? So, I stayed in that position for at least 5-10 minutes, man, that was torture and then after that, I laid on my back with a pillow under my butt. We’ll see what happens. What a joke! :wacko:

As for jury duty, he’s gone back today and I hope he finishes by Tuesday, cause he may get sequestered if they don’t make a decision on Tuesday by 8pm. Yikes, I’m going to miss my hubby if he’s sequestered. :( Since, I moved to the city with my hubby, I haven’t registered as a voter yet, maybe I shouldn’t either. Tee hee..

Ok, dude… what is up with this weather??? It’s like so freaking cold here too. So, we do celcius here in Canada, and our weather is -20 with a windchill of -27. I’m not sure what that calculates in Fahrenheit, but I’m sure it’s not good. You probably have the same cold snap we have. Yikes. I’m not too fond of the winter either. I like spring and fall.

As for you, just looking at your chart and your temp is pretty high today. Did you ovulate then? I’m so happy that your responding well to the injections and that your lining is better than last time. I hope your test this morning goes well and that your dh’s spermies live this time. I like your plan about waiting to do the IUI next cycle, if you don’t get preggers this cycle, but I’m praying that you don’t have to even bother with next cycle. That would be so wonderful. Also, the fact that our ovulation dates are lining up, is totally cool too. This is definitely going to be an exciting year for both of us. Yipee!!

I hope we get knocked up this cycle, cause my FF runs out in 12 days…blah.
ill say it AGAIN... yep I HATE FF!!! the website "claims" when ya do the "Advanced Setting" that they take ALL signs into account... I dont believe that... I really think on Advanced they JUST look at temps. One month it gave me my O day before I even had an positive OPK so I know that thing only uses temps... and we know how crazy my temps are... anyway...So yep I think you made the right move changing the setting to just use your Monitor/OPKs... And I just looked at your temps have stayed consistantly high... I would for sure say that you O'd this month... did ya know there are alot of women that dont even O at all... I guess we should consider ourselves lucky?

and golllllly... yep looks like you definately got enough BDing in this month... !! good for you guys... and your hubbys research... first of all YES that is just so darn cute!!!! OMG... how funny is that he is doing his own research!!! LOVE IT!!! AND hmmmm staying in doggy style position for 5 minutes... I always do the butt on pillow thing... totally two different positions, wouldnt you say? I did hear though when the do IUI or IVF they have you tilted in a special table, wonder if they position you face down and come from behind? I think so actually.

ok so whats up that jury duty over? or is he going to have to be sequestered? and hows that diet coming... getting that body ready for the beach ???

as for me..

yes that GAME WAS AWESOME!!!! It was soooooo exciting to see our team win!!! and we are going to the Super Bowl... this is the 3rd time in 6 years we are going to the Super Bowl!!! our town is going nutz!! everywhere you look Steelers stuff... banners and flags on peoples cars!! its crazy fun stuff!!!

ok so I decided to keep doing FF this month... although there is really no need for me to do the CBFM or OPKs because these injections are really controlling my I dont need to pee on sticks to see when I am going to ovulate or anything like that. but I just kept up with FF to see after I O if my temps stay high. Oh and P.S. I already bought the year subscription....yes even how bad I hate that site.. I am still a sucker....

how these injections work... if your interested....see the first part of my cycle I take FSH injections (follistim) to make my folicles grow, and each day they test my blood, then as soon as they see my LH rising (as you know this happens right before you O) so I also start taking another shot to supress this because they dont want me to O on my own... so I take a 2nd shot called Ganirelex to stop my LH from rising...then when they think the follicles are large enough.. then I take a trigger shot to make me O.... so on Friday and Saturday night... I took the Ganirelex (to stop the LH from rising and from Oing on my own) then on Sunday night they had me to the Trigger shot... So I would O between 12-48 hours later. Monday AM they wanted us to come in for the post-colital to see how my CM is and if it was bad they would suggest IUI on Tuesday.....

