TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

Hey Renee,

You crack me up, i swear. :) So, I actually haven't used any internet cheapies before, I've only been using the expensive stuff which is costing me an arm and a leg. Last month I ordered some pre-seed and it came with 2 free HPT internet cheapies, but i have yet to use those either. Hmm... Gosh, I wish I could be more helpful, but I'm a little clueless when it comes to that stuff. I agree with you though, it would save a lot of money to use the cheap stuff first and then go to the expensive stuff. Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful, I will ask around though and see if I can find out anything for you.

Well, I'm happy you had fun at the reunion. I had a high school reunion once that was set up 2 years after I graduated. It didn't seem like much of a reunion since it was only 2 years after, I thought that was kind of stupid. Since, high school, I've only kept in contact with 1 person and he was my "bridesman" at my wedding. We've been through so much that I told him that I wanted him to stand by me on my wedding day. So, I had my sister who was the matron of honour and my best friend, who was my "bridesman". It was terrific. :)

Yep, the grapefruit has served its purpose, so I'm going to take a break from drinking it now till next cycle, but hopefully there won't be a next cycle. tee hee... So, my DH has actually been really super and we've almost met the requirements of the SMEP, so we'll see what happens. I'm excited though. Also, my temp went way up this morning so I'm pretty sure I ovulated either yesterday or the day before. I'm also get some slight cramping already, which is a little new for me... I really hope this is it for me, but I still have till February to do this the old fashion way and then it'll be off for the tests and probing... what fun!! :(

So, is CD 9 the earliest you've ever gotten a high, is it really the Clomid? I'm hoping that you just ovulate sooner rather than later. Get that over with and then you can just relax on your vacation and completely forget the TWW.

Also, let me know how the test results came out for both of you, I'm so excited to hear them. I'm thinking it'll be good results too and that we both just need some time for this whole conception crap... :)
little bummed today Monique... or actually a lot...

my blood levels came back and my FSH was rather high this cycle (high is not good... we want it to be low) it was 11.3 which is considered high... my other blood levels were normal. Doc said to go get my FSH tested again today(which I did) to see what the effect of the Clomid had on my FSH level. So the point of measuring FSH at CD3 then take the Clomid from 3-7 then retest FSH on CD10 is to see how your body is responding. Ideally my FSH should have been lower to begin with (CD3) and if it is still high (or higher) today (CD10) then it means I have rather diminished egg reserve. Obviously it doesnt mean I am infertile or anything... but its just NOT good at all. And they say that it can change from month to month... but generally when you get a high month you pretty much are considered "high".

as for the hubbys SA... apparently they are only 1/2 way done with it, SA measures a bunch of things.. and the Count and Morphology/Shape is not done yet, so have to wait for that to come back later this week, but they said his Mobility is only %34 which is considered low :( Normal range is 49. But his Volume is "Normal".. I am going to wait for the rest of the results to come back..but so far I am just really teary today... very unlike me...

I have been reading up on Mobility and they said that alcohol has a lot to do with it. Gosh and my hubby loves his drinks... dont get me wrong he is by noooooo means an alcoholic, but he is definately a "drinker"... loves his wine and martinis. And gosh he sells beer for a living !!!! It is really going to be sooooo difficult to try to ask him to cut back, I think it will turn him quite bitter immediately if I mention it... and make this whole TTC for him a huge burden. I am going to go look up now... some supplements to get him on to help with the spermies... then of course wait to get the rest of his results back... but the doc said with low mobility like that, that he should go see a urologist.

I am going to continue to try to stay as possitive as possible, and will certainly not give up...but just having a damn bad day with all this news ya know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and we didnt start our SMEP yesterday... kinda busy decorating for Christmas... so we start tonight... and to be honest I am just not in the mood at all Monique...

and so you know... you are the 1st person I have told this to, (well you and who ever else on the internet may happen to be looking at our thread here) so it made me feel a tad bit better to get it off my chest.... and I have only been telling one of my friends about all these tests of mine and the Clomid and that I made my Hubby go get a SA... shes my friend in Boston that I told you about last cycle that we were testing at same time) and I will talk to her later today about it... I just cant talk to all the "girls" about it... it gets to be too much... ... I dont bring it up the whole TTC with all the girls...only if they ask of course I just say real passively "oh ya were trying".... I just dont want to hear...Oh really its been 6 months... oh keep at it... it will happen... or its all in Gods Hands... as I told ya before I am rather private... Love the girl friends but just dont like to share everything ya know.

im gonna go take a big nap now... oh ps working from home today!! which is perfect noone in the office has to put up with my grumpness!!!

