TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Note to self and others - Don't eat a huge red beet salad night before or close to when :witch: is due.
Twinks just dropping by to wish you all the best today, hoping you get some answers and that little bit further on this journey. Only wish the NHS was a little bit quicker for you but you will get there x x
YAY to symptoms Frolicky, can't wait to hear from you re your BETA results later today. I will be stalking this thread. I know that you will post in the middle of my night due to time difference but lately I am still awake most of the night so I am sure I will catch it as you post.

Good luck x x x x
I have been told outright that I am not a candidate for IVF, I guess because of the number of follicle (s) I have each month, they need 2-4 to work with..My doctor - is one of the best doc in the state, so I have no reason not to trust his judgement.

Just be sure that he's not one that keeps his stats high by turning down unlikely candidates.

, I feel like an idiot here but what is AFC? A follicle count?

Antral follicle count - so yeah, same as what you've had.

didn't realise that anybody would even consider doing it!

I'm not saying it'll be easy to find said Dr but there will be someone out there who's good and if you're willing, will work with you. Have a look at post #6 here -

A quick question regarding your FSH - how did you manage to drop from 25 to 6.8? Amazing result! Was it over one cycle or did it take you some time? Anything special you have been taking, like vitamins/supplements to help it to bring it down?? Thanks!!

It was over one cycle and I'm afraid that I did nothing different. Well, I stopped using the teeny amount of hydrocortisone ointment I used on my tiny areas of dermatitis that I get on my face. No idea if that made any difference whatsoever but I figured it was a hormone so I'd stop. My RE just said that I'm in an oscillation phase. But I have seen loads of information on the web about things you can do to lower your FSH and people who have brought it down significantly.

Twinks - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And all the best at the hospital.

Froliky - can't wait to hear today's results! :thumbup:

afm - not much to report. It's 3dp3dt and I feel normal. Bit touchy about things still but the progesterone has to have some sort of side effect. Should be getting a call sometime today to find out what's gone on with the 3rd embryo. Not holding out much hope there (not in a bad way, just being realistic) but if it made it to freezing after 6 days that would be amazing.

:wave: to everyone else. Hope you're all doing okay. :hugs:
Frolicky, yay for you beta! Hoping it goes up even more today!

Kinerie, I second what Asry suggested and read Inconceivable by Julia Indichova. She is in NY and I'm sure she went to the same clinic you are going to. 5 specialist in NY told her there was no way she'd have her own biological child. Her FSH was 42. She did some things and got her FSH to go way down and ended up conceiving naturally at 43. She actually runs a workshop I've been to in Woodstock. She has a lot of great info on FSH on her website

Twinks, GL at the docs and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Luvvie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are back! I was wondering about you!!!!!! I'm so glad you are okay! How scary but I'm glad the lump was benign!

Man, GL on the 2ww.

Hello to the rest of you girl!!!!!

AFM, to birthday BFP. AF arrived on Monday night right before my art class.
Lil, yes, "shady" is right and it does sound too good to be true. So glad you aren't getting sucked in!
Oh no Missy! :nope: Sorry the :witch: came!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I think you were sorta taking a break anyway (?), but would have been nice to have a pleasant surprise :( At least now you are in a "good place" to start TTC again (are you going to go at it full force again this cycle?)

LadyH - its hump day! Hope you are feeling better...

Frolicky & Twinks - let us know how you are doing after appts :thumbup:

Manuiti - oh I hope E3 makes it!!! Its still so early for symptoms but I really hope they are getting snuggly in there :flower:

Asry & DrS - keeping everything crossed!!! Hang in there girls :hugs:

Asry - hope your Easter was fun, too! Where did you go on vacation again (was somewhere I don't think I've ever heard of?)

Dashka - keeping it all crossed for you! Are you going to :test: tomorrow? Any AF symptoms yet - hope NOT!!! FX!!! :winkwink:

Dwrgi - how you doing honey? Whens that appt?

:hi: Purple, Carole, Never, ipen (where are you?), HA, Butterfly, Kin, Nick, and ? everyone else (hard to remember these days - gonna have to start a list!)

