TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Missy - oh my goodness, your babies are the cutest!!! I am so happy to hear that your little one is ok, I hope he feels back to normal soon bless him!

Lilsluz - wow - you are an extreme lady!! and you have really been through it with your back. I am so happy that you're all recovered now, must've been quite a time when you were in the middle of all that! and 15 DPO - I agree with Asry - Bathroom science time!! :test: (Ive always wanted to use that icon!)
HA - I am literally on the edge of my seat willing good thoughts and growing/fertilization vibes to your embies!

Dwrgi - how is contraception suiting you?? it must be so weird to be taking it after all this time - ironic!!
Daska - tha smoothie recipe sounds quite yummy! although Ill be honest I don't recognise all the ingredients.

Asry - I hope that blinking witch stays away!! Grrr
Good morning girls, how are you all?

HA-I am on pins to hear how your eggies have got on, and I am SURE that you will hear good news! How are you feeling today? It's all a bit of an emotional roller-coaster, tbh, isn't it? Anyway, sending you loads of hugs and lots of love, and willing those eggies to fertilize! :thumbup::thumbup:

Missy-people can be so very insenstive. What really bugs me is that some people feel that they have the right to comment on others-re. your colleague and his comment about your dog. What the heck tate is it to do with him anyway???? We have to develop such a thick skin against other people and their thoughtless remarks. Your dogs are so beautiful-are they called Smokey and Bandit? Just guessing from the name 'Bandit'! So glad that Bandit is feeling better. Our silly (but trying to be helpful) neighbour threw some old scones into our dogs run yesterday. Huskeys have notoriously sensitive digestions and cannot eat any wheat. Well, of course, last night, the entire world was falling out of Ruby's bottom. People just don't think. Big hugs to you, hun! xx

Purple-how you doing hun? I love these emoticons that you find! It was weird to use contraception, but I'm happy that we did. Thanks for asking! Lots of positive thoughts now that exciting things are going on in your womb!! Fingers crossed you've caught that eggy! :thumbup:

Twinks-what are you up to? All okay? Big hugs to you! xxxxx

PennyB-FX that it's implantation spotting. xxx

Manuiti-glad to have you back, I love your dog's picture! Good idea to get going on treatment options-life's too short to hang around waiting! Let's hope you get some good news soon! xx

Hi to everybody else! :thumbup::flower::flower:

AFM-I start taking the norethisterone tomorrow to delay my period, and also start using the testo gel pads. I read somewhere that side effects are spots and greasy hair. You mean, on top of the spots and greasy hair I've got from DHEA????! Great!! Incidentally, I think I've solved the probelm of the bacne-I ordered some micronised DHEA from the US, and it seems to have fewer side effects. Something to bear in mind for those interested in taking it!

Love to you all,
Dashka, I'd love to hear what supplements you give your doggie. I have a homeopathic flea and tic treatment for them because the Frontline stuff really irritated Bandit's skin and they scratch so much from it.

Bandit update: Turns out the little guy had a gas problem. LOL. He's doing fine. He got x-rayed and they gave him some fluids. They didn't find any blockages. Thank God!

Oh so glad to hear your doggy is ok.... Sure no problem - we give our little Westie the following in her food : (she is 12 yrs. old and 18 pounds so you may have to adjust depending on their weight)
- 1/4 tsp. fish oil (but not cod liver oil - must be other)
- 1/4 tsp. green powder (I buy alfalfa powder and kelp powder and mix the 2 in a glass jar and keep in freezer)
- 1 capsule (1 open it up and sprinkle in food) of probiotics - I give this once /week - this is really good for their digestive system especially when they have a tummy upset.... (or you can also give a good quality plain yogurt -2 tbsp....several times/week
- half a tablet (we break it up) of "RECOVERY SA" - she has sore hips -start of arthritis in her hips/knee -so this is a mobility supplement with MSM and more -especially good for her in winter... if your dog doesn't have any issues with sore joints/arthritis -don't give this

You can also add in bee pollen into their food - used to do this but now since I give the alfalfa/kelp -don't anymore.

There you go!!
Lilsluz, you sure have been through a lot with your back! I think thats awsome that reiki has helped you. My counselor does reiki and she said she'd try it on me sometime. I'm very interested. Can you give me some info on what your reiki sessions are like?

Dashka, forgot to mention, good point about the spleen and taking away from cold foods. I actually made a tomato beet soup tonight. Beets are good blood builders from what I read. But since acupuncture I've been trying to stay away from cold foods more and eat more soups like my acupuncturist suggested. For the goji berries, what form are they in? They sell the dried ones at my healthfood store but I also see the more moist one which are of course more expensive but yummier. Which do you use in your smoothies?