WELLLLLLLL I did my Trigger shot Sunday at Midnight... and we "tried" to BD on Monday AM so I could go in a few hours later for them to test the CM.... and hubby was not able to perform :( we tried and tried... and just couldnt make it happen... I called the office and they were like... WELLLLLL we really wanted to do this test because this will give us a clear indication if your CM is bad we know that the sperm can simply not get to where they need to be, and this will tell both you and us that you %100 need an IUI to get the sperm to your cervix. But since we werent able to do the test we could still come in the next morning (tuesday) for an IUI because it clearly is in our fertile window. Hubby really really did feel soooooooo bad he knew what I went through for over a week straight, doing these injections and driving 1 1/2 hours before work each am... he said... he is not opposed now to trying an IUI because he really does understand that we probally really need to do it... but he just couldnt do it tomorrow...and would do it next month.

So they said we can do this all over again next month. Do the injectables... do the trigger day do the CM test and if its bad come in for IUI the next day. But my plan is... we will do the test of the CM but absolutely come I want to go in for sure for the IUI the next day even if the CM looks perfect... Im over it !! lets get this show moving !!!!

BUT to finish off this cycle... they said we certainly still do have a chance and to be sure that we have sex at least 2 times with in the next 24hours SOOOOO thats what we did... actually we did it 3 TIMES !!! yaya... because we really could possibly still have a chance on our own... and since I did the trigger on Sunday Night we absoutly KNOW that we are exactly in our "fertile window" for up to 48 hours which would be Tuesday Night.... So yep we got a bunch of sessions in.

So thats my status for this month.... I am now officially in the 2ww period. I go in next Monday for a progestrone test to see if I for sure O'd (there really is a 90% chance that I did because of that trigger shot... and I generally O on my own anyway) so hoping for a nice result on that. Starting tomorrow I am to take progestrone suppisitores each night... suppose to help with your lining, its a little pill you put on the end of a stick and deposit it up there... pleasant huh? Apparently this is generally something they give to everyone that has done a cycle of injectables... I am thinking I just keep taking these until AF shows up they say? but then again I keep reading that taking these suppositories could also delay AF from coming... great... just another way to get peoples hopes up... so my LP is usually 11-12 days... and and I should really get AF Monday Feb 7th... but if these progestrone things really delay AF, then in my head I will already know this and will not even test until Wednesday the 9th of Feb... yep thats my plan !! and thats my testing day gosh thats 2 WHOLE WEEKS!!! FROM TODAY... its gonna be the roughest 2ww YET Mo !!!

So I am ok though... little disappointed, but hey.. I knew hubby wasnt gonna do an IUI this month... and was ok with going 1 month on injectables without an IUI then I was going to insist on an IUI next month... and it looks like he is ok with that on his own without me INSISTING.... ya so I have a plan for next month... so I guess that is why I am not terribly upset about this month. So now my 3 month plan is (see I am a bit of a project manager too haha!!) My plan is.. to do perhaps 2/3 IUIs then definately insist on IVF... hubby doesnt know this plan yet... I am going to just try to make it happen along the way... what do you think? good plan huh??
Yeah, that Advanced setting in FF is a total crap shot. It does only look at temps. I’m still not entirely sure if I ovulated on CD 13 or 14, but I think if I average it out, if I want to test early it would be on Feb 4th. Otherwise to really make sure, I would test on Feb 7th, if AF doesn’t arrive. As for O’ing, I’m not even sure I O’d last month, cause it was a slow rise, which I’ve never had before, so who knows. But yes, I did know that some women don’t even O. I do consider myself lucky.

Yeah, I think I did enough, but I every month, I always feel like I didn’t do enough. Do you know what I mean? I keep thinking to myself, maybe I should have started earlier or maybe I should keep BDing a week after I O. I’m so confused… :shrug: I’m not sure if my hubby’s friend’s theory is right, but I figured I’d amuse him since he’s trying to help out. I think it’s hilarious.