oh and last thing... I've been wanting to bring this up for a while.... in case your wondering... I do not have spell checker on here... so if you see something misspelled or bad gramar please dont think I am a dummy!! I just type really fast and I am an awful seem like quite the idiot when I dont have spell checker...but I really am quite bright!! haha (oh and I am not tooting my own horn, just letting you know I am not an idiot haha)
Hey Renee,
I have to tell you that I got teary eyed reading your post and I spent a very long time trying to figure out what I could say to you to make you feel better or make you not think about this, but I know from experience that nothing really helps, but I’m going to try anyway. I'm so sorry that you were so sad yesterday and if I could wave a wand to change your test results to a more positive one, I would do so in a second. I feel for you, honey. :hugs:

I was talking to my DH about this last night and told him that I was so upset that you were sad. He asked me if that means that you can’t have kids and I said, no, but no one wants to hear that kind of news. He also told me that you should talk to you DH and tell him about the alcohol. I actually agree with him too. I mean we weren’t even sure he was going to do the SA, right? But he did, so who knows he may surprise you again and cut back on the alcohol. Also, I heard that there’s a vitamin supplement called “Fertilaid” I think that may help him out.

What about you, did the doctor say that you should take something to help out your eggs? Do you take any pre-natal vitamins yet? I can’t remember if I told you that I’m taking “Preg-Vit”. I don’t think those help with the quality of your eggs, but I wonder if there’s anything out there that does.

I also wanted to thank you for letting me know your news first. It means a lot to me, I wish I could give you a big hug right now. And don’t worry about the SMEP, I wouldn’t be in the mood either. I think the most important part of that plan is the 3 days in a row. I mean I think the every other day part is really so that the sperm stays fresh. Well, that’s just my theory anyhow. I mean I personally don’t think sperm can live in your body for more than 3 days.

Yeah, you know some people need to be more sensitive about TTC. So, what if it’s only been 6 months… when you’re TTC it feels like years and the total disappointment you feel when you get AF every cycle is personally a really crappy feeling. I totally know what you mean, by not telling all the girls. My DH is invited to a Christmas get-together with 2 couples who have little babies and he said that he doesn’t want to go. I feel the same way, cause you know all their going to talk about is their babies and then they’ll start asking you about having a baby and that it takes time and you need to relax and not think about it… shut the hell up, is what I say. How can I not think about it? I’ve been reading these damn novels lately to distract me and do you think it’s working… uh, no. I am enjoying the books though, but how do you not think about it, seriously??

Anyhow, my dear, I’m here for you and if you need to get anything else off your chest, please do so. Its funny how we’ve never met, but I feel like I’ve known you for a very long time. I like that feeling!! 

Don’t worry about the spelling either, I’m not the greatest speller either and I don’t use spell-check on this thing. In fact, there are some words that we spell differently here in Canada than the US, so I totally don’t think you’re an idiot. I actually think you’re quite intelligent and the fact that you’re a software analyst, that gives you brownie points. 

Let me know how you’re feeling today. Okie dokie.
hey Monique...

thanks for the pep talk... it helps really

I am still very sad, but trying to be optimistic, because I am not giving up thats for sure!!!...I already know the damn "age factor" is against me, now finding this out the diminished egg reservere and the low mobility with hubby just will make this whole TTC so much more difficult....damn it!!!

According to all Docs and/or FS there is really nothing you can do with FSH levels, it basically is " it is what it is" they do these FSH test basically to see where your egg reserve is, and of course as you know it is only 1 of a zillion factors that play a role in TTC, of course you have to be sure to ovulate, and be sure you have CM and be sure you have progestrone and estrogen etc etc etc... but to start off with perhaps bad eggs to begin with... that makes it all the more harder.

ANYWAY...I did spend the day yesterday doing some research on natural things that "lower your fsh" and there are a couple natural supplements like royal jelly, bee pollen and wheatgrass... sounds delightful HUH? NOT HAHAHA!!! so I am gonna make a decision today on what I want to start on and order something I guess.

As for hubby, told him that 1/2 his results are back and that so far the mobility is low, and my doc said next step in that area would be to see a urologist, which he said "ok sure" ...he said he has seen one before (I didnt know that) said that in the past he has gotten some "tightening" down there, and went to see the doc. So I want to wait for the rest of his results to come back, and get a copy of those results, so he can take it to the urologist.