Yes I've done reiki before .... it is really cool...If I describe it to you it sounds a bit weird - but you feel as if they are touching you (warm) but they actually just have their hands gliding over that area... I did it a long time ago though.
As for the gogi berries - I buy the organic dried ones....and because they are going in the smoothie -they get all smooshed up! Ideally you should soak the dried ones a bit - but I never remember to.

Also -ladies make sure your iron levels are good - iron is definitely needed for conception (blood building) but make sure you get it tested before you take supplements :flower:
Good morning girls, how are you all?

HA-I am on pins to hear how your eggies have got on, and I am SURE that you will hear good news! How are you feeling today? It's all a bit of an emotional roller-coaster, tbh, isn't it? Anyway, sending you loads of hugs and lots of love, and willing those eggies to fertilize! :thumbup::thumbup:

Missy-people can be so very insenstive. What really bugs me is that some people feel that they have the right to comment on others-re. your colleague and his comment about your dog. What the heck tate is it to do with him anyway???? We have to develop such a thick skin against other people and their thoughtless remarks. Your dogs are so beautiful-are they called Smokey and Bandit? Just guessing from the name 'Bandit'! So glad that Bandit is feeling better. Our silly (but trying to be helpful) neighbour threw some old scones into our dogs run yesterday. Huskeys have notoriously sensitive digestions and cannot eat any wheat. Well, of course, last night, the entire world was falling out of Ruby's bottom. People just don't think. Big hugs to you, hun! xx

Purple-how you doing hun? I love these emoticons that you find! It was weird to use contraception, but I'm happy that we did. Thanks for asking! Lots of positive thoughts now that exciting things are going on in your womb!! Fingers crossed you've caught that eggy! :thumbup:

Twinks-what are you up to? All okay? Big hugs to you! xxxxx

PennyB-FX that it's implantation spotting. xxx

Manuiti-glad to have you back, I love your dog's picture! Good idea to get going on treatment options-life's too short to hang around waiting! Let's hope you get some good news soon! xx

Hi to everybody else! :thumbup::flower::flower:

AFM-I start taking the norethisterone tomorrow to delay my period, and also start using the testo gel pads. I read somewhere that side effects are spots and greasy hair. You mean, on top of the spots and greasy hair I've got from DHEA????! Great!! Incidentally, I think I've solved the probelm of the bacne-I ordered some micronised DHEA from the US, and it seems to have fewer side effects. Something to bear in mind for those interested in taking it!

Love to you all,

good luck Dwrgi! I was taking DHEA also for about 9 months last year so I know what you mean about the 'bacne".... it's annoying.. But just wanted to say for the other ladies out there to make sure you don't take it unless you get your levels checked first. At that time, mine were very low... -like 2.1 (that of a 70 year old) ...yikes...:wacko:
Penny Fx for you that it's implantation bleeding!!!:flower:

Lilsluz.... you need to test girlfriend!!!:test:
I'm on pins and needles, too!!!! I had a hard time falling asleep last night because I kept thinking about what sort of news today would bring.... Not to mention the discomfort... I'm not in pain all the time, just when I make certain movements... but I am pretty uncomfortable still.

I'll post as soon as I hear anything!!!
Thinking of you hun, and keeping everything crossed! Fertilize, you little beauties!!!

Hi all – yeah, the back problems were probably one of the worst things I ever had to go thru in my life. Almost sent me over the edge, so to speak. Almost divorced husband & everything. It's one of those things that affected every aspect of my life & in way more ways than just physical, you know? But, I made it! Yay!!! (whew!)[-o< Thanks so much for asking & for your well-wishes!:thumbup: :flower::hugs:

Missy – Hopefully I can give a good explanation. Reiki (Japanese for “God Energy”) is a form of energy healing &everybody feels it differently. Typically, we do put “hands-on” chakra spots, but some don’t. Like Dashka felt warmth, you can feel vibrations, cold, you may cough, start crying, start laughing, it may take pain away some or a lot (was dramatic difference in pain post-surgery for me),but people respond differently & some people have to “get rid of stuff” (some a lot more than others).

I always tell people to give it a good 3x b/c everyone has blockages, so it may take 2-3 times before you really start feeling it. And a lot of times people will feel really relaxed after it & feel so good, but they aren’t sure why. After 3x (some sooner) you can really tell when the energy comes on & you “get it”. It’s really cool - I feel like the calmest, happiest person in the entire world afterwards & nothing can touch me. I think the world could explode around me & I’d be just fine with it! It’s a very calm & loving energy – hard to describe :cloud9:

Anyway, everyone experiences different things, but I highly recommend it for anyone seeking healing, spirituality, & peace. You have to be open to it & want to receive it, though. I don’t know exactly how it works, but some are coming out with ties to quantum mechanics (waaayyy over my head!).:dohh:

There are some studies starting out there, but you see how long it took for acup. - reiki is way less mainstream. Certain cities are starting to push reiki in hospitals & nurses are starting to become practitioners as a complimentary therapy b/c they see what it does for their patients (healing times cut in half, less pain meds, etc.)

