TTC#1 thread for ladies hoping for 2013 BFP's!! Supporting each other every step :-)

Hi there calitronagirl welcome to the thread. Sounds like you've been doing all the right things so far and you sound very knowledgeable too. Another lovely addition to the group

Grace82 I found a cheap brand on eBay where you could buy the tests in bulk and they are the ones used at drs and they've always worked well for me just as well as the expensive brand.

Look into all the different types and ask around to see how other people feel about them! You'll find the optionthat suits you best xxxx
Thanks for the welcome! AF arrived today so I'm at CD1. So far we have been BD'ing every 2 days but not measuring anything. Am thinking I will use an OPK for the first time this cycle to put my mind at ease that I am actually ovulating. Is there a particular brand that anyone would recommend?

I would also recommend the Clearblue digitals with the smiley face, but they are expensive. I did similar to a previous poster and bought one box of 20, which have lasted me through my whole 8 months it took TTC and I still have some left, as I mainly used bulk lots of cheap OPKs from eBay. My cycles were long and irregular after coming off the pill so I used a lot of the cheap tests and when they started to look positive I used the digitals until I confirmed which day was actually a positive result.
Hi Ladies! Mind if I tag along?

DH and I are TTC#1, finished taking bcp end of November and just starting out on the journey. Had my withdrawal bleed end of Nov but nothing else since then so not quite sure where my cycles are at just yet. Hoping that our TTC journey is short (like may others, I'm sure!) so would appreciate support and knowledge along the way:winkwink: Fingers crossed for 2013 BFP! And congrats to you ladies who have just got their BFP's recently, you lucky things!:happydance:
Hi ladies, just joined today and wanted to introduce myself. I'm 37 and my husband is 41. Been TTC for 2 and a half years on and off. In between we moved from the UK to the USA and I travelled a lot with work. Was hoping that this last month would be the one but even though I am 2 days late, I think AF is about to raise her ugly head. I have done a great job of saying "it'll happen when it happens" but I am starting to feel like a failure. My husband has been tested so it is me that is the problem but they don't know why. Think I will have to start on the clomid cycles soon....... Sorry for the depressing intro and I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this. Honestly I am usually the upbeat one that keeps every one else smiling!! :)
Hello Ladies,

I thought I would give this thread a try. Helps to know that I'm not the only one having trouble conceiving. I am 26 and my DH is 33, I am currently on my 4th round of clomid but took about 7month break between the last cycle and this cycle. I was diagnosed PCOS at the age of 18, so i knew from the start that I would have difficulty getting pregnant. I am currently on CD18 with clomid 3-7, -OPK FMU, about noon today it felt like my uterus/cervix was aching so bad, so by 2pm I was what the heck I'll take another OPK and what do you know there was a smiley, so we BD obivously lol.
Baby Dust to all, and congrats on the BFP....
Wow so many new faces. Welcome everyone!

There are some amazing ladies on here so just jump in & get to know everyone xx
Having a frustrating day today. You know, one of those days where you're like "OOOOO I FEEL LIKE THIS COULD BE MY CYCLE" and then the other half is going "Psshhh yeah right don't get your hopes up.. even though they already are. The witch will show and you will be crushed."

I hope everyone else is having a better day! Anxiety is getting the best of me. FX and :dust: for all!!!
Clynn11: I do this all the time every month I think :haha: its just one of those things fingers crossed you can soon say to your subconscious I was right :bfp:
:dust: xxxxxxx
Having a frustrating day today. You know, one of those days where you're like "OOOOO I FEEL LIKE THIS COULD BE MY CYCLE" and then the other half is going "Psshhh yeah right don't get your hopes up.. even though they already are. The witch will show and you will be crushed."

I hope everyone else is having a better day! Anxiety is getting the best of me. FX and :dust: for all!!!

I know the feeling. I have been driving my DH, family, friends and co-workers with my baby talk. I have gotten better the last couple of months, but I still get the anxious "this could be our month" feeling during the last week of my cycles. I try not to say much because I get the same "Don't get your hopes up" response, which is why I am coming to this site. :haha:
I use to get really upset and disappointed when AF shows each month. I just kept reminding myself that I have to be patient and one day it will finally happen for us.
I hope your day get better real soon. :hugs:
Hi all,

I'm a newbie too! I'm very new to this, been with my OH for 7 months which I know is short but when you know, you know and I stopped taking the Carezetta pill end of last year.

I think I'm just waiting for a period now to see when my cycle will be but having been on various pills for 10 years, I figure it may take a while.

I'm 26 and OH is 29 (Big 30 this year!) and we've had all the 'big' talks and although we want to get married, we have decided to start TTC first.