OMG, so my poor hubby got sequestered last night, cause they didn’t make a decision yet. Some lady from the court house called me and said, “You’re husband isn’t coming home tonight”. What can I say to that???? Ah well, I wonder if they’ll call me again tonight if they’re not finished yet. It’s very bizarre for me, cause I’m not use to not communicating with him for more than 1 day. He can’t even call me or email me… :cry:

Also, I’ve been eating salads for the last 2 weeks now and yesterday I got bored of it and got a veggie burger. I guess that’s not half bad! I do need to work out more, I just get so tired after work. Before the wedding, I use to work out at 5am every morning even before work, but that was because of my wedding. I’m not sure if Miami holds that same special meaning for me. :nope:

Wow, my hubby is going to be super jealous of you and your hubby. Wait till I tell him that you’re going to the Super Bowl. Yikes… That should be a really great experience. We don’t have any good teams in Toronto for any sport, so it’s rare that you’ll see fans with banners or flags. Tee hee.

Renee, I’m totally going to keep doing FF too. I was wondering how long of a subscription I should get. Maybe I should just do the year too. It could take me a year before I get knocked up. So, you’re not using the CBFM or OPK anymore, huh? I guess it doesn’t make sense to spend more money on test strips when you already know your timing. Plus, you’re spending a small fortune on injectables, right?

So, what I was wondering, is, if I just wanted to do an IUI, do I have to do the injectables or can I just ovulate on my own and just go in for the IUI? I guess it makes more sense to know when exactly you’re going to ovulate, right?

Oh man, I’m always concerned about making guys DTD under pressure. I think my hubby would do the same thing. He’s already freaking out about the semen analysis. He doesn’t want me anywhere around when he’s doing his business. He even asked me if it’s possible for us to do it and then when he’s ready he can just pull out and put it in the cup. I told him I had no idea and it may contaminate the semen. Anyhow, I can totally understand why your hubby didn’t finish, but I’m so excited that he’s going to do the IUI. I really think that would help you out for sure. If I could do the IUI now, I’d be like sign me up. Sometimes there are people that are more reactive than proactive. It’s mostly women, I think. We always plan ahead and make sure we have a systematic approach, but men, are more reactive. It’s only when the chips are down that they realize what they have to do. I’m just really happy that he made a decision.

So, does your hubby have to do his business in a cup for IUI? How does that work? Can he do it like tomorrow and then have them keep it till you need to do your IUI?

Is that all they ask for, 2 times when you get your LH surge? Hmm… then I guess I’ve been doing it right. :) That’s good that you worked in 3 times… even better.

So, I think we’re only like 3 days apart from each other now. I think my cycle will return to 28 days again next time unless AF doesn’t show up.. tee hee… So, are you guys on a payment plan or something? Do they bill you every month? How does payment work for all these test and injectables? Those suppositories sound lovely. It’s like a never ending yeast infection remedy. :shrug: So, is the progesterone to lengthen your LP or is it like backup for people who have short LPs? Anyhow, I guess it couldn’t hurt, right? I have the 2ww… I absolutely hate it. And guess what… I have that freaking ovary pain again. I swear there’s something going on in there. I seriously believe my doctor that it was muscle pain, but why the hell does it only hurt after ovulation…. Sometime it hurts when AF arrives, but it usually dies down quite a bit when AF arrives. It’s so bloody bizarre!!!! Whatever, what can I do? I’ll have to wait till I see an FS.

Dude, your plan is a good one. I think you are a project manager too!! :winkwink: I know you’re disappointed, I was too when we missed that one day of BDing, but at least we’re done with that part and we can move onto the 2ww. With these injectables you’re taking, I have a funny feeling you’re going to have twins. Wouldn’t that be cool????
HELLO HELLO Monique!!!

super crazy busy work week for me... but wanted to check in with ya...

first of all I am not going to the super bowl... gosh I wish... I guess when I said WE are going to the Super Bowl... I really mean WE as in my team !! but again I wish I was going this year!!! no such luck though :(

I know what ya mean by thinking you've tried enough.... If I go into the 2WW thinkin yep we did every other day, then hit our 2 peak days... I feel really good about everything...then as the 2WW progresses I start to really doubt everything... which I am doing now I might add.

