TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

basically my dad has cancer which has spread all over, he's having palliative treatment now, so chemo (starting in 2 weekss) and radio to try and shrink the tumours and relieve pain and symptoms, the doctors are not really sure where the primary/original tumour is, but think it may have started in his pancreas or lung. thank you for asking :hugs:
and ladies - thank you, I hope I don't go on about all this too much, I don't mean to make anyone sad :hugs: :hugs:

that must be really tough in you all. Never feel guilty for talking about it. You need to have somewhere to vent and know we will all support you xx
ohh penny - when I managed to get pregnant I had some pinkish/reddish spotting that happened around 5-7 DPO. I didn't know then but I think it ws probably implantation bleeding, so fingers crossed for you!!

Thanks for that :flower: I am keeping my fingers crossed I am 10 DPO on valentines day which is also my wedding anniversary and as a POAS addict you can guess what I will be doing that morning, yes me and the stick with a clean container lol....
Purple, post away about your dad. And yes I do understand. Its amazing how when we were kids they took care of us but now that we are adults we take care of them.

HA, 8 eggs! Yay! I'm going to check out your journal soon!

Dwrgi, I've really had to keep DH about his diet. I have made some progress and he does drink the smoothies I make. DH had the most awful diet when I first met him; smoked, drank sugary sodas and energy drinks, had 7 cups of coffee a day, ate fast food, drank almost everyday (but so did I), etc. He's gotten better. Its really frustrating when they don't put the effort in either. Does he realize that the health of your baby depends on how he takes care of himself too? I'm sure you reminded him of this because you are a smart lady and do your research. Men just are so thickheaded sometimes.

PennyB, that very well could be implantation bleeding. Fx'd for you.

AFM, dumb@ss coworker made a stupid comment today. One of my pug babies is feeling bad and I mentioned it at work because DH went home at lunch to check on him. I was talking outloud that I hope he didn't swallow one of SS toys because I spent a load of money last year on surger for my other pug baby that bit off part of a rubber bone and swallowed it. He went on about how I'm crazy to spend that much and why. Well I lost it and said that they are my children because I don't have children even though I want them very badly. He doesn't know my situation but I really wanted to say that he's just ignorant because he was blessed with two sons and he'll never understand what its like to be childless and how your pets become your children when you have fertility problems. @sshole!
Ohh Missy, your poor furbaby - I hope he is ok :hugs: it's such a worry when they are poorly, especially since they can't explain what is wrong. your coworker is an ass!
Here's a discoball and some dancing bananas for you HA (inspired by Dwrgi)​
Ohh Missy, your poor furbaby - I hope he is ok :hugs: it's such a worry when they are poorly, especially since they can't explain what is wrong. your coworker is an ass!

Oh purple I know you understand, especially with what happened to little Brody. I got so freaked out after @ss coworker made that comment that I called the vet. DH is taking Bandit at 4:30 because I have a chiropractor appointment. Bandit really worried me because he was groggy and moaning a lot last night (he usually moans but not that much). And this morning he wouldn't eat his food which so not like him. I made him chicken and rice and he ate that but then he wouldn't poop so I gave him an antacid and took him for a walk. He pooped but DH said he was acting lazy when he went home at lunch. I'm going to put a picutre up of him.


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dashka - when you say "eggs and pumpkin seeds are especially good for fertility " - can it be egg whites? Tryin to lose holiday pounds (still!) & I know most of the protein is actually in the whites (but NO fat!) but is it the protein, or? I eat egg whites sometimes but will step it up a notch.

Was going to instinctively abbrev. egg whites, but "EW", well - eeewwwwww! hahaha!!!

I believe (but don't quote me) that it's the whole egg... not just the whites... and because I believe in 'whole foods'... the entire egg is needed.... It's really in the way it's cooked that people need to worry about the fat/cholesterol... So just boil them. Most of the nutrients are in the yolk and there is actually something in the yolk that helps to combat cholesterol... Think 'whole' foods... eating things as close to the way they are in nature.
Missy hope your doggie is ok.

People can be so thoughtless and ignorant, ignore him :)
Purple - does your dad need surgery, or can they even do it so close to the spinal cord? Metatastic? (sp?) That's scary!