AFM - out sick w/asthmatic bronchitis today. Lungs on fire, coughing, nauseous, really tired, breathing hard & pain in chest. I'm really glad zpac is a Class B & they gave me cough medicine but couldn't give me steriods or an inhaler. They said inhaler works best, too. Why can't I get sick first 3 weeks of cycle!!!? :growlmad: (I ov CD20). Although Pulmicort supp'd to be Class B after googling - anybody ever use that? Of course I'm doing all the natural remedies too (lemon, honey, bay leaf, green tea & almonds & eucalyptus).

My Chart is all funktified too. :confused: Looks nothing like the other months - all zigzaggy. Maybe bc sick & a couple of nights got little sleep (but I was sick last month too). Oh well, whatever... I need to go to bed bc I'm getting cranky - nite :sleep:

Hope you are all having a wonderful day :hugs: & :dust: all around!
froliky- ive done that to myself but it wasnt when af was due.. scared the crap out of me (id become obsessed with the trader joes chicken and beet salad.. my current obsession there is the chicken mexicali salad nom). good luck on the beta

asry- fingers crossed for us both
Missy - sorry AF came. :hugs:

LilSluz - oh hun, I hope you get better soon. And yes, your chart will be all over the place because you've been ill

Asry & Squid - FXd all round! When are your OTDs? Mine's the 23rd at 15dp3dt or 18dpo.
Hello darlings - thanks for all the birthday wishes but it's not my birthday!! Heehee!!

Hospital was mixed - DH's SA is much improved but I've got 1 blocked tube & will probably struggle to lose the weight I need to before I'm too old plus my local authority isn't funding atm anyway :cry:

Sorry much longer explanation in my journal if anyone is interested.
manu- theoretically the 19th. i guess im going to have to test this time cause im using progesterone. only 6 dpiui and this progesterone is doing a number on me. boobs hurt, stomach hurts. had crazy sweets cravings last night to the point where i ended up eating straight turbinado sugar cause i didnt have any sweets in the house.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Twinks. Good news on the :spermy: and that you have one good tube, but sorry the news was not really what you wanted to hear :cry: :hugs::hugs:

DrS - hope those are good signs (more than the progesterone) :thumbup:

Froliky :coffee: :hugs:
Wow, so there seems to be three of us testing around the same time :thumbup: oh please let there be three :bfp:
Manu - my gyn said to test 22nd but I'll be doing it sooner..I'm on progesterone also, but not luckily having any symptoms from that, exept for little bloating.

Twinks- I'm happy that DH SA was good :thumbup: lets focus on good news and hopefully you'll get some help with losing weight, or good excercise program from someone professional :hugs:

Lils - sorry you are sick, aww :awww: I really hope you get better soon!! And your chart seems to go up and down, but it doesn't have to mean anything and prob. its just becouse of your cough. Drink lots of fluids and get rid of the thing!! :flasher: (that should scare it..)
Yup we went on a trip (cruise) to Estonia which is our neighbourcountry south, just have to take a ship to go over the sea :boat:

Missy- sorry for :af: :hugs::hugs: not a very nice bd-present. But hey, now you get your running shoes on and start running girl!!! :thumbup::thumbup:
Missy - :hug: Sorry about the :witch: Hopefully you grow a fantastic follicle this cylce! Onward and Upward! FX'd for you!!!

Arsy, DrS, Man & Butterfly - Who's willing to join me on this :bfp: thang? I hope all of you join me! :hugs: Hang in there!!

Twinkle - Sorry about NHS. I don't understand why they are doing what they are doing. I will look at your journal later tonight. :hugs: Glad the SA was good though.

LilSluz - I know it's tax season and you were most likely so consumed with work so maybe that is why your chart is going crazy too? I hope you get some R&R soon and heal properly from your bug. Sending you some healing vibes~~~~

Purple - How's our beany doing?

Dwrgi - What's the plan for the future?

Dashka - You joining me today/tomorrow? I hope! FX'd!!

Kinerie - I am so glad the ladies are helping you get to the bottom of everything. :hugs:

Nicker - Keep asking questions. The ladies are great here!!

LadyH - How are you doing? :hugs:

Hi to everyone else!! Luv, Never, Carol (Can't wait to meet the little one), AgapeLove, and anyone else I missed!