I also started to panic a bit, and told hubby... hey we dont have any "time" to be messing around trying naturally...since we know we have some of these factors against us now, that perhaps we need to not delay and go see a FS sooner than I had though. It would be different if I was 10 years younger, and had some matters against us, but at this age, there is not any "time" and we should prob go see a FS, just incase there are some more tests that should be run on me. Example some scanns, perhaps an HSG (those all have to come from a FS). again my OB/GYN is an old school doc, and I think I have gotten all I can out of him, but it is time for me to see a FS... WELLLLLLL hubby says... sure I see the point in going...but I have heard horror stories of people spending $1000's and the doctor promises them a child and theyre is not a guaranteee. I just simply said well we need to make an appointment to have a consult, see what they say...see what can be done/tested etc. And I am going to get on that as well. Again all FS are private and even an office visit is not covered !!! ugghhh... hopefully it will all pay off in the end.

oh and we did BD last night... it was like 7:30 and I didnt even make dinner (this was before I told hubby bout results) and he said "ok lets go" and I said "naaaa I dont feel like it... and he was like, "hey we didnt yesterday... so we HAVE to today, right? your the one that told me we have to every other day, and so far we are already late, so get your butt up stairs!!! " Gosh I love him to pieces...

I have not brought up the alcohol consumption yet... I want to wait til the rest of the results come back, and mention it to him, I am also certain that the urlogist will tell him as well.

ok so I while I was sitting here, my credit card company called me to verify a potential fraudulant charge on my account....from an hour ago, used in a direct catalog order from FRANCE!!! and a hotel charge in New Mexico. Thank god they do monitoring, because neither one of those are mine, and they had to close the card and sending me a new one... p.s. I have the card in my wallet, so someone somehow got my card number.... rather a pain the arse cause, I use that card to directly pay a bunch of bills.. cable, vet, netflix,cell phone, electric bill etc... pain now I have to contact all of them and give them a new card number!! ugghhh... gotta run and go take care of that now... I'll catch up with ya later...

p.s. your in the TWW... hope your not "so_anxious" haha!!
hey Monique!!! got something to tell ya !!!

I was calling around, to some fertility clinics in the area... and the PRICES were sooooo expensive... the inital consult was appx $300 then simple tests like HSG was $600 (hsg is usually the first thing FS will do... checks if you have any blockage). So I decided to check with my insurance company, to see if I had ANY coverage at all, thinking that perhaps they would atleast cover the initial consult... AND GUESS WHAT!!!!! I am shocked BUT I DO indeed have some coverage!!!!! it is considered a under my Reproductive Endocrinology Drs Network list. yayayaya!! So I have a small copay for the initial visit, then all lab work, blood work, xrays, ultra-sounds, or imaging is covered at %90 as well!!! oh and p.s. got some GREAT GREAT NEWS...!!!! I got an appoitment with a FS next Monday!!!!! yayayayaya....

oh and p.s. i checked their website... and if we have to do IUI (that is not covered by insurance) but this place only charges $275 for it...well they typically want you to do 2 per cycle.. say the day before O and the day of O... so that would only be $550 (obviously IVF would be 20X that but their website didnt say) but the IUI sounds so reasonable compared to what I was thinking. Well that also does not include if they want you on some type of heavy fertility drugs as well with the IUI which could be up to $2000. but hey I may be jumping ahead of my self...

could NOT wait to share the awesome news with you!!
OMG!!! I’m so freaking happy for you. That’s so amazing that almost everything is 90% covered under your insurance. At least now you can just go straight to see the FS and not waste anymore time.

Geez, I should check my benefits too and see if I’m covered. That’s crazy. Wow, that’s such good news. I’m totally excited for you now. So, is your appointment the day before you take off for Florida? Ah man, this is so exciting. You have tell me everything that the FS says and all the tests they do on you.

I don’t think you’re jumping ahead of yourself, I think it’s good to have a plan in place and an estimation of potential costs. Can you tell I’m a project manager??? 

I’m quite happy that you’re happy now. I think this may have helped a little with your funk, right??? Yippee!!!

BTW, your DH is awesome… I’m glad he’s being a good husband to you. And also, what the hell is up with your credit card??? I had the same thing happen to me recently and I only use it to automatically pay my cable bill and storage unit. It’s so freaking annoying having to change everything now. Freaking thieves!!!
YEP GIRL!! I am jumping out of my skin EXCITED!!!!

THANKS for the quick reply!! haha I was like(to myself) oh goody Monique replied already!!!

and yes my appt is next Monday... and I actually leave on a 7 am flyt Wed (I thought it was Tuesday night but I am silly I forget things..just checked my confirmation email fthis am) so if by some chance my O is delayed I still have until Tuesday night to get one last BD in... really crossing fingers!!

oh and my hubby... gosh he is the best!! love him.
So, how are you doing today? Are you feeling any side effects or symptoms of the Clomid? Is your CBFM still on high?