We do have a big holiday booked for June so I think active TTC won't happen until after that but hopefully that will give my body time to sort it's self out a bit.

I am currently driving myself nuts by reading lots of books and internet trying to get loads of information. I've also got into watching One Born Every Minute, such a beautiful programme.

Good luck to everyone TTC and I look forward to getting to know some of you x
Hi, trying to conceive #1 and I am charting, mostly predicting ovulation from CM (Had difficulty in interpreting OPKs reliably, so dropped using them) and always confirmed O by temperature shift on expected day. This has worked well for last 4 cycles (Got BDing timing right for all of these cycles, I am on dpo11 today, with a BFN yesterday and no BFP so far). Normally in my last 3 cycles,temperatures stayed high until dpo9, then always start going steadily down from dpo10, until AF arrives on dpo13 or dpo14.
This cycle, from dpo8 until dpo10, my temperatures went steadily down (still staying above cover line) but today (dpo11) it has gone up (not too much but good enough :winkwink:) I was nearly sure until yesterday evening that I am out again this month, but since today morning I am hopeful again.....Did anyone here had a similar experience with temperature charting, and if so what was the outcome?? I cant wait to see if my temperatures go up tomorrow or down, as if my life depends on that :shrug: Its all a WAITING game :wacko:
Hi, trying to conceive #1 and I am charting, mostly predicting ovulation from CM (Had difficulty in interpreting OPKs reliably, so dropped using them) and always confirmed O by temperature shift on expected day. This has worked well for last 4 cycles (Got BDing timing right for all of these cycles, I am on dpo11 today, with a BFN yesterday and no BFP so far). Normally in my last 3 cycles,temperatures stayed high until dpo9, then always start going steadily down from dpo10, until AF arrives on dpo13 or dpo14.
This cycle, from dpo8 until dpo10, my temperatures went steadily down (still staying above cover line) but today (dpo11) it has gone up (not too much but good enough :winkwink:) I was nearly sure until yesterday evening that I am out again this month, but since today morning I am hopeful again.....Did anyone here had a similar experience with temperature charting, and if so what was the outcome?? I cant wait to see if my temperatures go up tomorrow or down, as if my life depends on that :shrug: Its all a WAITING game :wacko:

I actually had a similar experience during my last cycle. I use opks and chart my temps. I normally O on day 12, but last month it was on day 13. I also have had LP of 18 - 20 days since I used Clomid. My temps will stay high until the day before AF arrives and it will go down a bit then drop to cover line the day of AF. This last month my temp dropped 5 days before AF (12 dpo), then dropped past the cover line the next day (13 dpo). It rose back up for two days (14-15 dpo), then dropped again (16 dpo), then AF showed up at 17 dpo.
I went to bed early on day 15 dpo, because I wanted the next day to hurry up so I can take my temp to see what it did. :haha:

Maybe your case will be different from mine. Got my fingers crossed that your temp will continue to rise and you get your bfp. Good luck :dust:
Well I had super cramps today, so I think AF is knocking on the door. Traveling puts January out but maybe February will be the month. Going to head to the doctors, so maybe they will get me on clomid. How long should I try that for? I know I ovulate now as I get ewcm every month, so what will clomid do for me?

So glad I joined this forum, I have no friends I can talk to about this over here and my family are the other side of the world. Not really a topic for Skype with the family ��.
Well I had super cramps today, so I think AF is knocking on the door. Traveling puts January out but maybe February will be the month. Going to head to the doctors, so maybe they will get me on clomid. How long should I try that for? I know I ovulate now as I get ewcm every month, so what will clomid do for me?

So glad I joined this forum, I have no friends I can talk to about this over here and my family are the other side of the world. Not really a topic for Skype with the family ��.

Clomid was really made to help those who don't ovulate on their own. If you do decide to use it please be sure and have your Gyno do checkups during the time of your ovulation.

I had nothing wrong with me, but since I haven't gotten pregnant yet (with regular cycles), my former Gyno prescribed me Clomid at 100mg to help give me a boost and make me "super Ovulate". I was on it for 2 months until it caused my right ovary go into hyper ovulation which caused a cyst to form and rupture. It was the worst pain I have ever felt and was hospitalized for 36 hours. They weren't sure my ovary was healing on its own and was determining whether to take it out or not. Thankfully I finally started to absorb the fluid it had left behind and started to heal on my own.

What really made it worse was that I had an ultrasound done that morning previous to me being hospitalized and they didn't see the cyst. My Gyno didn't perform the ultrasound since he was out of the office, it was his nurse practitioner who was filling in for him until he got back. They didn't want to make me wait so they thought it would be okay, and it wasn't. My Gyno basically washed his hands of me since then telling me he can't help me anymore, which is why I am going to see another one this week for a second opinion.