Hope that helps! I'm glad you are going to try it - please let me know how it goes! :thumbup:
Ipen – good luck with the big O! Hmmm - ok, so good luck with both big O’s :lol:

Asry, Purple & Dashka – you guys are funny! OK, so I’m not understanding – my calcs say AF due today, but somehow I am 16 DPO on FF? Anyway, I don’t feel pregnant, but I don’t feel AF coming on either? So, "just for you guys" :winkwink: I tested & BFN. So, not sure whats up, but I’m sure the :witch: will come soon… I hope she comes soon b/c I think the alternative (no preg/no AF) = a cyst, right? :sad1: Pretty bad when you are hoping for :witch::flow:!!!

Dwrgi – good luck to you with the nore…., spots, greasy hair & “bacne”! You must be quite a sight right now! :awww:

HA – FX, FX, FX for you!!!! Good luck today! :thumbup:

Oh wow - I better get to work! Good luck to all you ladies & wishing you a great day today! :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
The lab called me at 8:30a and I posted in my journal, then tried to come over here and BnB crashed on me and was out of commission until now, two hours later!! :brat:

Of my 8 eggs, 6 were mature... they performed ICSI on all 6, and 4 fertilized! :thumbup: We're on for a Monday (Day 5) transfer, so now we just have to pray those 4 will hold on and keep growing!!

I knew realistically that not all 8 would be usable, and that not every egg would fertilize, so I'm trying to remember that 4/6 is great. I just get a little anxious thinking beyond Monday - odds are that not all 4 are going to survive to Monday, so I'm trying to let go of any expectations of having embies to freeze. That's all fine and dandy if I get a BFP from this cycle... if I get a BFN, I would feel much better about trying again if we could do a frozen cycle - I get heart palpitations thinking about paying for a second fresh cycle! :help: So I'm trying to just focus on Monday... one step at a time....

When the embryologist came in to introduce himself before the retrieval yesterday and explain his part of the job, we joked with him and asked if he could play some Marvin Gaye in the lab to help get our eggs and sperm in the mood.... Well, when the biologist called this morning, she said he totally did!!!! :rofl: She said the whole lab was gettin' their groove on yesterday morning, that she was singing along as she labeled our petri dishes, and that the embryologist was still laughing about it as he injected the sperm!! :rofl: :rofl:
Ha - that's so funny! what lovely "eggy people" you had there! 4 eh?? if all are good, how many would they put back, could you end up with quads or triplets?? :huh: I am so excited for you! did you get a picture of the embies or anything??
Lilsluz - bah!! for the bfn! I was hoping (and needing) some good news!! :hugs:
Oh my goodness HA just thinking about a petri dish with cells in it and " let's get it on" playing in the backround :haha: :rofl:
This has got to be the time you will make it! With help of Marvin Gaye :happydance:
Ha - that's so funny! what lovely "eggy people" you had there! 4 eh?? if all are good, how many would they put back, could you end up with quads or triplets?? :huh: I am so excited for you! did you get a picture of the embies or anything??

I'll get a picture immediately prior to transfer. If they're good quality, they'll transfer 2 on Day 5. If they're not such good quality, or if 3 survive, we'll transfer 3. (I wouldn't freeze just one because, at my age, the odds of a single-embryo-transfer working are pretty slim, so it wouldn't be worth the time or money to do a frozen cycle just to transfer 1 embie. I suppose we could freeze one and then do another fresh cycle on the hopes that we'd have more to freeze and then could do a frozen cycle later on down the road, but we'll worry about that when we see how many survive through the weekend....)

In the US there aren't any laws governing how many to transfer, but there are guidelines, and my dr sticks very strictly to those guidelines. His goal, and ours, is one healthy singleton pregnancy resulting in one healthy singleton baby. I have ZERO interest in quads or trips. Frankly, the thought of even twins scares the bejeezus out of me, but if it happened I know we'd figure it out. I just know it would be incredibly difficult with no family nearby to help.

If you're interested, here's the US guidelines on how many to transfer:
that's lovely! and thank you for the reading material, very interesting - Im having a look now. I too would be scared to death of any more than one baby at a time!
Ladies I too was in the middle of lots of posts trying to include everyone and then the site went bump and now Ive lost my train of thought :( (it doesn't take much :hehe:) anyway - big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to all I haven't mentioned, I hope you are all well!

afm - FF has confirmed Ov - and our :sex: was timed great, (I may start given DH marks out of 10 :rofl: ) so now we wait and see. It's predcited to snow here tonight again - bah!!

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