I forgot to turn mind on today and had to call home to get my DH to do it for me. I wasn’t sure if it would be an issue if a missed a day even after I ovulated…. Hmm… I’ll have to investigate that. I think there’s an internal clock in there, right? So, if I miss a day and I turn it on the next day, then it should give me the right CD day, right? Ah well.

So, I’m now 3 dpo, I had to reset one of my tickers, as it was saying 4 dpo. No symptoms so far, I guess it’s way too early. Have the regular sore boobs, mild cramping, fatigue, etc… I did have a sore throat and runny nose this morning but I just think that’s because it’s colder outside now. Not sure if those are even symptoms. My temp went up slightly again today, let’s hope it stays there for a very long time!! 

I’m going to see that new Harry Potter movie with one of my coworkers tonight and guess what, we’ve both decided that we’re going to be really bad and have nachos and a hot day each… Isn’t that wicked of us??? Tee hee… I’m so sleepy today… blah.
yes I am a tad out of my "funk"... cause of the good news on my FS visit for Monday and trying to keep my hopes up for picking up some more test results tomorrow (which are the rest of hubbys SA and my CD10 blood results..(to see how my body reacted to the Clomid) )

and yep CBFM still on high, negative OPK tonight again.. so far this is my 5th month on the CBFM earliest I have gotten my 1st peak day was CD13 and latest CD15... so should be any day now!!! please please come soon.

and nope really no side effects at all from the Clomid, one night for about 5 mins I had some weird visions, I was seeing some floating spots,really weird, kinda felt like I was on LSD (not that I know what feeling like being on acid would feel like, but you know what I mean) but that was it.. no hot flashes, or headaches, or moodiness or spotting... like a bunch of other girls have reported. I was expected to feel some O pain though...i never really get it, and was told that Clomid should intensify O and I should feel it... but havent had any cramping yet... I really hope to though... will let ya know..

and so far keeping up with SMEP, still on my every other night!! I was so involved with myself the last few days, forget to ask if you got to do your 3 days in a row ok? and did ya skip and do 1 last one on Monday ?

ooohhhh also.. as for setting the CBFM...after I have reached my O and get my 2 peaks then my 1 my 1high, then low... you really dont have to hit it every day after that... I never turn on the monitor again until AF comes (the next month)..... you really dont need to turn it on in your whole luteal phase, just no reason, some people do it to "stay in the habit" of it.. but technically its not necessary... ok so thats my tidbit for the day haha!!

oh gosh your catching a little cold? now your blood condition does that bring on any flu symptoms? or is really the flu? I am sure ya know the difference huh? also have you had any pain episodes lately?

So how was your night out and seeing Harry Potter? and your Nachos!! ummm that sounds sooooo good!!!
So, I didn’t end up going to see Harry Potter, my coworker was sick and we rescheduled for next Wednesday. I was so sad, cause I was totally looking forward to the nachos… boo.

Anyhow, that LSD comment was hilarious… I totally know what you mean, I’ve never taken LSD either but I can only imagine how you must of felt. Yesterday, the lights at work were flashing on and off, at first I thought it was because I was blinking, but then I thought I was going blind. Then someone asked me “did you just see that, did the lights just go on and off?” Sheesh, what a relief someone else saw that. 

Well, we almost did the SMEP, after the third BD day, my DH was like, that’s all I can do for now… ask me again in about a week. What a guy? He’s decided he’s going to work out now so he can have more energy for these BD sessions. So, now he’s been running everyday, which surprises me. I think I’ll join him. I was running every morning at 5am for a year before my wedding, but I stopped as soon as I got married. Tee hee… I guess it’s good to start it up again, plus my pants are starting to get a tad snug around the waistline. 

Anyhow, I think I got in enough BDing, if not we’ll just try and try again till it works, right??

As for the CBFM, I always wondered if I needed to turn it on in my luteal phase. Its kind of my habit now since I take my temp in bed then get up to see the number in the washroom and then turn on my CBFM, then take a shower to get ready for work, but some reason yesterday I messed up my routine. So, that’s good to know that I don’t have to turn it on or if I forgot it’s not a problem.

So, test results today, huh? Hopefully they’re promising and if not, then your FS will help you out. I also heard about all these women have crazy symptoms while on Clomid, that’s why I was asking you. I also heard that it makes you dry, but you said that you’re on Conceive Plus, right?