AFM - Beta was 129 today. It's looking good so far! Fingers, toes and everything else crossed. Yesterday I had so many symptoms and today, not so much. Strange. Miscarriage really takes away the innocence. I am so aware of all the things I need to get past first but I am hopeful and feeling pretty good. Thanks for all your support!! :cry: :hugs: So cheesy, I know.
By the way, is it ok to post beta results here? Just hoping I am not offending.
YAY for the fab betas Frolicky. I know where you are coming from with MC taking away the innocence and a little of the excitement but it does get better once you are out of the first Tri I promise. Everything is looking just as it should be and long may it continue.:flower:
Froliky - sitting waiting at the docs office right now to see what his views are. Will post when I get home.
Frolicky - :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: I am so happy for you xxx

Ladies I am crossing all my limbs for those of you testing in the next few days :hugs:

Lils - I hope you feel better soon honey xxx

Twinks - I just posted on your journal but here are some more :hugs: for you just cos you are lovely xxx

Ha - hope you are having some fun with your mom xxx

Missy - so sorry about the :witch: she is nasty!! :hugs: did you have a lovely birthday though ??

Dwrgi - how are you doing lovely?? big juicy :hugs: for you,

Nicker - I hope you get some positive results/a plan

Manuiti - how are you doing, Hope the tww isn't too torturous!!

big loves to Ipen, LadyH, Never, Carole, Kin, Asry, Dashka, Nikki, and anyone I am missing - so sorry, I need to make a list!

afm - this time next week, we would have been to the scan, Hopefully them we can start to feel excited...... until then, we just go about our normal things. no more news really here
Hi Ladies :flower:

Luvmydoggies - I'm so sorry, you've been through hell. Must've been so hard. But glad everything worked out well :hugs::hugs: and you got sold your townhouse, so let the ttc begin again huh? :winkwink:

Froliky&Dwirgi - you asked about my due date for :devil: and gyn said I should test on 22.4. but yeah right, I'll be testing early next week - I know myself that I cannot wait :haha: I'm 6dpiui today. Me&DrS are having same dpiui's :thumbup:

LadyH - Glad you are feeling little better :hugs: and GL with your hump day :haha::haha: hope you get your results soon!!!!!!
Weather here is getting bit warmer, sun is shining and got like +7c now. Still do have piles of snow though. Puppy is doing good, he is our little babyboy :cloud9:
Kinerie - :hugs: you should also read Julia Indichovas book Inconceivable, she had high fsh and was turned down from fertilityclinics..but found a wat to get preggers!
LilS - your easter sounds so fun!! :happydance: Wish I could've been there to not being adult :haha:
Froliky - how are you today? I'm sure betas sky rocketing :plane:
Dwirgi - what's the latest with you? Do you have any plans on project baby? :hugs:

Hugs to you all!!!!! :hugs:

afm: nothing else here, not feeling anything different. More like blah..whatever

Dear Asryellah, thanks, I have ordered this book as a few other girls have mentioned it to me before..Thanks!:hugs:
Twinks-I've posted in your journal! Big :hugs: but you'll get there! :kiss::kiss:


Missy-boo to the biach, God I hate her. But another month to get even healthier my friend! Hope you had a good birthday hun, Axxxxx :kiss::kiss:

Frolicky-fab beta results! I'm not at all offended by the results-glad to hear them! All looking very positive, Axxx

Asry-keeping everything crossed for you hun, Axxx

Dr S-hope those are good signs! :thumbup:

Lil-you poor thing! Lots of bed rest and TLC for you! Thinking of you, :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Carole-you're a star! xxx

Man-any word on Embie 3? GL, hope you're resting up! xxxx

Lady H-men are a complete pain in the pants when it comes to TTC. They just don't get the urgency and desperation. Well, mine does now, but I've developed many a grey hair educating him. xxx

Nicker-good luck at docs!

Hello to anybody that I might have missed!

My OH and I had a lovely day out in Tenby today. I used to live there with my ex, so it is weird to go back, but it is just so beautiful. Strangely, my OH spent a lot of time with his ex there too, as she had a house there. So we're both always looking over our shoulders:haha:! (I'd secretly love to cop a look at his ex, just to see what she looks like, but I shouldn't say that!!!).

Our follow-up is next Thursday. I'm going to talk to my consultant about the immune tests, although I know she will say "old eggs". I fully intend having the tests regardless of what she says, and if they come back negative, that all is good, we may well go straight to donor egg IVF. Just haven't got time to waste. If there are issues that can be addressed, then we may have a go at another own egg IVF. How the heck we'll pay for all this, I don't know, but I have a house that I can sell, and it may very well come to that. Thanks for asking guys, you are the best!

Love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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