how bout this... first time since I have started temping I totally forgot to do it yesterday... have no idea what came over me... for the last 3-4 months solid I have remembered to take my temps, took the thermometer on trips with me and everything... yep yesterday just got straight out of bed... strange... huh?

as for the IUI ... I dont think you "have" to actually do injectables... obviously it just really helps with your folicle development etc... but my Dr would have just let me do it on the Clomid if everything looked good, but my lining got thin on it so he would not have suggested it. I am assuming you could probally also do it on a non medicated cycle as well if your Dr would let you... I dont see why not... just bring ya in and check your folicles, and then when your close to ovulating (by checking opks or CBFM...or maybe even he can do the blood work to know this as well) just go on in and do an IUI... I really dont see why not. as for hubbys involvement, this dr I am going to wants a fresh the day of the IUI hubby would go in 2 hours before me...give his sample then they would "prepare" the sample and I would go in a few hours later for the insemenation...but then again that is how my Dr works... I am sure every one may be different actually....meaning maybe the guy can go in the day before and they keep it in a safe environment perhaps? not sure, exactly. I do know that some people that use Donor Sperm, that usually comes frozen if the are "purchasing" it... so I am sure there are so many options I guess

So I am feeling ok in my TWW... just getting some weird pains and also some twinges here and there... thats about it. and I am certainly liking my 3 month plan also... haha!! yes I am a real planner, and you are right guys just really really arent (well most guys anyway...mine included) I do want to jump on this IVF sooner rather than later though, because I know that there is a huge cut off at 42 (and I will be 41 in april) that once you are 42 most of the agency's around here really really want you to use Donor Eggs instead of your own.... naturally with Donor Eggs there is also like an 80% success rate to... but I already KNOW that my husband will ABSOUTELY NOT do Donor Eggs, that is just a NO way for him, I really dont even have to ask him... I already know what he will say... its like him having a child with someone else....yep thats what he will say... I know it.

so you have that ovary pain again... hmmmm maybe you can call ya Dr back and tell them "hey the reason I came in anyway was because of this pain around the time I ovulate, and I know you said it was basically prob nothing and just a pulled muscle, but that you are getting it again this month, and perhaps ask them if you can go in next cycle if you get the pains at ovulation again, and maybe they can do the ultrasound exactly when you are having the pain" doesnt that make some sense...???

oh I never told you the best news on the friend gave me a bunch... then I went on a few websites and found girls that sell their left over meds and I got a bunch real cheap... well not exactly cheap persa but at about 50% of what I would have paid at regular prices. Obviously that is not exactly legal but hey I got the drugs I needed. before I did all this, I asked the nurses at my Drs office if it was ok to use "donated meds from my friend who has been through this before" and they were ok with it... they just told me exactly what I needed and I was good to go. And they also told me that this month since I did not have an IUI "planned" in my cycle, that they were going to try to submit all my blood work and ultrasounds to my insurance company. So far I have not heard them denying any thing. So, so far all I had to pay to my Dr this cycle was a$250 management fee.... I guess this is for them to "manage my cycle..because I have to go in for blood work every day for a week, then the Dr has to evaulate my results daily so thats the fee" Having a fee like that is pretty standard from what I understand all the Drs offices do that for injectable cycles (from what I understand) so basically that $250 I spent then I did actually spend appx $1000 on meds... but that is enough to cover both this last cycle and possibly 2 more (I got extra :) ) so as long as my Dr is ok with me using "donated" meds then I really cut the cost down on the injections myself.... I feel like a GENIUS!!!

ok so please tell me your hubby did not have to be suquesterd another night ? that really really bites... I am sure he is not too happy with it either huh?

oh GIRL!!! if I would have twins..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would feel so blessed and really really know that Jesus is hearing my prayers... I know that I have one shot at this, because there will be no time for me to have #2 and if I could have twins I would be soooooo EXCITED. Really dont think there is a chance this month though because I know I had one big follicle and 2 smaller ones... so my chance is actually that the 1 biggest one is the one that will produce the egg... always a slim chance that one of those smaller ones maybe caught up to be mature enough the day I triggered but thats doubtful ... maybe next month ?

