TTC #1 After An Early MC...Buddies Needed

Waiting to ovulate....but bding every other day just to be safe. I need the pos opk so I can know when to go for bloodwork for cd21. Hopefully it happens soon cuz I'm anxious to see if the clomid helped my eggies :) how's ur pregnancy going so far? Good and easy I hope! :)

Well so far so good - but every little twinge, cramp, etc instantly sends me to the bathroom to check for bleeding :dohh: I go tomorrow and Friday for blood quants for a peace of mind so I wont drive myself nuts lol. Took so many pg tests to check and make sure the lines weren't fading that my husband thinks I have went nuts HAHA. I don't think I will be able to relax until I get the quants back and see a heartbeat on the ultrasound. Hopefully next week they will get me set up for an ultrasound (I'll be in the 6th week) I am hoping to see more :bfp: on here this month because I am rooting for each and every one of you. I am so ill at my ob/gyn office. Last month with my mc my normal doc was on vacation so i had to see a different doc. I called the ob office last wednesday told them I want to see my doctor and then i have some nurse call me, tell me i was supposed to wait 3 months, and then informed me that the doctor i saw last month said no use to check your quants yet come in next week (which is now this week) So I am going to get my quants and then tell them either put me with my doctor or im switching practices. When I explained to her i was around the 5 week mark when i had the mc last month and wasn't advised to wait- all she replied with was Oh. I guess there was a mixup since dr white was the last to see me and thats why they didnt set this up with my normal doc- who knows lol I will post on thursday and monday when i get the quants back to make sure they are doubling :)
got my first quant level back its almost at 5000 :happydance: so far so good. Maybe after I get the second one done tomorrow and get the results monday I can be even more relaxed, and hopefully my husband wont admit me to a nut house haha!! Sending :dust: to everyone and keeping my fingers crossed for :bfp: from each of you
That is great news!!!!! I'm sure the next results on Monday will be good as well :)
Woohoo!!!! I got a very nearly positive OPK today!!!! :happydance: Better late than never I guess! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Woohoo!!!! I got a very nearly positive OPK today!!!! :happydance: Better late than never I guess! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yay! I actually wish I was using non-digital opks! I can't tell if I am almost there or not as I am using a yes/no digital one! Still - but when I wipe today there is sticky, almost stretchy cm so hoping thats a good sign. Will BD tonight just in case!
Woohoo!!!! I got a very nearly positive OPK today!!!! :happydance: Better late than never I guess! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yay! I actually wish I was using non-digital opks! I can't tell if I am almost there or not as I am using a yes/no digital one! Still - but when I wipe today there is sticky, almost stretchy cm so hoping thats a good sign. Will BD tonight just in case!

Thank you hun. The stretchy cm is a good sign! :thumbup: Hopefully O is on it's way for you! Fingers crossed hun! :dust:
Can I poll you ladies for some advice...
I had a CP in Feb, and this is my first cycle after that happened. I'm on CD 31 - I'm usually right on 28 days. I'm 3 days late, but still no sign of AF. Is it normal to be all screwed up? I thought it was early enough that I would bounce back. I'm also not convinced that I O'ed at all - I didn't have any of my 'usual' signs. How does that work with respect to your cycle? I know it's possible to have an anovulatory cycle, but how does your body know to do it's thing? Do you even a period that month if you don't ovulate? Or do you just keep watching for the next sign of O? I'm going crazy with all this daily (sometimes twice daily) POAS since being officially late - only to keep getting BFN after BFN. But now I don't think it's pregnant late... I think I'm all screwed up late. Is there any way to know for sure????
BabyHopes - It took 36 days for my first Af to come back after m/c in Jan...secind Af took 31 days so it might take a while to get back on track. And don't worry, it's normal!
OK Ladies I need all of you to get March a :bfp: I tested yesterday evening and I got my :bfp: now I am excited but scared to death since it has been 30 days since i had my mc. Im probably going to be an emotional wreck on here every little twinge is scaring me to death. Keep your fingers crossed that this is my sticky bean :baby: And I will keep you all updated on here as to how things go. The good thing is that my symptoms are so much stronger this time around. sending :hug: and :dust: to each of you as we have all helped each other so much and I really am praying for all of you to join me with march :bfp:

Hi! Hearing this gives me hope I'll be pregnant by next month! I miscarried last Friday...Doc said wait for a full cycle, but I'm going to let nature take its course. We won't prevent and will see what happens. Congratulations on your pregnancy Mrs Clark and Andsa!!!!
Woohoo!!!! I got a very nearly positive OPK today!!!! :happydance: Better late than never I guess! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: YAY!!! Now lets get the :bfp: after the wonderful waiting time!! Seems like we are all the time waiting. Waiting to o, waiting for a :bfp:, waiting on bloodwork, blah blah blah with all the waiting lol
That is great news!!!!! I'm sure the next results on Monday will be good as well :)

