TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

oh my goodness - so much to catch up on...

Luv - so happy to see you, and oh my - you have had an awful time!! I can only imagine how complete scared you must have been but I am so happy to hear that all was benign - what an awful time, and to read your doctors and nurses were so uncaring - shame on them!!! big :hugs: sweetie and welcome back xxxx

Missy - Happy birthday lovely!! have a wonderful day :) If I could pop on a plane and deliver that cake to you, I would!

Manuiti - so glad you are home safe, and your doggy sounds he missed you loads! bless him. I am keeping all limbs crossed for you xx I hope the tww isn't too hard on you xx

Dashka - I hope that horrible virus is gone soon - you ahev really been suffering with that for ages!!

Frolicky - I am waiting on the edge of my seat for your betas!! big loves xx

Butterfly - I had a peek at your chart and your timing looks great!! Keeping all crossed for you xx

LadyH - how are you doing today chick, I hope today is better for you xxx big :hugs: get onto that hospital and chivvy them on!!

Lils - you are always such a sweetie! hope you've had a lovely easter! Oh and Champers - Champaigne (?spelling) which my DH brought to share with family (although I didn't have any :( )

Dwrgi - how are you doing lovely, is your follow up appt this week?? (maybe it's next :wacko:) do you feel ready and prepared?? and how is DH doing??

HA - hope you are ok?? Im off to stalk your journal next! big :hugs:

DrS - how log till testing?? I am rooting for you xx

Ok - who am I missing??
Big loves and :hugs: for Omm, Nikki, kin, nicker, carole, never, twinks Pad, and asry and anyone I have missed (so sorry) love you all!
Luv - :hi: & welcome back! What a nightmare you have been thru :nope: Very scary indeed! But good news you have IVF $$$ now - yay!
When does your DH come home next??

We've only got a little more than a month to go now! :thumbup:

Luv - :wave: & wb. I'm glad you've got piece of mind now & the ordeal is over. :flower: The not knowing is horrible. I've got 4 lumps in my left boob, thankfully all benign, but it wasn't a fun process finding out.
Butterfly - :dust: :baby: !!!!! +++++++++

Missy - What's the verdict? [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< ++++++

Arsy - When is AF due? ++++++++++

Dashka - Verdict? :baby: :dust: +++++++++++++

Anyone else I missed.. :hugs: +++++++++++
Welcome Back Luv!! Sorry about your breast lumps. I had a lump last August too and they did a biospsy. It was scary. Mine was benign too but they did not remove it. It's really scary especially when ttc because it's your boobies. :hugs: :hugs:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!!!! Hope AF stays away!

Luv - what a terrible nightmare you went through.... that is so awful....It is so scary when the doctors don't care either and you have to wait so long to get tests done and then get results....nerve wracking! Glad you are ok now and you can move on with TTC.... Good luck to you!!!

Lady H - hope you are okay today? Hope you get some answers soon on all the test etc..

Lils - I read on the other thread that you are sick! OH NO!!!! the cough got you too???!!! that's terrible!!! I hope you can get rid of it quickly girl... I made the mistake of not taking stuff right away because I was waiting to see if AF was going to arrive... Don't do that if you think it's a bad cough... For sore throat - gargle with sea salt/warm water as much as you can, and drink lots of hot water with grated ginger, lemon and honey. Oil of oregano too is great at the onset of symptoms to fight viruses..
Feel better!

Frolicky - how is the Beta today??? I am dying to hear!

Asry and Dr S - i have everything crossed for you!

Manu - wow one more month til you see DH?? And then how long is he home for? I hope the TTW flies by.... grow embies grow!!!!

Dwrgi, Purple, Ipen, Butterfly, HA, Carole, Never, Nikki, Twinks and anyone I missed - Hello and big hugs!!!

AFM - today I'm 11 DPO - no real signs of AF yet - expecting her probably Thursday... May test tomorrow if I can't hold out til Thursday. Don't have any symptoms...and my bbs don't hurt this month. I'm wondering if maybe it's because I am only using the progesterone 1 X/day now instead of 2X/day.... (and I am using a different brand) Maybe other months I was feeling symptoms because of more progesterone? Or maybe something off this month because of sickness and meds ...who knows...we'll find out soon...

