TTC #1, Looking for iui Buddies for February!

Hi mnelson! I just got off the phone with the pharmacy, it will be 844.50 for the meds. I have a low dose so

The IUIs at my clinic are 300.

We can bill insurance for my ultrasounds luckily, though it will be a high cost cycle. But I figure while I am not working and I can go in for ultrasounds... this would by my time to try it. I will have to pay for the doctor appointment and monitoring which is 200.

Did you price out the higher doses of meds? Our clinic uses Freedom Fertility pharmacy. I'm telling myself if I decide to try an injection cycle next month instead, at least I have the meds for my antsy self the next month.

RAG!!! How are you feeling???
Hi mnelson! I just got off the phone with the pharmacy, it will be 844.50 for the meds. I have a low dose so

The IUIs at my clinic are 300.

We can bill insurance for my ultrasounds luckily, though it will be a high cost cycle. But I figure while I am not working and I can go in for ultrasounds... this would by my time to try it. I will have to pay for the doctor appointment and monitoring which is 200.

Did you price out the higher doses of meds? Our clinic uses Freedom Fertility pharmacy. I'm telling myself if I decide to try an injection cycle next month instead, at least I have the meds for my antsy self the next month.

RAG!!! How are you feeling???

Swimming, so many positive steps, you go girl! Instinct is there for a reason, and only good comes from following it. Praying for your BFP!
Good luck on Wednesday :)

Thanks everyone for the super awesome positive vibes you keep sending! You're keeping me sane!

I bought a 2 pack of FR, hubby said I should wait and test tomorrow morning since FMU has the most HCG, but the nausea and sore boobs has me wanting to test anyway haha! I'll keep you posted! Either way, will probably head to the fertility clinic on Thursday morning, since I don't work till the evening that day.

Arctic, I've read that Trigger should be out of your system completely between 10dpiui and 13dpiui, I've got everything crossed for you!

Oh my goodness, I'm glad articfox joined because the hope goes on for mrsbertrand and articfox!!! Fingers toes arms and legs crossed :D

mrsbertrand I think that dream sounds promising - when I was in my TWW I had a dream the air conditioner was leaking, and when I went to get my husband it magically fixed itself. Since yours included a pregnancy test... I say GOOD SIGN! haha

Everyone- I have called my clinic and they agreed to do injections this cycle instead of femara. May be way more expensive, but both my husband and I were hopeless about February because we "know" we wont get pregnant unless we have a bunch of eggs to make up for his abnormal sperm. hahaha. This is a huge step for me, usually I like to not cause waves or go against the grain, so this is actually a personal accomplishment that I'm trying something out of my comfort zone so quickly LOL

Please let me see some BFPs !!!!!!!!!!!

I am talking to a prospective part time employer Wednesday, which I am optimistic about!

I officially love this thread.

mrsbertrand, I hope you pick up a test..... but no pressure hahaha

Yay!! Good luck for Wednesday Swimming! Likewise, so happy you and your hubby decided to try injectables. I was reluctant to try Gonal F because of needles but it wasn't too bad.. Although I only had 1 x 19mm follie last IUI , this cycle I have 1 x 19mm and 2 x 15mm.. :-)
Fx for this Wednesday swimming!! And for mrsb and arcticfox.. Please keep us posted whenever you test!!! Haha even for me your waiting feels unbearable so hope you can hold out till whenever you planned to test. Lots of :dust: everyone
No BFP for me lol. That's ok though, only 13dpiui, I know there is still hope and am really hoping the nausea and sore breasts are good signs and not just my mind playing tricks. Will go Thursday for Blood Test.

Swimming, that is great! I love that you are getting a low dose. I actually havent been prescribed anything yet since they are waiting until my follow up appt after my surgery, so I was just going off the ranges on their website they said for everything. I am hoping I could be low dose as well since I actually created quite a few follicles on femara a few months back. I think around CD11 I had a 17mm, and a couple 15mm, and then I didn't ovulate until CD14-15. So hopefully they were getting bigger, but I know without trigger it was likely only the larger one was released.

So this month you are just doing a regular IUI or are you skipping this month totally and doing injectables and IUI next month? Good luck on Wednesday!!!

MrsB - Sorry to hear about the BFN! Boo! Are you going to test again or just wait until beta thursday?

Arctic - Sounds like some great follies! Cant wait for you to test!

I just love living vicariously through all of you. It helps keep my impatience about waiting for myself under control a bit more!