and yep it rally does look like we are only a few days apart huh? finally !!

ok so hope you had a great week... I am being such a slacker lately getting on line I guess... but wanted to check in with you...hope you have a great weekend... hubby and I have dinner plans with another couple...looking foward to it.. they are good friends...and we are going to a nice restaurant...where they serve GREAT Crab bisque!! YUMMMY I have been thinking bout it ALLL day!!!
Yo Girlfriend, oops, sorry I thought you were actually going to the Superbowl, but I totally understand now that you used the royal “We”.
Have you ever reviewed the FF bbt chart gallery? I sometimes try to see if I can find other women who BD on the same days that I do and see how many of them get pregnant. Of course, every woman’s body is different so should I be comparing, well the answer is no, but I still do. :shrug:

Wow, so you forgot to temp huh? I can see that happening, it’s actually pretty good that you did, it means that you’re not thinking about it a lot and probably stress free. I think that’s probably better for you. As for me, I’m getting a little stressed out, cause my temps are totally bizarre. One day it’s 98.15 and then the next day it’s 98.186. That’s been going on for the last 6 days. I started to do some research and they said that if you have flat temps then maybe your bbt’s battery is dead, but mine does fluctuate slightly and I usually check in the middle of the day and either it’s really high or really low. Not sure what to think? :shrug:

Ah man, I really don’t think that my hubby is going to be comfortable enough to give a sample like 2 hours before I need it. Sheesh, this is going to be interesting if I need to do an IUI or IVF. I wonder if there’s some kind of procedure where they can extract it from him. I know, yuck, but I really don’t know if my hubby can do that on his own. Is your hubby ok with that? Ah man, I need to think this through now. :nope:

I totally didn’t know that IVF had a cut off of 42, geez. So, do you think that if you have to do IVF, you’d let them put 2 fertilized eggs in you? Also, if you’re hubby agreed with the donor eggs would you do it? I guess it’s not any different than adopting right, it just that you’ll actually experience being pregnant and giving birth right?

As for my ovary pain, it’s gone now, it only lasted about 2 days, so I’m happy with that. As of today, I had some bad cramps, which sucked ass, but I’m hoping it’s a good sign. Who knows anymore? But if I do get those pains again next cycle, I will definitely take your advice and go to my doctor and get an ultrasound the same time I’m having the pain.

You are a GENIUS, you’re also hilarious, but I would totally buy unused injectables. Especially if no one is using it and you can get it for much cheaper. What a brilliant idea! Hmm... The $250 management fee also sounds pretty reasonable. Sounds like you have a really good FS.
So, as of Tuesday night, my hubby hasn’t been home, I haven’t seen him or talked to him. The court calls me everyday with messages that he sends me, like call my work, call my parents, pay the gas bill, etc... He also says, I love you and miss you terribly. Which is sweet, but I’m really not very happy right now and I miss him big time. I hate this jury duty crap. Plus his stupid parents keep calling me to ask me if I heard anything and to invite me over for some nasty food. I keep telling them that I need to stay home just in case he calls or the court calls. Plus I add in that I have lots of work to do. I don’t like the inlaws. :wacko:

TWINS man.... we should aim to have twins. What can we do to have twins? Any kind of natural way to make yourself have twins?? Wouldn’t that be interesting if that were possible? :winkwink:

So, don’t worry about not posting every day, I know we’re both busy with our personal lives, so I don’t expect that from you at all. I hope your dinner plans were great and you had that crab bisque. I don’t eat seafood at all, and luckily neither does my hubby so we’re compatible that way, but I can cook seafood for guests. I just never liked seafood since I was a child.