Have a great day ladies!
day 5 of 8. on hour 40 of 79 (or 82 of 111.5 if you count in last m-w as i had thurs off). ive hit the wall,. forgot to check the menu for the cafeteria at work today.. .again nothign i can eat.. sure the one year i decide to actually care about passover (im not a religious jew, just cultural, im pretty much an atheist (though i consider myself an apathetic, in that i dont bother questioning or denying the existence of a higher being, it just isnt part of my life)). noodle soup, pasta etc. and by dinner the box of matzah i bullied them into finding had disappeared again. i tried to buy some last night but the store was out. just cranky icky yuck today. feeling bloaty again which had pretty much gone away. a bit crampy (though tmi that may be a bowel issue). face is broken out etc. luckily i have the pick of the litter in coworkers this week so that helps but.. just treading water.
hey don't know if you ladies know about this already - but there is a great App you can get for free called "My Days"... I have it on my ipod touch and love it - use it all the time to track ov days and AF.... xoxo
Luv-it is so lovely to hear from you, and OMG, what have you been through!? That sounds like a complete nightmare, and I am so pleased that they have been able to tell you it was benign, so that you can put your mind at rest! It never rains, does it? And that woman sounds like a POS (Missy expression), grrr. Onwards and upwards now with treatment! :hugs:

Manuiti-glad to hear that you are back home, and your dog sounds absolutely gorgoues. Gwydion gives me a dog hug every time I leave a room, and follows me around like a shadow, even to the loo, where he sits and watches me!!!! God knows what he'd be like if I went away for three weeks!!! Nice to know you've been missed! Right, it's really important that you rest up now for the next 2-4 days (after ET) and you have got to keep up the fluids and protein. Lots of sleep, lots of comedy films, lots of R&R! Good luck!!! xxx

Butterfly-sooooooooo got all my fingers crossed for you! xxxx

Twinks-I would defo ask for your amh level, but I doubt they will do it on the NHS. :nope: An hcg checks your tubes, doesn't it? I had a laparsocopy (through my belly button)-is this the same? You've had CD2 and 21 tests for ovulation, I assume? Ask if they do the CM test? This is an old test, which has fallen out of favour, but our old mucker JoCR swears that this is what caused her infertility. Her CM was hostile to sperm, and after IUI she got pregnant first time round. As for SA, your DHs sperm needs to be at least 40% motile, with over 20 million per ml (I think-you'll find correct figures on WHO website:

Have you had your thyroid checked, and the level 1 tests we were talking about last week? Coagulation screen, Thrombophilia screen (Protein C, Protein S, AntiThrombin III, Leiden Factor V), MTHFR, Thyroid function test , Lupus Anticoagulant, Anticardiolipin Antibodies.

They will probably say that you need to be getting preggers and miscarrying to have these, but I say that long term infertility justifies these tests, as they may prevent you conceiving in the first place. There's also the rubella test-the injections we had as children will have long since worn off.

There's also this that I found on the Zita West website about Vit D test:

"Vitamin D Test

We also offer an optional Vitamin D test which can be taken at the same time as that for AMH. If you are thinking about trying to get pregnant in the near future, have been trying to get pregnant for a while without success, or are about to have IVF, then it may be something you’d like to consider as well.

The Vitamin D test is not routinely offered on the NHS yet, even though much research has been done into the role of Vitamin D deficiency in fertility and pregnancy. The Department of Health now recommends that all women should take a Vitamin D supplement during pregnancy.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in women with ovulatory problems such as PCOS. It has also been associated with IVF failure, particularly at the implantation stage, as well as with miscarriage and pregnancy complications, such as pre-eclampsia and prematurity. Deficiency also appears to be common amongst women of African and Asian origin. The main source of Vitamin D is the sun, so it’s not surprising that we identify a deficiency in over 50% of those of our UK clients who are tested.

Vitamin D deficiency is relatively easy to correct, but it is best to find out what your levels are before pregnancy, so that the right level of supplementation can be given if required."

I shall add more if I remember anything else! Good luck!!!

Love to everybody! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
day 5 of 8. on hour 40 of 79 (or 82 of 111.5 if you count in last m-w as i had thurs off). ive hit the wall,. forgot to check the menu for the cafeteria at work today.. .again nothign i can eat.. sure the one year i decide to actually care about passover (im not a religious jew, just cultural, im pretty much an atheist (though i consider myself an apathetic, in that i dont bother questioning or denying the existence of a higher being, it just isnt part of my life)). noodle soup, pasta etc. and by dinner the box of matzah i bullied them into finding had disappeared again. i tried to buy some last night but the store was out. just cranky icky yuck today. feeling bloaty again which had pretty much gone away. a bit crampy (though tmi that may be a bowel issue). face is broken out etc. luckily i have the pick of the litter in coworkers this week so that helps but.. just treading water.