How’s your DH doing? Mine is good, as I said, he’s working out now and he’s getting into this TTC now. He’s working with a bunch of guys that either have kids or their wives are pregnant, so he’s getting all this free advice and he’s getting really excited now on the prospect of having a little baby. He’s too cute.

So, I also had a sore throat again and runny nose, so I must be catching a cold, it’s going around in the office, hence my coworker calling in sick. Since I have this blood disorder my immune system is crap, so I’ll catch anything and I usually get sick around Christmas. It’s weird, but I guess it’s also the time of year to get sick. I haven’t had a pain episode since the last one. I’m hoping I don’t have one between now and my period cause I think it screws up with any potential implantation.

Still no real symptoms so far, except the usual sore boobs, fatigue, cramps, but it’s still real early. Can’t wait for a bfp!!
OH darn no Harry for ya this week? and no nachos!! I dont know whats worse!! haha..
no but seriously I did hear it was a good movie, so enjoy next week.

ya that darn SMEP gosh it is stringent huh? but I have to say ... you’re the project manager... I dont may not have hit your "milestone" hahaha!!!

That is sooooo awesome your hubby is getting excited... and started running!! it shows hes serious about this TTC huh!!! thats sooooo cute... and I have to be honest I as well worked my butt off before the wedding.... and yep since the wedding well that is a different story... I have been slacking a lot lately, and havent exercised as much as I should... we even have an huge elliptical in our spare bedroom, I did dust it off just yesterday... !! need to get on it more... I know that the whole TTC thing to I really SHOULD be exercising... there just doesnt seem to be enough time in the day and GIRL... I feel old some times...and have to take at least an 1-2 hour nap every day after work, YEP... I typed that right 1-2 hours everyday!! I'm like a baby myself!! haha

I usually catch 1 big cold each winter myself, ironically it is usually around Christmas as well.... hoping your flu is going away.

As for me... I did get my blood results back today.... my FSH level was actually lower than CD3 which is quite confusing, I dont know how that is possible, because if anything Clomid is suppose to raise that level. So I will take all those results to the FS on Monday... and hubby :( the rest of his results came back and now more bad news... not only is his mobility low... ya his "sperm concentration" is also low. So when I go to the FS on Monday I will talk to him about all of his results...because it is quite confusing... low mobility, low concentration, but normal morphology and normal volume... so perhaps the FS will let me know exactly "how bad" all that is. So anxious for this FS dont worry I will tell ya all about it.

So Saturday night is my hubbys big work Christmas party, and tonight I will be meeting one of my friends after work for a coffee, and "new outfit shopping"... so I plan on getting a new dress, new shoes, and a new coat!!! that all should make me feel better huh !!! you got any big plans? Oh gosh and my hubbys one sisters bday is on Sunday… I haven’t mentioned it all week hoping we “don’t” have to go over to his parents house, keep your fingers crossed for me !! haha they just bring me down…they really do!!!(gosh I am so mean)

oh... and good news... got a positive OPK last night… and yep ya, you guessed it a High on CBFM this AM….. so that Clomid really didnt delay my O after all... !!! ya for me... but still no O pains??... hoping to feel some later today, as darn it.. I never get O pains. Some report major major O cramps ...even when not on Clomid.... and claim they "know" exactly when they are Oing... I am sooooo jealous of that... do you get much O cramps ? I have to go strictly by the CBFM or OPKs because I have no CM at all and no O cramps... darn it!!!
Hey Girl,

Yeah, I sure didn’t hit my milestone. My DH always jokes with me and asks me what the critical path is. Then he giggles like a little school boy. What a weirdo!! 

Gosh, I thought I was the only one that took naps after work. I’m glad that I have some company now! Usually right after O day, I get so freaking tired, like seriously. I’ve been going to bed around 8-9pm. It’s insane and I usually sleep right until the next morning. That’s a lot of sleeping.

I’m still getting a sore throat and some phlegm in the mornings, but now I’m really thinking it’s just because the window is open in our room. Not sure, but maybe I should get a humidifier. Have you use those, are they good? I remember when I was a kid, my parents had a huge one and I was always scared of the little mist that came out of it cause it reminded me of steam from a kettle. I got burnt a few times by the kettle!! :)

So, it looks like your fertility may be ok, but your husband’s is in question now? Hmm… it does sounds a little fishy so hopefully the FS will be able to let you know if its bad at all. I use the FF chart library almost everyday, yeah, I’m obsessive, looking for charts that are similar to mine from women who got pregnant. Anyhow, I notice there are quite a few people that have to deal with male fertility issues yet they still end up getting pregnant. So, there’s always hope, but yeah, I know it may take a bit longer, which sucks. We need our BFP’s today!!!