Ah well, I hope you’re doing well and you know what I just thought of something. My hubby better get out of this jury crap before SuperBowl, cause he’s going to lose it if he’s still in there. I don’t even know if he has television in there. Yikes :nope:
hey Monique... how bout that damn cold got me AGAIN!!! GEEZ!!! well at least it is not as bad as a few weeks ago... last time it actually hit me the same day AF came so with the cramping from AF and a cold on top.... I was ready to DIE... so its not as bad this time, but really knocks me on my butt.

anyway....Yes I have looked at FF charts once or twice to do some compares... thats pretty cool to see the girls that have gone on to get kinda makes me sad at the same time if that makes any sense.... like why cant my temps stay high after 12 DPO :( BUT ILL TELL YA WHAT!!! YOUR DARN TEMPS LOOK GREAT THIS MONTH!!! sooo high for quite a few days in a ROW.. THATS AWESOME!!!! thats really really promising Monique!!!

ok so IVF doesnt "technically" cut off at 42... but most FS will really really advise you to use Donor Eggs... it pretty much seems that they will advise you after 42 that you are wasting your $$ trying to get pregnant at the old old age of 42 with your own eggs and really want you to use Donors... I myself dont know if I would want to do donor eggs anyway.... and I know my hubby will defiantely NOT do them anyway. Another thing...From what I understand by reading some websites...some FS actually do turn .
away people that are at high risk of not getting pregnant... even if they want to spend their thousands of dollars trying they simply turn them away so that their published "odds" dont go down!! how unfair huh ?

So good news your ovary pain has gone away... it hasnt come back has it ? how bout any other good symptoms ? feeling any activity ? I totally forgot if you mentioned this or not but are you going to test this month at all ? I think I am going to give in and test on Sunday Morning... that would be 14 days after I have given my self the triger shot and also 12 DPO. I decided for a few reason I am going to test on that day... 1st of all these progestrone suppositiories have a side effect of maybe delaying AF, so if I am not pregnant I want to stop taking them so that AF can come and I can start on my next cycle.... and also if I am not pregnant I want to be able to have a beer or two watching the Super Bowl on Sunday. This will be actually the first time I have taken a pregnancy test... im super excited and scared at the same time. Actually I did take them the two times I started Clomid but when I took them I had already started AF and just took them to make sure that it was AF and just not some type of bleeding and I was preganant, because I didnt want to start the Clomid and be pregnant because that would definately harm the pregnancy... obviously both times they were negative but... this will be the first time I actually took a test to see if I was really pregnant !!

So is hubby out of jury yet!!! gosh I hope so for your sake... I would hate hate hate it if my hubby was away for so long.... and like you there is no way I would go visit the inlaws in his absense... WHY !! we only go because we HAVE to!! haha !!!
Renee, so I got sick on Monday too. I threw up at work at around 1:30pm. It was so embarrassing. I went to the printer to grab a document and then all of a sudden I felt nauseous. I turned around to the garbage and stuck my head in it and threw up. It was gross. I can hear people say “what was that?” Anyhow, after I threw up twice, I ran to the washroom which seemed so far away and then threw up a few more times. I kinda missed the toilet the first time, but got most of the rest of it. Yucky!! :sick:

Anyhow, I left work early and stayed home for like 2 days after that. I just felt like crap. So, I totally know what you mean. I think my hubby gave me whatever he had during jury duty. He told me he was sick since last Wednesday, throwing up and other stuff!!

My temps are so freaking weird, I don’t know what it means this month, but I’m pretty sure I’m not preggers. I totally feel like AF is coming this weekend and won’t be gentle at all. I also changed the battery in my BBT, but as you notice, my temps still haven’t moved much. Whatever. I was suppose to test today, but I think I’ll just wait and see if AF shows up, which I’m sure she will. Blah!! Anyhow, I have to get my day 3 blood test, so that will be good. My hubby is now scared about the semen analysis. He’s like, is it ok if I come see your dr and ask her for a requisition cause I’m embarrassed to ask my dr. I was like why? He said, cause I’ve known him all my life, it’s too embarrassing. I almost laughed my pants off. What a joke! Anyhow, this is going to be very interesting. :nope:

You know I have a sneaky feeling my SIL whose going to be 42 this year, had IVF, but she hasn’t said anything at all. I don’t really care if she did, but not sure why they would hide that. Anyhow, she said that she wasn’t going to have anymore, but now I’m wondering if it’s because of the expense from her baby and the fact that’s she’s going to be 42 this year. Hmm. Hell, I’m going to try to have a baby until I ovaries dry up. I’m not going to let my age dictate when I should stop. I’m actually surprised that an FS wouldn’t just take your money and try to get your pregnant. I guess there’s some code of ethics involved with that.