Squiddy!! Hang on in there-you're half way through! Hmm, pantsville USA on matzah crackers.
Hope the spots are a sign of something meaningful!
dwrgi- thanks =) so frustrating cause this is bloody california, sf bay area. so it isnt like im in the boonies. im only day 5 piui and on progesterone so... spots are med related at best.
Hello everyone,

New to this thread, although not to the site..Defecting from another threat..
Bringing out my current misery..CD3 this weekend showed only one follicle and FSH 22.2...My doctor cancelled injectibles for this month, and basically laid it out to us that we have only 3 options: either to continue naturally, have inmedicated IUI or the egg donor..Chances to conceive naturally or with IUI are equal - less than 5%...We are devastated..Sorry to share with you but simply tired of usual platitudes "everything will work out, you will be fine". No, we won't be fine, we just have been told that can't have a baby of our own :nope:
Interesting reading girls!

Kinerie-are you going to go with the natural IUI? It may still be worth a shot at insemination?

Is this your first cycle? Don't know much about IUI (mine was cancelled due to poor swimmers), but always worth a second opinion?

Hope you get the help you need. It's not over till you want it to be over! x
Hello everyone,

New to this thread, although not to the site..Defecting from another threat..
Bringing out my current misery..CD3 this weekend showed only one follicle and FSH 22.2...My doctor cancelled injectibles for this month, and basically laid it out to us that we have only 3 options: either to continue naturally, have inmedicated IUI or the egg donor..Chances to conceive naturally or with IUI are equal - less than 5%...We are devastated..Sorry to share with you but simply tired of usual platitudes "everything will work out, you will be fine". No, we won't be fine, we just have been told that can't have a baby of our own :nope:

Hey Kinerie - no platitudes but big hugs x
Dashka - he'll be back for 3 weeks. He does rotations of 9 weeks away working & 3 weeks at home. Hehe - I don't think I'd be able to hold out till Thursday. :)

Squid - hang in there! You can do this!

Dwrgi - hehe dog hugs are awesome! You'll be pleased to know that I've just finished a nice healthy lunch, am drinking plenty and am currently lazing around on my bed watching tv... though I am a bit bored! lol I'm planning on not doing an awful lot until the implantation process should be complete. I'm curious where this 'Embryo Glue' medium that they used for my transfer is going to do its job. Thank you for looking out for me! Big hugs! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:wave: Kinerie and welcome! I'm also a high FSHer as you can see in my signature. Personally I would 1) do your day 3 FSH test a couple/ few more times to see if it's always that high or if it fluctuates up and down. If it's doing the latter, possibly do the AFC on a month when it's lower. I didn't actually have an AFC when I got my high FSH result so I can't compare, but I did after I got my lower score, though not on CD3. My RE put me on bcps for two weeks first and then did it. No idea what the significance of that is though I'm afraid. 2) If you're willing to do it, find a different Dr who will work with you to try IVF even if you only have 1 follicle. At the end of the day 'all' you need is one decent follicle to produce one decent egg. And you won't know if that's possible if you don't try. And if you do go down that route, insist on ICSI as well so you're not taking any chances with the sperm no matter how good they are. My RE said we'd do ICSI as although DHs SA came back perfect, they can struggle to get into tough, old eggs like mine. He did say it more tactfully than that. As they say, the only way to truly assess your egg quality is to do a cycle of IVF, but it is a very expensive way to find out. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Interesting reading girls!

Kinerie-are you going to go with the natural IUI? It may still be worth a shot at insemination?

Is this your first cycle? Don't know much about IUI (mine was cancelled due to poor swimmers), but always worth a second opinion?

Hope you get the help you need. It's not over till you want it to be over! x

Dear Dwrgi,

Yes, first IUI..last month was cancelled due to me ovulating early, basically we have missed it..Don't know, the doctor said chances are pretty much the same either way..but still advised to go ahead with IUI this weekend..Well, in terms of help, not much can be done right now..:nope:
Hello everyone,

New to this thread, although not to the site..Defecting from another threat..
Bringing out my current misery..CD3 this weekend showed only one follicle and FSH 22.2...My doctor cancelled injectibles for this month, and basically laid it out to us that we have only 3 options: either to continue naturally, have inmedicated IUI or the egg donor..Chances to conceive naturally or with IUI are equal - less than 5%...We are devastated..Sorry to share with you but simply tired of usual platitudes "everything will work out, you will be fine". No, we won't be fine, we just have been told that can't have a baby of our own :nope:

Hey Kinerie - no platitudes but big hugs x

Dear Twinkle - :hugs::hugs: thank you..
Kinerie :hi: welcome and :hugs:

I will say that I have seen quite a few women on here get pg with high FSH. So it is not over. Yes, it may be harder but not impossible. Find out all you can about your situation and do what you can to change it or work with it. Sorry that sounds a bit harsh - I don't mean it to, but you did say you didn't want platitiudes... :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Kinerie, I can't really advise about your FSH etc (because I have no idea) but you'll get some great advice from the ladies here :) and here are some :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you because you sound so down

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