OMG, so you’re going shopping today… yippee.. I love shopping when it’s for a new dress for a party otherwise I’d rather shop online. Do you know what color you’re going to get or are you more interested in the style? Also, I love buying new shoes for a new dress. I think I have a fancy pain of shoes for each fancy dress. Except guess what, my wedding was a black and white affair and I had touches of black on my dress (black straps and a black ribbon type thingy) anyhow, I actually used a pair of fancy black and rhinestone shoes to wear with my wedding dress (finally figured out how to add pictures, so I’ve attached a few). Yep, that’s me!!!

Anyhow, enough about me, I’m going to prayer tonight that you don’t have to go over to your SIL and no you’re not mean. It sucks when you’re feeling pretty good about yourself or life and then someone just brings you right down. I hate that, so hopefully you don’t have to see her or the family doesn’t say anything stupid.

Well, I’m quite happy that your BDing isn’t going to be messed up by a late ovulation, so the TWW will fly by when your in florida. I do get ovulation cramps and spotting, which I never noticed before until I started TTCing. I get it every cycle, some are worse than others too. This cycle it was quite mild. Yours could be quite mild too that you don’t even notice it. it’s possible!

Anyhow, get to BDing… and let me know how the dress, shoes and coat shopping goes!!


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ahhhhh you guys are soooooo cute!!! so awesome to put a face to the name!!! my new bff monique!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the black and white... that is awesome, gosh you guys look so HAPPY!!!

we have so damn much in common huh, both nappers, both newlyweds, both ttc, both have fantastic hubbys!!! and both love shopping!!!

thank you for your prayers... haha... they are just all "debbie downers" just dont feel like seeing them all....heck I just saw them all last week for thanksgiving... think thats enough for a while... I told hubby, hey you can go over every week, but I dont need to. I think it is great he wants to go visit every weekend, I say 'GO FOR IT' but I really dont like to go, so there is really no need that I go every weekend too... ya know...

yes and I am soooooo excited... I will be in my TWW in Florida so hopefully it breezes byyyyyyy...

ok I SO I tried to put some photos in... how did you do that... I see the icon to insert photos, but it looks like it is looking for a web address? how'd ya do that ?
Hey Renee,

So, I just woke up at like 4am and couldn't go back to sleep, it's crazy cause I was sooooo tired last night and wen to bed at 10pm, but I guess I got all the sleep I needed.

Anyhow, yeah we do have a lot in common which is why we get along and like to chat to each other. I had a difficult time as well, trying to figure out how to add pictures and then I realized the little paper clip icon which as I'm sure we both know means attachments. i was like, doh, I guess I could attach pictures then. I'm not sure why they even have that other "picture" icon if it only uses links. What a weird thing!! Anyhow, you can click on paper clip to attach any of your pictures you want.

I think I mentioned that I got my thank you card pics the other day, so today, the DH and I are going to put the cards together and then I'm going to start writing in the cards. I think I'll aim for 10 a day, we'll see how that goes. I only have about 70 couples to send it to, so I'm hoping I get it done by end of year.

So, how was your DH's xmas party? Did you have tons of fun? What did your dress look like? I went to pick up an xmas tree with my mom and sister. I have an SUV, so I had to help them both by putting the trees in my car and dropping them off at their houses. It was a fun day, my DH didn't come with me cause he told the cleaning lady (yeah, we're lazy ass people) to come at the wrong time so he had to stay home and wait for her. Anyhow, my sister was nice enough to take us all to lunch, so that was fun too. Then I hung out with my parents and wrapped xmas gifts.

Today, I'm just going to chill out. Been feeling a little funny lately, still feeling funny in the mornings. This morning I woke up with a sore throat and funny nose again.

Ah well, so are you going to the SIL? Hope not!!! Hmm... i just had a craving for some chinese food at 6am... wow, I must be knocked up!! lol
wooow you were up early !! man !

we had a late night, so my butt stayed in bed until 9:30 !! :)

and the christmas party was just so much fun, its a really nice one, bout 200 pep, sit down dinner with Lobster tail!! kinda like a wedding reception!! really nice! got my self a new dress basic black short dress with a fancy gold collar...and a black faux fur coat that is really really warm, tried new shoes but darn it when I got them home and put panty hose on, my feet slipped right out of the shoes!!! I am lucky I had another pair that went well with the dress. So a good night with a great outfit...and hubby told me I as the prettiest one there :shy:...gosh I love him...