EDIT: Also, any of you ladies think of adding something to your profiles (picture, signature, etc.)? Haha,not that you have to but everyone is not using a picture and not many have signatures so I am always trying to really pay attention to who is writing what haha! I think it is just a fun way to stay up to date with everyone. Does any one use Fertility Friend? Ever think of adding yours to your sig? I do love your IUI tracker MrsB!
Thanks MNelson, I have thought about adding such details but haven't gotten around to it. I'm sure I will eventually :)

I'm not testing again until Beta, Should a Beta definitely show something by 15dpiui? I'm so worried it will be negative., especially since AF aid supposed to show Friday/Saturday. I'm not spotting anymore though.
The not spotting is definitely a good sign! Might be a late implanter!! Usually, a beta will be the most accurate indicator. They can usually tell if it is quantitative, if you were ever pregnant this cycle and maybe had a chemical, or if you are pregnant or if you never were. It all depends on the beta numbers and they can interpret a lot from that! Just remember most home tests are less sensitive so if you implanted late, that would explain the no positive, but could lead to a positive beta!! Fingers crossed!!!
Thanks for all the info mnelson.. great to know. Also, i agree it's much easier to follow things based on signatures etc, but first i dont use FF and second, dont know how to add them.. can you help?

mrsb: so sorry about the bfn... praying the beta shows a positive! i know the part about not getting your hopes up but i still hope you get a happy surprise!! Are you temping btw?
Thanks for all the info mnelson.. great to know. Also, i agree it's much easier to follow things based on signatures etc, but first i dont use FF and second, dont know how to add them.. can you help?

mrsb: so sorry about the bfn... praying the beta shows a positive! i know the part about not getting your hopes up but i still hope you get a happy surprise!! Are you temping btw?

Gosh you are all so helpful! Thanks Mnelson, maybe baby!

Ragnhild, I'm not temping, did you?
I'm not temping either, but a lot of the advice from these forums explains temping and its advantages. I wanted to try but my midwife said it's too late since it takes a long time to collect enough data to know what's happening, but if i hadn't gotten the positive i would've def started this cycle.
Lovely morning ladies!! Tested again this morning and I think trigger is out. Got a stark white strip.

I will update my profile today. :-)

sorry for the bfn today mrsbertrand. I agree with the others, must be a late implanter. I will be praying for your positive beta. :-)

Swimming, how exciting to get stuff ready. I'm so excited for you!!!!
Articfox I'm so glad you have experience with injections! Do you mind me asking what fertility things you're overcoming?

mrsbertrand I will be continuing to cross all my fingers and toes for you! I hope the bloodwork brings good news!!!

mnelson, I'm glad you mentioned that... because if this cycle of injections doesn't work out, maybe I can go back to femara with iui plus a trigger to make sure all my eggs ovulate. I will make note to ask my RE about that when I go in on Thursday.

Omgosh so this month would be the injection month - (rushed I know) but I just got a job offer (full time, UGH I CAN'T DECIDE ANYTHING), which if I accept would start feb 20th. My part time Wednesday interview was moved to today (have to get ready for that now actually). My appointment with my RE is on Thursday...

I do need to add things to my profile. It is hard to follow (Forgive me if I miss things!). I will do that when things settle down (which should be soon).

I was thinking about making an instagram that was like fertility only (i don't discuss it on my personal account haha), but I wonder how annoying it is to log in/out all the time. Is anyone on here doing that type of thing?
Articfox I'm so glad you have experience with injections! Do you mind me asking what fertility things you're overcoming?

mrsbertrand I will be continuing to cross all my fingers and toes for you! I hope the bloodwork brings good news!!!

mnelson, I'm glad you mentioned that... because if this cycle of injections doesn't work out, maybe I can go back to femara with iui plus a trigger to make sure all my eggs ovulate. I will make note to ask my RE about that when I go in on Thursday.

Omgosh so this month would be the injection month - (rushed I know) but I just got a job offer (full time, UGH I CAN'T DECIDE ANYTHING), which if I accept would start feb 20th. My part time Wednesday interview was moved to today (have to get ready for that now actually). My appointment with my RE is on Thursday...

I do need to add things to my profile. It is hard to follow (Forgive me if I miss things!). I will do that when things settle down (which should be soon).

I was thinking about making an instagram that was like fertility only (i don't discuss it on my personal account haha), but I wonder how annoying it is to log in/out all the time. Is anyone on here doing that type of thing?

we're diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility, my tubes were clear during HSG. I have a slightly lower AMH level. Didn't get the chance to ask the #.