Please don't take this as me trying to scare you away from giving it a try. This medicine has helped many women get pregnant. Just please make sure you talk to your Gyno about it and do as much research on it before you start taking it. Sorry for the extremely long post yet again.
Thanks Calitronagrl. I was prescribed clomid over a year ago but I moved to the USA and never took it, and then I started to ovulate. Not sure what my next steps are. More tests?? I had a ton in the UK. No PCOS, DH SA was OK (not great but OK), but back then my periods were all over the place (like 22 to 68 day cycles) and so the blood tests couldn't tell us much as we had no idea where I was in my cycle. Plus I travel a lot with work so doing regular blood tests is not easy.
Thanks Calitronagrl. I was prescribed clomid over a year ago but I moved to the USA and never took it, and then I started to ovulate. Not sure what my next steps are. More tests?? I had a ton in the UK. No PCOS, DH SA was OK (not great but OK), but back then my periods were all over the place (like 22 to 68 day cycles) and so the blood tests couldn't tell us much as we had no idea where I was in my cycle. Plus I travel a lot with work so doing regular blood tests is not easy.

I can understand that. My Gyno only did blood tests a few times before he prescribed me Clomid to see what my levels were. He didn't really tell me a whole lot about them, but said they were good and I was a perfect candidate for Clomid. I haven't had any blood tests done since then, but I kinda stopped seeing him after what had happened. I am going to see the new Gyno in a few days to see what he says.
I am not sure what the next steps are myself. My former Gyno told me to see a fertility specialist, but if there is nothing wrong with me or DH then I don't see a point in doing all of that just yet. Just talk to your doctor and I am sure he can work out a plan that will work for the both of you. :hugs:
Hey ladies so i saw this thread and i thought i would like to join?
My names tory i think im the youngest here not sure? but im 19 been with my bf since i was 13 and we have trying to concieve for about 5 months now ... with no luck :( x
Hello all, I am joining in as well. I just turned 35. Have been with my DP for 15 years, got married in August and started ttc in November after running a marathon. Thought it would happen right away since everyone in my family seems to be extremely fertile (many accidents). I just finished my 2nd full cycle and had my 2nd BFN this morning. (First cycle I was 3 days late and this time I had an extremely light period 5 days early - so I was thinking Implantation bleeding.) Before ttc I was pretty regular...why am I all of a sudden irregular? That and I am having (or noticing) other PMS/pregnancy symptoms that I never noticed before. Anyways back to another month of trying but not looking forward to another 2ww.

Also, anyone have any advise regarding exercising while ttc? Should I cut back on crunches or other ab exercises?

Looking forward to hearing some good news from you guys!
Hello all, I am joining in as well. I just turned 35. Have been with my DP for 15 years, got married in August and started ttc in November after running a marathon. Thought it would happen right away since everyone in my family seems to be extremely fertile (many accidents). I just finished my 2nd full cycle and had my 2nd BFN this morning. (First cycle I was 3 days late and this time I had an extremely light period 5 days early - so I was thinking Implantation bleeding.) Before ttc I was pretty regular...why am I all of a sudden irregular? That and I am having (or noticing) other PMS/pregnancy symptoms that I never noticed before. Anyways back to another month of trying but not looking forward to another 2ww.

Also, anyone have any advise regarding exercising while ttc? Should I cut back on crunches or other ab exercises?

Looking forward to hearing some good news from you guys!

It is fine to do ab exercises while TTC. However, once you become pregnant you will want to talk to your doctor and he will help you on a routine that you can do while pregnant. Also remember that even though exercising is a good thing, too much of it can do more harm than good. When you are done exercising you want to feel energized and ready to do more. If you feel tired at all or sore than you are doing too much and it can actually make it harder to conceive. Hoping you get your BFP real soon. :hugs:
Hi. Thought I would join in. I am 20, DF is 24. This is my first month off bcp and first month ttc. I am currently using OPKs. I had two positive OPKs 14 days apart... I guess I probably geared up to ovulate and then didn't :shrug: it was only fluke that I caught the second surge. I tested near when AF was due out of curiosity because I know some women get positive or dark OPKs when they are pregnant so it was kind of an experiment. Opk got its darkest cd31/30, day af was due, and then got lighter so I think I may have ovulated on the 5th so I'm now 4dpo...again. Ff has adjusted af due date to be the 20th now, a fricken 44 day cycle....why did I have to chose a hormonal birth control form? It also caused vaginal dryness which I think, along with causing pain with BDing stopped me from producing cm so we used conceive plus. The gyno I saw said that now that I'm off the pill the problem should correct itself

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