oh my.. the thank you cards were the worse!! doing 10 a day is a GREAT idea, so you dont get burnt out... yes we have to do them...but gosh cant say they were any fun at all

what about you.. hows the dreaded TWW ? well hoepfully you got to just hang out all day and get that cold to go away!! getting any more symptoms or just the cold ones ya have ??

as for me another football game tonight... well we have one once a week, think I mentioned this before...but our team is the Pittsburgh Steelers, and there pretty much isnt 1 person I know that doesnt watch the game weekly (well except you of course haha) but ya we are a big foot ball state... everyone watches the games... this weeks game is 8:30 tonight... so it will be a nice night in for us to watch the game..

oh and get this NOOOO i dont have to go to the inlaws tonight for my SIL bday... now the bday party is next sunday... so I fly in (next) Sunday at 5pm from my trip from Florida and my hubby will pick me up and we'll have to go straight to the "party" :brat: AHHH just when I thought I was gonna get "out" of seeing them... haha guess the jokes on me!!!

oh sooooo here is why I dont think temping will work for me... if ya look at my FF link... it is showing that my O day was Thursday... which I do not believe... my first +opk was only thursday night, my first peak on the CBFM was Friday... and I did finally get some really weird O cramps Friday from like 6pm-9pm... BUT I think cause my temp showed a spike on Thursday AM, that FF is showing I O'd on Thursday.. I just really dont think so though. I think I did on Friday for sure... so my test day will be Dec 15th!! whens your AF due aka your test date?

oh I had to hit the button that said "go advanced" to see the "paperclip" and many other options on here... but my darn pc is blocking the "pop-up" to to the attachement... weirdest thing ever !! I try again. darn it !!
crap I tried to attach the photos again... and it is not letting me... I even tried to send ya a private message on here but didnt see an option with the paperclip there, maybe send me your email address and I can do it that way... just so we know what eachother looks like !!
So, I went back to bed around 10:30am and slept till 12noon. I didn’t want to get up but I figured if I slept now, I wouldn’t be able to sleep later on. I went back to bed at 10:30pm and pretty much slept through the night.

I don’t know about you, but we got a ton of snow yesterday and this morning. So, the Christmas party was a blast, huh? That’s terrific, I love going to Christmas parties, especially the ones that are like weddings, the whole sit down dinner and then dancing. Now that I work for the public sector, we don’t have that kind of stuff and my DH has a weird party too. The bank is having a sit down dinner and dancing but no spouses. My DH works in the Marketing/IT dept. so he said “who am I suppose to dance with the 4 guys I work with?” I thought that was kind of funny, plus they’re having it on a Thursday nigh. What fun is that? Well, I guess it’s still better than not having one at all. Did you have any prize giveaways at the party? I love winning prizes… tee hee..

So, I put all the thank you cards together (pictures inserted into window frame of card) and I did about 8 last night. I guess that’s a start. I need to go buy some stamps now, so I may go at lunch time. Depends on if I feel like walking in the snow.

As for my TWW, I have no idea if the symptoms I have are from PMS or Pregnancy. I pretty much feel the same way I did last few cycles, with some new stuff, but like I said not sure if its PMS or what. I’m going to think positively and say, I will get my BFP on Friday!!!

Anyhow, the symptoms are, super sore boobs, like painful, and on the sides and in my armpits. I also have, creamy and watery cm, sharp pains in my right side ovary area, backache and last night I had a nightmare. My temp went up a little, it’s actually been pretty steady for since ovulation, not sure what that means.

So, my DH is totally into Football too, he loves it, he has some kind of Fantasy Football thingy, I have no idea what that’s about but it keeps him out of trouble. My DH is an Eagles fan, so he watches it every Sunday, Monday and Thursday, I think. I can’t be bothered, I go into the other room and read a book or watch tv. I’m more into soccer myself. 

I’m terribly sorry that you have to go see your SIL, I know, it sucks a$$ doesn’t it. I know I’m not going to see my inlaws till Christmas eve and I’m all ready for someone to piss me off. I ain’t taking any crap from any of them anymore, plus if I put up with them now, they’ll just walk all over me. That ain’t happening, it’s a brand new day. Tee hee!!!

Your temp went super high this morning, geez!! The only thing I trust the temp for is to know that I did ovulate and to give me a warning when it drops that AF is arriving. Besides that, I don’t trust any of it. In any case, I’m glad you felt ovulation this time and I’m hoping you get your BFP this cycle.

Let me know what the FS says, okie dokie. Good luck with your appointment.

P.S. I sent you a private message with my email address.
Good Morning Monique!!

saw your Private Message so when I am done here I send ya off an pix of me and my sweety...