Good luck today!!! :thumbup: Let me know if you decide to make an IG account. I'll follow! :-)
I'm not temping either, but a lot of the advice from these forums explains temping and its advantages. I wanted to try but my midwife said it's too late since it takes a long time to collect enough data to know what's happening, but if i hadn't gotten the positive i would've def started this cycle.

How are you today?
thanks for the warm welcome ladies. POAS this morning and I still see a faint line. :-) Hard not too obsess and symptom spot these past few days. I'm so looking forward to go back to work on Thursday.

Good luck Swimming, part time or casual are good. I also hope you find something soon.

Congratulations Ragnhild! Have a Happy and Healthy 9 months.

Oooo This is so exciting! How many days past trigger are you??

Still holding out lots of hope for you as well MrsB! If another one of you ladies gets a BFP I think I might just give IUI a shot or two!!

Swimming - Good for you! I am happy you are advocating for what will make you feel most comfortable! Do you know what your med costs will be? I did quick numbers with our clinic and a regular IUI is around $400, $600 with monitoring and a trigger, and around $2,000-2,500 for injectables! I am so nervous about which way to go!

Hello :-) I'm 11 days post trigger, 10 days post IUI. :happydance:
Oooo Yay! I love seeing everyone's updates they made! It is WAY easier to follow along now! Haha!
If you click on your name or User CP, it brings you to your home page and then there is a bar on the left side of the page that lets you edit things, add signatures, etc.
I believe if you want to add FF, you go to the FF website and grab the hyperlink they create you under one of your tabs, I think its called "sharing" or something, and then you post it in your signature.

Yes, Mrs.B, my OCD really helps with researching and finding information on all things TTC haha. Therefore, I feel like I am filled with a wealth of useless knowledge for myself at the moment!

Arctix - So excited trigger is finally gone now! You are close to seeing a BFP start appearing! Are you going to keep testing?
@swimming: haha its amazing what TTC does... even a year ago i would've been ecstatic about a full time position, but now id probably be as confused as you. Gl with the other interview and hope you get what you want!

@arcticfox: sorry about the diagnosis... i've lurked on these forums for a long time and complications and surgery are tough but mentally i would say unexplained is the worst coz you simply dont know what to do.. hope things work out for you soon and you get that bfp!!

@mnelson: thanks for the info i made a signature now :).. and it's good at least you're putting your ocd to good use... i just drove OH mad with mine until i finally joined these forums!
@swimming: haha its amazing what TTC does... even a year ago i would've been ecstatic about a full time position, but now id probably be as confused as you. Gl with the other interview and hope you get what you want!

@arcticfox: sorry about the diagnosis... i've lurked on these forums for a long time and complications and surgery are tough but mentally i would say unexplained is the worst coz you simply dont know what to do.. hope things work out for you soon and you get that bfp!!

@mnelson: thanks for the info i made a signature now :).. and it's good at least you're putting your ocd to good use... i just drove OH mad with mine until i finally joined these forums!

Swimming, I have both a personal and a business IG, it's a bit of a pain to log in and out of for sure. Saving your information for each should make the switch easier. Congratulations on the offer! Would you have to give full disclosure? Perhaps you could simply obtain a doctors note, or play the pre-planned vacation card? I'm not sure how t would work, and whatever you decide works for you is awesome, but it sounds like it's a geeeat full time opportunity, is it in your field? Good luck with your part time interview today!

Arctic I know exactly how you feel, and was actually reflecting on that today. Even though Hubby had low motility and morphology, the doctor didn't seem concerned about that as a factor. I often wish there was at least some notable cause for what we're going through!

Holding out for Thursday. Luckily my workdays go by super quick. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, just kept dreaming and thinking about testing this morning. In the dream i forgot to go back and look at the test, so it was inconclusive. Perhaps a sign that I wouldn't get my answer today, and should have waited haha.

I made quick updates (to sort of fit in haha) but I hope to make higher quality updates sometime.

My part time interview was moved to tomorrow, which makes me nervous because I have to let the employer know by end of day tomorrow!

Yes, two years ago, I would have ACCEPTED the offer with NO hesitation. It is in my field. I'd be on call 24/7 though, which I don't know how that will go over. I know after the first six months it plays to my advantage because they would be flexible on the time coming into the office and such. But does this mean I'd have to wait 6 montsh to get preg? >:-/

I also don't know when I'd get another interview. It could keep my mind off TTC but what if it harms the efforts (stress)? I already have a vacation planned (I don't think I can pull that card twice)... my husband suggested I tell my supervisor I have a doctors appointment once a month getting some health stuff taken care of hahahaha.

hashtag - IHATETHIS.

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