I had 6 back surg's in 2010 & suffered 4 dural sac tears. That was scary enough (I was awake during all of them - some 4hr surg's too). But a tumor - yikes :-(

Good luck & keep us posted?

Hi Lilsluz, ouch - your back surgeries sound scary!! have you completely recovered now??

basically my dad has cancer which has spread all over, he's having palliative treatment now, so chemo (starting in 2 weekss) and radio to try and shrink the tumours and relieve pain and symptoms, the doctors are not really sure where the primary/original tumour is, but think it may have started in his pancreas or lung. thank you for asking :hugs:
and ladies - thank you, I hope I don't go on about all this too much, I don't mean to make anyone sad :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

and missy - thank you hun, you did the same for your parents, so I know you understand. :hugs:

oh purple - I'm so sad to hear about your Dad and what you're going through .... Thoughts and prayers with you... and big hugs.... :hugs:
Oh missy - hope your little doggy is ok..... he is sooooo sweet... We have a little Westie and she is 12 yrs old now.... She is our daughter... Some people are so insensitive and just don't understand that they are our fur-babies! Has he been well up til now? Once in a while they eat something outside that upsets their system ... Is he throwing up or diarrhea? I think if they throw up it's actually good not to feed them for a day.
We put supplements in our doggie's food (yes we're nuts)... let me know if you're interested and I'll send to you...
Hey Missy -since you're talking about smoothies - I thought I'd post the smoothie that I have almost every morning.... I created this recipe - hope you enjoy it!

GREEN GOGI GOODNESS (nice for winter since not ‘frozen’ like others - and also good for spleen not to have too cold)
My favourite smoothie right now and so easy… Protein, Omega 3s, super-antioxidants, fibre and loads of amazing energy! The raw cacao powder and gogi berries give it a nice flavour and energy kick- You don’t taste any spinach in there-trust me! I make mine in the Magic Bullet blender and just take the cup to sip on my drive to work. Great way to start the day!

Combine these ingredients in blender:
1 cup Almond Milk
½ cup water
2 handfuls of organic baby spinach (pre-washed)
1 banana
1 tbsp. organic Gogi berries
1 tbsp. organic milled ( ground) Chia seeds
1 tsp. organic RAW cacao powder (excellent antioxidant and energizing properties)

Once the above area blended, then add these and blend for only 10-12 seconds: (very important not to over-process these and add at the end-especially the fish oil)
2 tbsp. protein powder (ie. Pumpkin seed (or hemp) protein powder)
1-2 tsp. Fish oil (lemon flavoured)

If too thick you can add more water when you blend the last ingredients….
AFM - my opk strip test shows surge today so more BD'ing tonight hopefully (did yesterday) and maybe Ov. tomorrow or next day? My ND says ov can happen anytime from 12-48 hrs after the surge appears. :flower:

Good luck Ladies!
Dashka, I'd love to hear what supplements you give your doggie. I have a homeopathic flea and tic treatment for them because the Frontline stuff really irritated Bandit's skin and they scratch so much from it.

Bandit update: Turns out the little guy had a gas problem. LOL. He's doing fine. He got x-rayed and they gave him some fluids. They didn't find any blockages. Thank God!
Dashka, thanks for the smoothie recipe! Its sounds a lot like one I make except I use flaxseeds instead of chia. I just got a vitamix blender. Its awsome!
Purple - does your dad need surgery, or can they even do it so close to the spinal cord? Metatastic? (sp?) That's scary!

I had 6 back surg's in 2010 & suffered 4 dural sac tears. That was scary enough (I was awake during all of them - some 4hr surg's too). But a tumor - yikes :-(

Good luck & keep us posted?

Hi Lilsluz, ouch - your back surgeries sound scary!! have you completely recovered now??

basically my dad has cancer which has spread all over, he's having palliative treatment now, so chemo (starting in 2 weekss) and radio to try and shrink the tumours and relieve pain and symptoms, the doctors are not really sure where the primary/original tumour is, but think it may have started in his pancreas or lung. thank you for asking :hugs:
and ladies - thank you, I hope I don't go on about all this too much, I don't mean to make anyone sad :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

and missy - thank you hun, you did the same for your parents, so I know you understand. :hugs:

Purple – You can vent anytime on us – that’s what we are here for! And this is your daddy, not some distant cousin or anything. We only have one dad & mom in life & they are very, very precious to us.