Awesome ya got all the Thanks yous put together, now ya just slowly gotta get them filled out huh? now will you also be doing Christmas Cards ? those are also a pain in the behind huh? ya I will tackle that task maybe next week.... ugghhhh... at least I have a nice list to go by... I figured everyone we invited to the wedding will also be our new Christmas card list... good idea huh?

so WAIT A MINUTE!! your symptoms SOUND sooooooo good Monique!!! maybe this is your MONTH!!! WOW I think so

ok so for my FS visit... first of all Loved Loved my Dr... he was quite amused by all the info I already had for him... he didnt have to waste his time on me telling me what FSH is, and how to time Sex etc... I already had that all figured out.... he chuckled at me more than once.

So he said...if we are not pregnant already this month... next cycle he wants me to continue on the Clomid... said my results from my blood from this month shows that I absolutely responded great to the Clomid... (great news) and then he wants to run 2 tests on me... first one is like an HSG but is one with Saline its called a sonohysterogram,
the HSG one is with Iodine, but this one is with Saline, and they do an internal scan (I think) and flush saline through to see if your tubes are open, and if there are any fibriods etc... then the same week he wants to do a Postcoital, which is a test that me and hubby has to have sex, then 2-4 hours later I go into the office and they take a sample of my CM to see if the spermies are mixing well and penetrating. Sounds interesting huh? and from these results of these 2 tests we will take it from there.... oh and the best news yet... He is not TOO concerned of hubbys SA results... he said sure they are low, but they are THAT low... Hubby was certainly happy to hear that... he also said at this point he doesnt even think hubby has to go to urloogist yet!! nice huh? so lots of great news..some testing coming up next cycle... and hubby has agreed we can do IUI if need be... but that wouldnt be the next cycle it would probablly be the one following... YAYAYA!! HOPEFULLY I dont need all that though!!!
Hey Renee,

I got your pictures and all I have to say is "absolutely lovely". Your dress is beautiful and you and your DH are stunning people. Plus I have to tell you too that you don't look a day over 25 years old. I can't believe you're 40, OMG. Are you sure you're 40?? Good grief. Your dogs are super cute too. I showed my DH and he loves dogs, he got all excited. :)

Anyhow, I'm super happy that your appointment went well and that your FS seems like a good guy. It's also great news that the SA is not so bad as it seemed. Those tests that you're going to get is really good too. I always wondered if my tubes were clear and open as well and I think I may have some fibroids though. My mom and sister had them so I think I probably have them too. The Postcoital test is something that I've never heard about but makes a lot of sense to see if your cm is hostile or not, right?

Well, my dear, some weird news.. I'm at home sick today cause I got seriously sick as I was in the shower this morning and thew up a couple of times but nothing came out, so I guess that would be called dry heaving. I'd like to stay positive and say that I'm pregnant, but I can't seem to stop thinking about the fact that I had some Chinese food last night that may have caused the nauseousness. So, who knows??? I haven't taken a hpt yet cause I've been drinking tons of water and I think it's really diluted right now, so I don't want to waste a test. I'm only at 9dpo too which still seems kinda early. I still think I'll wait till Friday morning to test. My temp did go up again this morning, I mean it all does sound really good, but I'm such a skeptic these days. I just dont' want to be let down you know.

My DH had to help me out this morning cause I was feeling so ill and he asked me, "can you get morning sickness and not have tested positive on a test yet?" I was like, "hell if I know!"

So, keep your fingers crossed for me!!! Are you going to be checking these posts while your in Florida? If not, then don't worry I'll send you an email if I do get my BFP and even if I don't. But let's hope I do!! :)
hey thanks Monique... and can ya tell my hubbys and Irishman !! hence what they say about the Irish loving their Lager!!! yep I got my hands full with this one!! and yes arent my "boys" all define!! they are just the best family I could ask for !!! oh and haha ! yes unfortnately I am 40... wish I was lying... Actually I do lie sometimes when people ask me... still have people confused at work when I tell them I am 28... but have been 28 every since I started 11 years ago!! haha!!

wooooww weee... I am thinking you DO have some mornign sickness... wouldnt that be GREAT... I certainly hope its not some stupid bug thats gotten, you... it would be much better to have to go through that if ya knew it was a little bean stuck in your belly huh ?

I will be trying to jump on these the internet while in Florida, probally mostly from my yes please please please try to keep me posted. I may not be able to respond with super long posts like normally (luck for you haha) if Ill be using my phone, but will definately check in on you.!!! or shoot me an email (since we have eachothers address) have a good rest of the week and weekend... oh and happy happy sticky thoughts to you!!!

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