Keeping my fingers crossed. I also have my first doc appt on Monday as well. Maybe they can give me a shot of energy because my side of the couch seems to be getting worn out HAHA! All i want to do is pout, eat, pee, and sleep lol Other than worry :dohh: Hopefully they will schedule an US for this week. The nurse said that they can usually see the sac, etc on an us after the 6 week mark.
Can I poll you ladies for some advice...
I had a CP in Feb, and this is my first cycle after that happened. I'm on CD 31 - I'm usually right on 28 days. I'm 3 days late, but still no sign of AF. Is it normal to be all screwed up? I thought it was early enough that I would bounce back. I'm also not convinced that I O'ed at all - I didn't have any of my 'usual' signs. How does that work with respect to your cycle? I know it's possible to have an anovulatory cycle, but how does your body know to do it's thing? Do you even a period that month if you don't ovulate? Or do you just keep watching for the next sign of O? I'm going crazy with all this daily (sometimes twice daily) POAS since being officially late - only to keep getting BFN after BFN. But now I don't think it's pregnant late... I think I'm all screwed up late. Is there any way to know for sure????

How many weeks were you when the cp happened? It can throw your cycle off. It does with a lot of women. My doctor told me if no af by eight weeks after to call them because they can give you a shot to start af. I would wait a couple of days re-check with a early response test. Hopefully everything will line itself out this week because the waiting and not knowing will drive you crazy. Some people o very late, some early, some woman skip a whole cycle - i o'd right on time I was 5 weeks when the cp happend. I did use the opk's the following month because I was curious on how it would affect my cycle. I would definitely followup with your doc in the next couple of weeks if you dont get af or a + hpt. Did they draw blood quants after your cp to make sure they returned to normal? Mine was at 0 five days after i started bleeding. Your body will not return to its normal cycle till your hcg levels reach 0.
OK Ladies I need all of you to get March a :bfp: I tested yesterday evening and I got my :bfp: now I am excited but scared to death since it has been 30 days since i had my mc. Im probably going to be an emotional wreck on here every little twinge is scaring me to death. Keep your fingers crossed that this is my sticky bean :baby: And I will keep you all updated on here as to how things go. The good thing is that my symptoms are so much stronger this time around. sending :hug: and :dust: to each of you as we have all helped each other so much and I really am praying for all of you to join me with march :bfp:

Hi! Hearing this gives me hope I'll be pregnant by next month! I miscarried last Friday...Doc said wait for a full cycle, but I'm going to let nature take its course. We won't prevent and will see what happens. Congratulations on your pregnancy Mrs Clark and Andsa!!!!

A lot of women fall pregnant following a cp/mc without having af. I would get the opk's and monitor when you 0. :hugs: Keeping my fingers crossed :)
Hi Ladies,
Sorry have been silent these past days:flower:, been going through some things. Couldnt start the clomid as said then. Waiting to O next week, going to start Pregnacare Conception multivit 2nite.
MrsClark congratulations:hugs:, am so happy for Uuuuuu. Lucky, aint u?:happydance:. Hoping to join u by april.:haha:
Hi cancerlib, was wondering wherenyou had been, glad you came back to us :flower:

I and either 3 or 5 dpo...I don't even know anymore. My pos opk was cd16 but I had intense cramping on cd19 so I don't know which to go by :/ either way this waiting sux. I did start off feeling bloated and gassy, that went away and I had sensitive nipples then those went nothing.
Hi cancerlib, was wondering wherenyou had been, glad you came back to us :flower:

I and either 3 or 5 dpo...I don't even know anymore. My pos opk was cd16 but I had intense cramping on cd19 so I don't know which to go by :/ either way this waiting sux. I did start off feeling bloated and gassy, that went away and I had sensitive nipples then those went nothing.
Hi dearie, saw u startd d clomid,how was the side effect? Hope it works for u this first time...*hugs**
MrsClark - Thank you so much hun :hugs: I got my Cross Hairs today, finally! I am not officially 3DPO :happydance: Bring on the BFP's! :happydance: :dust:
Hi cancerlib, was wondering wherenyou had been, glad you came back to us :flower:

I and either 3 or 5 dpo...I don't even know anymore. My pos opk was cd16 but I had intense cramping on cd19 so I don't know which to go by :/ either way this waiting sux. I did start off feeling bloated and gassy, that went away and I had sensitive nipples then those went nothing.
Hi dearie, saw u startd d clomid,how was the side effect? Hope it works for u this first time...*hugs**

Thank you, I hope it works tooo! :flower: Clomid was not all that bad at all. I freaked myself out reading all the side effects online beforehand, but luckily I had none, either that or I slept through them because I took them at night haha :thumbup: The only thing I would say that bothered me was it dried up my cm.

Now I am just waiting to take my day21 bloods this week to see where my numbers are at. Hopefully it will be above 15, which I think they will be because I had massive cramping and gloating the day of ov, so hopefully that was clomid because I have never had that before! Keep me in your prayers :hugs:

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