I did recover from the 6 back surgeries – eventually, thank you for asking. Not without a lot of work, rehab, walking & soul-searching though! Reiki helped so much I’ve been doing it ever since. I was a snowboarder, even heli-boarder, so I injured myself pretty badly over past 8 years (what kept me from trying for kids, actually) – rare neuro disorders, you name it, from falls & bad wipe-outs. But resolved to get myself “healthy in 2011” & I’ve been doing well ever since (knock on wood!)

But that's nothing compared to what your dad is going through - I'm so sorry :-(.

Sending prayers & sunshine your way! Or maybe I'll send you +POAS dreams since you are probably sleeping right now! :sleep::winkwink:
HA – yay for 8 eggs! So happy for you!!! :happydance:

Penny – not sure about the red blood, but Fx’d for you that its implantation bleeding! Don’t know what else it could be?

Missy – so glad your baby is OK! Very cute, too! & thanks for pH info. I’ve been reading up on acidosis lately for other reasons & didn’t even realize could create HCM. I gotta go get a pH test – thanks! (going on my “fert notes” list)

Asry - -5 wow, it did work! Get out your bikini, woo-hoo! :coolio:

Dashka – thanks for the tips & smoothie recipes! I’m “getting there” with my eating habits (albeit slowly). baby steps, baby steps :winkwink:

Expecting :witch::devil::evil: tomorrow b/c already 15DPO. Grrr:growlmad:

Better luck to you ladies! :flower::hugs:
Lilsluz, you sure have been through a lot with your back! I think thats awsome that reiki has helped you. My counselor does reiki and she said she'd try it on me sometime. I'm very interested. Can you give me some info on what your reiki sessions are like?

Dashka, forgot to mention, good point about the spleen and taking away from cold foods. I actually made a tomato beet soup tonight. Beets are good blood builders from what I read. But since acupuncture I've been trying to stay away from cold foods more and eat more soups like my acupuncturist suggested. For the goji berries, what form are they in? They sell the dried ones at my healthfood store but I also see the more moist one which are of course more expensive but yummier. Which do you use in your smoothies?
Wow--you ladies have been BUSY. I have had a nutso week with tons of travel. I worked 8am to 12:30 am on Monday and 6:00 am to 3 am on Tuesday. Today I slept in a little bit and was back at the office. Tomorrow, I fly out at 6pm for another 2 days of travel.


Not much going on with me. Still waiting to see if I ovulate without clomid. According to my normal schedule, I should be due to ovulate Sunday which means +OPK Saturday. My doctor will only do IUI the day after a smiley, but if I go by that it might be Sunday which is no good. I haven't had a chance to call the clinic and see if our sperm has arrived. It will be ok if this month doesnt work out. I have a lot going on this week with turning in my notice, taking care of paperwork for the new job, and all of this travel.

Turned in my notice today and all of the sudden the high level people want to be very nice to me. They called and want me to get to San Francisco earlier tomorrow to "talk" and "see things".

Love and support to all you ladies. I did read all the posts and am keeping track of you all. :hugs: I hope to catch up better on the weekend. As for now, better :sex: just in case I get a smiley while in CA.
LilSluz - holycrappers you've been a heli-boarder!! Wow, not that snow boarding itself is extreme:thumbup: but sorry you had to go all those back surgerys and injuries, I'm so happy that you have recovered :hugs: must've been very long road. And for today :test::test::test: you're already dpo15 I couldn't keep my hands off from some lab work around the toilet :winkwink:
Hopefully you'll have good news today.. :bfp:

Missy, your doggies are sooo cute!! And happy to hear that problem is solved. Love the knitwear he's got on :thumbup: Our little yorkie has few warm clothes when we take him outside, but when its warm or inside house he doesn't like to wear anything. And you are so right, our little pets are our familymembers and our babies. People with kids&no pets just don't see them anything but animals. Like I love to watch OH with him, he keeps him like a baby in his arms and kisses and babytalks..awww :cloud9:

Penny, hope it is implantation spotting :thumbup:

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