So, my ovary pain comes and goes, not as severe as the first time I had them and it’s not very frequent either, so I guess that’s a good thing. My symptoms are the same every freaking month, cramps, sore boobs, fatigue, headaches, etc… This month, my left boob has been killing me more than my right. I’m such a weirdo. Plus, I’m constipated again, I’m not sure why, I’ve been eating really well. :shrug:

How about you? Any symptoms? Hey if you’re going to test on Sunday, I’ll test with you if AF hasn’t shown up yet. Are you going to use an FRER? I think I have 1 at home. I agree with you though, you should definitely test and make sure you’re not pregnant and then freaking enjoy your SuperBowl Sunday!!

My hubby has decided to have a few friends over to watch the game, so I get to stay in the bedroom all night. That’s ok, I don’t mind. If AF gets me, I’ll be upset and will probably just lie in bed anyhow. Tee hee. :)

That reminds me I have to order some chicken wings for Sunday.

So, my hubby finally got out of the jury on Sunday night. Holy smokes talk about a traumatic experience for him. He had to deliberate for 12 hours a day and in the evening they would eat together and then be sent to their room alone. The room didn’t have a tv, clock, telephone, newspapers, nothing. It was like he was in jail and sometimes the court would call with a message from him and the court would edit it. So, all the stuff that he was trying to tell me, like the fact that he was sick since Wednesday, they cut it out of the message. How insane is that? Anyhow, he came home and cried. He was so upset cause he was lonely and missed me a lot. It was so sad. Did I ever tell you that he’s previous girlfriend died of cancer? How sad is that!!!
Have you seen this:
Monique.... I was just getting ready to say that the pucking may be a good sign...then I saw your ticker...I am sooooo sorry AF gotcha... and just like clock work she got me this AM.... gosh I have such horrible horrible cramping... and I have only been awake 1 hour... this is getting to SUCK !!! so ya maybe your little bug was actually from your hubby then huh? and that is sooooo odd they wouldnt even let him tell you he was sick while he was in that had to be sooooo horrible on him, away from home no wife not tv no newspaper, and sick... gosh I feel sooooo sorry for him. And having to survive a GF that had cancer WOW, I dont even know what to say, my heart does go out to that man.

Chances are you are probally right that your SIL prob had some type of fertility treatment, at that age (and mine) its pretty much a given unfortunately... the way I look at it to be honest. Your a little youger... you BITCH!! HAHA... just joking... so really I would be thinking the same way as you...yep she prob did have some type of treatments.

ok so looks like today is CD3 so are you going in for your CD3 tests then huh? wishing ya good luck on those and you have some good results. And ya know what your dr can just give you the prescription for your hubbys SA, mine did, shouldnt be any prob at all... dont want that little bugger getting embarassed hehe!!!

ok so as for me... I havent been on-line all weekend.... actually felt pretty good... I am getting burned out to be honest. I sit on a computer all day at work... and I even have to bring work home alot, so surfing the net for fun... is not really any fun since I have to look at a computer screen all day ya know !!!

Any way... I did do a test yesterday morning... and obviously I wasted a test because as I said yep got AF today... Thats ok though... I guess... I am not going to let it bring me down too much... probally mostly because I know I have a plan going into this month... I am sure when I dont have a plan for the up coming month... all this TTC stuff is going to start bothering me REALLY REALLY bad. So hubby has definately agreed to IUI this cycle!! YAYAYAYAYAYA!! So I am actually excited to see what this month has in store for me..... I have to go in on CD3 and they do CD3 blood work....just like your getting but I also get an ultrasound... to see if I have any left over folicles from last cycle... they say there is always a chance there is a left over folicle that will turn into a cyst and they would want you to skip a month if they find one... apparently there is a chance even if we are not on fertility drugs...but that chance gets a lot higher when you are... So I am hoping they dont find any cysts so I dont have to skip a month... but I can tell ya what...the cramping I am getting right now... I am thinking I may because it is probally the worse AF cramping I have ever had. (oh please please please dont be a cyst !!!!)

and yep my whole City is also upset because we didnt win that darn Super Bowl :( soooooo sooooo sad!! We went out to a big party in down town Pittsburgh at a Casino big huge screen TVs tons of people... tons of food...tons of fun... and when we lost everyone just trickled out real quietly... super sad
hey I looked at that link.... it is a little confusing I thing... from what I thought... there was 2 "sperm friendly" lubes.. 1)Conceive Plus and 2) PreSeed...

and from this link are they referring to a whole different brand PreConceive that is actually not "Sperm Friendly" ?? I hope its not the Concieve Plus cause thats what I use... and I think you use the PreSeed right...
Yep, AF got me, but I’m good. I went for my CD 3 tests yesterday and my dr will call me if there’s any bad news, but I have to see her on Monday anyhow to get the FS referral, so this is all very exciting for me. I found a place very close to my work and it would be very convenient for my hubby too, so I’m going to do some research and ask my dr about it. :winkwink:

Guess what, my SIL actually defended me this weekend. It was totally bizarre. I had to go over to my MIL, my hubby insisted. Anyhow, we were talking about something and all of a sudden the MIL said, “so I guess you’re not pregnant yet….huh…” And then she said it again and asked the SIL “so, Kathryn, I guess she’s not pregnant yet”. Well, the SIL actually said “Bev, I think we need to mind our business!” I was shocked, but I thought about it again and realized that the stupid MIL had been harassing her for 6 six about having children and didn’t realize that my SIL was having difficulty having kids. So, I think the SIL was annoyed with the MIL because it brought back memories of the harassment she had to endure. :nope:

To tell you the truth, I was more annoyed that my hubby didn’t say something to his MIL. Like why would she say that to me. If I were pregnant, I’d let her know. Obviously if I didn’t say anything, then I’m not pregnant. What a dork!!!:dohh:

So, my hubby had a personal conversation with his dr yesterday and got a requisition for the SA. Yippee!! Now the question is when will he do this cause he said he doesn’t want me anywhere around him when he’s doing it. I may even have to leave the condo, not sure where I’d go. Well, maybe he can do it during the week while I’m at work and drop it off himself. I don’t know, I’ll have to have a discussion with him on this.

It’s good that you get a rest from being online over the weekend. I wish my hubby would get a clue. He’s the same, he works all day on the computer and then he comes home and goes on the computer, and then on the weekend he’s on the computer. When is he not on the computer??? But he does have his own web design company too, so he makes extra cash so we can buy a big house next year!!

Well, I hope to God that you don’t have a cyst. I would hate to have to wait another month to do the IUI. And how about your hubby!!! I’m so thrilled that he’s agreed to do the IUI. I truly think that will help you big time. Let me know what happens with the ultrasound. I hope those cramps are nothing. When I was a teenager, I use to get the worse cramps ever, I even use to throw up cause it hurt so much. I’m not sure what was up with that, but I’m glad I don’t have the same intense cramps.

Sorry, about your team not winning…. I watched the half time thingy and it was kinda boring too. I wasn’t too impressed with the Black Eyed Peas. I like their songs, but the show was just blah. I was expecting more. Ah well. Maybe next year!!! :shrug:
BTW, I have a coworker that's 30 years old and she's going to try to have a baby in March and if she gets preggers before me, I'm going to slap the hell out of her.

It's hiliarious cause I may be younger than you, but I feel the same way about 30 year olds too!!! Those bitches!!! :)

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